CENSUS 1971 PARTS X-A & B VILLAGE & TOWN SERIES 17 DIRECTORY PUNJAB VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT DISTRICT CENSUS KAPURTHALA HANDBOOK DISTRICT P. L. SONDHI H. S. KWATRA OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE OF THE PUNJAB CIVil, SERVICE Ex-Officio Director of Census Opemtions Deputy Director of Census Opemtions PUNJAB PUNJAB Motif-- GURDWARA BER SAHIB, SULTANPUR LODHI Gurdwara Be?" Sahib is a renowned place of pilgrimage of the Sikhs. It is situated at Sultanpur Lodhi, 16 miles South of Kapurthala, around a constellation of other Gurdwaras (Sikh Temples) associated with the early life of Guru Nanak Dev. It is n:a,.med after the 'Ber', tree under which Guru Nanak Dev used to meditate. Legend has it that sterile women beget child7'en after takinq leaves of this tree. The old Gu'rdwara was re-constructed by the joint effo'rts of Maharaja Jagatjit Singh of Kapurthala, Maharaja Yadvindra Singh of Patiala and Bhai Arjan Singh of Bagrian. A big fair is held at this Gurdwara on Guru Nanak Dev's birthday. Motif by :­ J. S. Gill. 15 '40' PUNJAB DISTRICT KAPURTHALA s· KILOIUTRES S o 5 10 15 20 4 8 12 MILES 4 o· 3 " Q TO JUL LlJNDllR <' ~O "'''<, U ""a". I. \.. u .) . 31 DISTRICT 80UNOARV..... POST' TtLEGftAPH OFfiCE "................. P'T TAHSIL BOUNDARY.. _TALlil PRIMARV HEALTH DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS .. CENTRE S IMATERNITY • CHIlD T"HSIL HEADQUARTERS. WELfARE CENTRES ............... - ... $ NATIONAL HIGHWAY .. liECONDARY SCHOOL./COl.LEGE .............•..• , OTHER METAI.LED ROAII.. 45 BROAD GAUGE RAILWAYS WITH STATIOfll. ... RS 4 RIVER .. - CANAL .. UklAII AREA •.. RUT HOUSE .... VILLAQES HAVING POPULATION 5000+ URBAN POPULATION " 50.000 PERSONS 10.000 •... POCI(E r FOR ROPAlf OJ$T/ucr at ... POCKET '01' kAPUA'I'HAtA • ". ,,- 71· ~ Tt- FIGURES ABOVE THE SPHERES INDICATE POPULATION Of THE TOWN 45. __7,6_°_ ..__ _ CENSUS OF INDIA, 1971 A-CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS The 1971 Census Reports on Punjab will bear uniformly Series No. 11 and will be ,Pl!blished in the following Parts ;- PART I-A General Report. PART I-B General Report (Detailed analysis of tiw- ~m'ilg'(aphic, Soci~l, Cl.\ltural and Mig~~.tion Patterns) .l!, PART I-C SUbsidiary Tables. PART II-A General Population Tables. PART U-B Economic Tables. Pa_"RT.IL-C(it Mothcrtonguc, Religion and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Tables. PART n-<2(ii} S~cial and Cultur~l,Ta})les and FerlWty Tables. ..- ~ PART Ill,. Esta·blisJ,mlent Report and Tables:- PART IV Housing Report and Tables. PARTV Special Tables and Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. PART VI-A To~n Directory. Y~RT VI-B SpeCial SU1'vey Re20rts on selected Towns. PART;-~ SUQ'sy Reports on selected Villages. - -- PAR'L'VU -Speeial Report on Graduates and T(lchnical Personnel. PART VIII-A Administration Report- Enumeration (for official use only). PART VIII-B Administration Report- Tabulation (for officlaillse only). PART IX Census Atlas. PART IX-A Aq1niniStrativ( <At_las. B-STATE GOVERNM:EN'f.. PUBLICATIONS PART X District Census Handbooks for each district in three P~lfts­ PART A-Village_ and Town Directory PART B-Villagr ang. Town-'Yise-l?rimary Census Abstract }> AR T- C-Analytical Repart, Adminlstratio~~tistics and District Cc~sus Tables. Note.-Pal'ts A and B of the District Census Han~books have been printed in one volume. (Ji) COM TENTS Pages PREFACE V FIGURES AT A GLANCE Vii ., A GL[MPSE INTO THE DJ STRlCT _, Part A-Village and Town Directory Introductory Nott on District Census Handbook 5 Note on Village Directory 8 Note on Town Ditectory 13 Village Directory- Kapurthala Tahsil 20 Sultanpur Lodhi Tahsil 40 Phagw<tru Tahsil 52 APPENDIX- Tahsilwise Abstl'act of Educational, Medical and other Amenities 58 Town Directory- Statement I Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 62 Statement II Physical aspects and Location of Towns, 1969 63 Statement III Municipal Finance, 1968-69 64 Statement IV Civic and other amenities, 1969 65 Statement V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities in Towns, 1969 66 Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1969 67 Statement VB Population by Religion, 1971 68 APPENDIX List of urban areas with their location code number 69 Part B-Villa~e and Town-wise Primary Census Abstract Explanatory Note on PrimarY Census Abstract 73 Primary Census Abstract Kapurthala District 78 Alphabetical Jist of villages Kapurthala Tahsil 83 Primary CenS.us Abstract Kapurthala Tahsil 88 Alphabetical list of villages Sultanvur Lodhi Tashil 107 Primary Census Abstract Sultanpur Lodhi Tahsil 110 Alphabetical list of villages Phagwara Ta hsil 121 Primary Census Abstract Phagwara Tahsil ]24 ( iii) Pages Maps District Map Frontispiece Kapurth9.1a Tahsil Facing page 83 sultanpur Lodhi Tahsil Facing Page 107 Phagwara Tahsil Facing Page 121 (iv) PREFACE In the