ENGLISH - MAKABUHAY t a g a l o g NEWS AND FEATURES ILOCANO WITH PICTURES VISAYAN PUBLISHED V/EEKLY VOLUME XI, No. 20 HAWAII’S FILAMERICAN TRIBUNE, MONDAY, JULY 30, 1951 10 CENTS PER COPY SHERMAN GAVE Labor-Capital Harony Stressed Sinclair Awaits Kauai Bound Racing Yachts Set Sail O ff Waikiki WAR WARNING By Eq. At Quitoriano’s Induction List of Welfare LABOR-CAPITAL BEFORE HE DIED President Quirino declared Men For Work WASHINGTON — Adm. yesterday that the expanded Phi- City Engineer Karl A. Sinclair Forrest P. Sherman warned lippine development program was said today he has plenty of work congress a few weeks before his projecting the necessity of orienting that men drawing territorial pu­ death that W orld W ar III is labor away from new causes blic welfare assistance could. “probable” u n le s s . the United of friction with management and But he said the department of States rapidly. builds up its de­ called upon the labor department public welfare hasn’t sent him a fenses, including a mighty two to meet this problem. list of the men who are available ocean navy. Quirino emphasize this point Mr. Sinclair is interested in The late chief of naval oper­ in brief remarks he delivered after putting 'the able bodied men on ations testified with other high inducting Aurelio Quitoriano as various drainage j obs around the officials before the house appro­ under secretary of labor. island. priations committee in May. The President speaking at Ma- The work would include dig­ Their closed-door testimony, cen­ lacanan’s social hall, stressed that ging ditches, cutting grass, and sored for security reasons, was new labor problema were bound doing other preliminary work to made public. to crop up as- the country's huge MR. QUITORIANO improve potential flood areas. SHERMAN SAID the nation industrialization program goes WANTS TO CHOOSE “faces great danger” and will re­ through the process of implemen- "I hope you will seize this op­ T h e . city engineer- said he main in peril “until we achieve a portunity given you, ” he told wants to look over the list to pick position of military strength. ” Quitoriano'. out tlie best men. White wap with Russia is ’“not only of placing new importance The new_ undersecretary rose His main concern is construc­ inevitable, ” he said, the present on the department of labor, he to his present post from the Phi­ ting a second drainage canal for situation “is more critical than it said, but of giving officials of that lippine consular service in which Kuliouou valley. war. ” department added responsibility. he specialized in labor problems. Residents of the area have has been since the end of the last The President indicated that He joined the bureau of labor be­ made appeals to the public works Secretary Thomas K. Finletter one of these responsibilities would fore the war as public defender committee for help during the Simultaneously, Air Force be to. steer Philippine labor away and subsequently became a con­ past two weeks. was disclosed ta have warned the from the pattern of friction that is sul in the Philippine- consulate Craft that took part in tho Honolulu to kauai yacht race the transpacific yacht classic. The L’Apache was first across Supervisors, talking about the law makers that an air force lar­ characterizing abor-management general in Hawaii where he ser­ rids in waters off Waikiki just before setting sail for Nawili- the finish lino this morning, but the winner is yet to be de­ project yesterday, were concerned ger than the presently planned 95 relations in other countries. ved as labor counselor. Wili at 7 last evening. The run to Kauai traditionally follows termined. —Star-Bulletin photo by Joe Pacheco. with just how much work they groups probably will be necessary To meet this responsibility ad­ His appointment was hailed in could expect to get out of the later. The Pentagon will make equately, he, stated, labor officials labor circles. a final dedon on this late this should be ready to make sacrifices Figueres said. briefly: “Now I fall. U N B o m b e r s “W e can put the pick in their and subordinate personal am­ have someone to share my trou­ Van Meet Warns hands but how long will they FINLETTER APPEARED bitions to the general warfare. bles with me and help me bear work? ” asked Supervisor John to support the air force request my headaches. ’’ Better Reds U. S. Reply On Quirino swore in Quitoriano Against-Enemy Ambush M. Asing. for some $20, 000, 000, 000 in new before a large assemblage of Cesareo de Leon,, administra­ funds to operate the air force dur­ ADVANCE BASE BELOW workers and labor leaders which tive officer of the labor department Supply Bases Japanese Pact. ritory - by establishing the cease Hawaii County! ing the current fiscal year. KAESONG, Korea — Cease fire included Labor Secretary Jose and -one of Quitoriano'’s TOKYO — United