Form 10-306 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (Oct. 1972) NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Arizona NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Coconino INVENTORY - NOMINATION FORM FOR NFS USE ONLY FOR FEDERAL PROPERTIES ENTRY DATE (Type all entries - complete applicable sections) 101974 Tasayan Ruins (G.L.A. 22Q..g) STREET AND NUMBER: Grand Canyon National Park, T30N, R5E, G .& SR CITY OR TOWN: CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: Grand Canyon Third ""65CODE COUNTY: m Arizona Coconino 003 CATEGORY ACCESSIBLE OWNERSHIP STATUS (Check One) TO THE PUBLIC District rj] Building Public Public Acquisition: I 1 Occupied Yes: S' te L7] Structure Private [""'] In Process Q Unoccupied I | Restricted CD Object Both [~~1 Being Considered |~1 Preservation work [^ Unrestricted in progress a NO PRESENT USE (Check One or More as Appropriate) Q Agricultural Q Government £P Park Transportation I ] Comments Q Commercial Q] Industrial [~1 Private Residence Other (-Specify; Q Educational | | Military [~~| Religious [~~1 Entertainment | | Museum [~"1 Scientific National Park Service REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS: (If applicable) STREET AND NUMBER: BOX .Westerfl ..Regional" Of flee_r U50 Golden Gate Are., 36063 CITY OR TOWN: ii^PMiiii^^i^^ COURTHOUSE, REGISTRY OF DEEDS, ETC: _____Goconino County Courthouse STREET AND NUMBER: CITY OR TOWN: Flagstaff TI/TLE OF SURVEY: DATE OF SURVEY: DEPOSITORY FOR SURVEY RECORDS: STREET AND NUMBER: NATIONAL REGISTER CITY OR TOWN: (Check One) Excellent Good QFair Deteriorated Ruins [~1 Unexposed CONDITION (Check One) (Check One; Altered Unaltered Moved (]£] Original Site DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (if known) PHYSICAL APPEARANCE Preservation recommended This pueblo was_originj^l.y "_U-s^ It was built~e»f^^ T^eguarly-shaped boulders ? la id in^clayjnortar. The pueblo has T^een "' "A two-story living section formed the western jside, four rooms on t h^ lower """floor 7 "tbree above V At "^ie"''sV3^>hwestern corner was a partly subterranean circular room, the kiva. NoirGE"a'nd "south wings•*• consistedV of small sijorage^^ooms'^^^ne^stog^^high,»^, -w* -1,--^—— fW*^ -" *f*->————^,,^ ______ „»*.„.«!.„*.. "enter'ed« - by ladder~s~l;li^^ roof. In the center, protected by the building, was an open court or plaza. AJl^2?Ajy^?a.-?ras built_beyond^the nor1E;_h^r£^'"bf'"st(3^"g_(B"'^b^qms ? apparently after the first one'JuFn^ed?. ' '""^"FericE' of clay 'extended" part ly" around "thri" rbom7 A "ventilator shaft through the east wall, brought in fresh air as heated air and smoke from the central, rock-lined fire pit rose through the roof hatch. In line with the venti­ ts> lator and firepit, was a small hole, the sipapu, symbolic of the m entrance to the underworld, cut in the limestone floor," m Today ,..,.t^here are just r^j.jis.^t-yi!?...?.^6 * ^o<w? jL5one wall£2,-,555Mli?ed z with cement mortar i""mark off some 9? ^e^p'q^l^JTl^™^^ ^iYas. to H ffspBaTt'"wir^ "visitors to gain some knowledge of the 70 people who occupied this site* C n Class VI lands: 10 acres H O Cost : current maintainance adequate Z PERIOD ("Check One or More as Appropriate) 5c1 Pre-Columbian C] 16th Century 18th Century [~1 20th Century [~1 15th Century L"^] 17th Century 19th Century SPECIFIC DATE(S) (If Applicable and Known) 1200 A AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE (Check One or More as