
Average Daily Circulation For the Mmth at Angwrt, 1941 T ht Weather ■ofemst «r U. B. W rnm sr B et m e 6,762 Fair sad eoatianed eml tonight. Msmber sf the Andit Saturday fair and woinwr. Med- BnroM of CIrculalleea eiots Borthcast to east wteds. Manche$ter^A City of Village Charrti (Clsaoifled Advertising On Page 14) rOL. L X - NO. 299 M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., F r i d a y , S e p t e m b e r i 9, 1941 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Russian and British Soldiers in Iran ^ oosevelt Rejects Nazis, Take Poltava; r Plans for Military Defense Crumbling; Defense Jobs Rule las Taken Action to In­ Kiev Gate Reached Lights Seen sure Civilian-Domin­ ated Agencies Control RuHsiaiifl Admit Penetra­ Way to Foil Two Groups , Sweep Supply o f Raw Mate- tion by Besieging Ger­ 300 Divisions Around Kiev in Mam­ Fials, Priorities, Pro­ Air Attacks man Forces - After moth Converging Of­ Under Arms duction and Exports. Fierce Fighting; Fresh fensives to Meet 125 \ Washington, Sept. 19.— (/P) Changing Patterns of Nazi Units Succeed in On Nazi Side Miles East; Four Red a -President Roosevelt, in- Bright Illumination Piercing Russian De­ Armies .Trapped Now ormed quarters reported to- fense Lines; Red Air Could Be Substitute Army. Official Says 100 Being Annihilated; Set lay, has rejected proposals ' For Blackout Theory^ Force Hits Invaders. Of These Yet to Be Ixisses at .3,600,000. hat would have placed a Itreater degree of control Thrown into Battle ------ Lynn, Mass., Sept. 19.—(/T)— i Moscow, Sept. 19.—(A»)— ^ver defense industry in mili- Blackouts hide cities as effectively ‘ The German Armies be.sieg- yow Raging in Russia. „ iry, instead of civilian :_____ I Berlin, Sept. 19,— ( A V t as an oatrteb hides himself by ! ing Kiev have penetrated as lands. Refu.sing recommen- German forces have entered [Istlona designed to extend the burying his head In the sand, an I far as one gate of the Ukraine Jackaon, Mich., Sept. 19—iJp— Kiev and have raised the trmy’s authority, Mr. Roosevelt Illumination expert said today, I capital after fierce fighting John J. McCloy, aaaiatant aecre- took action to Insure that the tary of war, declared here today swastika flag over the citadel suggesting, instead, a changing j in the past few days, the So- pivUisn-dominsted governmental pattern of very bright lights could that the Germana have 300 dlvl- of the long-hesieged Ukrain­ {encies administer memsvires sf- be a successful substitute. Four soldirt-s, desc^bed by Moscow sources M "repreHentxtlve of Britlxh .ind Soviet troope\ meet ! t^ a V ^ ^ T h e aiona totaling nine to 10 million ian capital. Soviet Russia’s |!ectlng the supply of raw mate- Dudley M. Diggs, of Schenec­ men under arma and that perhapa third largest city, the Ger­ ■isls, priorities, production and ex- tady, N. Y., a General Electric ‘ Soviets said the Germans dif­ ort control. lighting expert, in a paper pre­ threw fresh units Into the fight 100 of these are yet to be thrown man high command reported Long Battle for Control sented at tho closing aesslon of a' snd succeeded In piercing RuMian into the Battle of Ruaaia. tonight. The bulletin was the The president’s decision wss the lighting engineers' convention, de­ defense lines in one sector. In a apeech prepared for a meelF third triumphant message in clared that events in England and Admits Solons ijor development to date in No Defensive Action Yet ing of the Michigan Bar Associa­ quick succession from Adolf Russia had proved the failure of Uncertain About Date ''Especially intense fighting vtaat wss described ss s long and the blackout theory. tion. the War Department official Hitler’s headquarters at the pirited behind-the-scenes battle todk'^.place in the direction of also said it waa probable that hos­ Able to Find Way Would Repeal Kiev oyemlght,’’ the Soviet noon front. or control of defense production tilities would spread to the Medi­ Bomber pilots have been able to Tax Bill Will Be Signed commuiiique said, indicating a de- fad regulation of export trade. find their way to cities and stra­ terranean area, Spain and North in -r v - ' cLsive v i^ r y still was to be and West Africa. I Berlin, Sept. 19.