The Friends of Welford Road Cemetery, Leicester. A List of the Casualties of War who are either A. buried or B. commemorated in Welford Road Cemetery, Leicester All with rank, name, distinction, service number, date of death, age, place of burial Also other casualties in other conflicts buried or commemorated in WRC with [grave numbers] in square brackets. Voluntary £2 Donation Filename WRCWarCasAll11.DOC - page 1 – (originally created by C. E. John ASTON) updated 11/05/2018 18:26:00 The Friends of Welford Road Cemetery, Leicester. List of the Casualties of War who are A. buried or B. commemorated in Welford Road Cemetery with [grave number] in square brackets DANNEVOYE, Sergeant Joseph Jules, 54737, 09.11.14 [Uo1.202 WM between 10 & 11.4] A. Casualties buried in WRC,L DAVIES, Pte. T. H, S/6073, 03.11.1915 (37) [uO1.275 WM.17.3] DAVIS, Sergt. Joseph Samuel, 5397, 30.08.1919 (39) [uO1.388 WM.39.3] De GOTTE, Soldat Jules Joseph 23530, 31.10.1914 Casualties of the First World War [uO1.202 WM between 10 & 11.1] *Repatriated to Belgium 1923 04.08.1914 to 31.08.1921 DEACON, Pte. John William, 4204, 05.10.1915 (25) [uO.1066] De TOURNEY, Soldat Charles Albert 53121, 05.11.1914 ABBOTT, Pte. Alfred, 201748, 03.02.1917 (25) [cE1.406] [uO1.202 WM between 10 & 11.3] ALLARD, Pte. 3684, 12.10.1918 (21) [cD.240] DOYLE, Pte. John, 23593, 10.09.1918 [uO1.208 WM.5.1] ALLEN, Pte. Edward, 21438, 05.04.1919 (28) [uO1.367 WM.38.2] DUNK, Rfn. G, 7/2714, 10.12.1917 [uO1.203 WM.10.5] ALLEN, Pte. Frederick, 7793, 30.06.1915 (34) [uO1.276 WM.18.4] DUNN, Rfn. William, 3824, 05.01.1916 (22) [uO1.289 WM.29.1] ALLEN, Pte. Harry, 14454, 07.11.1916 [uO1.366 WM.37.1] DYER, Pte. Frederick Charles James, 115, 25.02.1917 (27) [uO1.206 WM.7] ALLEN, Pte. Sydney, 35685, 17.02.1916 [uE.108] ELKINGTON, Pte. Charles Henry, 4661, 14.04.1916 (38) [uT.645] ALLEWAERT, Soldat Paul Henry, 55022, 01.11.1914 ELLIS, Pte. John, 45537, 28.11.1918 (34) [uO1.199 WM.4.1] EYLES, 2nd Cpl. Charles Henry, 563784, 29.01.1919 (34) [uA.554] [uO1.202 WM between 10 & 11.2] nd ALLSOPP, Rfn. Oswald, 307330, 04.04.1919 (26) [cO.1442] FAIRALL, 2 Lt. Harry Gustavus, M.C, 05.11.1918 [uD.103] ARNOLD, Pte. W. E. 81026, 29.07.1916 (21) [uO1.272 WM.14] FERGUSON, Pte. William, 202139, 19.04.1918 [uO1.360 WM.32.4] ATKINS, J. T, 50580, 17.02.1921 [uO1.840] FINDLAY, Pte. John, 3765, 24.12.1916 (34) [uO1.366 WM.37.4] BAILEY, Pte. Chas. Frederick, SD/5878, 07.03.1917 (25) [uO1.364 WM.35] FISHER, Lce. Cpl. G, 20322, 14.09.1919 ) [uO1.388 WM.39.4] BALLARD, Cpl. Joseph Edward, 32110, 31.08.1918 (20) [uO.725] FLINT, Florence Doreen Lillah, VAD, 04.07.1918 (25) [uA1.79] BALLARD, A/CII John Edward, 261193, 28.01.1919 [uK.613] FOODE, Pte. John Bennett, 11669, 25.07.1916 (20) [uT.761] BANKS, Lce. Cpl. James, 18845, 