The Collegian Multimedia Sports Which movies rock, Volleyball wins first and which ones fall set ever against Fresno flat? , Online Pacific, Page 7 Fresno State | Serving the campus since 1922 September 25, 2009 | Friday collegian.csufresno.edu Unexpected turnout at flu clinic By Lacee Solis The Collegian Perhaps it’s all the media hype surrounding the flu this season, or maybe students just wanted to take advantage of Wednesday’s low-cost flu shot clinic offered at California State University, Fresno. Whatever the reason, students flocking to the clinic to get the flu shots caused the scheduled five-hour clinic to run out of vaccinations in an hour and a half. “There was a huge line of students before I got there, which was before 9 a.m.,” said Arlynn Hurtado, a third semester nursing student who gave injections at the clinic. “The line was pretty long, I’d say at least 30 to 40 students. So, we had to be pretty quick.” Hurtado was one of about 15 to 20 nursing students who vol- unteered to help at the flu shot clinic. Fresno State’s nurs- ing department and Student Health Center organized the event. The on-campus clinic took place at the Pavilion, locat- ed on the first floor of the University Student Union. It was scheduled to take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. but opera- tions were cut short less than two hours later. “We were not planning to give that many. I don’t think Marina Gaytan / The Collegian See SHOTS, Page 6 David Tusan, a third year Fresno State student majoring in Mechanical Engineering, was one of the 200 students who received their flu vaccination. ASI votes, approves revised 09-10 budget By Thaddeus Miller “The fact that we’re able to cut it at with the necessary two-thirds The Collegian all is pretty impressive, I think.” vote, despite some protestations One large cut from student ser- from senators. vices that has already affected “I wanted to thoroughly review Due to reduced revenue from the some students was from the any information before we voted,” spring semester’s closed enroll- reduction in club and organiza- ASI senator Pedro Ramirez said. ment, the Associated Students, tion funding. It fell from $85,000 to Ramirez said he wanted to view Inc. (ASI) approved their revised $57,000. a more detailed line-by-line break- budget Wednesday, a month into Along with the cuts in club fund- down. He said that if the ASI the semester. ing, ASI made a change to the revenue continues to go down, it The ASI budget for 2009-10 funding guidelines. Clubs can now would have to continue to make approved in April of this year had receive $2,000 from ASI, whereas revisions. He wanted to find fur- to be revised due to this summer’s the previous guideline allowed ther cuts now. announcement by the Board of $4,000. One area, total operations Trustees, according to ASI’s vice “Now that we’ve cut it [to expenses, went up by more than president of finance and chief $57,000] I think it’s really impor- $2,000. ASI President Jessica financial officer Lauren Johnson. tant we made that subsequent cut Sweeten said that those expenses “That’s almost $100,000 cut, to the funding guidelines,” said are necessary, because they cover because of the enrollment,” Johnson. travel expenses that will be used Johnson said. One-third of the cuts affected to lobby for education. In April, ASI projected more the readership program. The pro- “This problem is because the than $660,000 in total net revenue gram offers free newspapers to state is not valuing higher educa- for the year, and has since revised students. tion,” Sweeten said. that amount to $573,000. “Instead of really [cutting] back Sweeten said that it is not unusu- Johnson said ASI wanted to cut on our New York Times and Fresno al to pass a budget this late in as much internal cost as possible, Bee, which have a really high con- the semester, especially with the but student programs were inevi- sumption, we just dropped USA changes in enrollment this year. tably cut. Today,” Johnson said. “It was a Briana Campbell / The Collegian “When you’re dealing with hard decision, but that was about COMMENT: The Collegian is a forum Hector Cerda, a graduate student in social work, addressed ASI employee expenses, that’s gener- a $30,000 savings.” C for student expression. senators with his concerns about financial issues on campus. ally a fixed cost,” Johnson said. The revised budget was passed http://collegian.csufresno.edu The Collegian That’s What the People Are Saying On water controversy signs at Boise State game tudents were kicked out of Bulldog Stadium “S Friday for holding up political signs. This, mind you, at a university desperate to put