SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION FORM 13F-HR Initial quarterly Form 13F holdings report filed by institutional managers Filing Date: 2017-05-09 | Period of Report: 2017-03-31 SEC Accession No. 0001172661-17-000967 (HTML Version on secdatabase.com) FILER EAGLE GLOBAL ADVISORS LLC Mailing Address Business Address 5847 SAN FELIPE 5847 SAN FELIPE CIK:1130787| IRS No.: 760518446 | State of Incorp.:TX | Fiscal Year End: 1231 STE 930 STE 930 Type: 13F-HR | Act: 34 | File No.: 028-06213 | Film No.: 17824067 HOUSTON TX 77057 HOUSTON TX 77057 7139523550 Copyright © 2017 www.secdatabase.com. All Rights Reserved. Please Consider the Environment Before Printing This Document OMB APPROVAL UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE OMB Number: 3235-0006 COMMISSION Expires: July 31, 2015 Washington, D.C. 20549 Estimated average burden hours per response: 23.8 FORM 13F FORM 13F COVER PAGE Report for the Calendar Year or Quarter Ended: 03-31-2017 Check here if Amendment: ☐ Amendment Number: This Amendment (Check only one.): ☐ is a restatement. ☐ adds new holdings entries. Institutional Investment Manager Filing this Report: Name: EAGLE GLOBAL ADVISORS LLC Address: 5847 San Felipe Ste 930 Houston, TX 77057 Form 13F File Number: 028-06213 The institutional investment manager filing this report and the person by whom it is signed hereby represent that the person signing the report is authorized to submit it, that all information contained herein is true, correct and complete, and that it is understood that all required items, statements, schedules, lists, and tables, are considered integral parts of this form. Person Signing this Report on Behalf of Reporting Manager: Name: Thomas N. Hunt, III Title: Partner Phone: 713-952-3550 Signature, Place, and Date of Signing: /s/ Thomas N. Hunt, III Houston, TEXAS 05-08-2017 [Signature] [City, State] [Date] Report Type (Check only one.): ☒ 13F HOLDINGS REPORT. (Check here if all holdings of this reporting manager are reported in this report.) ☐ 13F NOTICE. (Check here if no holdings reported are in this report, and all holdings are reported by other reporting manager(s).) ☐ 13F COMBINATION REPORT. (Check here if a portion of the holdings for this reporting manager are reported in this report and a portion are reported by other reporting manager(s).) Form 13F Summary Page Report Summary: Number of Other Included Managers: 0 Form 13F Information table Entry Total: 386 Form 13F Information table Value Total: 3701676 (thousands) List of Other Included Managers: Provide a numbered list of the name(s) and Form 13F file number(s) of all institutional investment managers with respect to which this report is filed, other than the manager filing this report. [If there are no entries in this list, state "NONE" and omit the column headings and list entries.] NONE Copyright © 2013 www.secdatabase.com. All Rights Reserved. Please Consider the Environment Before Printing This Document OMB APPROVAL UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION OMB Number: 3235-0006 Washington, D.C. 20549 Expires: July 31, 2015 Estimated average burden FORM 13F hours per response: 23.8 FORM 13F INFORMATION TABLE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 