Western Outdoor Times December 2017 >âLÜ°VÊUÊÜiÃÌiÀÕÌ`ÀÌiðV A Publication of Arizona Boating & Watersports BOAT I N G | CA M P I N G | F I S H I N G | RV I N G | S H O OT I N G S P O R T S | WAT E R S P O R T S | W I L D L I F E FOR THE HOLIDAYS Slip Into Something Colorful Boating Pages 4-6 Tackle & Target Pages 7-9 Land Cruising Pages 10-13 Western Wildlife Pages 14-15 December 2017 / Vol. 13, No. 5 Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! HUZZAH! The ‘Raucous Revelry’ Returns Always a highlight of a new year, the annual Arizona Renaissance Festival is coming soon to the Valley of the Sun. Don’t miss Raucous Revelry at the An- that special someone — so much to see and nual Arizona Renaissance Festival! The do. Eat Drink and be Merry is the order of the Arizona Renaissance Festival is a medieval day at the Village of Fairhaven. In addition to ON THE COVER amusement park, a 13-stage theater, a 30-acre Saturdays and Sundays, the festival is open circus, an arts and crafts fair, a jousting tour- Presidents’ Day, Monday, Feb. 19. nament and a feast — all rolled into one non- Color Us stop, day-long family adventure. You never Details NQRZZKDW\RXZLOO¿QGRQRURIIWKHVWDJH :KHUHFestival Village, 12601 East This unique outdoor event combines en- Highway 60 Gold Canyon, Ariz. Thankful tertainment and wares reminiscent of what :KHQSaturday, Feb. 10 to Sunday, may have been found in a 16th Century Eu- April 1, 2018, recurring weekly on Sunday, )RUWKHMR\VRIWKHKROLGD\VHD ropean village market celebrating the arrival Saturday son, of the King and Queen to their shire. Walk ,QIRUPDWLRQPhone: (520) 463-2600 )RUWKHORYHRIIDPLO\DQGIULHQGV through the gates to be transported back in 7LPH 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. )RUWKHEHDXW\RIRXURXWGRRUV time. 3ULFLQJ Discount tickets are adult $24, )RUWKHFKDQFHWRERDWKXQW¿VK Mingle with over 2,000 costumed charac- children 5-12, $14 when purchased at Fry’s camp, and travel in this incredible ters, eat a giant roasted turkey leg; take part Food stores; children under 5 are always free. Southwest, in games of chance and skill; cheer on your Tickets purchased at the Festival are two dol- See , Page favorite knight; select a handcrafted rose for lars more. THANKFUL 19 FUN FOR THE FAMILY Cut Your Own Merry Christmas Tree The 2017 holiday season is upon us! And, the fall. Permit sales and tree cutting gener- as we creep towards the end of the year, those ally start a week or so before Thanksgiving. celebrating Christmas have a big item placed For those familiar with prior years’ near the top of their to-do lists. Christmas tree permits, the cutting area is Saturday, Nov. 18 was the start of the 2017 expected to be the same area on the Mogol- Christmas Tree Cutting Season. Permits went lon Rim Ranger District, with permits avail- on sale Friday, Nov. 17 and will end just be- able at the Blue Ridge Ranger Station (300 fore Christmas. Permits are sold over-the- permits), Flagstaff Ranger District (200 per- counter at the Mogollon Rim Ranger District PLWV DQG6XSHUYLVRU¶V2I¿FH SHUPLWV 2I¿FH)RUHVW6XSHUYLVRU¶V2I¿FHDQG)ODJ More details will soon be available. VWDII5DQJHU'LVWULFW2I¿FH Learn how to obtain a Christmas tree per- Picking Out A Christmas Tree mit and get information about the cutting area For those looking to get a natural tree for for the Coconino National Forest. Informa- tion for the upcoming season is announced in See CHRISTMAS TREE, Page 19 TRIPSAVVY.COM ‘PACKAGES FROM HOME’ 2017 COMMISSION AWARDS Although They Are Away, You Can AZGFC Honors Arizonans Who Send Holiday Joy To Our Veterans Contribute To Our Outdoor Heritage The annual Arizona Game and Fish sented concurrently with As the giving season approaches, there Commission Awards Banquet will be held is a special program that assures that those dinner to allow for more on Saturday, Jan. 13, 2018, at the Point live music and dancing who are serving our country are not forgot- Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort, 11111 N. 7th ten: “Packages from Home”. afterward. Street, Phoenix, Ariz. The event will hon- We are looking for- Generally, the smaller, travel sizes of hy- or the recipients of the 2017 Commission ward to a great celebration giene and food supplies are recommended. Awards that were selected at the Commis- Some of the items that our service members sion’s Sept. 8 meeting. of all our award recipients and particularly appreciate receiving are the fol- The purpose of these awards is to recog- are expecting this to be our best banquet lowing: nize Arizonans who have contributed sig- ever. The cost is $65 per individual. Hygiene Supplies such as foot or body QL¿FDQWO\WRWKHFRQVHUYDWLRQRIWKHVWDWH¶V powder, hand sanitizer, eye drops, lip balm, wildlife, its outdoor heritage, and the mis- First In 1991 sunscreen, deodorant (not anti-prespirant), brushes, band aids, toilet paper, tissue packs sion of the Arizona Game and Fish Depart- The