The third-annual Hip-hop Summit, The Breeze page 3 James Madison University's Student Newspaper Vol. 84, Issue 26 Mondial. December 4. 2006 Opinion, page 5 Sports, page 7 A&E, page 9 The time has come for JMU to Women's basketball opens JMU grad uses tragedy to get its green thumb up. CAA play with win over VCU. spur his rap career. Colleges Professors streamline joining core classes Work Facebook 4- and 2-year Faculty sign up schools asked to better connect to work together with students HI fOKlUN Ft MUfRil Rk BY Asmn HonOM rtaffwrilei staff writer Future Virginia college |\1L professors are lumping students have uist been given onto the technological band- .mother green light in choos- 59 volunteers spent Thanks wagon, joining Web sites such ing community college! over .is Facebook, MySpaos and universities Xanga In an effort to better con* Virginia's Senate end House their Thanksgiving met with and understand their of Delegates have seen tit to students push (or smoother transitions in New Orleans I believe that I will be a hetw een community colleges better leather it I understand and four-year schools. Both the BY BFN BAYNTON mv students better,'' said Da- Senate Hill 53fl and House Bill I nter vid Met,raw, SMOdatC proles- 57 have asked universities to sor in the department of inte- reform their general education When Katun.i hit last summer. Kai Orenic grated science and technology. requirements to tall in step M ith warned to do something, but couldn't — at "I think Facebook helps me community college classes least not until this last Thanksgiving Break keep in touch with the current Responslblllt) tor enforc- i his was the tirsi tsnesgroupnom IMi went generation ol students in terms ing these hills goes to the StStS to New Orleans ot their interests and outlook . oundl ot Higher f-'ducation "When ihe chance came, I had to take it" on lite for Virginia To respond lo the said Orenic, who is a lead teacher at the I ns> Like McGraw, Anna Umb- hills, st in \ ensures all Virgin- lish for Speakers ol Other I .anguages School, reit, academic and career advi- ia's four-year colleges partnei which is part of JMU's Career [Vvelopmenl sor in the Office ot Academic with the Virginia Community Academy. Advising and ( areer Develop- Collegs System to match their Orenic, and 58 others decided instead of ment, also uses the Web sites course offerings with those of taking a bn>ak trom the SUMS Ol school and in an effort to keep up with the Virginia's community colleges. work, the) would \olunleer tor a week in changing generation. By partnering with the New Orleans rhe tnp was organized h\ ,is- I knew that a lot ot the stu- VCCS, 13 Virginia colleges and iodats ptossssor Mar) Siads and sponsored dents were using it, ,md I like universities have streamlined by met ollege ol Idu.alionat JMU. to keep up with what thev are the transfer process t<> make "l knew matwasexacu) now I wanted into," she s.ud I think it is mi two year college courses and to spend my rhanksgivmg heaping people portant to sta) up-to-date with associate's degrees match up and giving them the I hanksgiving thev de emerging technologies and 1 w itli their own iourses. serve,' senior Rachel I lalptn said trends among the students so \ot on the list of four-year All the volunteers had to pay nearly VKK> that I don't lose touch with the colleges signing systemwide lor thetlfp BOUth.SDOM had alrvadv g.iielo people i HI trying to help." agreements with VCCS is JMU. \ew I Means, hot this tnp H as ihe first linie Main Students appre. lale Madison does not otter guaran- for others. the extra effort put forth by pro- teed acceptance of graduates ol It was MmiHhing new. challenging, and I fessors to get tO know them and communit) colleges, hut instead w as able to lend a Kind in cleaning up the most feel that reading an instructor's has different methods in place dev sslaung natural dueaser in L mtetl Stassi 1'log or profile helps them .on to smooth the transfer pro. history," In-shman lustin Hroughman SBld ne. t on | personal level ( raig Herndon, the aeeo- I he students who had gone More had not "I think it's cool that pro ii.ite lor academic affairs at actually been into New Orleans, when-stand- lessors are bloggmg, senior M HE\ said guaranteed ad- ing water had destroyed houses and annihi- Katie Thierr) said. 