Winter 1991 - 1992 PAUL LEWIS IS HONORED ON 95TH BIRTHDAY AT ELEVENTH ANNUAL ALTON MOORE LECTURESHIP! he eleventh annual Alton Moore Lectureship on Friday, JlIDe II 14,1991 was the event which included honoring Paul Lewis on his 95th birthday. The Four Seasons Olympic Hotel in Seattle was the site where the University or Washington Orthodontic Alumni Association was pleased to be able to celebrate this very special event! Almnni and "friends" honored Paul with the establishment of new 5­ year pledges and contributions which were made in Paul's name. A large birthday card was presented to Paul with the name of each contributor. The Lectureship was well attended. Almnni as well as "friends" came. • Some past employees ofPaul's practice came to honor him as well, and catch up during the buffet lunch. Paul Lewis wiJh Department Dr. Harry Dougherty, DDS, Head and Chairman of the USC Depart­ Chairman Peter Shapiro. mentofOrthodontics, for the past 30 years presented the guest speeches. His lectures were titled /I The Design & Use or Remov­ able Appliances /I and /I Some Observations On Man­ dibular G rowth 1/. Dr. Dougherty founded Edgewise Study Groups in France,Spain, and Japan. Dr. Dougherty has served as Director of the P<:SO, on the Council on Orthodontic Educationfor the AAO; the ADA Commis­ sion on Education and Accreditation; Director and President of the ABO and is on the boards of many professional organizations. In addition to the presentation by Dr. Dougherty, the 1991 graduate students gave smnmaries oftheir research efforts. We appreciate the support of all alumni and "friends" Paul Lewis at Alton Moore Lectureship who attended. • wiJh Dave Rice. MESSAGES MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Should we increase the length of our graduate program? It is a question • Our Alumni Association had an exciting and which has been discussed by the faculty at almost every one of our memorable year in 1991! The faculty, staff, annual retreats. In 1988, on the basis of those discussions, we changed alumni, and "friends" of the Association our program length from seven to eight academic quarters. Well, as you played atremendous role inhosting the A.A.O. might expect, we discussed it again at our retreat in August. As you may meeting here in Seattle. Our hospitality know, there has been a trend during the last decade towards a longer curriculum. Presently at least one third of the programs in the United evening was very successful with an States are three years in length, and I am aware of several others that enthusiastic tum out by all. The annual Alton are in the process of making that change. Is it time for us to do the same? Moore Lectureship in June had an extra feature in that Paul Lewis was honored in One way to answer the question is to identify the deficiencies in our celebration of his 95th birthday! What a present curriculum and then determine the time needed to address those special day for such a special person! deficiencies. We did the first part of that exercise at the retreat. We identified several areas where we should add material to existing Your Board of Directors has continued to courses (e.g., surgical orthodontics, practicemanagement, treatment create ideas that would allow alumni and ofcomplex malocclusions, andcomprehensive reviews oftheliterature) "friends" to contribute to our endowment and several areas where we perhaps should establish new courses (e.g., psychosocial development, treatment of patients with craniofacial fund as well as provide some benefit to the anomalies andbiomechanics). During the next several quarters we will donor. During this past year we have seen the determine if we can solve these problems by making more efficient use results of our new approach to fundraising, of our present two-year curriculum or whether we need to increase the through working with our consultants, the length of the program. If an increase is necessary, should it be one James Feek Corporation. Some examples of quarter, two quarters, or a full year? As part of this review process, alumni utilizing these techniques can be seenA Don Woodside, Professor and Chairman of the Department of in this newsletter. ,., Orthodontics at the University of Toronto, will evaluate our program during a two-day visit in December. A "value-added" service that was initiated this year for dues-paying members is a In addition to more time for didactic work, a lengthened curriculum may Disability Insurance program with a 25% provide an increase in research time, more relaxed learning and the opportunity for the student to complete more cases that he/she started. group discount created by the James Feek A potential disadvantage is that the increased time may promote Corporation. Please look for further inefficiencies of teaching. There is also the concern that our present information regarding this service in this physical facility will not allow productive clinical use of student time newsletter also. without decreasing our class size. These new ideas of fundraising over and It is difficult to argue that more education is not always better. above the still needed annual pledge