Arizona Game and Fish Commis- lotions, shampoo and conditioner (travel (travel size), bug repellent, cool ties, etc. ment. VLRQKHOGLWV¿UVWDQQXDODZDUGVEDQTXHWRQ size), hair products, wet wipes (unscented), )RRG,WHPVsuch as single drink mixes, The banquet will begin with a social Jan.12, 1991. Since then, a total of 374 re- feminine products, disposable razors, shav- hour and live music at 5 p.m. followed by ing cream, toothpaste (small size), tooth- See VETERANS, Page 19 dinner at 6 p.m. The awards will be pre- See HERITAGE, Page 19 In This Month’s Issue Boating Holiday Events Downstream ..........................2 ISE Adds Family- Lighted-Boats Boating ...............................4-6 Fun Features Celebrate The Season Tackle & Target ..................7-9 TThe 18th annual ISE Watch the waters has announced several RV/Land Cruising ..........10-13 sparkle during three of changes to the March our favorite Southwest Western Wildlife ............14-15 22-25 event/Page 4 parades/Page 4 Recipients of 2008 and 2013 AZGFC THE CREW Media of the Year and 2009 National $= &$ www.azbw.com Water Safety Congress Award of Merit Linus www.westernoutdoortimes.com 2016 AZGF Writer Of The Year We at Arizona Boating/Western Outdoor Times are thankful for all the joys this season brings and for the many of you who have shared the outdoors with us for over a dozen years of publication. Publisher Special Features Editor BASS Henri Hurrier M.D.R. Proctor Jim Allen John Koleszar The entire contents of “Arizona Boating & Watersports” and “Western Outdoor Times” are Becky Thompson Jack Innis National Park Service FRS\ULJKWHGE\$UL]RQD%RDWLQJ :DWHUVSRUWV//&1RSDUWPD\EHUHSURGXFHGLQ Editor Birding Editor Bill Roecker Jackson Bridges NAU Athletics any form without the express written consent of the Publisher. 7620 E. Mckellips Rd, Ste. Carol L. Allen The Late Margie Allen BoatU.S. Jane Lemon Mott Patrick Horning 6FRWWVGDOH$= Production Manager Bureau of Reclamation Phoenix Power Squadron Distribution Janet Bosley Angela Ogden Chelle Brookes Rory Aikin, “Arizona Boating & Watersports” and “Western Outdoor Times” are published monthly. Leslie Manes Jay Williams The Late Lisa Christi Brookes Rose and Ron Werner Marketing/Sales Jerry Tate John Campbell Brookes-Haws Daryl Horsman SAPC All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by AZBW / WOT, using John Campbell artwork and/or typography furnished or arranged by AZBW/WOT shall be the property of Outdoors Editor Debbie Huntsman Superstition Search & Rescue Contributors Kelsee Haws $=%::271RVXFKDGRUDQ\SDUWWKHUHRIPD\EHUHSURGXFHGRUDVVLJQHGZLWKRXWWKH Margie Anderson Arizona Game and Fish DJ Proctor The Late Lisa Brookes-Haws Kip Pollay consent of the publisher. Shooting Sports Editor Department Don McDowell The Late Tom Nunes John Anderson ASU Bass Team Ed Huntsman Lost Our Home Tonto National Forrest Arizona State Parks LPSC Salt WaterFishing Editor AWA Fur and Feather USA Water Ski Stories ideas and photos are welcome. We do not assume responsibility for unsolicited Don McDowell AYC Gloria Bryson Pyszka Mary Syrett Wayne Gustaveson material. The expressed views of our advertisers and contributors are presented for reader interest only. Publishing them neither constitutes endorsement by AZBW/WOT nor necessarily refl ects the opinions of those involved with this publication. DOWNSTREAMTM'HFHPEHU(YHQWV&DOHQGDU BOATING the Deuce of Clubs. 11 pm – midnight. 928- CHRISTMAS DAY 532-4140 or http://www.showlowchamber. 12/1 and 2 LAKE HAVASU CITY: Annual DECEMBER 25 com/ Boat Parade of Lights; see story on page 4 BOXING DAY (CANADA) EXPOS/SHOWS 12/9 TEMPE TOWN LAKE: Fantasy of Lights Boat Parade; see story on page 4 DECEMBER 26 3/22-25, 2018: SCOTTSDALE’S WEST 12/10 and 17 SAN DIEGO BAY: Parade of WORLD: International Sportsmen’s Ex- Lights; see story on page 4 NEW YEARS DAY position and Arizona Boat Show® (ISE) — JANUARY 1 See story on page 4. CAMPING/RVING/AZ OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES tors. The parade begins on Central Avenue & hundreds of costumes and the beauty and SHOOTING SPORTS/ Montebello and ends at 7th Street and Indian athleticism of Ballet Arizona’s nationally ARCHERY Dec. 2-3 APACHE JUNCTION: Family School. All entries lined with electric lights, recognized dancers, a timeless holiday tradi- Campout – Lost Dutchman State Park. Ideal IURPÀRDWVWRPDUFKLQJEDQGVSHUIRUPDQFH tion for all ages. Choreography by artistic di- BEN AVERY CLAY TARGET CENTER: IRUWKRVHQHZWRFDPSLQJ$QDFWLYLW\¿OOHG groups, car groups and families. Free. 7 pm. rector Ib Andersen danced to Tchaikovsky’s Ongoing — Open seven days a week; (623) ZHHNHQG FRXOG LQFOXGH ¿VKLQJ DUFKHU\ 602-262-6437 or https://www.phoenix.gov/ famous score, with the Phoenix Symphony. 434-8119 mountain biking, hiking, or birding, depend- parks/elp 602-381-1096 or http://balletaz.org/ ing on the date and park chosen.
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