VALUE SHRS OR SH/ PUT/ INVESTMENT OTHER VOTING AUTHORITY NAME OF ISSUER TITLE OF CLASS CUSIP (x$1000) PRN AMT PRN CALL DISCRETION MANAGER SOLE SHARED NONE 3M CO COM 88579y101 729 3,810 SH SOLE 3,810 0 0 ABBOTT LABS COM 002824100 277 6,243 SH SOLE 5,982 0 261 ABBVIE INC COM 00287y109 720 11,045 SH SOLE 11,045 0 0 ACACIA RESH CORP ACACIA TCH COM 003881307 136 23,731 SH SOLE 23,731 0 0 ADDUS HOMECARE CORP COM 006739106 460 14,380 SH SOLE 14,380 0 0 ADOBE SYS INC COM 00724F101 473 3,635 SH SOLE 2,725 0 910 AEGON N V NY REGISTRY SH 007924103 4,763 928,425 SH SOLE 766,310 0 162,115 AERCAP HOLDINGS NV SHS N00985106 4,686 101,934 SH SOLE 92,147 0 9,787 AETNA INC NEW COM 00817y108 12,516 98,125 SH SOLE 77,678 0 20,447 ALASKA AIR GROUP INC COM 011659109 10,022 108,676 SH SOLE 84,986 0 23,690 ALLEGION PUB LTD CO ORD SHS g0176j109 5,524 72,966 SH SOLE 60,573 0 12,393 ALLIANCE ONE INTL INC COM NEW 018772301 139 10,810 SH SOLE 10,810 0 0 ALMOST FAMILY INC COM 020409108 294 6,050 SH SOLE 6,050 0 0 ALPHA PRO TECH LTD COM 020772109 247 89,708 SH SOLE 89,708 0 0 ALPHABET INC CAP STK CL A 02079K305 11,930 14,072 SH SOLE 11,077 0 2,995 ALPHABET INC CAP STK CL C 02079K107 10,666 12,858 SH SOLE 10,219 0 2,639 ALTRIA GROUP INC COM 02209s103 2,039 28,548 SH SOLE 28,448 0 100 AMAZON COM INC COM 023135106 5,020 5,662 SH SOLE 4,448 0 1,214 AMERICAN CAP SR FLOATING LTD COM 02504D108 292 21,249 SH SOLE 12,230 0 9,019 AMERICAN INTL GROUP INC COM NEW 026874784 9,375 150,164 SH SOLE 120,909 0 29,255 AMERICAN MIDSTREAM PARTNERS COM UNITS 02752P100 148 10,000 SH SOLE 10,000 0 0 AMERICAN PUBLIC EDUCATION IN COM 02913V103 778 33,990 SH SOLE 33,990 0 0 AMERIPRISE FINL INC COM 03076c106 216 1,665 SH SOLE 1,650 0 15 AMERISERV FINL INC COM 03074A102 66 17,520 SH SOLE 17,520 0 0 AMGEN INC COM 031162100 3,003 18,304 SH SOLE 12,054 0 6,250 ANADARKO PETE CORP COM 032511107 578 9,327 SH SOLE 9,327 0 0 ANADARKO PETE CORP UNIT 99/99/9999 032511404 1,223 28,130 SH SOLE 28,130 0 0 ANHEUSER BUSCH INBEV SA/NV SPONSORED ADR 03524A108 3,761 34,268 SH SOLE 28,082 0 6,186 ANTERO MIDSTREAM PARTNERS LP UNT LTD PARTN 03673l103 10,628 320,500 SH SOLE 320,500 0 0 ANTHEM INC COM 036752103 11,085 67,027 SH SOLE 53,352 0 13,675 APOLLO INVT CORP COM 03761u106 258 39,319 SH SOLE 0 0 39,319 APPLE INC COM 037833100 29,709 206,803 SH SOLE 168,149 0 38,654 APPLIED MATLS INC COM 038222105 226 5,806 SH SOLE 5,806 0 0 APPROACH RESOURCES INC COM 03834a103 195 77,638 SH SOLE 77,638 0 0 ARC DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS INC COM 00191G103 127 36,904 SH SOLE 36,904 0 0 ARC LOGISTICS PARTNERS LP COM UT REP LPN 03879n101 5,007 351,357 SH SOLE 351,357 0 0 ARCH COAL INC CL A 039380407 3,474 50,385 SH SOLE 40,150 0 10,235 ARES CAP CORP COM 04010L103 712 40,940 SH SOLE 7,800 0 33,140 ARI NETWORK SVCS INC COM NEW 001930205 309 59,430 SH SOLE 59,430 0 0 ASHFORD HOSPITALITY PRIME IN COM 044102101 316 29,750 SH SOLE 29,750 0 0 AT&T INC COM 00206r102 323 7,772 SH SOLE 5,502 0 2,270 ATMOS ENERGY CORP COM 049560105 221 2,800 SH SOLE 2,800 0 0 AUDIOCODES LTD ORD M15342104 603 86,000 SH SOLE 86,000 0 0 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING IN COM 053015103 515 5,030 SH SOLE 5,030 0 0 AV HOMES INC COM 00234P102 663 40,334 SH SOLE 40,334 0 0 AWARE INC