Spring 1996 Volume 23 Number 2 School of Dentistry Gears Up for NIH Award Program to Support UW Dental 50th Anniversary Celebration Scholars The Dental Alumni Association is chasing 50 simulator stations for the dental The School of Dentistry was re- pleased to announce that plans are under- student pre-clinical laboratory, took off cently presented with an Institution- way to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of with a bang. During the first days of the al Dentist Scientist Award Program the dental school. Several exciting events campaign, more than $50,000 in pledges by the National Institute of Health/ are scheduled for October 18 and 19 in was received in the UW Dental Alumni National Institute of Dental Re- commemoration of this great milestone; Office. Almost 50% of the pledges were search. This training program one and all are urged to attend! for $1,000 or more! Dean Paul Robertson provides support for dental scholars On Friday, October 18, there will be a gratefully received the good news saying, for five years as they train in a dental continuing dental education program “This modern simulation facility is essen- specialty and complete studies lead- in Hogness Auditorium, “Clinical Den- ing to a Ph.D. tistry for the Next Century,” which will The participating UW graduate feature distinguished faculty and gradu- dental specialty programs are ates of the dental school speaking on Endodontics, Orthodontics, Oral state-of-the-art oral care across the disci- Medicine, Periodontics, Prosth- plines. On Friday, October 18 faculty, odontics, and Pediatric Dentistry. staff and students will conduct an open Ph.D. training is in basic biomedical house throughout the school. sciences, biobehavioral, and epide- A sumptuous gala dinner is planned miology pathways. for Friday evening in the ballroom of the The program will support train- Stouffer Madison Hotel in downtown Se- ing for two students beginning in attle. A block of rooms has been reserved each of the next five years, so that at the hotel for our out-of-town alumni. within five years the School of UW President Richard McCormick is only Dentistry will have ten total trainees. one of the many distinguished guests who According to Dr. Beverly Dale- are planning to attend. You will not want Crunk, Graduate Program Director to miss this never-to-be-forgotten evening. within the Department of Oral Saturday, October 19 will begin with Biology, “These trainees, with both the annual pre-game homecoming professional and Ph.D. training, will brunch. All are welcome, whether at- form an important cadre of faculty tending the game or not. The UW Dental tial to the education of our students and I members for dental schools in Alumni Homecoming Game against join them in thanking our dedicated alum- the future.” UCLA will follow the brunch. 200 tick- ni for their generous and caring support.” ets will be available from the Dental As this issue went to press, the total Alumni Office. amount of pledges received was $140,000. After the game, and on Sunday, alumni WAY TO GO! IN THIS ISSUE are free to gather as classes or in small A Graduate Alumni Campaign to raise groups. If you wish assistance in contact- $400,000 is also in progress and more than DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR SELECTED 5 ing your classmates, Randy Newquist, As- $30,000 has been raised so far. Sue Cor- sistant Director of Alumni Services (206/ bett, Director of Development stated that STUDENT PROFILES 6 543-7297) can help you. “it is our hope that our graduate alumni UPCOMING EVENTS 7 Please plan early to join us. also will meet the critical educational OPERATIVE DENTISTRY JOURNAL 10 needs of their future colleagues.” GRAD PROGRAMS UPDATE 12 ALUMNI ANNIVERSARY CAMPAIGNS CLASS NOTES 18 The Alumni Anniversary Class Chal- DEAN JONES LECTURE 22 lenge, organized with the purpose of pur- 1 The next six months are going to be ex- Many Practical Uses of Adhesive Dental President’s Message citing ones for the Dental Alumni Associa- Materials.” The alumni luncheon will be in J. MARTIN ANDERSON tion. The campaign to raise $1 million in the Don James Center and Dr. Tom Mor- gifts and pledges for the preclinical simu- ton will give a “state-of-the-school” re- lation clinic will be in full swing. It is grat- port. An update on the Anniversary ifying to note that 170 pledges have campaign for the simulation clinic will already been received and $140,000 has also be presented at the luncheon. been pledged. Most of you have received a Another date that should be on your p letter and a pledge card from your class calendar is Friday, July 12 when we will representative by now. If you have not sponsor the Sixth Annual All-Classes heard from your class rep, you will very Reunion