DIRECTORY.] SOMERSET. DULVERTOY. 237- Sharman William, horse dealer Trott John, coal dealer Welch Joseph, blacksmith Stone Harry, taxidermist Uttermare Richard, farmer, Bowdens Willey Abel, farmer, Midelney ~ Taylor & Hunt, auctioneers &c.; & at Vickery James, general dealer Woodborne James, parish clerk & sub- Langport & Hatch Beauchamp Vile William Henry, Crown inn postmaster DUL,VERTON is a market and union town, he,ad of a Post, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delive7y, petty sessional division and parish, on the east bank of the Parcel & Insurance & -.Annuity Office (Railway Sub- river Barle and bounded on the eas1i by the river Exe, 2 Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Somerset added). miles north-west from Dulverton station on the Devon -Edwin Oatford, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive & and Somers~ branch of the Great Western railway, 5 delivered at 7. IQ a.m. & 3. IQ p.m.; dispatched at from Bampton, 14 north from Tiverton, 21 west from 11,25 a.m. 3.50 & 6.20 p.m. Sundays arrive at 6.30 Taunton and 189 from London: it is in the Western a.m.; dispatched at 6'4° p.m. The office il'! open on division of the county, hundred of Williton, county court sundays from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. for telegraph business, district of Tiverton, rural deanery of Dunster, archdeaconry sale of stamps & registration of letters of Taunton and diocese of Bath and Wells. The town is DULVERTON RURAL D]jSTRICT COUNCIL. lighted by oil lamps, and supplied with water o::mveyed Meeting at the Workhouse monthly, on a thursday. by pipes from a reservoir at the top of the town. The ~hurch of All Saints', rebuilt with the exception of the Chairman, D. Evans Winsford, Dulverton ,tower in 1855 at a cost of £3,200, ]s a building of stone Clerk, Richard Sowton Barrow in the Decorated style, oonsisting of chancel, nave of six Treasurer, Alfred Reeve, National Provincial Bank, Dul- bays, aisles, south porch and an embattled western tower, verton oontaining a clock with chimes and 6 bells: the 5th bell Medical Officer of Health, E. J. Slade-King M.D., D.P.H. was brought from Barlynoh priory, a.t its dis'solution A.D. Bickleighscombe, near Ilfracombe 1536, and bears an invocatory legend to the Virgin: t·he Dis'Lrict Highway Surveyor & Inspector of Nuisances, E. 6th bell was erected in 1883 as a memorial to the Babb, Higher MaI1Sh farm late Samuel H. Warren, who had held a number of COUNTY MAGISTR.ATES FOR DULVERTON PETTY public offices for many years: in 1873-4 a reredos of Bath SESSIONAL DIVLSIOK stone and an organ were erected at the cost of B. M. Chairman, the senior magistrate present CoUyns, esq. who also gave illuminated plates, in memory Beadon Lieut>Col. John Hammet Blackrston, East of his deceased parents, and the sacrarium was also re- Anstey, Dulverton paired at the expense of J. B. Collyns esq.; the towel' Ebrington Viscount, Exmoor, South Molton, Devon coped with Bath stone, the gift of the Dowager Lady Ferguson-Davie Lieut.-Col. Sir John Davie bart. Bittis- Carnarvon; the pulpit, desk and font reD;l.oved and reset combe manor, Wiveliscombe and a leotern set up: all the windows are ,stained, HaiITOd Charles Diglby esq. Manor house, Morebath, those in the nave being given in 1.8 85 by F. G..WiIliams Tiverton esq.; the ea&t window, erected in 1864, is a. memorial to Hollond John Roberts esq. M.A. Wonham, Bampton, the Beague family, of Hollam: there are otheTs to Henry, Devon third Earl of Carnarvon, d. 9th December, 1849; the Lair Lieut.-Col. William, Coddenham lodge, Cheltenham Dowager Countess of Carnarvon, d. 26th May, 1876; to Locke Arthur Cha.rles Edward esq. Grange, Broadhem- William Trevor, George Hall Peppin and to the Pearse bury, Honiton, Devon family: there are 750 sittings. The churchyard was ter- St. John-Mildmay Capt. Charles Beague, Hollam, Dul- raced and improved in 1'899. The register dates from verton RoS.O the year 1558. The living is a. vicarage, net yearly value Wills Sir Fredk. bart. M.P. North Moor, Dulverton £4°0, including 52 acres of glebe, with residence, in the The Chairman of the Dulverton Rural District Council gift of the Dean and Chapter of Wells, and held since sits as an ex-officio justice 1893 by the Rev. James Bridger Philby