STONE FAMILY ASSOCIATION, 1897-1901. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS, WITH LINES OF DESCENT. EDITED FROM THE MEMBERSHIP BLANKS. BY AGNES WYMAN LINCOLN. BOSTON, 1901. This catalogue is NOT uerified genealogy, but an attempt to bring before the Association, for proof or disproof, the data sent the Secretary, to the end that all may better help in correcting errors, settling dcubt~; filling gaps, and collecting items of interest wherewith to clothe the skeleton of names and dates. No original investigation has been attempted, nor has there been time for correspondence to any large extent, but cor.siderable care has been taken in comparing the blanks with one another and such local histories as were at hand- especialJy Bond's History of Watertown, Temple's History of Framingham, Paige ·s History of Cambridge. Butler's History of Groton, Watertown Records [before 1700 J, Lexington Records [ to 1850 ], etc. Omissions in blanks have often been filled without note, but differences of data have been mentioned when noticed, unless they were known to be errors or were evidently pen-slips. A wife's maiden surname is enclosed in parentheses, and in the shortened formula, such as "Simon [b. 1631 J a1:d Mary (Whipple) Stone," brackets enclose the birth; otherwise, either? or (?_) or interpolations in ( ) were found in the blank in question, while [?] or interpolations in [ ], mark comment or additions by the editor from other sources. The Roman figures always denote generations in known, or supposed, descent from Simon or Gregory, or some first comer contemporaneous with them ; said first-comer being I. In unconnected lines, the genera­ tions are numbered [l], [2], etc., beginning with the present time. The initials tc. s. o. 0.1 etc., are the initials of the four generatior:s in the Gregory and Simon lines. G, Gregory; S, Simon in Simon line and Samuel in Gregory; J, John; Jn., Jonathan; Jns., Jonas; Ja,, James; D, Daniel ; Da., David; N, Nathaniel usually. [ one Nathan J ; H, Hezekiah; Wat., Watertown; Camb., for Cambridge; Cone., Con­ cord; Lex., Lexington: Fram .. Framingham ; Sud., Sudbury; Sax., Saxonville; New. or Newt., Newton; Marl., Marlborough; Rut., Rut­ land, and Shrews., Shrewsbury, are the town abbreviations most frequentiy used: others are evi_dent within the paragraph. Read-b., born, m., married, d., died, bap. or bapt., baptized; Rev. sold, Revolutionary soldier. Where no state is given Massachusetts is to be understood, unless a place, has within the paragraph been assigned elsewhere. Some titles have been used as convenient means of distinguishing individuals. It is hoped that the mistakes, which undoubtedly abound in this catalogue, will save mistakes in our future volume, and all are invited to ferret them out, and give reasons for their own conclusions. The Secre­ tary, and certainly the editor, will be grateful for all that are called to their attention, and the latter will promise to annotate a copy with any such corrections for the benefit of our historian. AGNES W. LINCOLN. 10 HIGHLAND AvE., MEDFORD. May 9, 1901. STONE FAMILY ASSOCIATION. 1 ALEXANDER, Mrs. LuRA (Fallass, ,rx. Stockton, Kansas. [S. s. s. Jo.J b. Marshall Co., Iowa, 30 June, 1860. VIII. William Albert Fallass, b. Tompkins Co., N. Y., 13 Jan. 1830, d. Stockton. Kas., 25 Apr. 1898 ; m. Albion, Iowa, 13 Apr. 1857, Sarah Lucinda (McLaren), b. Nashville. 