Nations light He said the present air force negotiations remained deadlocked fire line along the 38th parallel Figueras. closest rival for the post, said: bombers returned to the North M ANILA. — The Philippine instead of along the present front Storing ILWU is “very powerful” — a statement Congratulating Quitoriano, the “Quitoriano is a capable man and government is anxiously awaiting lor the fourth day Monday over which was strongly seconded by Korean capital of Pyongyang in fixing of an armistice line on the Monday the negotiators agreed President said the appointment I am sure he will make good. ” ' day and night attacks Tuesday definite replies from Washington only that they will meet again to­ Strike Food Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, a ir should be considered not only an Quitoriano' gets Into harness on two proposals designed to battle, front., day (3 p. m. Monday Hawaii force chief of staff. ' Vandenberg following up their massive assault Gen. James A. Van Fleet, com­ HILO, Hawaii- — County honor but a new opportunity for beginning today. overcome the deadlock between his fliers are capable of “inflicting of the day before with attacks on manding the 8th army, warned time) and that the fighting will chairman James Kealoha defend­ service to the people. the United States and the Philip- tremendous damage upon any na­ Communist supply bases. ’ his men against a possible Communist definitely continue until a cease ed his action in granting the IL­ pines on" the proposed Japanese fire agreement has been signed. tion that breaks the peace, ” The allied’ planes flew more “ambush. ” WU free space in county build­ peace treaty. HILLS CAPTURED than 520 sorties in generally and Gen. Van Fleet, said United ings fo r, the storage of rice and Huk Uprising In Philippines The U. N. forces gave point to scattered enemy targets in North The Philippines has offered a Nations negotiators were acting in other commodities needed by 2 Conciliators Ko'rea. The fifth air force reported ‘compromise” proposal on th e good faith and he hoped the com­ their leaders insistence that fight­ ion members in the event of a After November is Predicted ing continue during negotiations only a few enemy vehicles on the issue of reparations from Japan munist negotiators were also. But strike. by winning a stirring victory - Meet With Both OVERTHROW OF GOVERNMENT IS AIM, roads, indicating the enemy front­ but is pressing for conclusion of a warning his troops to keep con­ MR. KEALOHA POINTED the east-central front. STATE DEPARTMENT SAYS line buildup was now complete. Philippines - American defense, stant vigilance, he said : out sugar plantations had' been WASHINGTON — Communist Huk guerrillas will try to over- Twenty vehicles were destroyed pact as a guarantee to the secu­ MWe must not permit this great They completed the capture of granted sim ilar privileges during Sides On Lanai chain of hills' dominating that the Philippine government between November and, next May by ro damaged. rity of this republic against all U. N. army to become a victim the shipping strike of 1949. When LANAI CITY, Lanai — Ar­ "force, arson and murder, ” the state department repotted today. WELL NETRENCHED entire area after a bitter five day bulk sugar piled up in many ware­ thur C- Viat and George L. Hill- possible aggression. a Communist ambush. ” battle. "In a special pamphlet on Philippines affairs, the department’s Communist troops in E ast Korea houses under county control. enbrand, federal conciliators, * ’ AGREE TO CONTINUE The U. N. air forces kept their office of public affairs warned that the Red movement and its repulsed an allied attempt to cap- The so-called compromise pro­ WAR Some 750 bags of rice already worked into the night in an attempt part of the war by battering ene­ threat to the derestimated. It said military action might be tfire another section a dug-in Red' posal embodies what the foreign There was but one real agree­ have been stored in a county- to compose hte difficulties company was pounded severely office described as the “final ment in the meeting Monday— my ports on the west and east owned building at Lyman Field that led to a walkout of Lanai necessary. with Untied Nations artillery: coasts. stake in the Philippines. stand” on the reparations issue ‘that the fighting will continue and additional space will be allot­ pineapple workers and the con­ “The Communist leaders are Official announcement indi­ and consists of three points: unabated during the negotiations. A U. N. - spokesman said of the ted the ILW U when further ship­ sequent peril of the, $20, 000, 000 “Economic distress and inequa­ Kaesong negotiations that Vice stimulating their partisans to de­ cated the first air drop of supplies 1—Recognition in the treaty ' U.
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