Morton-Scott-Robertson Co., Mtionalehploynent\Eilll

Morton-Scott-Robertson Co., Mtionalehploynent\Eilll

16 BAPTIST AND BEFLBGTOR, MAY 21„ 1896. HTBUI Uomblnaiont UUBOdKleclrlc EDUCATIONAL. AMD g«{U£aB. AI»o TIM IMMU Sokool ANA TeMhen BUTMU of HOT Drop l!l<b%, Soatk Mtd BontliWMi la Ui« WATEB ai^,Btaleo Bum'oraS'hadei. lITational Bnmu of Zdneation. llEATINU, Bleolrle wlrlnv IfiMOBomw&n audi W.Bum,Prop'n. PLOMHIMO Dealer in Iron WUlMs BnUaiof, MMhrUle,TenD. C0r a^rr^ >» Xtnten,^. TirMAvU&i, Timu AMU Pipe, mtlnfa, B«ad tump (or loformatlon fllobaAuie UAM TM.dloaelii, MUUriNO Bunds, Bath Tubs, ii}- drants. Pump* Teachers or Schools and Hrdraullc IfMdiDg the aid of a rallablo aod efflclent Taaeberi' Ateacy—one that worki nrneatly Morton-Scott-Robertson Co., for Ita teaohera and patrona—will And it to Tus lurnsr, BsUbltsbed IBM. i Published every Thursday. Entered at the their Interra: to eorreipond with IIAPTIBT IB7I. <( postofflce at Maabvtlle, Tenn., aa aeeond-elass DKALKK8 IN TIIK Kan.aaroaj^ublisbad SPEAKIHG THE TBUTH IN LOVE. i matter. CLAUDE J. BELL. CuuBOlidated August 14, IM) Proprietor Boutbweatem Trsehera' Agency, 400 Union Street. Naabrllle, Tcnn. Furniture, • Carpets, • Mattings, Old Series, Vol. LIZ. NASHVILLE, TENN., MAY 548, 1896. New Series, Vol. VII., No. 40 Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, Etc. SCHOOL CUBRENT TOPICS. lines. .She has been a noble, true, and uway wc know not whither. It We make a Bpecialty of church furnlshliiffs. ^^^^ virtuous, womanly woman, a loving STDMBLING BLOCKS the lHM»k lie nut true, then over tiie CATALOGUES It buH beon decided to hold a South- wife, a devoted mother, and has set hor earth we go blindly groping lo our For Before purchasing write to or call ou . W» Ti BAINEtrS^wtra^^^ BOOK PRINTING vrii States Kx|)0Blti0D ut Chicago dur- subjects u most worthy example In Or DIfllcultles of Tboughtful Minds gravcM, and at last take a h>ap In tlie Ini; the months of AugUHt. September these regards. Let us hopo that she in Bible History and Doctrine. dark. It would IM? a Kreut comfort to JOB PRINTING The Morton Scott-Robertson Co., and October of this year. The an- will be spared not only to colobrato believe tliaV the old iMMik IM true. It nuunced purpose Is to develop the nat- tho longest reign in the history of Kng- Write Jas. J. AMBROSE 218 N. Summer Street, Nashville, Ten John S. Woodall' IiaH IMM'II a Joy untipeakuble to iiiany, ural resourceH of the South by male- land, but for still other years Sev- A Series of Sermons by Rev. P. S. giving them Hirengiii for llfe'n bur- lilt; a display of her products, and eral years ago at the Chautauqua In TELEPHONE 615. Henson, D. D. deiiH and courage for life'H iHtndiciM, tlius attracting capital for her dcvel- New York Bishop Vincent, we believe 320 Church St., Nashville, Tenn. Baal Estate and n ix'ace that piu<Melh all under- MTIONALeHPLOYNENT\eilll(]ATIOMLBlJaeAll upmcut. Cotton, of course, will bo the it was, was opening a question box The Niorr Of freatlou. Htandlug when they come to die. Thin i-liiuf exhibit, though all of the main and answering the questions put to M|^^The specialties of this Bureau ara to locate iHMik profeMKet* to open Up the |K>rtals products of the South will bo on cxbi- him by the audience. Among tho teachers In .suitable positions, andtose* and "In the beKlnnlng God created the bitioD. We presume that the KxpoHt- questions asked was this: "Is not the of Immortality. Oh. what n Joy lo IH- cure positions for book-keepers, stenog- henreuM and the earth."