•rr . •■ ‘^- »' f fcV ■■■■'■■ .H;. ‘THURSDAY, JULY M, i m ATgg^||g ^ ij[_ N o t T r O M lo o a a a a ^ W A ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ eL A A ^ A.. ^ A ■ H w W flg tlM r -JBtuidifstet ‘^<4ii^gli-Ugg- .VdHMflto at P..4h.-ingilif<J|WW!Gj T i> * ^ ■■Jt< ' <gnr. aaal toaligt. t o r gfeSiF' 1 0 , 6 1 5 2 ll)lu n ii}irja ilTL Iw U JrX IU I^ 2 ^ 4 'iU li M. ghfardajr mmmf, Um fe#; S^' About Town M m eheeisr^A Ciiy of VUIggo Chmrm * ..IH Marton jMMmsn, ch)l> flren'i Ubnriaa at tha Mary C3w> ney library, la leaving tomorrow AdvacOMag an Paga U ) for a woak’a tHp on Um Saguenay VOL. L x m , NO. SM (FOUSTBBN PA6B8) MANCHESTER, 00NN„ FRIDAY, JULY 11, I tU PRICE nVE CENT! lUvar, Province M Quebec, Oaa> EVENING ■ 1. ' f A aon waa bom July 3T at the Hartford Hoapital to Mr. and Mm. CheaUr Kenney, 33 Bratton road, and a aon waa bora July S3 at the St. Prancia Hoapital to Mr. and Mrs. Bdwatd Make, 33 Walla atraet Tha Italiah-Amerlcan Club will hold iU monthly meeting Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the club­ a ir house. AU membem are requeated to attend this important meeting. Sen. Robert A. Taft Dies conditioned . Janet- 'Anderaon, -tS - Hdgeiton street, yesterday joined the WAPS and has gone to Lackland Air At Deathbed EVERTTHINO FOR LAZT, LOVELY Porce Base, San Antonio, Testaa, At MALE’S Self Serve and Meat Dept. State Dept. for basic training. Death of ^Taft Cancer Takes , Sudan McComb, 43 gilwood PREMIER HALE’S Protesting stiwet and Lynne Murphey, 33 Fresh FruHand Vegetables SUMMER LIVING Rutaell street, representing Center FRUIT 1 Church youth groups, will leave to­ COFFEE morrow to attend the John Robin- | For' ^Tragic Loss- P la n e L oss COCKTAIL Fresh Ground GOP Chieftain son Conference at Dearing, N. H. i P m U y S H e s d July aid Aigisl Art Saadwlth Moitlis iM g e Siae Can Lb. CALIFORNIA Wgghinftoii, July SI— New York, July —Sen. Robert A. Taft, g symbol of ' tOILED HAM PINEHURST TENDER CURE CORNED BEEF, «Uc«d , A/3c Allan Haoey, son of Mr. " Washington, July »l—^HOf-****^" who taW hu —The United States has in­ and Mm. Thomas Hooey. 33 In­ -A hush of mouniiiigji^ Taft u gone, Republicanism, died t<^sy -of cancer. The end came peacefully U V E R W U R S T cold wafer thin, makes the. most delicious sandwich^ dian drive, has returned to Pair- D «. 59c formation that Soviet vaaaels ORANGES eloquent than words, f ^ te d Amariaa’e graateat autaaaeaa kaa for the 63-yenr-old Ohio Republican, about 13 hours after he TAVERN LOAF SLICED LEG OF LAMB, MORRELL’S READY TO child Air Porce Base, Wash., picked up a number of aur-: had lapsed into a deep coma. At his side were his four sons. EAT HAM or PINEHURST GROUND MEATS also I whem he is stationed as an air- the newa of Robert A. Taft s passed away.” vivora from the U. 8. BdW) Taft's cendiUon suddenly bad be-v . ................. ■ .n - 1. lO L O G N A make tasty sandwiches. plane Instrument soeciallat, afUr PEARS 3 For 25c death today in tha SenaUi Then the H ^ we«i u lu plane shot down by RtiMian coma criUcal just four days ago. - __ f MINCED HAM ' spending a 31 day furlough at fighters on Siberia, it was Than, axcapt for briaf intarvala, hia: g g • '1 a Tjk ^ _ home. He made the return trip by ^ - •»« • s.'trtJrrs.’a.r'iC Mrsngth fMlad rapidly. Not unUl' L f 0 j ) | ; Z 1.8I 8C M EA T L O A F United Alrllnee from Bradley | W.1 I !»!•» waa to adjourn that bmneh diielQeed today. The State De­ I Lbs. The, Ohio RepubUeen • law- ■ ^ , m ark ef m- tha and did New York Hospital dU SALAMI I Field. DEEP BLUE PEACHES 2 33c making aaaoeiatea paid that] — partment announced it has closa the cause. -> JACK FROST protested to Moscow sfainat Was WHtMut PaU , William Delaney. 13T Florence I tribute to a leat loador beforo thoy: ^ ^ ‘the gonate Soor Bonator Mll- ''Senator Taft's life came to an leoaed a Sood ef expreaaioM ec; ^ le of Taft'a eldoat the shooting down of the B-410 and quiatly and without pain at Bid Clears J street, yesterday entered the Navy C R M MEAT 2 For 19c grief that ran to euch Words ae (.^Mide. eat quiet la hie aeat for I w M s SM m Hm I and has preceded to the Naval CUCUMBERS and asked “an immediate re­ 11:|S a. m. (d.i.t.), July 31, 1833." Training Station at Bainbridge, Ox. Can ”Great American.” ”Tnic gtatee- minute after the news reached ths hospital said. "His daaUi waa I SUGAR man.” “Oreat toaa” and "Frielnd.” 