27.07.1915 (38) [uO1.275 WM.18] FOSTER, Pte. Cecil William, 40917, 10.04.1917 (21) [cL.873] BARKER, Pte. A. C. S, 77858, 29.10.1918 [uO1.196 WM 1.3] FREEMAN, Pte. A, 2254, 09.10.1915 [uO1.204 WM.9.5] BARNES, Rfn. Edwin John, Z/423, 30.05.1917 (21) [uO1.363 WM.34.5] FREEMAN, Pte. Thomas Albert, A/367544, 17.04.1918 (58) [uO1.360 WM.32.5] BARNETT, Rfn. Thomas Henry, S/8205, 08.10.1915 (36) [uO1.204 WM.9.4] GAMAGE, Ord. Smn. Arthur Frederick, Bristol Z/5809, 08.03.1917(19) [uO1.190] BARSON, Gnr. William Fredrick Henry, 81026, 18.10.1918 (37) [uO1.674] GEE, Cpl. George Albert, 204584, 23.06.1918 (21) [uO1.266] BARWELL, Pte. Arthur, 22556, 01.04.1916 (35) [cO.982] GIBBONS, Capt. W. E, RAMC, 20.12.1917 (48) [uO1.317] BASSETT, Dvr. John, T4/243279, 11.02.1919 (22) [uO1.279 WM.21.2] GIRDLESTONE, Spr. Harry Hughes, 215591, 12.01.1917 (38) [uT.2607] BAXTER, Pte. Walter Basil, 3457, 10.08.1920 (30) [uM.801 & 802] GLENN, Pte. Tom, 242165, 17.05.1919 (20) [uO1.367 WM.38.3] BEAVAN, Pte. W, 41781, 07.06.1917 [uO1.293 WM.25.3] GLOVER, Pte. Roy Cecil, 3142, 08.12.1916 [uO1.207 WM.8] BENNETT, Pte. William Owen, 23.04.1922 (25) [cO.1596] GOLDSMITH, Cpl. Frederick Leonard, 20210, 02.04.1917 (20) [uF.648] BENTLEY, Pte. Alfred Charles, 481511, 13.07.1918 (19) [cE.930] GOODACRE, Pte. Charles Parker, 135, 04.09.1915 (29) [uO1.204 WM.9.3] BENTLEY, Pte. Arthur, 54362, 16.03.1919 (40) [uI.416] GREEN, Dvr. Alfred Thomas, T4/036780, 10.02.1919 (37) [uT.222] BERRY, Pte. Henry, M/338898, 05.09.1917 (24) [uR1.1992] GREWCOCK, Pte. William George, 20293, 23.10.1916 (24) [cN.2526] BONNER, Pte. Bernard William, H/65007, 26.11.1918 (23) [uO.385] GROVE, Pte. John, 2651, 24.03.1916 [cO.2793] BOSWORTH, Cpl. Frederick, 166933, 25.12.1918 (27) [uO1.397] HALL, Pte. Frederick William, 10636, 11.05.1917 (19) [uO1.363 WM.34.1] BOURQUIGNON, Soldat Felix Joseph, 4140, 12.11.1914 [uO1.277 WM.19.2] HAMILTON, Pte/Srgt. George, 5094, 20.09.1916 (39) [cE.628] BOWLEY, Pte. George Harry, M2/034702, 25.10.1918 (26) [uO1.196 WM.1.1] HARRISON, Lce. Cpl. George Henry Hill, 024441, 07.12.1918 (33) [cB.977] BRANT, Pte. William Howard, TR5/16456, 03.02.1917 (43) [uO1.365 WM.36.3] HARRISON, Pte. W. H, 201526, 22.10.1918 (25) [uR.1439] BREE, Spr. Harold, 250334, 02.05.1918 (26) [cN.2247] HARTELL, Pte. G, 3834, 22.12.1918 [uO1.199 WM.4.4] BRENNAN, Nurse Kathleen Adele, HARVEY, Pte. William. Lancelot, 6/41744, 05.11.1918 (18) [uT.153] Australian Army Nursing Service. 