Editor Sanja Ravlić, Vanja Sremac Proofreading Vanja Sremac Design Šesnić&Turković Publisher Croatian Audiovisual Centre, Zagreb, May, 2010 Printed by Kolor klinika d.o.o. Print run 300 Contents 4 Croatian Audiovisual Centre 7 Production Companies 17 Production Companies - Commercials 19 Post Production Service and Rental Companies 22 Film and Art Associations 23 Distributors 25 Exhibitors 27 National Broadcasters 28 State and Public Institutions 29 Professional Associations and Guilds 31 Film Publications 32 Authors’ Rights Collecting Societies 33 Film, Television and Theatre Schools 34 Film Festivals Essential Information about the Audiovisual Industry in Croatia The Croatian Audiovisual Centre Co-productions The Croatian Audiovisual Centre is the Gov- Croatia is a signatory to the European Con- ernement-backed strategic agency for the au- vention on Cinematographic Co-production, a diovisual sector in Croatia. It aims to stimulate member of Eurimages and a member of MEDIA. a successful, vibrant audiovisual industry as Bilateral co-production agreements include well as to promote the widest possible enjoy- Canada, France, Germany and Italy. ment and understanding of audiovisual works throughout Croatia. The Law on Audiovisual Activities is available for download on www.havc.hr (About Us) As a main audiovisual agency in Croatia, we have assumed the overall responsibility for the Distribution and Exhibition growth of Croatia’s audiovisual industry. Our Two major film distributors Blitz Film and Vid- remit ranges from supporting development, eo and Continental Film dominate Croatian production, distribution, exhibition, marketing theatrical distribution market with a market and promotion, to professional training and share of almost 90%. The cinema attendance supporting national film archive through the in 2009 has stayed at the same level as in the system of public subsidies. The Centre also year 2008 – around 3.2 million admissions per promotes Croatian films and co-productions year, while the box office grew by more than at all major festivals and markets. 10% due to the increase in the price of the cin- ema tickets. Croatian cinema exhibition sector Funding is marked by growing multiplexing: out of 117 The Croatian Audiovisual Centre (havc) is commercial screens operating in 2009 in 71 currently operating with the annual budget of commercial cinema sites, 35,8% were in the around 6.4 million €. Additional public support multiplexes (defined as 6+ screen venues), bodies are City Office for Education, Culture and the rest in miniplexes and/or single screen and Sport – City of Zagreb which runs a regular venues. The market share of national films is yearly support scheme for shorts, documenta- among the lowest in Europe – 1,52 %. Croatia ries and animation, and as of recently City Of- has 8 digital screens, all of them 3d equipped fice for Culture – City of Rijeka. and all of them situated in either multiplexes or miniplexes. 1 vod platform - Max tv is operat- ing in Croatia. 4 Development In 2010 we have introduced a Development The public call for applications for Feature Film Fund aimed at supporting both script and Support Scheme and First Feature Film Support project development for feature-length films: Scheme is issued twice a year. fiction, documentaries and animation. The call for applications for this scheme is is- Documentary Films sued once a year. We support production of high-quality and dis- tinctive documentary filmmaking, both feature Feature Films length and shorts, as well as documentary co- We support the production of Croatian feature productions. The public call for applications is films and international feature film co-productions. issued twice a year. We currently operate two feature film support schemes: Feature Film Support Scheme and First Feature Film Support Scheme. Facts and Figures 2008-2009 Film supporting institutions (public) Croatian Audiovisual Centre (havc) City of Zagreb; City of Rijeka Public funding available 6.8 million € (feature films, documentaries, shorts, experi- mental films and animation) Average production budget 1 million € Total feature films produced 13 Co-productions 6 Number of screens 117 Average ticket price 3.54 € Market share of national films 1.52 % Tax incentives no 5 Short Films MEDIA Desk Croatia Short films can help new filmmakers break into media Desk Croatia is a promotion and infor- the mainstream. We currently operate three mation office for the European Commission’s separate short film support schemes: for fiction, media programme which offers a wide variety animation and experimental shorts. of funding for film and television, from training The call for applications for all three schemes is through development and distribution to mar- issued twice a year. kets, events and festivals. Animated Films media Desk Croatia is hosted by the Croatian Animation has a long and venerable tradition Audiovisual Centre. It offers advice and an- in Croatia, dating back to the mid 1950s and swers enquiries from Croatian film and tv pro- culminating in the work of the world-renowned fessionals, explaining various funding strands Zagreb School of Animation in the 1960s and and eligibility criteria. 