THT AIR FoRCES ESCAPE & EVASION SOCIETY WINTER 2006-07 Communications Volume 18, No. 5 WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS 76307-2501 Dec. 14,2000 ...'vNAJF,/tF.rt4N^t^JtF,,ltA',/tF F F)F,/IF,JFJ/<F Al^tryt-t^ At^tF t-tF-ttryAtt\t^ttrylanrylryRt* t\l^tH^ttrytryNF NA.A' Deces de l'auteur du 'Chant des Partisans' (Composer of 'Song of the Partisans' dies) X'rom LE TELEGRAMME, Thursday, Feb. 16' 2006 Translated by Claude Helias, Plomelin, France Anna Marly, composer of the Song of the Partisans (Translation in English published in March 2006 issue of Communications), passed away yesterday (Feb. 15,2006), at 88 in Alaska where she resided. When the Song of the Partisans is mentionod, authors Joseph Kessel and Maurice Druon are first recalled. But the music was composedby Anna Marly. Anna Marly was born in Russia on 30 October 1917, Her father was shot during the Revolution. Anna Betoulinski left Russia with her mother in the early '20s. Ten years later, she took the stage name of Anna Marly (a name tbund in the telephone directory) to danoe in the Russian Ballets before starting to sing in the big Parisian night clubs. PERFORMED FORTM TROOPS Anna Marly married a Dutch diplomat. In May Whhtled as the theme tune of the French 1910, a second exodus took her to London where . programme "Honneur et Patrie" during WIFII, she worked in the canteen of the Free French Forces Anna Marly's song became a global success. headquarters, Carlton Garden in London. lyrics and melody. With nephew Maurice Druon, In London she ruent on composing she songs he wrote on a table the now famous lyrics: '"Friend, would perform for Allied troops. Late in I942,the can you hear the blackflight of crows ouer our English press related the resistance Russian of plairc... ". The Song of the Partisans was born. "partisans" near Smolensk. Anna lvlarl y playd a Whistled as the theme tune of the French couple of cords on her guitar while composing the programme "Honneur et Patrie" ("Honor and lyrics of a song inRussian. Quickly,the song's Country') on the BBC, then as a recognition sign in persistent rhythm met with success. the Maquis , the Song of the Partisans became a Early in7943, at apafi in London, Anna Maily global success and Anna Marly performed it all over performed the song in Russian, playing the guitar. the world. Among the audience were Frenc,h Resistance leader In the'60s, the Song of the Partisans was one of Henri Frenay and two reporter-writers, Joseph three compulsory songs with the Marseillaise (the Kessel and Maurice Druon. French national anthem) and the Chant du depart JOSEPH KESSEL IS MOVEI) (The Departure Song) inFrench schools. Many Kessel, who spoke Russian, was movedby the French artists, including pop groups, sang it also. Page 2 wtNTER 2006{7 FORCES ESCAPE & EVASION SOCIETY U.S. AIR The Prez Sez ,. COMMUNICATIONS By Riehard M. S'mith :i:1'YT'i:l1i:'-".T:lY::':::"Y3.'::-Y:1Y:." <[email protected] > Volume 18 -- Number 5 Dec.14,2006 On Thanksgivrng Day,I felt REALLYthankful thatl am still OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS '1ners" andable to write anoteto cHenvaN Awo co-rouNDER: *Ralph K. Patton, Apt. #1205,8100 Connecticut Ave., Chevy Chasg MD you AFEES members and friends. 20815; Phone: 30l-657-4478; Fax: 307-6574479 Since you last heard from me, I PRESIDENT: have had a hip replacement, to go **Richard M.' Smith, 36214 Augustana Drive, Battle Lake MN 56515-9458 (Summer) Phone 2l 8-49 5-2106;Fax 218-495-3000 along with the ankle I had replaced (Winter) 76543 Begonia Lang Palm Desert CA922||;760.345-2282 a few years ago. All the new parts VICEPRESIDENT: are working well, ttrough the two 'r*'r'Francis J. Lashinsky, 8015 Gatehouse Woods, PO Box"l25, Cornwall, PA 17016-0125; Phone'I 17'228'0'l'92; <flashinslry@oomcast'net) sets ofnerves do clash now and DGCUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT : then. Isn't modem medicine great''! ** Yvonne Daley, 1962 Brae-Moor Drive, Dunedin FL 34698-3250 q 5 <gadabout I 27@msn' com> Now, AFEES news: John Phone: i zl -l Z -g Sl3 ; Fax : 7 27 -7 3 4-9 65 ; TREASURER: Rucigay has asked permission to *Francene Dr., McHenry, IL 60051-9211 Weytand, 111? w- Northeast Shore resign from the Board of Directors Phone 8 I 5-38 5-437 8: FAX 81 545 9'043 5 MEMBERSHIP & CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: and we have a new director to take *Clayton C. David, 19 O^kRidge Pond, Hannibal, MO 63401-6539 his place. Phone: 573-221-0441 As the years roll by, it becomes RECORDING SECRETARY: ***Robert H. Sweatt, 5208 FM 390-W, Burton, TX77835-9704,979-289-2073 more obvious that we need to count on future generations if we OTHERDIRECTORS. are to continue as an organization. **Herbert Brill, 5370 Punta Alta" unit 2D, Laguna Woods cA92637-25'.19 Phone: 949-770-2076 With that in min4 Sandy * I 5- I 506 *Thomas H. Brown