24.11.1918 [uO1.198 WM.3] HEARN, Pte. Arthur James, 5/42949, 10.06.1918 (20) [uO1.359 WM.31.5] BREWARD, Pte. Thomas Alfred, 40961, 08.11.1917 (32) [cF.887] HEMMINGS, Pte. Robert, 20241, 5Bt. Leics. Regt, 11.05.1915 (51) [cF.641] BREWIN, Pte. Alfred, S/312117, 23.02.1919 (32) [uT.2416] died at Woolwich, Kent. Also Memorial Brookwood (United Kingdom) Cemetery. BROWN, Pte. E, 12456, 12.05.1915 [uO1.203 WM.10.2] HEMMINGS, Pte. Robert, 5223, 07.07.1916 (24) [uO1.290 WM.28.2] BROWN, Gnr. Frederick Charles, 133905, 22.10.1917 (41) [uL.551] HEMSON, Pte. H, 1399, 27.06.1919 (28) [uO1.367 WM.38.4] BROWN, Pte. Leonard, 4703, 13.11.1914 (31) [uO1.201 WM.11.3] HENDERSON, Lce. Cpl. William John, 21/286, 28.04.1917 (26) [uO1.364 WM.35.4] BROWN, Pte. Thomas Pallett, 16806, 03.07.1918 (28) [uN.1091] HERINGTON, Cpl. Claude Frederick William, 2391 25.08.1915 [uO1.26] u# 102 BURTON, Pte. John Charles, 124006, 22.07.1919 (18) [uQ.934] 439 BUTTERWORTH, Pte. Frank, 16984, 07.06.1915 (40) [uO1.295 WM.23] HIGGIN, Pte. William Henry Hartley, 9031, 11.05.1915 (29) [uO1.203 WM.10.1] BRYNE, Gnr. John, 21133, 19.07.1916 (39) [uO1.290 WM.28.3] HILL, Pte. Arthur Walter, 4388, 26.08.1917 (19) [uS.2731] CAPEL, Pte. George Septimus, 202418, 19.12.1918 (20) [uR.1372] HINCHCLIFFE, Pte. Robert, 77888, 29.10.1918 (39) [uO1.196 WM.1.4] CARR, Lce. Cpl. Frederick Robert, 20039, 19.08.1915 (48) [uO1.204 WM.9.1] HINKS, Pte. G. M, 22670, 13.05.1917 [uO1.178] CARRYER, 2nd Lt. Charles Ivan, RFC, 13.08.1916 (18) [uC.252] HODGES, Pte. W, L/8319, 27.09.1914 [uO1.201 WM.11.1] CARTER, Pte. Joseph Edmund, 18404, 22.07.1916 (20) [uT.1235] HOLDER, Charles Douglas, 3621, 22.04.1916 (28) uQ.629 HOLMES, Ord. Smn. Arthur James, J/3854, 12.11.1915 (19) [uT.1439] CAUWENBERGH, Soldat Martijn Francois, 20.09.1915 [Uo1.277 WM 19.4] nd CAVE, Pte. Joseph, R4/144406, 22.03.1918 (28) [uQ.155] HOLYOAK, E.R.A. 2 Cl. Alfred Charles, M/15300, 10.03.1918 (38) [uO1.324] CHAMBERLAIN, 2nd Lt. Arthur, 10.02.1919 (23) [uO1.436] HOLYOAK, Pte, James George Frank, 46357, 15.07.1917 (22) [uO1.388 WM.39.1] CHAMBERS, Spr. R. W, 211210, 28.02.1919 (39) [uO1.288 WM.30.5] HOPCROFT, Bmdr. Horace Philemon, 243, 15.03.1915 (22) [uM.63] CHAMPION, Pte. John Pring, 107151, 30.06.1916 (22) [uO1.271 WM.13] HOULT, Pte. Walter Joseph, 2491, 10.03.1916 (24) [cC.232] CLARK, Pte. T. A, M/376890, 07.02.1919 (29) [uO1.489] HOWARD, Pte. William Victor, 44613, 27.02.1917 (37) [cN.1206] CLARKE, Cpl. George William, 4841, 06.12.1918 (50) [cA.616] HOWKINS, Pte. Herbert, 61915, 26.03.1918 (38) [cB.89] CLARKE, Pte. (Signaller) Joseph Francis, 1917, 11.12.1916 (29) [cK.277] HOWLEY, Pte. J, 19746, 12.08.1916 (47) [uO1.291 WM.27.4] CLEMMENS, Pte. George, 2903, 19.10.1914 [uO1.201 WM.11.2] HUBBARD, Bert, died of wounds 14.01.1923 (25) [uO1.920] COATS, Pte. David, S/9393, 15.10.1918 (25) [uO1.208 WM.5.3] HUBBARD, Sign. Eric Harold, London Z/6346, 05.11.1917 (19) [cO.74] COLBY, Pte. William, 104793, 09.08.1918 (45) [uO1.309] HUBBARD, Lce. Cpl. Harold, 32703, 25.12.1918 (22) [uO1.199 WM.4.5] COLE, Dvr.
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