C Le Chili proche de Santiago Chile, near Santiago Il Cile, nei pressi di Santiago Skier au mois de juillet ou mois d’aout c’est possible ! Skiing in July or August? Yes we can! Sciare in luglio o agosto? E’ possibile! Nous sommes dans l’hémisphère Sud et c’est l’hiver ! Dans cette partie We are in the southern hemisphere of the world, and it’s winter! In this Siamo nell’emisfero Sud del mondo, ed è inverno! In questa zona delle des Andes, la poudreuse fait partie des meilleures neiges de la planète. area of the Andes, powder snow is one of the best on the planet. We are Ande, la neve fresca “polverosa” è una delle migliori sul pianeta. Siamo Nous sommes situés dans les Andes centrale à environ 32° et 35° de located in the Central Andes, between latitude 32 degrees and 35 degrees situati nelle Ande centrali a circa 32° e 35° di latitudine sud, appena a nord latitude sud au dessous de Santiago. south, just north of Santiago. di Santiago del Cile. Vous aurez accès à un terrain de jeu illimité, juste à coté de l’Acongagua, You will have access to thousands of hectares of unlimited terrain. Such Avrete a disposizione un comprensorio di discese vastissimo, confi nante Juncal et du Rio Colorado valleys au nord et du Olivares, Parraguirre et terrain includes the Aconcagua, Juncal and Rio Colorado Valleys to the a nord con le vallate dell’Aconcagua, Juncal e Rio Colorado, al centro con Tupungato vallée au centre, et enfi n du Aparejo, Marmolejo, Pangal, Rengo, north, the Olivares, Parraguirre, and Tupungato Valleys located centrally, le valli Olivares, Parraguirre e Tupungato, e a sud con le valli dell’Aparejo, jusqu’à Tinguiririca au sud. and the Aparejo, Marmolejo, Pangal, Rengo to Tinguiririca Valleys to the Marmolejo, Pangal, Rengo, fi no al Tinguiririca. Les sommets sont de plus 6.700m, mais vous skierez sur les alentours de south. Le cime superano i 6.700 m di altezza, ma voi scierete tra i 4.000 e i 4.000m à 2.500m. Andean peaks are over 6,700 m in height, but you will be skiing between 2.500 metri. La proximité de l’Océan Pacifi que, à 160 km, vous permettra de skier sur 4,000 and 2,500 meters. La vicinanza dell’oceano Pacifi co (160 km), conferisce al manto nevoso des neiges très légères. Under the infl uence of the Pacifi c Ocean, a mere 100 miles (160 km) una particolare leggerezza e potrete sciare su una neve fresca farinosa west of the Andes, the snow is dry, due also to the high altitude, and magnifi ca. wonderfully powdery. 12 CHILI – WEEK OVERVIEW CHILI – LODGING Saturday Day 1 - After landing in Santiago, a representative of our local We use the existing and comfortable infrastructure of Chile’s traditional mountain heli ski partner (Powder South) will meet you at the airport and direct lodges, such as the deluxe, locally owned, and tasteful El Ingenio Lodge, a jewel of you to your van for ground transportation, or to your reserved helicopter Andean hospitality located in the Maipo Valley, family run to perfection. At the lodge you will be able to enjoy all the amenities expected from a mountain connection, to take you to your lodging in the mountains. You will meet lodge, an outdoor hot tub and swimming pool, gourmet cuisine, and infi nite Chi- with your heli ski guide for gear check, briefi ng, group selection, and later lean hospitality. Treat yourself to a massage after skiing, or read a book in front of an avalanche beacon search and safety clinic will be conducted, along with the fi replace while served delicious appetizers prepared daily by our Chef. the required helicopter briefi ng. Welcome Dinner at the Lodge. Sunday Day 2 - Immediately after breakfast we will walk to the heliport The El Ingenio Lodge has a character all of its own. With true confi dence, we con- only few yards from your room. Soon we will carve our fi rst turns in the sider it to be one of a kind in the heli ski business, one of the Central Andes’ best pristine Andes, an unforgettable alpine setting of Himalayan proportions. kept secrets, within 5 minutes of the South American continent’s best heli skiing! Each group will have a minimum of 1 heli ski guide, a 4:1 & 5:1 ratio depen- This uniqueness may include an inviting outdoor fi re, meals served outside twice a week when mild temperatures at the lodge permit, or fresh homemade ice ding on the number of guests and the helicopter we use. Today we take it cream served as you step off the helicopter after a long day of heli skiing/boarding. slowly. It will be your fi rst day exposed to the thin air at nearly 15,000’ ele- vation in the magnifi cent surroundings of the dramatic and rugged Central Andes Mountains. Back to Base for the night to a well deserved gourmet dinner at the Lodge. Monday Day 3 - After breakfast we gain altitude as we become more comfortable and familiar with the terrain, as well as better acclimatized to the altitude. There is always the possibility of discovering a new landing zone, or virgin terrain never skied or snowboarded before. It is highly CHILI likely that you will have the chance to pioneer a few runs with us, since the terrain is vast, the possibilities endless, and much is yet unexplored. Return to Base and dinner at the Lodge. Tuesday Day 4 - Another exciting day with more runs, powder and fun! We will keep on discovering the Andes and tracking new powder. Picnic at mid-day, and then continue heli skiing and/or heli-snowboarding. By this time the group will be well acclimatized and feeling stronger. We may go a bit higher or perhaps move to a different valley, depending on conditions, and group strength and abilities. Return to Base for dinner. Wednesday Day 5 - After breakfast we repeat our heli ski routine. Tho- se who are ready for a break can soak at the nearby hot springs, go hor- seback riding, choose a day of resort skiing, or simply relax at the Lodge. Thursday Day 6 - After breakfast we continue with our exciting pro- gram; more heli- time, and more turns and vertical feet in the majestic Andes Mountains. Return to Base for dinner. Friday Day 7 - After breakfast we start our 6th and fi nal day of our heli ski journey in the Andes. After skiing, we pack and transfer you to your hotel in Santiago, The Ritz Carlton or “W” Hotel, for an enjoyable Friday evening in the city. Saturday Day 8 - Relaxing morning with breakfast at hotel. You may choose to continue travelling in Chile and South America, or return back home. 13.
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