houc nu.ml>erfour .-- 4 Work 1- edited by Yedda Morrison & David Buuck W inter 2000-0 I contents Editors' Note.s Laura Elrick lripwirc:: a journal of poetics TOWto MOUTH Jeff Derksen issue -4 - Work - Winu:r 2000..01 Global Shoes, Local Things, Rc:lations of Production Masks, and Architect Enemies edited by Yedda Morrison & David Buuck Eileen Myles ISSN: 1099-2170 Work Lcm:rs 15 All rights revert to authors upon publication. BobbicWcst $8 one issue .. Work?!• 22 $15 rwo issues (oUisidt of US please add $2 per issue) Stephen Callis, Leslie Ernn, & Rubtn Ortiz. Torres from Murtkr in my Suite I Bimwnidos a/ Hotel California 25 Printed at lnkworks, a worker-owned prirushop in Berkeley, CA. Cover design by Amanda Hughen. Steven Fanner Spcctadcr 37 Thanks to Stephen Callis & Deirdre Kovac for design & software: hdp. Thanks also to Justin Paulson of www.C'.t.ln.org, John Cn.wford of West Catherine Daly End Prcss, & Hclen Gilbcrt of Rcd Lcucr Prcss. Word Processing 42 Alan Gilbert Subscriptions, submissions, & inquiries to: "How Soon is Now?": The New Independents 44 uipwirc do Yedda Morrison & David Buuck ~ Banbou P.O. Box 420936 WongOI, tn.nslated by Boadiba & Jack Hirschman 66 San Fn.ncisco, CA 941-42-0936 [email protected] Bibiana Padilla Maltos www.dur.uionprcss.com/tripwirc Two collages 68 Distributed by: Rodrigo lOscano 70 Small Press Distribution Two poems I notes 800-869-7553 www.spdbooks.org France T hiorct from Laurenu, translated by Gail Scott 78 Camille Roy from Craqu": an may on clan struggle 83 Karen Brodine Editors' Notes from \%man Sitti11g at tht Machint, ThinJring 92 tripwire 4: Work Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) Zcdillo's Last Moments! (The Political Class) 98 Material vs. intellectual labor. Class, production, productivity, economy. Practice, handwork, wordwork, work ethic, workplace, Heriberto Yepez co-worker. What is the significance of one's work in relation to Contexts and Signs of an Urban Visual Poetics 102 writing? Or the significance of one's writing as work? Labor, capital. usc value, industry. How docs one participate within and Olga Cabr.U against local and global economies/cultures? Work force, work­ Empire State 112 book, workshop. In a small-press economy, what are the standards for "just compensation," fo r exploitation? Knowledge industries. Rosmarie Waldrop Cultural workers. Appropriation. "Model post-industrial employ­ An interview with C. D. Wright and Carole Maso 116 ees?" Exploitation, task, effort. Mission, service, vocatio n, carcer(ism). End-product, by-product, opus, oeuvre. Axel Lieber Sculptures & Installations 135 tripwire 5: Expanding the Repertoire: Roben Fitterman Innovation and Change in African-American Writing Metropolis 27 142 Documenting the recent Small Press Traffic conference. Bruce Andrews & Roben Fitterman W ith essays, poetry, and prose by Will Alexander, Wanda Taking lnvenrory: a conversation 148 Coleman, C.S. Ciscombc=, Renee Gladman, Erica Hunt, Nate Mackey, Mark McMorris, Harryette Mullen, Julie Panon, giovan­ REviEWS ni si ng!c=ton, and Lorenzo Thomas. Artwork by Arnold J. Kemp. Sec endpagcs for ordering informat"ion. Bruce Andrews on Objtct9 & Miles Champion 157 Forthcoming Spring 200 1 Mark Wallace on Kevin Davies 163 Brian Kim Stefans tripwire 6: (open issue) on Hung Q. Tu & Tim Davis 166 Tripwire invites submissions on contemporary and emergen t poetics Kevin Killian for its next issue. Essays, translations, interviews, art & book on Mike Amnasan & Alvin Orloff 172 reviews, bulletins, letters responding to previous issues, visual art. Visual art submissions should be reproducible in black & white; Ramez Qureshi visual artists arc encouraged lO include a sratcmcnt about their on Oliver Cadiot 175 work. At th is time, we arc not accepting unsolicited poetry for publication. All submissions should include a hard copy. Deadline lElTER TO THE EDITORS 180 for submissions to issue 6 is September 1, 2001. CONTRIBUTORS' NOTES 185 Laura Elrick TOW to MOUTH Percent humanitarian [hmm FLATTER bar-graph tits ~what a glorious drill-bit that [hmm Hungcr888H ungcr888Hungcr888 and whose well proportioned and whose swell to do Rudy's house [squa~ feet] Rudy "beds an:: for sleeping streets are for [per (bcepbcep) CLICK (as in pistol cock) a peer (apparel~) appears "lisu~n ahngonna be honest wichu [puh [puh [another translalion from the AlT- Webbie RENT FOOD Flash-er HEAT WATER oocroR Wakes click Headlong into the micro-swamp of what who didn't intend The vestibule ... ! Evictions not notably e-labor's which Seattle? Omit888Affinity [p« techno-nadonalist hubris of nouveau entrepreneurial Not is that Not a Not that Not is is that a real question~ bmiftwion for of efficiency one quarter of one day fer sleeping, one third of one day fer working, one quarter of one quarter of one: day fer commuting, one eighth of one third of one day fer cooking, one twelfth of one quarter of one day fer doesn't fucking, then set avoid minimize manage conquer plan make that planned obsolescence: drop dot.coms on