MASS COM 05453N100 219 46,632 SH SOLE 46,632 0 0 B RILEY FINL INC COM 05580M108 198 13,222 SH SOLE 13,222 0 0 Copyright © 2013 www.secdatabase.com. All Rights Reserved. Please Consider the Environment Before Printing This Document BALDWIN & LYONS INC CL B 057755209 475 19,429 SH SOLE 19,429 0 0 BANCO MACRO SA SPON ADR B 05961W105 867 10,000 SH SOLE 10,000 0 0 BANK COMM HLDGS COM 06424J103 500 46,696 SH SOLE 46,696 0 0 BEL FUSE INC CL B 077347300 428 16,745 SH SOLE 16,745 0 0 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC DEL CL B NEW 084670702 7,711 46,264 SH SOLE 38,526 0 7,738 BHP BILLITON LTD SPONSORED ADR 088606108 237 6,520 SH SOLE 6,520 0 0 BIG 5 SPORTING GOODS CORP COM 08915P101 463 30,640 SH SOLE 30,640 0 0 BIOGEN INC COM 09062X103 828 3,028 SH SOLE 3,028 0 0 BIOSPECIFICS TECHNOLOGIES CO COM 090931106 545 9,946 SH SOLE 9,946 0 0 BLACK STONE MINERALS L P COM UNIT 09225M101 442 26,798 SH SOLE 1,462 0 25,336 BLUE CAP REINS HLDGS LTD COM G1190F107 213 11,018 SH SOLE 11,018 0 0 BOEING CO COM 097023105 337 1,905 SH SOLE 1,805 0 100 BOOT BARN HLDGS INC COM 099406100 113 11,470 SH SOLE 11,470 0 0 BRIDGEPOINT ED INC COM 10807M105 886 83,038 SH SOLE 83,038 0 0 BRITISH AMERN TOB PLC SPONSORED ADR 110448107 6,796 102,470 SH SOLE 81,698 0 20,772 BROADWIND ENERGY INC COM NEW 11161T207 153 18,419 SH SOLE 18,419 0 0 BT GROUP PLC ADR 05577E101 3,694 183,852 SH SOLE 152,276 0 31,576 BUCKEYE PARTNERS L P UNIT LTD PARTN 118230101 178,113 2,597,917 SH SOLE 2,239,413 0 358,504 C & F FINL CORP COM 12466Q104 233 5,040 SH SOLE 5,040 0 0 CAESARSTONE LTD ORD SHS m20598104 381 10,500 SH SOLE 10,500 0 0 CANADIAN PAC RY LTD COM 13645T100 3,253 22,143 SH SOLE 18,688 0 3,455 CAPITAL CITY BK GROUP INC COM 139674105 783 36,598 SH SOLE 36,598 0 0 CAPITAL ONE FINL CORP COM 14040h105 7,103 81,964 SH SOLE 64,428 0 17,536 CAPITALA FIN CORP COM 14054R106 384 26,771 SH SOLE 21,291 0 5,480 CARNIVAL CORP UNIT 99/99/9999 143658300 4,419 75,015 SH SOLE 60,025 0 14,990 CECO ENVIRONMENTAL CORP COM 125141101 328 31,200 SH SOLE 31,200 0 0 CELGENE CORP COM 151020104 12,500 100,460 SH SOLE 79,125 0 21,335 CELLCOM ISRAEL LTD SHS m2196u109 669 65,000 SH SOLE 65,000 0 0 CEMEX SAB DE CV SPON ADR NEW 151290889 5,402 595,640 SH SOLE 511,800 0 83,840 CEMTREX INC COM PAR $.001 15130G303 43 12,065 SH SOLE 12,065 0 0 CENCOSUD S A SPONSORED ADS 15132H101 4,323 466,382 SH SOLE 409,752 0 56,630 CENTRAL GARDEN & PET CO CL A NON-VTG 153527205 936 26,945 SH SOLE 26,945 0 0 CERAGON NETWORKS LTD ORD M22013102 150 46,000 SH SOLE 46,000 0 0 CHARTER FINL CORP MD COM 16122W108 284 14,443 SH SOLE 14,443 0 0 CHECK POINT SOFTWARE TECH LT ORD m22465104 6,912 67,331 SH SOLE 54,905 0 12,426 CHEMOCENTRYX INC COM 16383L106 337 46,330 SH SOLE 46,330 0 0 CHEMUNG FINL CORP COM 164024101 256 6,474 SH SOLE 6,474 0 0 CHENIERE ENERGY PARTNERS LP COM UNIT 16411Q101 57,864 1,790,886 SH SOLE 1,480,406 0 310,480 CHENIERE ENERGY PTNRS LP HLD COM REP LLC IN 16411w108 694 28,400 SH SOLE 25,900 0 2,500 CHEVRON CORP NEW COM 166764100 5,775 53,784 SH SOLE 41,790 0 11,994 CISCO SYS INC COM 17275r102 8,337 246,642 SH SOLE 198,750 0 47,892 CITI TRENDS INC COM 17306X102 309 18,180 SH SOLE 18,180 0 0 CITIGROUP INC COM NEW 172967424 331
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