—Ueii. lion will bo quite intoreating, and wo usefulness of <jucon Victoria at an II. 1. ^ul'e that: raphers, clerks, etc. Loan Agent. trust that it may bo made a groat suc- end, and Is it not about time for her 1 Hhall Hpeak lo-nlght of the Htory of "Hujonil till* vale of toata. RKrEnmcBN: (ion. W. II JackRon, Pre* UasM(btCa.,NaBbTlllo: J. 11. KlUelirew.Ei. Htalo ereatloii. We wake lo eoUHclouHUeHH Tbete Is a life above. Cok. of Agriculture, Naibrille: Edgar Jones. Pres. L'nlon Hank andTruatCo , NaabTllle: Jno. 30JS Ulj-iJcir^ eitftsft, ro8«, as it duscrvos to bo. to die?" "Not while tho IVinco of W Pttxon. Cashier Third Nat. Hank. CbattaDOoga: U. W. McKae, I'rea. i'tr*! Nat. Uank, Wales lives," was the immediate re- III a world that IM wonderful ntid Unmeasured bjr the flifbt of years. Ctarkavllle.Tena. Addrcas with Mtamp And all that life is love." Nashville, Tenn. sponse. lieaiitifnl-n world iiinrvelouHly lltteil -rs-. ; An Armenian paper, echoing the Wcat a joy to be sure that POULTRY AND BARDEN FENCE 3164 CEDAR ST., NASHVILLE. TENN. walls of that sulTorlng |>oople, and iintl fiirnlHhed, whose foiuidntloiu< nre Aid Bake amMiil BeiM. Oattk and Hoc rfnc*; Insure Your Life With deep down amid the everhiHtliig roeks, death DIHW not extinguish thiH vital luoklng for hopo for the futurt^ sums In an open lottcr dated Sunday, Npark. What a Joy att we Htand by No book up the prospects in theso three alter- .May 17, Cardinal OlbbonH aayf: "Wo doiiKHl with a ^lorloUH Mky. throbbing M. i- •HKUiflMaKH, auxtl, BA. A BONANZA FOR AGENTS. treat an oppor- with wt>alth of Htars. a world appa- the graveM of luved <meti, to l<>ok up A. V. Winter, atives. "1, We can surrender all iir«- proud to Miiy tlmt iu the IUUK hlt«- tunltrfor AQENrs to make monrjraa the APBO-AHERICAN KNOYCLOPiEDIA Notb rently eHiieclaily iin'pare<l for our occu- ihittugh our tears a-nd MCO the gleam lag like It. Kotlrelr new. Over 400 eubjecta coyering erery topic of Inteieat to the race. Agent of-theold And reliable that uur fatljors haw clung to during tory of till- Covuruiuoiit uf the United JAMES T. CAMP, piiilon. a world of HHrpnHMiiig IntcreHt of the far-«iIT glory. It would lie a It la BY THE RACE, TOR THE RACE. Ererjr colored tamllr lo the United Bute* waeU tliclr miiny years of oppression and SlatcH thi' Ki 'iii <'iitholl<> Chun'li II:IH WASHINGTON 'I gnat comfort to IH> alMuduiely Hure a copy. Experience not necesiarr. Bells itself. Liberal eommlaaiona. Write for terms. sulTering, we can abandon our faith, iicvor UhM'tl or porvorii-il Uh acknowl- to you and me lM'caUM(> here we iliid Life Int. Co. of Now York. that thlN old LMH>K IH true. But can PRINTER & PUBLISHER, HALEY & FLORIDA, Nashville, Tenn. profess Islam and lose oursclvea and 4mI«('<1 (Hiwcr lij- HtH'killK to make indl- our cnidle aiKl will Iiy and by lliid our nr Union St.. NaabTllle, Tenn. wc lici I cannot IH- expectwl to 1m'- Offices—Nichol Bailding, Union St. our children In the mass of our Mos- ilcM )<nlMtcrv)> iiH own advaiif*>ni<'Ut." uiave. We dlMr-over when we In-gln ^ CaUlcfnea, LettArbeada, Notebeads, Bill- lem masters; or, 2, wc can go patient- lleve It becauHe Homebody tellH me baa^, Envelopea, Weddini loTiutiona, et:., IF Wf ailiiilt this to Im> true, and wo do to Ket an utiderHtandlii^ of our Hiir- ta flrat^laaa atyle, at reaaoaable prices. All THE LATEST OF ALL. •VDrop him a postal card and ho ly dragging the chains of our opprcs- HO. I will not iMilleve It ou the uuthor- will call and (rive estimatea. not IH*1II>VI> It IM, It Im Htm true on the nmiidliivH that this worhl IK only a Ut- Jj^.o' blMka for Maxistratea and Just Suited to Professional as Well .As Mors and bearing their insults and ITJ of any prle«l or preacher. The JtotajJaaPaBlto Pomca paid. Write forea- iVHe wanU bualnoaa. He wants other haiul that "in llie louj; hlMtor.v ile world hi I'oiiiparlHoii with inaiiy aliUBcs, wasting away our lives and L/ird d<H'M not expect yon to IM'IICVC • • • Commercial Purposes • • • your bualnoaa. Don't poalpoDu tho of till- (iov<>riuii<'ni of the riiiicd niheiH; "pliiiu'tH, HUiiK, and adamantine- |K>8tal or call. our strength In Ignoble servituae; or, it JiiHt liecauHc your mother did. fNE UHGEST CtTHI Old Machines Taken In Exchange. .Stiiti'H ilif i;r«-tii I'atliolie Chiireh" IIIIH spliereH," all throiiKli the Intliilti^ 'I. we can seek In other lands and The world ulHiundH In nacred IxMikH. Supplies For ALL Typewriters. oi'ieii " iiM'tl or IMTVERLED UH IK-kliowl- I'tiiliiiH of Hpni-e. iiiarveloiixly mar- Avon VeiatlousUclarsbr Bending rdeni To aiiioDg lllwrty loving people, now .\liiioHt every nation IIH micred fiUetl iMiwer li.v HceklllK to make" Unit Kliiih'd. held liy no caliloH, HUpporled IUIM IIKni!««TOX.MIIOI.KN TVPBWKITF.H VO., liomcs and now hopes." iMMikH. The fact that the iMiok clalniA II. A. mVKHN, nranrh Manager, at-S Union Street, NARIIVIM.I-:, TKN.<«. |M'\v*>r Hiil>H<'rve liH own iiolliical ad- l>y iii> plllarx, wheeling lliroiiKli track- PAUL & BGYLINS, lo be limplreil dtnt* not pri>ve It tu For anytblDg to tba line of Milieemelii. TIIIM fact is t<Mi eviiielil hss deplliH. a cIorloiiH iinlvei'He. the the Methodist Kpiscopal GonorHl he ItiKplrcd. If Hale - a ••ixl in , ID for ai'KUiiieiit lo any olwerver of re- ciiiiiemplatloit of which overwIielniH IH (Nmf(>rcnco on last Monday there oc- lieavcU. he doe.s not ex .>ct a man <-i>nt |Hillll<-H. The (!arilhial pHti oil lo lie, and the prolialillliy IK that If we |K Dr. Matlbev HeiHji Kolloclii BROWNSVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE, currod a rathor acrimonious debate lo acccpt JiiHt anything that may come PRINTING wi.v: ".MoiiHiver, li IM our pixtud iMtaMi could fly to the fartlDttt Htar w(> Hhoiild Regalar aradtuta and Registered Pbrsician.

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