0., IS Aug. 1838, d. Mt. Pleasant, Ia., 1 Feb. 1890. VII. William Faliass, b. ·------ • 29 Jan I 804, d. Fallassburg. Mich., 12 Apr. 1863; m. Cazenovia. N.Y., 21 Mar. 1827, Wealthy Winslow, b. Middlefield, N. Y., 10 Mar. 1805, d. Fallasburg, Mich., 3 June, 1854. VI. Hanna (Stone) FaHass, b. Harvard, 27 Aug. 1779, d. Fallass- burg. Mich., l 0 June, I 860; m ,________________ _: ___ , William Fallass, b. Boston, 3 Feb. 1775, d. Fallassburg, 31 July, 1854. V. Silas [b Groton, 1742] and Eunice (Fairbank) Stone of Templeton and Harvard. See 230. 2 APPLETON, Mrs. ANNA M. (Stone2). 59 Mountfort St., Boston. 3 APPLETON, ANNIE STONE1• 59 Mountf ort St., Boston. b. Boston. 24 July, 1892. [2] Anna M. (Stone) Appleton, b. Boston, 30 Aug. 1850: m. ,Boston, 25 Jan. 1888, Charles D. Appleton, b. Nashua, N. H~. 2 Aug. 1856. (3] Ebenezer Stone, b. Townsend, 20 Mar. I 823, d,. _____________ ; m. Providence, R. I., 25 Jan. l 849, Emeline (Mellen), b. Washington, N. H., 31 Dec. 1822, d. Malden, 11 Feb. 1880. [4] Ebenezer. b. Townsend, June, 1800. d. Towns­ end, June. 1835; m.. at Townsend, 14 Aor. I 822, Eluthena (Haywood), b. Townsend, 29 Mar. 1804. d. Boston, Feb. 1859. 4 BAKER, Mrs. ELLEN t Stone) ,VIII. · 1882 VI ashington St., San Francisco, Cal.- [Conn.] b. Middletown, Ct., 27· Oct. 1848. VII. Rev. Andrew Leete Stone. b. Oxford, Conn., 25 Nov. 1815, d. San· Francisco, Cal., 16 Jan. 1892; m. New York. N. Y., 14 July, 1842, Matilda Bertody (Fisher), b. N. Y. City, 14 Jan. 1818, living 1898. VI. Noah, b. Guilford, Ct., 3 Feb. 1783, d. Oxford, Ct., 4 Mar. 185 I ; m. Lyme, Ct., -------------, Rosalind (Marvin), b. Lyme, 26 Jan. 1785, d. 'Brooklyn, N.Y.,9Jan, 1859. V. Noe, b. ____________ , Conn., 24 Dec. 1750, d. ·------, 28 Mar. 1807; m. 13 Jan. 1779, Mary (Hurd),b. ____________ , -------------, d _____________________ . IV. Seth, b, _____________ . Conn., 6 12 July, 17 18, d, ____________________ , 3 Aug. 1784 ; m. -------------, 16 May, 17 49, Rachel (Leete). b. _____________ , -------------·, d. -------------, 25 Sept. 1SQ I. III. Ebenezer, b. --------------, 21 Aug. 16 7 6. d. --------------, 18 Aug, 17 61 ; m. ·-------------------. 1725, Abigail (Leete), b. _______________________ d. 16 Apr. 17 6 7. II. Nathaniel, b.15 Sept. [ elsewhere 5 Feb. J I 648, d, _____________ _ 11 Aug. 1709 ; m, Guilford, Conn .. 10 July, 1673. Mary ( Crit­ tenden), [elsewhere Bartlett], b. Guilford, l Feb. 1654, d. -------------·, 5 Nov. 1724. I. John, b. Hereford, Surrey Co., Eng., about 1610, d. Guilford, Conn., Feb. 1687 ; m. _____________ , _______ , 1642, Mary ( ____________________ ) . b. -------------------·• ·-------------, d. --------------------, ·-------------------, John, son of Rev. Samuel Stone, non-conformist divine, of Hereford-on-the- Wye, Herefordshire, Eng. 5 BAYLESS, Mrs. ABB!E EDWINA (Bell),VIII. Kingston, Ga. 6 BAYLEss, Ass1E BELL,1x. Kingston, Ga. rs. s~ Jn. rn.J b. Fort Wayne. Ind .. 30 Sept. 1867. VIII. Abbie Edwina (Beil) Bayless, b. Toronto, Canada, 21 Nov. 1847, ·-------------------; m. St. Paul, Minn .. 