Caymanian $175 per week Contact: 916 2000 Friday, October 23, 2020 Issue No 596 www.caymaniantimes.ky Complimentary Live radio broadcasts Saturday October 31st 8a-5p Meet Cayman Crosstalk's Woody Decosta cox lumber's bargain center blowout event! 1000's of items 50-75% off! hardware. electrical. plumbing. tools. paint. doors. windows and more! BLOWOUT PRICES SAT THE 31st Meet DjMark Lee COX LUMBER BODDEN TOWN Bring The Family! Free Hot Dogs And Cokes While at Cox Lumber check out the US DOLLAR SALE! Hot dogs grilled using Clean Gas & Cokes provided by Tortuga Distributors from 94.9 Bob Fm 20% OFF Home Improvement items CoxLumberLtd.Com for info Save 10% on building supplies INSIDE THIS ISSUE In defense of the Cayman Regiment EDITORIAL — page 2 The post-graduation reality awaits LOCAL NEWS — page 4-5 Clifton Hunter High School Graduates Place ‘Top Ten’ in The Region LOCAL NEWS — page 6 By Staff Writer While there is acceptance of the unit tablished Regiment, which is a reserve in its disaster response and humanitari- force whose duties include the defence Debate swirling in the community an form, government and opposition are of these Islands, providing humanitar- about the role of Cayman Islands Reg- at odds over its defence mandate. ian assistance and disaster relief, as- sisting the Royal Cayman Islands Police Assembly’s new session with the gov- bled the bill seeking to give legislative Service and the Cayman Islands Coast ernmentiment hit and the opposition �loor of the trading Legislative salvos authorityHon. Premier to the regiment.Alden McLaughlin ta- Guard when called upon, as well as par- on the addition to the jurisdiction’s uni- “The Bill provides for the govern- formed services. ance and management of the newly es- ... Continued story on page 3 2020 High School PIRATES Your business in safe hands SHOW LOCAL SPORTS — page 7 Graduation By Christopher Tobutt and dads, brothers and sister and of CAY-MUNITY course school friends too. It was a big With the theme “Imagine If,” 195 night, not just for John Gray, but for the students of John Gray High School beat future leaders of the Cayman Islands. SPIRIT all the disruption caused by the coro- It was just the beginning for them, as navirus pandemic, proudly graduating in front of teachers, dignitaries, moms ... Continued story on page 4 FC International holds football camp REGIONAL — page 11 The Pirates Week Festival has put on its creative hat and come up with a ‘2020 version’ of the National Festival that we all know and love. The theme this year is ‘Cay-munity’ which ultimately sums up the Cayman Islands’ response to every challenge this year has presented. Jamaica to start antiviral drug Arie Ebanks receives Most Outstanding Student in Physical Education Award ... Continued story on page 8 1 2 3 4 3' – 6' DATED: 25 SEPTEMBER 2020 25 SEPTEMBER DATED: EDITORIAL | COVID UPDATE | COMMUNITY NOTICES PAGE 2 Friday, October 23, 2020 | Issue No 596 C�������� T���� EDITORIAL COMMUNITY NOTICES The post-graduation Liquor Licensing Board reality awaits Quarterly Meeting – It’s that time of year December 7 when optimism and enthusiasm is abound- ing among our youth. Board advises the pub- Hundreds of young- licThe that theLiquor next Licensingquarterly sters in our community board meeting will be held are preparing for a ma- on Monday, December 7, jor step in their lives. 2020. High school graduates Application for liquor li- are embarking on the cences are now being ac- next steps of their re- cepted with forms available spective journeys. on the website, www.dci. Some will head over- gov.ky. Applications and fees seas to colleges and are being processed at the universities; others will embrace educa- 1st Floor of the Government tional opportunities AdministrationBusiness Licensing Building Counter, lo- at our tertiary institu- cated on Elgin Avenue. tions at home. There Deadline for applications are also others whose to be considered at the futures are murky with quarterly board meeting is uncertainty. College Shante Reid receives the Most Outstanding Student in November 9, 2020. Applica- acceptance letters did Leisure and Tourism Award from MLA David Wight tions submitted after that date will be ed directly to applicants who have suc- not come in the mail, scheduled for the next quarterly ses- cessfully submitted applications for or these communications were deliv- However, even in a COVID – 19 era, sion to be held in March 2021. the quarterly session. this is not all doom and gloom. It is Applicants for new licences are re- Interested members of the public blocks the pathway to head off to pur- the nature of life that some of us will quired to attend before the Board at can contact the Department of Com- sueered higher but the education. �inancial reality is that it be more successful than others. As the time of the session. Details of the merce and Investment at [email protected]. For those who are heading off, it’s