1 him. Then, apparenUy etniggling port” from Rusaian^ authori­ n C K L E S I Md„ for boot training. ties on the condition of the tha raSult of widssprtad, highly 3 Lha. 19c Freeldent Elsenhower described, with his omotione. he left the malignant,., rapidly growing H ouse U nit O LIV ES ONIONS Taft’s death aa ”a tragic looe to ‘ chamber for the Repubilean cloak­ survivors and plans for releas­ tumors.” King David Lodge. lOOF. wlU 5 Lbs. R a iS H E S U. S. NO. 1 - America." room. ing them. gavaral loug-tima frianda and as- hold a mgular business meeting F atty labole and dUterenoaa of flchaappel. (R-Ka4.) - Text 3e ReleneeS —— aodnles. Thft'a were a t lha hos­ . Wsshinxton, July i tomorrow • night a t 7:30 in Odd earns In and walked ovar to flena- *rhe department released the pital whan ha diad. Fellows Hall, with Junior Past 10 Lb. Bag viow generally were forgotten In — President Eisenhow^s r Ci'artd Hdwm ■Pahner -presiding: POTATOES 45c -U w outpouring. -vcraci-r --raw... »- tar .tost ef a.note.dcUv«tod.hy. Aatbaa^ AtoMig them were Jack .Martin., latn-hourproposal tiv- iMOSt' I r ARMFRESH— “ehaerup.” ' sador Charles Bohlen to Soviet hia admlnUtrativ* aasistarit; There are atlll a few tickets avail- Enowlond Informed Tho galleriaa, neariy empty Deputy Foreign .Minister Andrei David IngaUs M CUveUnd. the the federal debt ceiling to 290 I W H IT E R O C K able for the Red Sox-Washington (Greening For Pies) Lha. News of Taft's death Smt waa whan the word first reached the Gromyko and also a atatemant Senator's campaign manager in billion dollars cleared its first double header Aug. 13. Anyone APPLES 2 29c pa seed to Renatop Knowland of eia^tel, were rapidly fllUng with wh'-h together with the nata as­ hU bid for the lUpubUcaa preal- congressional hurdle today. FRYERS wishing these may conUct either California to whom Taft turned visitors aa the flenatora aasem- serted: dcntUl nomination tost yaar, and 'The House Ways and Means Fred Bdwards or Floyd Poet. NIBLETS NATIVE over the roina of aettvo OOP bled. The viattora ware quick to 1. 'raa U. g. Air Force B-W waa Brig. Gen. Julius Klein of Chicago- floor leaderahtp when hia illneaa take on the mood of the members, ahot down by one or more Soviet IGein said ha had visited the committee approved it 17-6. BROILERS 2 Cons LAND O’ LAKES flrot heeamo aerioua. flago a* HaH fltalf Senator juat 10 daya ago. It was the first step in a tense, Lb. 19c ' f MIG15 fighters over the Sea of rapid-fire drive by administration TOMATOES Knowland Immodtately aaked a Evan befdra the official an- Japan about 40 milea aeutta af Cape 'Ha didn't appsar to bt IU at all CAPONS nounoemanta were made, the flags than,” Kltin said. forcea to push acroas tha storm- roU call of the flanate tp assemble Povortyny. provoking request in the etoeing abMnt members. While the quorum a t the CapUol ware lowered to 3. H it Amaricas co-pUot waa In Um boapital's intarfaith BUTTERo’ ■ / ' half staff. hours or daya of this congreeelon- FOWL HALE'S eall waa on those membera on tha rtscuad by an Amarican ahip but ehapal, Rav. Luther TUckcr, pas­ al scaaion. MEAT DEPARTMENT The Republican National cem- Soviat vaaarla ware Mghtad In tha SEN. ROBERT A* TAFT^ tor of the Bptocopal Church in FRESHER IT FAR* AT PINEHURST Lb. floor mostly sat slleat, obrtoualy mitUo stopped work immediately Houm leaders planned to rush Headquarters buried in their private thoughts of araa of tha craah and aurvivora Cincinnati ef which Taft was a M irkiiiiu't L b. for the day. aU'iVSiil ■■'liM the bill through the Rules com­ STRICTLY FRESH. UNDER PINK. GENUINE SPRING past asaociationa. ' wara “seen on Hfarafta." ____ / _____ mamber, had prayad for tha Sena­ mittee and seek a House vote President and Mrs. Eiaenbower 8. Testerday Bohlen waa In- tor during hia tost hours of Ufa. PINEHURST HAMBURG 39c FOR The huah spread to thv gaUeriet- drove to the Taft home in Oeorge- WUflam Howard Taft. Ill, V. later-today. Republican ehicitaine S. Amfmeaador to Ireland. |e ■tructad "to protaat In tha atrong- Tka mintotar had gont to tha confidently predicted—and Demo­ aa oolmnn Sonatore hurried in to town within an hour after receipt ett tarma tbe ahoottng down of ho^tal after toaraing Taft's criti­ HELLMANN’S ^ hear the newa oAcially.
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