PER AXKUAL SUBSCRIPTION REGISTERED FOR LIVERPOOL, JANUARY lst, 1956 PRICE 4d. POST Post Free 5/6 No. 892 TRANSMISSION ABROAD EDITION NEW AND IMPROVEDforeword Wright, With specialGuildhall Schoolby of Frank and _Esq., Professor . Adjudicator. MUSIC, eminent Rssa.n...- the greatest name CORNET-Rssan... of all in Cornets! TRUMPET TUTOR bands and individual players the sterling qualities associated with Loudis the proise of countless BESSON for an outstanding example. 9d. postage) instruments generally, the famous being 8y S. V. Balfour 16/8 (plus "NEW STANDARD Ull" CORNET but a few of the To those contemplating a new instrument this list of prominent players representing Send for it NOW a hundreds using this latest model should help in arrh�ng· at a decision-in favour of ! BESSON. BESSON, West Street, London, W.C.2. 15 1. N 0 R A N A S C R 0 FT D E R E K A R S I D E G M Fairey H Ba11d 6. C. (Manchester) Band W.S. L L I E BA RAt:iatio11 R Works E R V N R I F F I T S H 2. W I W.S. Band 7. M Y G Crencell Colliery Band Scottish C. Band Teqchers, Adjudicators and Soloists K E I T C A L D E L L T E D D R A 8. Y G Y 3. H FerodoW Works Band Fodens :Motor Works Band S 4. A A N C 0 L L I N S 9. R I C E R P H WALTER B. HARGREAVE · Y t. Hoo Silver Band M A U M UTV.C.O. Works Band 10. E R I C Y.E.A R D OF CORNET N D AV I ES , PROFESSOR Music) 5. G WY J1orris l\1otors Band D K WBrighouse Rastrick Band (Ro:val Marines School of & Send to-day for particulars and prices of the" New Standard J 81" and all Band Instruments CONDUCTOR AND ADJUDICATOR 34 VICTORIA ROAD DEAL - KENT. ---------- GEO. HAWKINS (Band Teacher) 13, HOBSICK, BRINSLEY, NOTTS. ory and Harmony by post Teacher of The JOHN FAULDS, M.B.E. BAND TEACHER ADJUDICATOR AND LONDON, w. c. 2 TEMPLE BAR 9018/9 44 KENNEDY CRESCENT, KIRKCALDY, ': i FIFE '1IAROLD LAYCOCK PR!lVATE POST� PUPILS on BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR To All Our Friends • • • ·23 LOWSON TERRACE FORFAR, ANGUS GOOD LUCK AND BEST WISHES FOR DAVID ASPINALL D r<: tor, Mades Works' Musical i c Ransome & Band (Late and NEW YEAR Fri11r7 A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS Conductor,B reCreswellery Bands) Colliery w BAND TEACHER, BAND AND CHOR.At TRUST TO LUCK WITH YOUR CONTEST ADJUDICATOR BUT DON'T "PRIORY VIEW," 14 FRIARY ROAD, INSTRUMENT SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS . NEWARK-@N-TRENT, NOTTS. Tel: Newarlo: 456·7-8"9 TRUST S. S. H. ILIFFE BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR Nl,JTFIELD ROAD, LEICESTER OUR ONLY ADDRESS: ESTABLISHED 1862 10 ..me Ok/ pj.rOI.-- Tel.: BLACKFRIARS 5530 EDWARD C. BUTTRESS 43 SALFOR D J BAND T.EACHER AND ADJUDICATOR The Clayton Aniline Co. Ltd., Manchester, 11 CHAPEL STREET MANCHEST_ER East 1341 Ext. 31 H. MUDDIMAN BAND T�ACHER AND ADJUDICATOR · . , � "AoHBURN,'' ALLOA "-'I '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-'-'''''''. '''''''''''' ''z � . � � � . I · J. BODDICE BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR 13 LAKE ROAD, WOODLANDS, . DONCASTER. I STILL UNEQUALLED! THROUGHOUT THE YEARS J� � .HAROLD BARKER MAYERS & HARBISON LTD. (Mm;ical 'Director. Late Creswell Colliery) � � � YES! EVEN WHILE MOST COMPETITORS ARE OFFERING THEIR