parents and members of the commu- time and meeting room will be provid- ky for additional information. not just the joy of the opportunity nity, we need to constantly remind the but there are legitimate fears about youth that where they are now or the whether they can handle the pressure obstacles they face are not the end of and succeed. Those heading into the the road. Many successful entrepre- HSA Invites workplace will be excited to enter the neurs never set foot inside a lecture “real world” and will realise the bur- hall or dropped out of tertiary educa- dens of this life. Others will sit at home tion. Jobseekers to Apply wondering what is next. The reality is that the world can be a harsh place and as a society it is not young people. They are promised that our jobs to shield the youth from this for Opportunities at theLives world are is theirs,at crossroads yet youth for unem- our but to help make it easier for them to ployment outpaces other sectors of succeed and to provide the necessary the population. Workers are expected support. In the meantime, we need to Recruitment Fair to stay on the job later in their lives, teach them that the struggles they face thereby limiting the opportunities for now can make them more battle tested Jobseekers and volunteers are in- “Our recruitment fair will give job- those entering the job market. to survive in the world of business. vited to explore current and upcom- seekers the opportunity to make last- EDITORIAL | COMMUNITY NOTICES ing vacancies within Cayman’s largest ing impressions on potential managers healthcare system this Friday 23 Oc- PAGE 2 Wednesday, October 18, 2017 | Issue No 132 tober fromCaymanian 9am-3pm at the HSA’sTimes Re- for career growth and development COVID-19 UPDATE cruitment Fair in the Hibiscus Confer- thatand existto see here �irsthand at the HSA.” the possibilities ence at the Cayman Islands Hospital. Positions are currently available in Several clinical and non-clinical roles a wide range of departments includ- OTICCOVID-19ES Testing at the HSA are available across all skill ing Environmental Services, Facilities EDITORIAL N levels, making the event an open call Management, Dietary Services, Human Resources, Finance, Nursing, Emer- UpdateCustoms 20 Registration October of2020 Importersemployment. beginsRepresentatives from all gency Medical Services, Procurement departmentsfor quali�ied withinpersons the actively HSA will seeking be on and more. Attendees are reminded To help importers start using a system for entry declaration, the Department will hand to offer insight on potential ca- that masks are mandatory throughout start registering importers starting Monday, 16 October 2017. reers within the organisation. all HSA facilities. Persons are also en- ID-19TheThe registrationChieftests Medicalhave isbeen required Of�icer, carried byDr. the implementation of a new online electronic “The HSA is eager to meet prospec- couraged to download and complete systemoutJohn since Lee, for thisreportsentry was declaration. that last 238reported COV- Effective 1 November 2017, the Cayman Islands tive employees and volunteers who an HSA application in advance by vis- Customson Monday, Department 19 October will 2020. implement All the new system. This will require importers wish to join our dynamic team of over iting www.hsa.ky. towere complete negative. and submit entries electronically to Customs using the new gateway 900 professionals”, says Chief Human For more information on the HSA Re- portalThree COLS symptomatic (Customs Onlinepeople System). re- Importers will be able to access the portal cruitment Fair, email [email protected]. throughmain in thea stablewebsite condition www.customs.gov.ky. with Tips of the Week oneFor person individuals admitted who haveto the not Cay- yet received training in the use of the system, Customs willResources provide Of�icer in-house Samantha training. Bennett. man Islands Hospital requiring Motivational Tip ventilatorHowever, support, before they and can the useother COLS, two importers being in isolation will have with to be mild formally symptoms. registered and recognised as an importer by Customs. The Power of Music This will require each individual to come in and provide Customs with relevant information including a government-issued Do not underestimate the power of music. Music can heal the sick, their business licence and/or companies registration including directorship. mend the broken heart, relieve stress identification,As a result,Cayman Customs e.g., driver’s willIslands begin licence the or registrationCOVID-19 passport. Additionally,process Dashboard starting it will Monday, be necessary 16 October for through companies 27 October and businesses 2017, from to provide8:30am and even help you to live longer. Just ask some of our seniors who are still Roberts Drive (locally known as Airport Road).
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