—(A*)— inie .. Dlscloeure of the conflict fol­ tegic defense Industrial areas by Neutral Law lowed the president's executive or­ achieved there. Today, he asserted, the wgr’a | capture of Poltava, 200 miles ever present reflections from riv­ Other battles took place along der of Sept. 15 which transferred —— Roosevelt Believes 48 "hottest flame ia burning before east of Kiev and only 80 miles ers, groups of buildings and turf the entire front, it reported, and he Export)' Control Administrs- along coastline beaches, Diggs Nazis Shoot Leningrad and the rich Donets Leading Opposition Hours Not Too Ix>ng to the Red Air Fbreis struck blows from Kharkov, was reported Ition to tbe Economic Defense said. basin of Russia, but tomorrow you iBbord headed by Vice President at Invading troops and Axis air­ by the high command late to­ He suggested a "canopy of Strategist Concedes A p-, Study Measure; Has No may almoat be aure that It will be W a lla ce. 2 Paris Reds craft on their own airdromca. flaring up in the Mediterranean, day on the heels of a special By that order the president not The Kiev penetration W'aa first (Conttnoed On Page ’Two) proval by Senate; Will. News to Tell Todav. communique indicating that: only transferred the hitherto -n- -n-K • 1 I announced In an early-morning (Contlaiied On Page Two) Not Guess on House. Red Army resistance in the epsrate Army-controlled Export 'ontfol Administration to the vice Hyde Park, N. Y., Sept. 19. In K ep risalsi“Rjsii,v«,.„„„„„ Ukraine was crumbling under entire front, the communique aaid. sldent's board, but, reduced It to Washington, Sept. 16- UP) - A — ~ President Roosevelt ------ the weight of a mighty German Kansas City using the sama^ phrase it has em­ offenaive. The German Army subordinate dlviolon which will leading opposition atrategiat con- at his press conference Strife Between Popula British Fliers be headed by a civilian, Milo Per­ ployed twice a day for tome time groups sweeping around Kiev in ceded today that the administra­ today that he did not know ^ in describing the conflict on the kins, former bead of the Commodi­ mammoth converging drives havs ty Credit Corporation. Power Firm tion could win Senate approval — exactly when he would sign tion and Troops Con­ eastern front. met 125 miles east of that be­ Flgurra oa Flaae Leaaea Attack Docks At the mme time Brig. Gen. by the margin of a dozen votes—If the nation’s biggest tax bill, tinues; New Restric­ sieged city and bava trapped four Ruoacll L. Maxwell, who has acted In a recapitulation of air losses, Russian Armies which are now it sought outright repeal of the a $3,553,400,000 measure the announcement added that the os administrator of export control Strike Ends neutrality act In furtherance of Its tions Now Effective. being annihilated, Adolf Hitler's stnee the office was organised July which he brought with him Germana loot 112 planes on Sept. At Le HavTc program of aiding Britain. 16 while the Russians loot only 29. headquarters, ^had declared only a 2, 1940, was relieved of tHhriiP' Pointing out that any such pro­ from Waabingtoiu The . presi­ Vichy, Unoccupied France. Sept. few hours before. ___ signment and ordered back to duty dent, who arrived this morning Kiev, ancient capital of the Uk­ Merchflnt Sailors Ready posal waa likely,to provoke heat­ 19.—<e>—The Germans announced raine, is the third-lsrgest city in The earlier series of announce­ In the W ar D epartm ent ed and lengthy debate in both for a abort atsy at his ancestral Germans Send Only Few ments bad placed Russia's losacs - To Arbitrate ‘on Cer­ home, amid he thought 48 houra today that two Oommunlata were Soviet Russis, with nearly 850.000 199. Oflloere On D oty housea this legislator said an In- inhabitants. It has important iron Night Raidera to At­ to date on all fronts at more than More then 100 other Army offi- format'-count of nosea Indicated WM not too '. -"to atudy the bill ahot this morning for demonstra­ 3,600,000 men In dead and cap- tain Conditions’ After Slid aaid th.'< V ling it up a day smelters and other works. It lies cere—moetly from the reeerve#— aenatdnal opponents of repeal tions In Paris against the German some 500 miles airline southwest tack English Targets; tured alone. ore now on duty with the Export Three Ships Seized. cjould-'^muster no more than 37 or ao would t .,. coat the govern­ occupation as strife between the of Moscow snd 300 miles north of Rossians Fight Desperately Control Administration but there votea, 12 short of a majority. ment anything. popuhttihn and Nazi troops con­ besieged Odessa. Power Station 1$ Hit. DNB said the Russians 1 bos been no decision yet ss to Mr. Rooaevel't began the confer­ tinued. fighting desperately trying to By The Associated Press Legloa'a Stood Factor Fighting has 'it swirled to the their future disposition. He declined, however, to spccu-' ence by aaserting that he bad no The executions followed new re­ north and south of it aa German London, Sept. 19—iO —A small back the German tide In the 1 A walkout of AFL electricians news today, and for tbe first time In the behind-the-scenss conflict late on the outcome In the House.
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