LATEST WARES, � BAND' T�ACHER AND ADJUDICATOR � "SOMERVILLE," ECKINGTON � MAYERS & HARRISON IS STlLL THE ·CHOICE OF MUSICIANS EVERYWHERE, . � � . .. ' SHEFFIELD WHO REALIZE THAT TODAY AS AJ_WAYS, THERE IS NO VALUE LIKE � Phone : Edtington 273 � JOHN FLETCHER MAYERS & HARRISON'S VALUE for NEW AND RECONDITIONED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Lieut.' � � PROF°l!:SSIONAL. CONDUCTOR � AND � � ADJUDICATOR � Phone CENtral 3639 and Save. � . Brass - Military - Orchestr·a � . � � � 7 COMMON LANE, SOUTHOWRAM, HALIFAX, YORKS. ---- -------- I . i HAROLD MOSS � MATERS dl; HARRISON LTD. � L.R.A.111., A.R.C.M., (Bandmastershlp) � Leyland Motors Band 207-215 GT. JA(;KSON STREET MANCHESTER� 15 Musical Director, � � TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR 1956 - THE BRASS - � BANDSMEN'S. DIARY 3/4d. '19S6 � p loma Exams., post) (Coach I.or Di etc., by � � n various Grades of the B.C.M:. � � Successes i �''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-'''''''-''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''�''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':''':'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''�''�''''''''''�''"''''''''''' Bandmastership Examinations' including 56 $ANDY LANE, LEYLAND 1-:'J"r. PRESTON, LANCS, LIVERPOOL BRASS BAND JOURNAL FOJl ·1956 --D- r. , DENIS WRIGHT CONDUCTOR, ADJUDICATOR. LECTURER. AND Extra pans 20 parts (each) 17 CRAWFORD AVENUE, Selection "Romeo and Juliet" Arr. Rimmer 7/6 Sd. W. WEMBLEY, MIDDLESEX. Selection " Recollections of Meyerbeer " Arr. J. A. Greenwood 7/6 Sd. Phone: Wembley 6322 Fantasia "A Summer Day " J. A. Greenwood 7 /6 Sd. Descriptive Fantasia "A Rustic Wedding" W. Rimmer .. 7/6 Sd. DRAKE RIMMER Descriptive Sketch "A Day With The Huntsmen" W. Rimmer .. 7 /6 Sd. BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICA'I'OR Chorus "Thou Alone Art Holy" Beethoven 6/6 4d. "MIRELLA," MILTON ROAD, Hymn Sheet "Famous Welsh Hymn Tunes" Arr. W. Rimmer 6/6 4d. KIRKCALDY Waltz " Idle Hours" W. Rimmer 6/6 4d. Phone KIRKCALDY 284 Scena "The Miserere" (II Trovatore) Verdi .. 4/- Jd. .. ..• Solo " Ora Pro Nobis" Piccolomini 4/- "30HN BALDWIN -. 3d. -arch .. " Caractacus" W. Layman 3d. L.G. M. , B.B.C.M. � 4/- S. March (Sacred) " Eternal Rest " H. Round 4/- 3d. BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR March .. " Marching Home " W. Halsey 4/- Jd. ASPER STREET, NETHERFIELD, NOTTINGHAM. 13 Popular (reprints) Pieces value £3 17s., which we offer at the following Subscription Rates- 'Phone : 24-870.J. ------ Any 20 Parts £2/5/-. Extra Parts 2/6d. each CECIL PEACOCK Scores published to "Romeo and Juliet," "Recollections of Meyerbeer," and "A Summer Day." Price 7/- each. TEACHER, CONDUCTOR AND ADJUDICATOR List, Samples, and Joy Book ready soon. 0 _ Brass l�strnment Teacher to the Durham Education Authorities WRIGHT & ROUND 34 ERSKINE STREET, 6 CHARLES STREET, EASINGTON LIVERPOOL, 6 COLLIERY, Co. DURHAM. 2 WRIGHT & RGUND'S BRASS BAND NEWS 1.st JANUARY, 1956. Teachers, Adjudicators and Soloist• Blind W. S. BOND MINOR ADVERTISEMEN TS - 20 BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR words 5/-. 1/- for each additional 10 words Remittances t accgmpany adve�- tisement, and reach us bf' the 24th of the month.