Appropriate) Aboriginal [~1 Education L~H Political Urban Planning [X] Prehistoric [__J Engineering Q7] Religion/Phi­ Other (Specify) CH Historic Q Industry losophy |~~1 Agriculture [~1 Invention [><[ Science Q Architecture I| Landscape | | Sculpture a Art Architecture Q] Social/Human­ [_J Commerce [~1 Literature itarian f~1 Communications C] Military || Theater [~~1 Conservation Music [~~1 Transportation STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE 3rd Order This pueblo was "built sometime around 1200 A. p., and occupied for about 50 or j60j£ea|$ . The~l>ebl5re''ltfEo^ generaTly classed^as being" in" the This site was excavated in 1930 by the Gila ^J^eblo^q Z ,l^y^.J!juJ^J££^^ 'The'wal'ls vrere^ s£ablized^ in 198 by o the llatji^nal^J^rk ^Service a hH again ir^ 19657"""Tn it s" preserved "s^a'te " visitors clanl/ar£'arounT'the staSillz'ed waSi, which are a foot or so U high of the living quarters, storage room and the kivas, and gain some insight into how the aborigi^ee^ lived in this area several hundred years before the Europeans arrived. Though not large, this pueblo's significance lies in it being ajgqod representative f1 remains of the la_te_gc^c^ajbBioi]L_p^^he Grand Canyon" IU great ^drought in the late" l||h cerrbur^c ause~cf a migration 1U added knowledge through the structures explored and the artifacts un­ covered to the scholar in his understanding of the aboriginal culture! horizon that the archeologists have designated as Pueblo II. Its research potential has been exhausted. Of this site, Dr. Wilfred Logan, NFS Archeologist , has said: "What makes the site significant is that it_illustrates_ia_ survival, on ^he_j)eri|?hery of ^ the Anasazi, Jiea:^ of Anasazi development wellT into "the "''pfll^eriplT ~"Tb Is" comparable to the survival of App®lac"Ha""hlir "country society well into the period of heavily urbanized, late 20th century American society." Boundary; The historic land enbraced ini/this site would be a square formed by a line extending from the museum 660 r to the east, then 660* north to the dirt road, then 660* to the west and finally 660' to the south, back to the museum. Emil W, Haury, Kivas of the Tusayan Ruin, Grand Canyon, Arizona, (Globe: The Medallion, Gila Pueblo, March 1931) Joe Ben Wheat, JRrehistoric People of the Northern Southwest, Bulletin 12' (Grand Canyon:Grand Canyon Natural History Assn. 1955) Charles B. Voll, "Maintenance Stabilization, Tusayan Ruin, Grand Canyon, Arizona, 1965," ms. in Library, Grand Canyon National Park LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE COORDINATES LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE COORDINATES DEFINING THE CENTER POINT OF A PROPERTY DEFINING A RECTANGLE LOCATING THE PROPERTY OF LESS THAN TEN ACRES LATITUDE LONGITUDE LATITUDE LONGITUDE Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds NW 36 o 00 • 53 " 111° 51- 59 " NE 36 ° 00 ' 53 " 111° 51' 53 " SE 36 ° 00 ' if6 ". 111° 51' ?3 " sw ° oo ' JL11S .51- .foj^. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE OF NOMINATED PROPERTY: 1_1QL •^ltfi/7^ • ^-^ / /^k^ LIST ALL STATES AND COUNTIES FOR PROPERTIES OVERLAPPING STATE OR C O U N TY' E3\y t<fD A RI E CODE COUNTY: Arizona Coconino m m COUNTY: .H XI c NAME AND TITLE: n Hnl 1 a nri, .Tr ft.. ffi ffhrvrl B n August 31, 1972 BUSINESS ADDRESS: O Denver Service Center, NPS Z STREET AND NUMBER: PHONE: 7800 W. Alameda CITY OR TOWN: ..