Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 4-24-1974 Spectator 1974-04-24 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1974-04-24" (1974). The Spectator. 1418. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/1418 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. Pies, carnival, dances, party to raise money for Pat Smith CARE week continues today the highest donation will receive through Friday with a talk with an award at Friday's ASSU- FR.JOE MAGUIRE, S.J.,faces up to a pie for a good cause. Dr. Pat Smith, abarbecue and a sponsoreddance. Clowns got in on the action too at this weekend's carnival. dance still to come. Activities still tocomeinclude the talk with Dr. Smith at noon THE WEEK'S events are today inPigott Auditorium. She designed to raise money for Dr. will also present a slide show. Smith and her Kontum, Viet- nam, hospital. In conjunction THE BLACK Student Union with CARE, various clubs and and SAGA will sponsor dinner organizations have sponsored on the lawn tomorrow. Cost is several activities since Fridayin- $l-$1.50,dependingonthe meat. cluding dance, show, a talent a Friday, the week will carnival,live entertainment and culminate withthe ASSU beer party. dance a at 8:30 p.m.intheChieftain. Ad- Preliminary count, excluding mission is $1.50. Two bands, in- yesterday's beer party profits, cluding one that toured with show that at least a little over Earth, play. $700 has been raised so far. An Rare will anonymous donor has also In between times, students are promised $250. invited tospendthe—timebyplay- The Chinese Club has given ing various games monopoly,— thelargestdonation so far witha chess,checkers andcards inthe total of $431.67. The club with Tabard. SEATTLE UNIVERSITY Vol. XLII, No. 39 Wed., April 24, 1974 Seattle, Washington —photos by Rick Besler UFW's vice president clarifies their present position The farmworkers' struggle is seem to misuse their funds and sion funds, the reestablishment more than just a question of wewant toavoid that,"headded. of hiring halls rather than con- freedom of choice ofa salad;itis In clarification,though,headd- tractors and worker participa- a question of life and death for ed that when he discussed the tion in the negotiations, hesaid. the farmworker and his freedom Teamsters it was the leadership Much of this could be ac- ofchoice for agoodlife,explain- he was referring to, not the rank complished through abetterdis- ed Philip Vera Cruz, vice presi- and file membership. tribution of profits, he explain- dent of the United Farm "With the right kind of ed. Last year,some $26.1billion Workers, here Monday. leadership,"theTeamstersmight worth of food was produced,he be better, he said. But there said. VERA CRUZ was on campus seemed to be a "family quarrel "If this $26 billion had been Phillip to discuss various aspects of the within the union and the farm distributed to those who had Vera Cruz movement and to explain why workers are caught in the mid- really produced it (instead of the farmworkers want their own dle," Vera Cruz said. solely to the grower) no one independent contracts with the would be poor," he added. growersrather thanas partofthe THE UFW, he explained, Shouting vehemently he Teamsters union. wants to be able to say it pointed out that "our demand as Withan independentcontract, represents the workers and in- farm workers is for our rights; the UFW could guaranteetheir clude them in the negotiations. ourshareof the productin which workers more advantages, he The final contract would never we put our lives for others." said. In addition, they "don't be approved until the workers want to be part of a big union had approvedit also, he added. "IT'S NOT too much toask you who has doubtful relations with Advantages he would like to to support a movement that is its workers," he said. see included infarm worker con- right." Too often, "the Teamsters tracts include higher wages,pen- Farm workers are trying to achieve their ends through a grape and lettuce boycott but boycott from a secondary one death at least, to separate the recently the emphasis of the (boycotting the store as well as body and thesoul,hepoints out. Winter enrollment boycott shifted alittle,VeraCruz the product) to only a primary By making the body sounder, said. one(boycotting theproduct only the soulshould follow,headded. Farm workers had urged the regardless of store). Vera Cruz was asked whythe up fromlast year boycott of Safeway stores but, With 14 million members of Teamsters seemto want the con- "while it succeeds in cutting the AFL-CIO endorsing the tracts so much and replied that Preliminary enrollment 2911. business," there are also union grape boycott, Vera Cruz he thinks "they are for power." figures show a rise in students The spring figure is down people in those stores who are believes success is almost "If they could organize us as over both last quarter and last somewhat from fall's 3159 final beinglaid off asaresult,hesaid. guaranteed. part of the Teamsters, it would spring. count but this is the third con- Farm workers,though,are not be a more powerfulunion finan- The preliminary count reflects secutive quarter that enrollment heartless, he added, and so they HE SEES the farm workers cially. But we don'thave trustin a current 3120 students; last has been over that of last year. came to an agreement with the struggle as not only one of a that union andso weare fighting quarter's final count was 3116 This year's fall increase was executive council of the AFL- labor movement buta social one for self determination," he add- and last spring the number was the first since 1968. CIO recently to change the as well. It's impossible, before ed. Sounding Board Reader says: Christianity isn't only social activism By Bill George might be liberated, byt that all oppressive nature of sin is per- regard women as full persons the promise of Christ's healing I would like to respond to a people might be set free from sonified in many ways. One ex- unless they realize themselves to grace for the sickness of sin question raised by an article in sin. At the hour of his painful ample is Pharoah and his army be lullpersons,children ofaGod which envelopes them. In fact, the April 17 Spectator -"Is this death he said of his own op- before God led the Israelites out who became a man and was we often delight in the sins and school Christian?" It occurs to pressors,"Forgive them Father; of Egupt and the bondage of mocked for his weakness. In moral failings of others and re- me that asa Christianinstitution they do not know what they are slavery. Today Isuppose we can short, we must teach oppressors sent their successes in ourhearts. we have an opportunityto make doing" ( Lk 23:34). And we might again personify sin the Com- to love themselves. In this regard, "conscience unique contributions to the recall that before his munists, the capitalists, the Iam not trying to simplify the raising," seeminglygood, can be larger community in the area of conversion before he was freed radical right, the radical left, the problem to the point ofavoiding a baneto us. It isof littlemerit to social justice. fromsin by Christ St.Paul was radically lukewarm all those all conflect between Christians learn of the many forms of op- FIRST OK all,because of our rather handy at oppressing peo- groups whom we see as op- and society or even among pression around us if the only Christianity, we should r>e able ple. pressive. Christians themselves. Conflict result is that resentment and to point out to society exactly So, asChristians we should be Yet the oppression which will be ever with us. But at least hatred well up withinus until we what the problem is. It is sin. Sin eager to join with all men and Christ encountered and over- we should recogni/e our com- areconscious only of the faults of is that which oppressesus; sin is womenof good will who see the came was not simply a per- mon adversary sin. it is others or if we are only led to that which keeps us from acting need for social justice. But we sonification of sin (i.e. a certain something weall can andMUST discouragement by learning in a truly human fashion would distort thegospelif wedid oppressive social structure such see in our own lives. With this more of what wealreadyknow because, of course, sin isaliena- not bring with us the knowledge as the Roman Empire), but sin awareness we can direct our that our society is corrupt. All tion from God. We as Christians of what it is that truly oppresses, itself. This is a new Exodus energiesand aggressions toward Christian "conscience raising" should not forget this. sin and where our true which goes beyond that first destroying its presence in must be directed toward in- In an age where oppression .salvationis tobe found, inChrist. Exodus of the Chosen People ourselves and others (which is, troducing the reality of Christ's can seemingly be measured by IIwe seethe gospelonlyinsocio- out of Egypt and it is one which not the sameasdestroyingothers loveand forgivenessof repentant statistics (i.e. in terms of wage political terms, then we have all of us are invited by Christ to who arc in sin).
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