RA., S.C.L. of Clerk to the Magis,trates, Richard Sowton Barrow, Lincoln College, Oxford, and a surrogate. Here is a Dulverton Congregational chapel. built in 183!, and affording 220 Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall every wednes- sittings. The town is compact and the neighbourhood is d1ay at II a.m famed for its trout fishing, but 'still more for the red The following places are included in the division:- deer sheltered between this and Exmoor (once a ,royal Brompton Regis, Brusbford, Dulverton, Exford, Exmoor, fvrest), in numbers suffioient for the maintenance of a Exton, Hawkridge, Skilgate, Upton, Winsford, Withiel fine pack of stag hounds, known as the "Devon and Florey & Withypoole Somerset," now under the mastership of R. A. Sanders esq. of E:dord; Philip Evered esq. of Milton's Rocks, DULVERTON UNION. Exton, being hon. secretary to the hunt; the kennels Board day, every alternate thursday, at the Workhouse at are at Exford. near Taunton. The district is also hunted 11,30 a.m. during the season by several packs of fox hounds and The Union comprises the pa.rishes of Brompton Regis, harriers, including the Quarme Harriers (now kennelled BrUlSobford, Dulverton, Exford, Exton, Exmoor, Hawk- at Exford), owned by, and under the masrtership 01, ridge, Huish Champflower, Skilgate, Upton, Winsford, Morland Greig esq. of EdgcQtt. There are some good Withypoole &; Withiel Florey. The population of the hotels in the town, the Carnarvon Arms & o.thers.· There union in 18,81 was 4,808; & in 190I was 4, 609; area, is '1 county police station under the charge of a sergeant. 78,159 acres i rateable value in 1897, £37,362 ; in 19°1 A monthly cattle marke~ (which is well attended by £39,024- farmers and dealers) is held on the first Tuesday in each Chairman, D. Evans, Winsford, Dulverton month, near the railway station; the market day is on Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Richard Saturday. A coach runs during the season between So~ion Barrow, Dulverton Dulverton station and Minehead, the route through the Treasurer, Alfred Reeve, National Provincial Bank, Dul- Exe valley being one of the most charming in England. verton The charities for distribution and educational purposes Relieving & Vaccination Officer for the Union, John amount to £28 yearly. Pixton Park is the seat of Stone, Dulnrton Elizabeth Countess of Carnarvon; the mansion, beauti- Medical Officers & Public Va.ccinators, No. I district, fully situated in a deer park extending over 150 acres, George Francis Sydenham M.R.C.S.Eng. Battleton is now UIloocupied. Combe is the residence of Mrs. house, Dulverton; No. 2 district, George Robert Norris, Chapman; Hollam, of Mrs. Arthur St. John-Mildmay; Wiveliscombe and Nort!l MOOT House, of Sir Frederick Wills bart. M.P., Superintendent RegiS/trar, Richard Sowton Barrow, Dul- J.P. The Ea.rl of Carnarvon, who is lord of the manor; verton; deputy, William Arthur Hawkins, Dulverton Sir Charles ThomM Dyke Acland bart. of Killerton, Registrar of :Births & Deaths, Dulvedon sub-district, Exeter, the Earl of Portsmouth, Capt. Charle.s, Beague John Stone, Dulverton St. John-Mildmay, the Anstey family, Richard Bere esq. Registrar of Marria.ges, John Stone, Dulverton; deputy, and Charles Bere esq. of the Lodge, Milverton, the John Moore, Dulverton trustees of the late Rev. Beauchamp Kerr WaITen KeIT- The workhouse, near the. river Barle & erected in 1855 at P earse M.A. rector of Azcot Heath, Berks (d. 1900), and a cost of £4,000, is a building of stone, available for Hugh Marriott-Dodington esq. are the chief landowners. about 64 inmates; Richard Hrummond. master; George The area of the parish is 8,678 acras, of land and 63 of Francis Sydel'lham, medical officer; Miss Sopbia Ham- waiter; mtea-ble value, £6,999 10l'!.; the poplrlation in mond, matron 189t wa.~ 1,265, inc:uding 40 officers and inmates of the SOHOOI, ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE. workhouse; in 1901 it was 1,369. Clerk, Richard Sowton Barrow, Dulverton Attendance Officer, John Bevin, Winsford By Lo~al Government Board Order 15,943, March 24, "1884. Halmscombe was added to th:s parish from Bromp­ County Police Station, Herbert Hobbs, sergeant in charge. ton Rpgis. &; I constable.
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