Dinner in the Columbia Tower shortly. Remember that your class is being Club. This will be a great evening and the challenged to pledge at least $20,000 to Distinguished Alumnus Award will be pre- purchase a unit for the simulation clinic. sented. Be sure to be at this event; it is a Our goal as alumni is to purchase fifty great time to get together and renew simulation units for the new teaching clin- friendships with your fellow alumni! ic for our dental students. Your financial commitment is greatly appreciated and we know we can count on our alumni to dem- The really big event of the year will be onstrate their support. the kick-off dinner for 50 Years of Excel- The faculty have also demonstrated their strong support for our school and our lence in Dental Education. At this event students. Recently, UW President McCor- mick offered to match faculty dollars and we will be paying special tribute to the our faculty claimed 9% of the total funds first class to graduate from the School of available. Forty of the faculty contributed $17,900 to 16 different eligible funds. This Dentistry—the class of 1950. is a wonderful demonstration of support A BIG WELCOME TO OUR NEW and commitment by our faculty. Thanks! ALUMNI BOARD REPS! There can be no doubt that the commit- The really big event of the year will be During the course of this past year, the ments you make as a member of the UW on Friday, October 18 when the kick-off Dental Alumni Association has seen some Dental Alumni Association make an im- dinner for 50 Years of Excellence in Dental transition in the make-up of the Board of pact in the quality of the student experi- Education will take place at the Stouffer Trustees. Please join us as we welcome our new Class Representatives, and express ence. Your alumni dues go a long way in Madison Renaissance Hotel. This should our appreciation to those that they replace supporting scholarships, emergency loan be a gala evening and celebration for all for their dedicated service. These funds, the summer research student sup- alumni. At this event we will be paying volunteer representatives provide essential port, Practice Opportunities Program, the special tribute to the first class to graduate input on how we can best meet the needs freshman retreat at Fort Worden, and stu- from the School of Dentistry—the class of of the School, students, and dental community. dent social hours. Your generous support 1950. Plan to be there! makes these things possible. Your Dental Alumni Association has a Incoming Members Plan ahead! Three big events should be full agenda. Sue Corbett, Dan Middaugh, Burton Goodman (‘53) on your calendar. The twenty-sixth annual Randy Newquist and their support staff in Peter Riley (‘62) Ernest M. Jones Memorial Lectureship is the Dental Alumni Office are hard at work scheduled for Friday, March 22 in Hog- providing the dental alumni with a great Patrick Fleege (‘70) ness Auditorium. Chairperson Dexter Bar- program of excellence for our students and Replaces Guy Lemmon (deceased) nes will introduce W. Daniel Sneed, Chair our school. I am proud of our school and I of General Dentistry at the Medical Uni- hope that you will continue to give it your John Ive (‘77) versity of South Carolina as the speaker generous support! Michael Hrankowski (‘82) this year. His topic: “Making It Stick: The Richard Green (‘83) Carrie York (‘91) Replaces Mark Stockwell 2 Alumni Homecoming Event A Hit November 18, 1995 was the big day. For those devout Huskies fans who stuck it out in the pouring rain, the dramatic conclusion was well worth it. The Huskies made a field goal in the last few minutes and won the game 33-30. A last desperate Cougar attempt failed. Over 130 of these fans attended the Dental Alumni Association’s pre-game brunch at the Urban Horticulture Center and enjoyed the spirited decorations, hearty fare and stim- ulating conversations with fellow grads and their families. Dr. Dave Minahan (‘75), chair of the Alumni Steering Committee in charge of the “50 Years of Excellence in Dental Education” Alumni Anniversary events, welcomed the guests and briefly spoke about the exciting upcoming alumni events involved in this cel- ebration. Michael Martin, a third-year dental student, demonstrated the pre-clinical sim- ulation unit which was on display for those who had not yet seen it. 3 In the event that you are still deciding ■ For Medicine, the Commission recommends Dean’s Column what the Dean should do with the Institute reducing the number of graduate medical PAUL B. ROBERTSON training positions, reducing by the year 2005 of Medicine (IOM) recommedations, a the size of the entering medical school class whole new set of proposals for education in the U.S.
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