• For Box addre.':'�: c 85 PORTIA STREET words, and add 6d. for forwardin& of replies. This rate does not appl;';,'0 T!!!�"., Ad�!:;:. I· \ SHINGTON, NORTHUMB RLAND SENSATION E B c e at e Cornettist E A SM ER ER BROOKES , r-pH B ND AN'S COLLEGE OF MUSIC T the l br d should made to the All-. --. ­ a e Wing t now opene for e gagem ts S ta , H RRY L (l � of en }- sem d e A i:_';,,})'[!; HERBERT asH a es) oris Adjudicator.- n � Moor l"{oad,ecre Bestwood,ry Mr. Nott . SUTCLIFFE Ro e e, 614 s ' From Only Soloist, Teacher, ___ __ _ -=-���::::::-=:---:==-:-_:_ :...._:..:_:_:=:_ _ Musical Di tor 29 BrookhonseAvenue, Peel Green, l\Ianchestcc. 0 S H re MEMORIAL � IA C OLARSHI_P O c HE R O WE SCHOL RSHIP FFERI LIMITED) ALEXANDE N A A LEp't�J:>E�hc 1?c,;;,d r:�� � 6' e (VICKL-:RS-ARMSTRONG T FUND. g g Examinations a I . r a C obtained from Full details be Quartet Contest will be held . ' 1 at BARROW SHIPYARD SILVER BAND the eMr.rdin B R can on Sunday Ma�ch ft'r'\'.9°!06•�1"P Smart and Attractive Secretary, U the Clayton Aniline cl d t J. TLE , 29 Levens , Works· �lanchester 'The os BAND TEACHER ADJUDICATOR S . A · c 10 mg ate wtll 'lSflSf AND reet, Maston, Manchester, 10. be Februaryt 16th 1956 ' ·The nnua Exainin 6 , . BAND, 1 S 1 1 arslup ISI,. S CABLE WOLU<S SILVER Newcastle, ah�n for he above Fu11d will be held on Saturday, March 7 ­ UNIF ORMS 41 CEDAR RGA'D, 1 u Slow Melody and 1 th Per R St_afls. A 1n al Quartette Contest to 19o6, at l'l�anchoster.For parliculars write to: �tr. J. BUTLER' Suit (Jacket & Trousers) BARROW-IN-FURNESS be held in the \Vorks C�ntccn, Saturday, :! February, 5 29 Leven s Street, i\1anchcstcr, 10. ' 5th 19 5. __ _:.... _ 2 of =-==�---:-:----- _______ Co1n1nence p.n:i.. Pnzes: lst Quartrttc Cha1npions11ip These are converted from 'shield and part-worn ex-police Uniforms, Midlands, "Rist's" Challenge £15-15-0 Cash· USICIANS WAN_ TED: BAND UE ' S 2nd, All OF THE Q E". GEORGE THOMPSON £10-10-0 Cash; 3rd, £5-5-0; '1th, £2-2-0. Entrance fe� M BAYS. " renovated and altered to individual _ mstruments: Three-year engagement measurements. 10/- each Quar t etle. SI ow Melody: lst, Trophy and £3 Cash· Milit ary IJand and_ Dance Orchestra. B B M , 2nd, 3rd, Trophy Best llass. Entranc� IJoys15-1 7 vears, •om� THEY AR . L . £1-10-0 Cash; 15/-. for �nowledge of music essential. Apply: E REALLY ASTOUNDING VALUE. Send C .G S.M Adjudicator, Mr. All our usual amen- of 41 Mr. w. JACKSON BAND TEACHER ANO ADJUDICATOR foe 2/6. C. Buttress. Pr1\lce George Cumberland, ' · NO E t a ts lease E. F. "ood, London. " Mackennal Street St' for range of samples W ities. n r n p apply to Mr. JOHl\SON, 10 Ridon ohn s NW8. and Prices. Many pleasing designs available. Associated Teacher to the Bandsman's Ave11ue, Chesterton, Staffs. Closing elate for entries-Feb. th. J _ 11 AND 2nd DN. THE PARACHUTE College of Music exist Bl> l<EGIME·:'\ - TAFF BAND-Royal Army Or<luanceCorps has immediate B Vacancies for Clariuet Tenor . d B·�ss. T rotn-1 Vacancy Pianist, Flute and Piccolo, bones, Al;o for aud 1 282, WELLING BOROUGH ROAD, S fo� E aud String Euphoniun1s and Basses go pianist at!d considered.
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