tr.ansadantically liquidated infrastructures Tig o' Bittics that hyper-tiered indies jostle for globs of managerial diffusion to wic:ld fer yr couplin wit over perma-tc:mps DAY MIND Megahertz sprinkle: the dawn-script covered by Funnels acute to one quadrant NEWS MAW WHY look like888this: (World Hunger Year) attack88Broot cause of hung888er by pro-mo888ing self reliance? Jeff Derksen Am I connected to Mexico, somehow, more closely due to the keyboard I type on? This implies a d c:c rease in the fetishism of the Global Shoes, Local Things, commodity, yet the ideological effect of globaliz.ation is to obscure Relations of Production MasRs, relationships rather than revealing them-that is the ideological work and Architect Enemies of the mediascape and ideoscape (Appadurai). The local "emerges" from within the new relations of production-in which commodities NiluWhitry and culture are produced. The local is then a site of overlap and con­ -Brian Kim Srefans tradiction, of antagonisms, of mediation and determinism, of "authenticity" and history as well as "the fleeting moment." The local With the reach and flexibility of capital, the local and the oscillates within the discourses which (partially) constitute it, materi­ global are in a constitutive relationship: "The global bttom~ a product alizing in one as it fades in another. Christian Hocller summarizes the of the local as much as thC' local is remade by the global" (Smith, 188). plu ralization of meaning for the local: If the local is disarticulated from the national and articulated the w What this multiple shrouding amounts to is a perspective in global, rclationalty, its meaning as local will come in terms of the which local settings suddenly appear as crossovers of that which global: they are linked in a signifying chain. Let me put it this way: is generated with that which is generating, of repressive with that run·away capilal shirt you may be wearing was sewn in some liberating, of srable with subversive moments. And [... ]just as local, a local which is now articul:ucd in a dirfercnt way than it once context dements seep into local conglomerates, local specifics was to the global due to these relations of production. The global/ run continually through the context layers surrounding them (191). local compuu:r I am ryping this on was made in different locals: the Pluralil.CC! in this way, the local emerges as the effective site of agency, laptop "assembled in the U.S." from componcntslikdy from Asia, for applying specific meanings (which take in the global flows through while the keyboard is "assembled~ in a local made global. Mexico, via the mediascapc). It is (theoretically and methodologically) sensible NAF'li\. Yet, "t hings" (as Will Straw points out) come from "else­ then to find culture as ~a whole way of life" (Raymond Williams) where," and always have, so why is the local now thought in relation with access to the interconnectivity of globalism within the local. to the global? Changes in the flows or scapn of globalism account for But what would local cultural aniculations look like? And if part of rhis, the more dense interconnectivity of sires, economics and cultures as well accounts for part. This interconnectivity has to be the local is the site: of resistance as well as the site of overlap and seen as more than a space/time condensing; it is a mct2lepsis, where materialization of globalization, could there be progressive and retro­ effect is t2ken as cause. While material and tangible technological grade localisms-and to downscale Balibar's designation regarding changes have added to this condensation and connectivity, it is the nationalisms-"localisms of liberation" and "localisms of dominance?" realignment of trade laws and regulations for the movement of capital Arif Dirlik gives two problems for "the local as a strategic which arc an additional cause. NAFTA connects Canada and Mexico concept of resis t ance.~ Firstly, resistance ar the local must refuse to in a way that they were not previously connected; the cultural is slid reify the local as the site of wauthenticity," for, given the overlaps and into the economic. Mexico is no longer prcdominandy another coun­ networks of determination, culture is "daily disorganized by the glob~ try with its specific histories and geography, but it a competing mar­ al forces [... ] that seek ro reconstitute it, to assimilate it to the global ket for profits. This is the homogenizi ng effect of the cultural logic of homogeniz.ation that it seeks" (41). Secondly, the local must refuse globalization; the world is transformed into more highly competitive assimilation into the global (41). Dirlik's cautions themselves fall imo zones through uneven development and mobile (flexible) capital. the binary of local resistance where global ism is (despite its complexi­ That kids wear Nikcs in Vancouver and Mexico City is effect, not ties) reduced to a singular homogenizing force and whc:re resistance cause.
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