12 Nov. 1866, Samuel Lewis Bayless, b. Fort Wayne, Ind., 11 Jan. 1840. VII. Abby Eliza(Stone}(Johnson) Bell, b. Portland, Me., 16 Dec. 1817, d. ·-------------------; m. Rochester, N. Y., 27 Oct., or 24 Nov. 1846, Edwin Bell, b. near Phila., Penn., 14, or 16 Jan, 1816, d. --------------, --------·· VI. Abigail, or Abbigal (Stone) Johnson, b.Wat., ·----------, 1791, d. Rochester, N .Y., I Jan. 1867; m. Wat.. 27 Sept. 1808. Joseph Johnson, b. Hallowell, Me., ____ _ · 1781, d. Medi:!a, N.Y., 10 Sept., 1831, or 1857. V. Capt. Moses. [b. 1749], and Abigail, or Abbigal ( Learned) Stone, of Wat. IV. Col. Moses [b. 1723]. and Hannah ( Tainter) Stone, of Wat. See 194. 7 BELL, Mrs. AasY ELIZA STONE VII. (Johnson), Oaten Ave., St. Paul, Mlnn. [S. s. Jn. M J See Bayless, above. 8 BEEMAN, PHEBE (Stone) ,lx. Box 363, Warren. [G. J. N. Jn.J b. Gardner, 26 May, 1849. Lives West Brookfield. VII!. V✓ illiam Bow·man Stone, b. North Brookfield, 24 Jan. I 811, d. West Brookfield, 4 Feb. 1890; m. Hardwick, 16 Feb. 1842, Phebe (Robinson), b. Hardwick, 12 Mar. 1813, d .. w. Br., 12 Nov. 1852. VII. Francis, b. W. Br., 9 Nov. 1779,d.W. Br. 30 Sept. 1864; m. ____________________________________ , 27 Mar. 1804, Hannah (tv1atthews). b. New Braintree, 31 Aug. 1779, d. W. Br., 14 Sept. 1860. VI. Capt. Francis, b. Leicester, 13 Jan. 1741, d. New 7 Braintree, 12 Dec. 1802 ; m. ·--------------------------------------·• June, 1777, Sarah (Witt), b. f\1arlboro, ________ , d. -------, 3 Nov. 1808. V. Jonathan, b. Fram.,·--------, _____ , d. at Quebec,-----·, 1759; m. Leicester, 25 Oct. 1739, Elizabeth (Lamb), b. ________ _ _______________ , d. _____________ , -------· IV. Jonathan, b. Fram., 24 Mar. I 690, d. before 17 Nov. 1723 ; m. _______________ , 11 Oct. 1716, Abiel (Bigelow), b. Fram. 20 Jan. 1693, d. ___________ _ . ___________________ , III. Nathaniel, [b. 1660], and Sarah (Wayt) Stone. See 293. 9 BENT, SAMUEL ARTHUR, VIll. Old State House, Boston. [G. J. Han.J b. Boston, 1 July, 1841. Lives Brookline. VII. Samuel Watson Bent, b. Rutland, 21 Oct. 1811, d. New Ipswich, N.H., 6 Feb. 1861; m~ New Ipswich, 3 Aug. 1836, Mary Narcissa (Barrett), b. Bakersfield, Vt.. 24 Aug. I 8 i 6, d. Boston, 20 May, 1892. VI. Samuel Browning Bent, b. Rutland, 27 Nov. 1784, d. Middlebury, Vt., 4 Dec. 1857; m. Spencer, -------, 1807, Hannah (Watson), b. Spencer, 13 Feb. 1786, d. Rutland, 7 Sept. 1813. V. David Bent, b. Sud., 30 Mar. 1730, d. Rutland, _____________ , 1798; m. Rutland, 2 Oct. 1783, Martha (Browning), b~ -----------, 21 Nov. 1744, d. Rutland, abt. 1834. IV. David Bent, b. Sud .. abt. 1691, d. Sud., 15 Feb. 1730; m. Sud., 1 Jan. 1713, Mary (Drury), b. Sud., __________ , d. Sud.,·--------· III. Hannah (Stone) Bent,b.prob.Sud., 6Jan.1640,d.Sud., _______________ ; m. Sud., 1 July, 1658, John Bent, b. Penton. Eng.,. Jan. 1635, d. Sud., Sept. 17 I 7. II. Elder John [bapt. Eng. 1618] and Anne (How) Stone. I. Gregory Stone. 10 BICKFORD, Scon FITZ, VIII. Box 2452, Boston. [Elias] Lives ( 1897) Beach St., Revere, b. Newburyport, 14 Nov. 1864. VII. Jonathan Bickford. b. Wolfboro, N. H., 19 July. 1820. d. Africa, 13 Sept. 1864; m. Dover, N. H., 10 May, 1853, Mary E. (Fitz), b. Newburyport, 15 Sept. 1829, _______________ , --------·· VI. George Fitz, b. Newburyport, 16 Feb. 180 l, d. Newb'pt, 14 Sept.
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