Jr., 104 Lake Fairfield Drive, Greenville, sc 296 Comstock, daughter oflou and Phone: 864'244-8420 <tbrown104@cs'com> has a$eed to *Sandra A. Comstoclg 4 French Ave., Unit T,EastHaven, CT 06512'3314 Alberta Del Guidice, Phone: 203 -469'3372 <[email protected] join the board. *rA. WI 53098; Ray Kubly, 1204 Amber Lane, Watertown, (Yvonne and Francene asked for Phone: 920'261-3782 LEGAL COUNSEL: another female director. ) R.E.T. Smith, PO Box 38, Wahpeton, ND 58074; Phone: 707-642-2668 The BOD has decided that C OMMUN I C AZON^S EDITOR: AFEES canno longer affordthe 't'{{'Larry Grauerholz, PO Box 2501, Wichita Falls, TX 76307-2501; Phone: 940-692-6700; <afeas44@hotmail'com> expense of entertaining children *Class of 2009 **Class of 2007 *'r"tclass of 2008 and grandchildren ofHelpers at reunions. Of course, they are still welcome, but at their own AFEES COI'{MUNICATIONS rS Tm OFFICIAL JOURNAI OF TIIE AIR FORCES ESCAPE & EVASION SOCIETY. AFEES IS A TN(-EXEMPT expense. vEtERNr{S oRGAI{IZATION ITNDER IRS CODE 501 (C) (19) ' IT wAs There has been no change of 1964 AI.ID IS CEARTERED IN fHE STATE OF GEORGIA' FOIINDED IN policy regarding Helpers who THEsocIETY.sPURPoSEIsToENCoURAGEMEMBERSHELPEDBYTHE RSSISTATCE ORGANIZATIOTdS OR PAIR,ICEIC NATIONALS TO CO}ITINT'E require assistance and share the EXISTINGFRIENDSHIPSoRRENEWREI,ATIoNSHIPSWITHTHoSEwIIo , same room with an escort. HELPED THEI,T DI,'RING TEEIR ESCAPE OR EVASION. your'07 calendar, pencil in ELIGIBII,ITY REQUIRES THAT ONE MUST ITAVE BEEN A U.S. AIRMNjII On HE MUST IIAVE BEEN FORCED DOWN BEHIND E}IEI'[Y LINES AI'ID AVOIDED the first weekend of May for the TO RET\IRN TO AILIED CAPTIVITY, OR ESCAPED FROM CAPTIVITY reunion at St. Louis and Scott Air coruRol. good 'un! IN ADDITION TO REGITI,AR ME}IBERSHIPI O1IEER CATEGORIES OF Force Base. It will be a MEI.{BERSHIP ARE HEI.PER MEMBERSI A}TD FRIEND UEMBERS. See ya there! WTNTER 2006-07 Page 3 Italian researcher seeks information on 2 airmen A researcher on the ltalian Riviera is seeking informat ion concerning All ied mil itary per sonnel who were evaucated in 1944-45. He writes: My name is Giuseppe Fiorucci. I live in Vallecrosi4 a small city on the Italian Riviera near the French border. I am researching the activities of local resistance (the Partigiani) during WW2. At the end of August 1944 Allied troops landed in the French region called provence (St. Raphael e St. Tropez), freeing Nice and reaching the pre.war border with Italy. During September '44 the local anti-fascist 5We Resistance and Allied Intelligence began using small WillNever Forget' boats to transport, from the Italian shore to the medallions no\{ available French side, weapons, intelligence agents, wounded soldiers and Allied soldiers who had escaped from The AFEES Board of l)irectors has Italian prison camps. oo purchased a supply of Ve WillNever Of the 30 plus missions accomplished by the Forget' medallions for rrcsale to members or network (Partigiani, Allied agents, civilians) that was called Gruppo members of deceased Helper familie s. Sbarchi (Disembarkation Group), one is particularly interesting, The medallion i,s a three-inchrersion ofthe At the end of February 1945, five Allied soldiers blue & gold Helper pin, but*ill have an escaped from a detainees camp. One of fhem was adhesive back so that it will frnnft adherr to Welch Regiment Capt. Michel Ross, who later anv smooth. clean surface. It is a full-color published abook entitled From Liguriawith Love, reproduction ofthe emblem (as shovm above) about his adventures in the period of the conflict, on the front cover ofthe AFEES r.oo6 shortly describing how he and his fellows were Membership Directoryo published earlicr brought to France. His four companions .were: thisyear byClayon and ScotW David. Lt. HighlandLt. Inf. Cecil George BELL (British) The medallions ane made ofmetal, photo Fernand GUYOT, French pilot etched in color andweather-re sistant" ERICKSON, American pilot, and designed primarilyfor a deceased Hel1rcr's KLEMME, American pilot grave marker. The Italian Resistance attempted several times to The colorfirl medallions are available for deliver the five soldiers to liberated France. Finally, $zo U.S. each, postagp included, from: in early March 1945, allwent well with a 1S-mile trip rowing ThomasH. B ronn a small boat. I am seeking ro4l,ake FaffieldDrive information about the two American airmen. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance. Grcenville SC z9615-15o6 , GIUSEPPE FIORUCCI ( The medallions will be available I 80 19 VALLECROSIA, Italy atthe zooT reunion in St. Louis. ) <mac. fi orucci@tiscali. it Page 4 wtNTER 2006{7 ttied E Paris for 2l October 1943---Group, including the Americans and six French Army and Naval offtcers, leaves Captain and are housed in a Toulouse aboard a train.
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