publication of the District Census Handbooks we have the privilege of carrying one of the impor­ tant census traditions to the 1971 Census. Their publication was first taken up at the 1951 Census for making census statistics available for the smaller territorial units. In the 1961 Census, attempts were made to make this publication more informative with the addition of data about level of development and amenities available in villages. There was, however, great delay in the publication of this valuable reference compendium. The delay occurred on account of the fact that the compilation of the Handbook had to wait till the complete tabula­ tion programme was got through. The compilation of administrative statistics for inclusion in the Handbook also took a long time. As a result, the town and village-wise primary census data could not be released pending their formal publication even though there was constant demand for it., In view of these considerations, it was decided at the 1971 Census that the District Census Handbook would be divided into three convenient parts so that at least Parts A and B, which contain essential data down to the village and town levels, could be released quickly. Accordingly Parts A & B of the District Census Handbook of kapurfhala are presented in this Hand­ book. Part (A) contains the Village and Town Directory and Part (B) Village aiid Town-wise Primary Censu s Abstract. It is for the first time that data about urban areas is being presented in: a' sepanHe part "Town Direc­ tory" at the 1971 Census. The Village Directory presents comprehensive infornlation on various facets ofeach village. Alphabetical List of villages has also been inserted in the Handbook. 2. There are 108 towns and 12,188 inhabited villages in the Punjab State. It was, indeed, a formi­ dable task to collect and compile voluminous data for such a large number of units. The collection of area figures and land use data, in particular, presented serious difficulties especially when these figures somewhat differed from those given at the tahsil and district level by the Director of Land Records. We had to make several gruelling cross-checks to adopt the area figures finally for each village. 3. It was not considered necessary to have a penetrating analysis of any particular item of the data in Parts (A) and (B) of this Ha,pdbook ; this could be taken up by the Census Organisation itself or some other agency later during the inter-censal period. The census data users and scholars would perhaps feel satisfied with the statistical data being presented in this Handbook quickly on the heels of the census count in the country. 4. This Report, as at the last Census, continues to be a State Government publication as it is financed by them. Its compilation and write-up have been done by the Census Directorate at Chandigarh on behalf of the State Government. The views expressed in this are that of the State Census Organisation, which is under the direct control of the Government of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs. 5. In the collection of data, we had to take help from a large number of personnel of the State Revenue Department at the village, tahsil and district level and of the municipal staff in towns. But for their generous co-operation in filling up of the lengthy schedules regarding availability of amenities and level of development it would not have been possible to achieve the desired objectives in time. It is certainly difficult to thank sepa­ rately each individual functionary engaged on this project. Nevertheless we are keen to convey our profound gratitude to all those who have worked directly or indirectly on this project. At the Census Directorate, Shri S. K. Agarwal, Assistant Director, Census Operations, assisted by a team of zealous workers (Shri R. L Kalsia, Tabulation Officer, Shri N. S. Bhadauria, Statistical Assistant SjShri Malkit Singh, and Parkash Sharma, Computors) has compiled the census and administrative statistics in the form of Village and Town Directories. The initial c}fupiiation of the Villa.ge Directory was done by Shri Vishwa Mittu, S. A' under the <\b1c glljda.llc~ or sltri D. P Jain, Tabui:ttioll Officer. We LlWe a debt of gratitude to all *h~se officials for the effort and labour they have put in for the timdy production of this Handbook (v) In the Map Section, S/Shrl Madho Shyam. surinderjit singh and Kulbir Singh have done a neat 'ob in the preparation of the maps under the stewardship of Shri G.S. Gill, Tabulation Officer. Dr. B.K· koy, Map Officer, in the office of the Registrar. General, New Delhi, provided valuable guidance in the preparation of the maps. S/Shri Madan La1, and K. C. Pardesi, Stenographers, have worked hard for the l'l"oduction of the final draft on their machines. We wish to acknowledge our gratitude to all of them.
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