people in the stands, and a football game that included a military fly over and an on-field 9/11 tribute.” OpinionOpinionPage 2 Opinion Editor, Haisten Willis • [email protected] • Friday, September 25, 2009 —Matt James, Fresno Bee Columnist The effects of too much WEB -SPE @K Culled each week from discussions Overindulgence. For some reason more like an established full-time on The Collegian Online. this word has been on my mind lately. employee than the broke college kid It seems to be all around us, from the with a maxed-out credit card that I am. comical or pathetic to the misleading Not only did this leave me with that and corrupt. In the simplest forms, it’s uncomfortable pudgy feeling, it left me Be sure to read the that thing that makes you simultane- using siblings as my new Master Card. print edition of The ously chubby and poor: too much pizza Take that economic recklessness to Collegian next Friday and beer, too much money spent on a national level and you have yourself for featured comments pizza and beer. It can also reach more Caffeine drip one dandy situation, especially when from readers. complex and harmful levels, like the DANIELA LOPEZ talk of universal health care is on the gangsta moves Huron’s mayor has table. Attempting to find a solution is allegedly partaken in. not only good, it’s absolutely neces- But whatever form it takes, it seems threat an unseen killer possesses. Cue sary. to be a basis for disorder that can set the school shutdowns and daily media The overindulgence that can be seen Response: up the platform for frenzied reactions coverage using raging headlines such in the media, daily unemployment rate ‘University High students fueled by the media, economic turmoil as “Dozens of H1N1 cases at Fresno forecasts, Tea Party protests fighting cause elevator mishap’ and political corruption. Yet it’s defi- State.” Consequent reaction: “Oh my!” a “socialist” president and wild town nitely not something limited to the The same overindulgence is one of hall meetings only works to stall prog- media, politicians or even the oft- ress. We become concerned with ‘Chris Johnson’: “Just kids being kids, derided “Gen Y.” Most of society, the sensationalist claims each no harm no foul. College kids have done regardless of age or status, pretty ot only did this leave me with that side makes rather than working worse and those kids at UHS deserve much fits the self-involved and uncomfortable pudgy feeling, it left my our way toward solutions by some fun because they are some of the “N smartest, most hardworking people in overindulged bit. using siblings as my new Master Card.” focusing on the legitimate con- Take, for example, the over- cerns raised. the state!” played song the H1N1 virus has Failing to agree on matters become. It would probably be one of the factors that led to the economic sit- is not entirely what keeps us from ‘Anthony’: “And we have a high school on the things people list as a threat to uation we’re in. For this one, I’ll place reaching solutions. It’s our overindul- campus because.....?” their personal wellbeing. But when myself as the simplified microeconom- gence in what we would rather see as a considering the statistics, more people ics example of economic disorder. threat, what is easier to argue or fight ‘Jonah Bassman’: “I was one of the 10 will still die this year from what we After what was probably the hardest against. It’s our overindulgence in UHS students on the elevator. We are consider commonplace: drunk driving semester of the four years I’ve spent at what we see best for ourselves at this extremely sorry for any inconvenience we and, brace yourself NRA members, Fresno State, I went on a partying ram- particular time. must have caused... Although nothing firearm accidents. page this past summer. Illustrated quite literally by the broke and nobody was injured, we as a Since we cannot fathom giving up I overindulged by going out whenev- overindulgence in ridiculous fun group would like to say that we feel like our loved overindulgence in alcohol er possible, foolishly spending money shown by the University High eleva- crap for what occurred, and several of us and self-empowerment, and arguably that should have been saved toward tor stunt this week, overindulgence cried today and were depressed about the false sense of safety we feel with upcoming bills. And in all honesty, I creates messes, stunts movement and, it... Again, we are VERY sorry, thank you. the possession of a gun, as a soci- had a blast spending away the sum- unfortunately, blocks the way toward ety we end up overindulging in the mer.
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