^enyey. Oolpra^o S£L State Liaison Officer recommendation: I hereby certify that this property is included in the National Register. ' ' ' • In compliance with Executive Order 11593, I hereby Director, Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation nominate this property to the National Register, certify­ ing that the State Liaison Officer has been allowed 90 days in which to present the nomination to the State Re­ view Board and to evaluate its significance. The recom­ mended level of significance is JMational j | State ATTEST: .GPO 938-449 Form No 10-301a UNIT ED STATES D E PARTMENT 0 F TH E 1 NT ERIOR STATE (7/72) ' NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Arizona COUN T Y NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Coconino PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORM FOR NPS USE ONLY :NTRY NUMBER DATE (Type all entries - attach to or enclose with photograph) —TTJ-. —- 01974 z 1. NAME' O COMMON: Tusayan Ruins AN D/OR HISTORIC: 1- 2. LOCATION . STREET AND NUMBER: U Grand Canyon National Park CITY OR TOWN: a: Grand Canyon ,- \v •••.•• H- STATE: CODE COUNTY: X \ V" A ~' ' CODE co Arizona ok C0:(go,hln<fcrr-^rn °°5 .^ 3. PHOTO REFERENCE / V >l~ ''• • • ': • - ' i ' \ PHOTO CREDIT: F.R. Holland, Jr. j^l " ~ U Jjj/^i -,_ i DATE OF PHOTO: May 19T2 ,'-"-' ., , — I UJ M EG ATI V E Fl LED AT: r" ' -\ ' ^1 iiJNA.: f^~/ UJ Denver Service Center '-"; ^ ^ [^IDENTIFICATION •'/,; ,. .". .^-V DESCRIBE VIEW, DIRECTION, ETC. i^' 1. Pueblo Ruins PROPERTY OF IE &\I1SN/U. REGISTEh INT: 1 54-72 kTE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ST> NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Arizona JNTY NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES °° Coconino PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORM FOR NPS USE ONLY ENTRY NUMBER DATE (Type all entries - attach to or enclose with photograph) —TTJ *• w • 10 1974 !Jf^jpME|!i^ :--: :->:-^v :----- ••;?>*. •.--,"-.•,,••:.- :-.-.• ; . : : : COMMON: Tusayan Ruins AND/OR HISTORIC: !2.;: ::tOCAT*OX H: '- -: : --- ::/ ;-;.: ;: r;:^:;:' ?: ^ r.:;;, , ,. : : - :: . .-, •,,-,. , .. - ; u STREET AND NUMBER?: Grand Canyon National Park Cl TV OR TOWN: - —•--._. Grand Canyon /\ CODE STATE: CODE COUNTY: Arizona 0^ Coconino . _...-.:.-:•; 005 [i&yP H Of O R 5 F E R EN C |: ;#.•; .:^.;;;-f ;:. ^yv •.:. i. .•:;',:.:•: ;:;.t:,^&.^.^.-A :>i ..'•:.- ::. -'-idii^^i^H^^^^^^^^Wiii x:i -'- ;.: .' V. : ; : v ': : \: :;>;i;i; PHOTO CREDIT: ]? . R. Holland , Jr. i 1 -j ,' !5Wt; DATE OF PHOTO: MaV . 19T2 . [\| y '!-v I \ (J ". \i \'> -• UJ SEGATIVE FILED AT: ' ,' ^ UJ [41 V 1 J3ENT 1 F JCATI QNi' : ": -• W;- ':• : iW'::': "" '"""• •":'" -:.; : : : ;:;': ;: : r •' : '• : ^^ •"':: "'-:'^- ••'"'"^••^ -N-^:. •'- :::;: :-: : ::«:;«:«; --^ : '. : : : : DESCRIBE VIEW, DIRECTION, ETC. 2. Large Kiva Ruin PROPERTY OF THE NATIONAL REGISTER *>96 T.31 N. Conoanictue" : ',aB*ABoirrt' ' ("&' "" ''aNt^544t> 3991 fi,j(j9 Cardenas Suite 5t?/p ' S0lomor> .1 • iiS ;.' , '- ;Jt|fiTjpie-- - „,,. Cedar fT Mtn / Eaczrlante Butte ' sf\ "^.':.j ...^ Desert View ;i c.,ya Mile _ WT/ Campground v . ..,..^,299.3 —... - '"••."' ' \'; 'S^i^ff^^'' "' ^: VISHNU TEMPLE QUADRANGLE 15' "ft'".,/' Arizona ''' NW 36° 00' 53" 111° 51« 59" NE 36° 00' 53" 111° 51- 53" SE 36° oo' 46" 111° 51. 53" I:^M . Zunr Point SW 36 00' 46" 111° 51 • 59" o N' o\ C f R5E x NATIONAL FORE __________________________. t Jl _;'_________^_ 36°00' 49R 1 497 I 28 M/.
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