1970s. After years of relative stagnation due to the war in Croatia and specific challenges For further information on the media Deck facing a country undergoing transition to a Croatia please contact the Head of media Desk market economy, things are looking up again. Croatia, Ms. Martina Petrović at A new generation of Croatian animation talent [email protected] has been reaping awards at home and abroad and, for the first time in many years, we have a feature-length animation film in distribution. We currently operate two funding schemes for animation: feature-length animation scheme and animation shorts scheme. The call for ap- plications for both schemes is issued twice a year. International Co-productions with Minority Croatian Participation We support international feature film co-pro- ductions with minority Croatian participation: fiction, documentaries and animation. The call for applications for this scheme is an open call with decisions taken on a quarterly basis. 6 Production Companies 3D2D animatori tive, colour correction) ADDRESS Poljana Zdenka Mikine 10, FIElD oF ACTIvITy feature, short films, docu- 10 000 Zagreb mentary, commissioned films, Internet, multi- C/o Lado Skorin media TEl +385 1 3755 281, +385 98 367 506 FAx +385 1 3756 335 AlT F4 / bulaja naklada E–MAIl [email protected] ADDRESS Radnički dol 8, 10 000 Zagreb WEb–SITE www.3d2d.hr C/o Helena Bulaja Company SPECIAlIzation production (post– TEl +385 1 4851 170 production, editing, visual effects, computer FAx +385 1 4823 357 graphics, consulting) E–MAIl [email protected] FIElD oF ACTIvITy short films, animation, WEb–SITE www.bulaja.com experimental, commissioned films, Internet Company SPECIAlIzation production (post– production) 4 Film FIElD oF ACTIvITy animation, experimental, ADDRESS Bauerova 6, 10 000 Zagreb documentary films, internet, multimedija C/o Anita Juka TEl +385 1 4828 774 Ars animata studio FAx +385 1 4828 775 ADDRESS Prilaz V. Brajkovića 12/3, 10 020 E–MAIl [email protected] Zagreb WEb–SITE www.4film.hr C/o Ljupče Đokić Company SPECIAlIzation production (location TEl & FAx +385 1 652 99 74 scouting, casting, advertising, pr & event man- E–MAIl [email protected]–com.hr agement, dvd publishing, consulting) Company SPECIAlIzation production FIElD oF ACTIvITy feature, short films, anima- FIElD oF ACTIvITy animation, experimental tion, documentary, experimental, commis- films sioned films, Internet, multimedia Ars Septima Alka film ADDRESS Svačićev trg 10, 10 000 Zagreb ADDRESS Dedići 21, 10 000 Zagreb C/o Lidija Ivanda C/o Jozo Patljak TEl & FAx +385 1 48 56 510 TEl & FAx +385 1 4674 185 E–MAIl [email protected] E–MAIl [email protected] WEb–SITE www.ars7.hr WEb–SITE www.alka–film.hr Company SPECIAlIzation production Company SPECIAlIzation production (rental, FIElD oF ACTIvITy feature, documentary, post–production, scanning, printing on nega- commissioned films 7 Artizana bonobostudio ADDRESS Vukovarska 222, 10 000 Zagreb ADDRESS Tuškanac 78a, 10 000 Zagreb C/o Irena Škorić, Branko Ištvančić C/o Vanja Andrijević TEl +385 91 5233 950, +385 98 1644 572 TEl & FAx +385 1 483 44 45 E–MAIl [email protected] E–MAIl [email protected] Company SPECIAlIzation production WEb–SITE www.bonobostudio.hr FIElD oF ACTIvITy feature, short films, docu- Company SPECIAlIzation production (post– mentary, animation, experimental films production, visual effects, computer graphics, consulting) Autorski studio FFv FIElD oF ACTIvITy animation, experimental, ADDRESS Trg žrtava fašizma 14, 10 000 Zagreb commissioned films C/o Milan Bukovac TEl & FAx +385 1 366 5507 brojka produkcija E–MAIl autorski@autorski–studio.hr ADDRESS Odranska 6, 10 000 Zagreb WEb–SITE www.autorski–studio.hr C/o Kristijan Kaurić Company SPECIAlIzation production TEl +385 99 5183 634 FIElD oF ACTIvITy animation FAx +385 1 7779 875 E–MAIl [email protected] blank WEb–SITE www.brojka.hr ADDRESS Matije Divkovića 7, 10 090 Zagreb Company SPECIAlIzation production C/o Dario Juričan FIElD oF ACTIvITy short films, animation, docu- TEl +385 91 89 38 172 mentary commissioned films E–MAIl [email protected] WEb–SITE www.blankzg.hr Car Herc Company SPECIAlIzation production ADDRESS Strmeničkoga put 6a, 10 090 Zagreb FIElD oF ACTIvITy feature, short films, anima- C/o Nelica i Miro Andrić tion, documentary, experimental film TEl +385
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