techniques However, how much of that education should take place in a formal are in line with current ideas of many orthodontic educational setting? We all realize that our knowledge is universities and alumni organizations. We increasing at an accelerating rate and that we cannot teach in two, three, are sensitive to any innuendoes of or even four years all ofthe information that a high-quality clinician will need in the year 2010. Therefore, we must teach basic biologic commercialism and have made some mechanisms and principles of diagnosis and treatment. We must adjustments already. encourage our students to be thinkers and problem solvers and to take responsibility for their lifelong education. How long does it take to The intent of our Alumni Association is to accomplish those tasks? It will be a subject of continued discussion continue to support departmental research among our faculty. • MESSAGES • CONTENTS projectsandaid inthe purchaseof neededequipment. Weare stilltrying Eleyeoth Annual Alton Moore 1 to reach our goal of having the interest from a developing endowment Message rrom the Chairmau •••••.•••.•.2 fund totally support departmental needs. Message rrom the PresideDt ••••••••••••• 2 Board or Directors ••••••••••••••••••••••••3 PubIil:aIioos 1991 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 I want to encourage all of you to pay your annual dues as well as Research 1991 4 contributeto our endowmentfundusingthe severaltechniquesavailable. New Dental Research Ctr 4 Passiogs 5 This is "your" Alumni Association and I want to continue to develop Thaok You ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••5 and maintain our group or "family" rapport. Club Statm By Class •••••••••••••••••.•••• 6 Alumni Association Support 7 CreatiYe Funding••It's Woridoal ••••••8 Have a great 1992! "Value-Added" Benefits 9 Let's Catch Up 10-14 1992 Ortho Graduates 15 Future Eyeots 16 *** Thank you for the opportunity to continue in the roleof independent consultantlExecutive Director for the Association. I want to thank the UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON ORTHODONTIC ALUMNI NEWS staffof theOrthodontic Department for alltheydo to assist inmywork with theAssociation. Asapartofmyorganization, "creativeITUlJieting ", U of W Dept of Orthodontics I continue to upgrade mycomputer equipment to assist myclients with D-569 Health Sciences SM-46 Seattle, WA 98195 • theirsales/marketing, marketing communications, electronicpublishing, Phone (206)543-5788 and otherbusiness needs. Additionally I work with clients to provide EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & sales/marketing, and organizational strategy. My client list includes EDITORAL OFFICE ::~::~:.rof""K>naIs anu~~, Carolin Benjamin from 40169200 Avenue South East Mercer Island, WA 98040 Phone (206)232 -5186 FAX (206)236-1539 ALUMNI OFFICERS *** President Dave Rice BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mercer bland,'w Vice President Doug Cameron 1991 Bellevue. WA During the past year there have been 3 Secretary Tim Shields new additions to the Board of Directors . Everett, WA John E. Gnlbb ('71) Chula Vista, CA Treasurer Bruce Hawl y Ward Damon ('75) Seattle, WA Lynnwood, WA Diane Doppel ('90) Seaule, WA BOARD OF DIRECTORS James R. Elder. Puyallup. WA We welcome these 3 new members iRto Bruce Moen Auburn. WA their positions . R. William McNeill Seattle, WA Thanks to each and every one of Ihe E. James Nelson Seattle, WA members of the Board for all of your Ward Damon Seattle, WA time and the support you give to the Diane Dopple Seattle, WA • 1991 Graduates with Chairman Peter Shapiro. Association. John E. Grubb Chula Vista. CA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION * PUBLICAnONS 1991* * RFSEARCH 1991* Ramaay, D.S., Artun, J. and Bloo mquist, D .: Effect 01 leFort I OIl&eotomy The following ia a JUmmary of research cfforta performed by the araduating a pulpalblood flow: pilotstudy. JOral Maxillofac SUfi49:564-570, 1991 llUdenta for thia past year. Funding to alii in thia reacarch w.. provided by • you, the alumni and your generous suppo rt in aivina to the Or1hodolltic Linle,R.: StabiJityandreiapseofdeo arch' eat. BrJ Orthod 17:235­ . Association. 241, 1990 Rick DJiopen Te mporal Va riation of Na I and Oral Breathina in Children Little, R. , Riedel, R. , Eng , D.: Serial extraction of lint olan ­ Roo DJinaseo Pulpal Response to Orthogna thic SUl'iery : A Long-Term postretention e....luation of stability and relapse. Angle Orthod 60:255-262, Radiographic Study 1990 Bernie' Post-Treatment Evaluation of Open Bites Treated with Mandi bular Osteotomy and Rigid Fixation Hall, B.K. and Hcrring, S. W.: Paralysis and aro ollbe uscuIoskeletal system in the embryonic chick . J Mo rph 206 :45-56, 1990 Zeeoy Tpja The Long-Term Pcriodontal Statua ofTecth to the Cleft Site in Patienta with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Hcrring, S.W. Coodudiog remarks: Treads' vertebrate mo rpboloay. Ncth J Zool 40:403 -408, 1990 Camille VaoDeYaoter Tcmporal Variation of Na..1 and Oral Breathing in Children Wright, David B.
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