Survival of the Richest Europe’s role in supporting an unjust global tax system 2016 Acknowledgements This report was produced by civil society organisations in countries across Europe, including: Attac Austria (Austria); Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC) (Austria); 11.11.11 (Belgium); Centre national de coopération au développement (CNCD-11.11.11) (Belgium); Glopolis (Czech Republic); Oxfam IBIS (Denmark); Kehitysyhteistyön palvelukeskus (KEPA) (Finland); CCFD-Terre Solidaire (France); Oxfam France (France); Netzwerk Steuergerechtigkeit (Germany); Debt and Development Coalition Ireland (DDCI) (Ireland); Oxfam Italy (Italy); Re:Common (Italy); Latvijas platforma attīstības sadarbībai (Lapas) (Latvia); Collectif Tax Justice Lëtzebuerg (Luxembourg); the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) (Netherlands); Tax Justice Netherlands (Netherlands); Tax Justice Network Norway (Norway); Instytut Globalnej Odpowiedzialnosci (IGO) (Poland); Ekvilib Institute (Slovenia); Focus Association for Sustainable Development (Slovenia); Inspiraction (Spain); Forum Syd (Sweden); Christian Aid (UK). The overall report was coordinated by Eurodad. Each national chapter was written by – and is the responsibility of – the nationally-based partners in the project. The views in each chapter do not reflect the views of the rest of the project partners. The chapters on Luxembourg and Spain were written by – and are the responsibility of – Eurodad. Design and artwork: James Adams. Copy editing: Vicky Anning, Jill McArdle and Julia Ravenscroft. The authors believe that all of the details of this report are factually accurate as of 15 November 2016. This report has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and Open Society Foundations. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and the authors of the report, and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the funders. Contents Acronyms 4 Report findings 35 Glossary 5 Methodology for country rating system 38 Executive summary 8 Recommendations to governments and EU institutions 50 Global developments 2016 10 Austria 52 Introduction 10 Belgium 54 Developing countries and tax 11 Czech Republic 58 Exclusive global decision-making 12 Denmark 60 Europe’s role in upholding an unjust tax system 15 Finland 62 Anti-tax avoidance measures 15 France 65 EU spillover analysis 15 Germany 68 Harmful tax practices 15 Ireland 70 Tax treaties 21 Italy 73 Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base 24 Latvia 75 Blacklisting 'non-cooperative jurisdictions' 26 Luxembourg 78 Financial and corporate transparency 27 Netherlands 80 Lack of whistleblower protection 32 Norway 83 European support for global solutions 33 Poland 85 Building capacity or compliance? 34 Slovenia 87 Spain 90 Sweden 92 United Kingdom 94 References 98 Acronyms AMLD Anti-Money Laundering Directive APA Advance pricing agreement BEPS Base erosion and profit shifting CBCR Country by country reporting CCCTB Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base CFC Controlled foreign company CRS Common Reporting Standard EC European Commission EU European Union FDI Foreign direct investments G20 Group of 20 G77 Group of 77 GAAR General anti-avoidance rule ICIJ International Consortium of Investigative Journalists IMF International Monetary Fund MNC Multinational corporation ODA Official development assistance OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development R&D Research and development SDG Sustainable Development Goals SPE Special purpose entity TIEA Tax information exchange agreements TJN-A Tax Justice Network Africa UN United Nations UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNDAW United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women 4 • Survival of the Richest Glossary Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) Controlled Foreign Company (CFC) rules See under ‘Tax ruling’. CFC rules allow countries to limit profit shifting by multinational corporations by taxing profits made in other Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD) jurisdictions where it ‘controls’ other corporate structures, An EU directive regulating issues related to money unless taxes have already been taxed in the other laundering and terrorist financing, including public access jurisdictions. There are many different types of CFC rules with to information about the beneficial owners of companies, different definitions of the jurisdictions and incomes covered. trusts and similar legal structures. The 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive was adopted in May 2015. In July 2016, General Anti-Avoidance Rule (GAAR) the European Commission initiated another review of the GAAR refers to a broad set of different types of rules aimed directive (see below under ’Hidden ownership’). at limiting tax avoidance by multinational corporations in cases where abuse of tax rules has been detected. Automatic exchange of information Whereas GAARs can in some cases be used to prevent A system whereby relevant information about the wealth tax avoidance by allowing tax administrations to deny and income of a taxpayer – individual or company – is multinational corporations tax exemptions, they do not automatically passed by the country where the funds are address the general problem of the lowering of withholding held to the taxpayer’s country of residence. As a result, the taxes through tax treaties, nor do they address the general tax authority of a taxpayer’s country of residence can check division of taxing rights between nations. its tax records to verify that the taxpayer has accurately reported their foreign source income and wealth. Harmful tax practices Harmful tax practices are policies that have negative Base erosion and profit shifting spillover effects on taxation in other countries – for example, This term is used to describe the shifting of taxable income by eroding tax bases or distorting investments. (profits) out of countries where the income was earned, usually to zero- or low-tax countries, which results in Illicit financial flows ‘erosion’ of the tax base of the countries affected, and There are several definitions of illicit financial flows. This therefore reduces their revenues. can refer to unrecorded private financial outflows involving capital that is illegally earned, transferred or utilised. In Beneficial ownership a broader sense, illicit financial flows can also be used to A legal term used to describe anyone who has the benefit describe artificial arrangements that have been put in place of ownership of an asset (for example, bank account, trust, with the purpose of circumventing the law or its spirit. property) and yet nominally does not own the asset because it is registered under another name. LuxLeaks The LuxLeaks (or Luxembourg Leaks) scandal surfaced Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) in November 2014 when the International Consortium of CCCTB is a proposal that was first launched by the European Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) exposed several hundred Commission in 2011. It entails a common EU system secret tax rulings from Luxembourg, which had been for calculating the profits of multinational corporations leaked. The LuxLeaks dossier documented how hundreds operating in the EU and dividing this profit among the EU of multinational corporations were using the system in member states based on a formula to assess the level of Luxembourg to lower their tax rates, in some cases to less business activity in each country. This is referred to as than one per cent.1 ’consolidation’. The proposal does not specify which tax rate the member states should apply to the profit, but simply Offshore jurisdictions or centres allocates the profit and leaves it to the member state to Usually known as low-tax jurisdictions specialising decide on the tax rate. The proposal was redrafted and in providing corporate and commercial services to relaunched in 2016 (see below under ’Common Consolidated corporations and individuals that aim to avoid or evade Corporate Tax Base’), but this time the proposal will be taxes. The services are primarily offered to non-residents negotiated in two steps, and the first step will leave out the and are often combined with a certain degree of secrecy. key element – the consolidation. ‘Offshore’ can be used as another word for tax havens or secrecy jurisdictions. Survival of the Richest • 5 Glossary Panama Papers Special purpose entity (SPE) The Panama Papers scandal broke in April 2016 when the Special purpose entities, in some countries known as International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) special purpose vehicles or special financial institutions, exposed the hidden wealth and financial activities of political are legal entities constructed to fulfil a narrow and specific leaders, drug traffickers, celebrities and billionaires. The purpose. Special purpose entities are used to channel funds core of the scandal was 11.5 million leaked files from the to and from third countries and are commonly established in Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, which revealed countries that provide specific tax benefits for such entities. information about more than 214,000 secret companies Swiss Leaks hidden in 21 different offshore jurisdictions. These The Swiss Leaks scandal broke in 2015 when the companies were linked to individuals in more than 200 International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) countries and territories
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