'It makes missions is on!) one ol many lated w hole blocks. The\ had been working in them more personable We see useful tools places that had stvn storm surges them in .lass every day, now "What JMl has is articu- "I knew that it would Iv |ust .is bad .is last we know what musi, thev like lation agreements," Herndon vear. sophomore Stephanv Her/og said. "But their interests and whatever said "These spell out to stu- tor some reason I wse expecting a big chants els,, the) might put online." dents exactly what COUrSSS and things to bs better, hul thev weren't and it una) ..i JUSTIN HKot QHMAN Other professors turn to the) need lo take. It the) know was disheartening sites such as Facebook .is ■ the) want to go to [MU, then ABOVE: Chelsea Skotchdopole and Carrie Miller help restore a house. tool tor getting lo know their the\ <an simplv follow that tetBMEAK,p*ge t BELOW: Mellnda Harvey and Miller shovel debris. Students and keeping in touch guideline." with alumni. |\1l may Still bring guar- It allows me to connect anteed admissions to JMU ta.es with names in addition lor transfer students with an to Interacting with students associates degree I he Vir- outside a formal classroom ginia M rtools that have already environment, graduate coor- Signed agreements with VCCS dinator fol audiolog) Dan Hal- are mOBtl) using guaranteed JMU's Gray son named ling said admissions as a way ot easily Andreas Broschied, assis fulfilling the policies of the t.mt professor In the political Senate and House hills Science department, also uses ■ t luaranteed admissions these sites (0 rva.ll out to stu- ad as an umhrella ti> articu- Va. Professor of the Year dents, saving thai he |omed lated admissions and are en In order lo provide students hancedb) them rhe) go hand BY KIM HA the fall of l"7h and eventually with ,tn easier wav to contact In hand." Herndon said contributifa Bfriun started the psychoiog) depart him and to keep in touch with This may not go over well ment's held placement pro- alumni who have moved on with students who have al Psychology professor [oann gram, whiih allows students to grad school He said he has read) gone through the stress- GraySOn has something els.- to to work with the Harrisonburg found ways to use these sites ful admission pro.ess smile about this year, having community In various areas tor St adeniH purposes as well Pmshman t attiyn Plotkm been named the 20(W» Virginia such as in mental health tacih- "I usually torget to an instead favored IMi i current Professoi of the Year to! her ef- ties, tutoring foster .luldien. noun, e inleresting news stones poUc) oi reviewing s transfer forts in child abUM prevention Habitat tor Rumanit) and pri- m class, he said "On the blog, student/a transcript individuall) and field placement. vate law otti.es I can at least post the links ind It is lt more (air wav She said. I wanted to chal- Senior Erin Peacock s.ud students can subscribe to the Plotkin said "A student that lenge students (o learn about the Grayaon'a program is one of the RSSfeed has done a more intensive lirst actual working conditions in the tew classes th.it h,is given her Senior kristen I ctniek ap- two years should receive pref- Held ' practical, real world exprien.c pre. i.ites Broschled i blogs erein e ov er a student that took I he t arnegie Award is giv In the mental health profes- and reads them in an effort to .i less intensive two years en to one professor in ea. h state sion. WC have verv challenging get to know him better But are community college and is the only national award problems," Grayson said it "I value him as a profes- iourses actually less rigorous that recognizes .ollege .ind is important to learn about the sor, and I think it s interesting than four-year unlvenlt) gen university professors Grayson failures and difficulties, and to BCC the personal side ol lum 1 eral education courses received the honor as a "■ ham learning to work With people through reading his writing., "I think it is mure ol a mon Cion tor. hlld abuse prevention" whosren'l always eager she said e\ thing.' freshman Blake Snj y the Carnegie l.um.lation for Grayson, ■> cnnical psycholo- I here are, however, some der said U hat \ oil pav lor is the Advancement ol leaching gist, specializes in child abuse professors who are spprehen w hat you get ' and the Council foi Advance and neglect family v lolence and sive about bloggmg or the In- However Herndon saw the merit and SuppOfl Education. child psychology She is also the formation the) generate transfsi process as more than Mv Held placement expc editor and publisher ol the \ir Regarding bloggmg in |USt academic.
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