T O EN F J TM U R ST U.S. Department of Justice A I P C E E D B O J C S F A Office of Justice Programs V M F O I N A C I J S R E BJ G O OJJ DP O F PR Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention JUSTICE Shay Bilchik, Administrator February 1997 JUVENILE JUSTICE BULLETIN JUVENILE JUSTICE BULLETIN Juvenile Arrests 1995 From the Administrator In a period when the Nation is Howard N. Snyder concerned about juvenile crime, it is important that we have an accurate, Law enforcement agencies in the United in 1995, but they accounted for more current, empirically based picture of States made an estimated 2.7 million arrests than half (55%) of the decline in these this problem. In October 1996, the in 1995 of persons under age 18.* According arrests between 1994 and 1995. FBI released Crime in the United to the FBI, juveniles accounted for 18% of ◆ Less than one-half of 1% of all persons States 1995, the most recent report all arrests. In 1995, for the first year in ages 10 through 17 in the United States in a series dating back to the 1930’s. nearly a decade, juvenile arrests for Violent were arrested for a Violent Crime Index Policymakers, researchers, and the Crime Index Offenses—murder, forcible offense in 1995. media rely on these annual reports to rape, robbery, and aggravated assault— ◆ quantify criminal justice activities and declined 3%. Even with this decline, the Juvenile murder arrests declined 14% trends. number of juvenile violent crime arrests in between 1994 and 1995. The number of 1995 was 12% greater than the level in 1991 juvenile arrests for murder in 1995 was This OJJDP Bulletin summarizes the 9% below the level in 1991, but still 90% and 67% above the 1986 level. Similarly, all statistics on the arrests of youth above the number of murder arrests in adult age groups also experienced increases under age 18 found in Crime in the 1986. in Violent Crime Index arrest rates between United States 1995 and other data the mid-1980’s and the mid-1990’s. ◆ In contrast to violent crime, juvenile flowing from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Property Crime Index arrests showed no These findings are derived from data Reporting Program. As readers will change between 1991 and 1995. The de- reported annually by local law enforcement see, the newest FBI arrest statistics clines in juvenile burglary arrests (11%) agencies across the country to the FBI’s Uni- give us hope for the future. Juvenile form Crime Reporting (UCR) Program. and motor vehicle theft arrests (17%) arrests for violent crime declined in Based on these data, the FBI prepares its were offset by the 6% increase in juvenile annual Crime in the United States report, arrests for larceny-theft—the highest vol- 1995 for the first time in nearly a which summarizes crimes known to the ume offense category for juveniles. decade. Most encouraging is that this police and arrests made during the report- ◆ Juveniles were involved in 13% of all decline was greatest among younger ing calendar year. This information is used drug arrests in 1995. Between 1991 and juveniles. This promising turnabout to characterize the extent and nature of ju- 1995, juvenile arrests for drug abuse vio- should temper recent forecasts of an venile crime that comes to the attention of lations increased 138%. epidemic of violent juvenile crime. the justice system. Other recent findings ◆ In 1995, 57% of arrests for running away from the UCR Program are: It is hoped that this Bulletin will from home involved females and 44% stimulate the search for solutions to ◆ Juveniles were involved in 32% of all involved juveniles under age 15. the problems that cause, and result robbery arrests, 23% of weapon arrests, ◆ Arrests of juveniles accounted for 14% of and 15% of murder and aggravated as- from, juvenile crime. all violent crimes cleared by arrest in sault arrests in 1995. 1995; more specifically, juveniles ac- ◆ Juveniles under age 15 were responsible counted for 9% of murders, 15% of forc- Shay Bilchik for 30% of juvenile violent crime arrests ible rapes, 20% of robberies, and 13% of Administrator aggravated assaults cleared by arrest. * Throughout this Bulletin, persons under age 18 are referred to as juveniles. See Notes on page 12. 1 Decline in violent crime Arrests of juveniles for all violent crimes declined between 1994 and arrests was greater for 1995, with murder arrests down 14% younger juveniles 1995 Percent of Total The decline in arrests for violent and Estimated Juvenile Arrests property crime between 1994 and 1995 was Number of Under Percent Change Offense Juvenile Arrests Female Age 15 1986–95 1991–95 1994–95 greater for younger than for older juveniles. Percent Change in Total 2,745,000 26% 34% 30% 20% 1% Arrests 1994–1995 Crime Index total 885,100 24 40 15 2 -2 Under Ages Violent Crime Index 147,700 15 30 67 12 -3 Age 15 15 to 17 Murder & nonnegligent 3,300 6 14 90 -9 -14 Total Crime Index -2% 3% manslaughter Forcible rape 5,500 2 37 -4 -12 -4 Violent Crime Index -5 -2 Robbery 55,500 9 28 63 18 -1 Murder -1 -16 Aggravated assault 83,500 20 32 78 11 -3 Forcible rape -7 -2 Robbery -2 0 Property Crime Index 737,400 26 42 8 0 -2 Aggravated assault -6 -2 Burglary 135,800 10 39 -18 -11 -6 Property Crime Index -4 0 Larceny-theft 510,600 32 44 14 6 1 Burglary -9 -3 Motor vehicle theft 80,500 15 28 28 -17 -9 Arson 10,500 12 67 40 20 -8 Larceny-theft -1 3 Motor vehicle theft -14 -7 Nonindex Arson -10 -3 Other assaults 215,700 28 41 111 36 3 Vandalism -11 -3 Forgery & counterfeiting 8,800 35 13 2 10 0 Weapons -16 -11 Fraud 25,100 26 26 5 69 1 Drug abuse violations 20 17 Embezzlement 1,300 42 10 47 9 23 Stolen property; buying, 42,800 12 28 20 -6 -2 Running away -5 0 receiving, possessing Data source: Analysis of data from Crime in the Vandalism 139,600 11 47 25 5 -7 United States 1995, Table 36. Weapons; carrying, 56,300 8 30 75 13 -12 Juveniles under age 15 were responsible possessing, etc. Prostitution & 1,300 48 17 -50 -6 11 for 30% of juvenile violent crime arrests in commercialized vice 1995, but they accounted for over half (55%) Sex offense (except forcible 16,100 7 51 -4 -13 -8 of the decline in these arrests between 1994 rape & prostitution) and 1995. Younger juveniles accounted for Drug abuse violations 189,800 13 17 115 138 18 70% of the decline in juvenile robbery ar- Gambling 1,600 5 17 98 50 -8 rests, 62% of the decline in aggravated as- Offenses against the 6,900 37 30 78 62 17 sault arrests, and 67% of the decline in family & children burglary arrests. All of the decline in juve- Driving under the influence 14,900 16 3 -49 -17 0 nile property crime arrests between 1994 Liquor law violations 120,000 29 10 -18 -1 3 and 1995 can be attributed to younger juve- Drunkenness 20,600 16 15 -39 -1 12 Disorderly conduct 173,900 25 35 67 45 5 niles. Vagrancy 3,500 11 21 15 29 -4 All other offenses 420,300 22 28 20 28 -1 Violent crime arrests (except traffic) Suspicion 2,000 21 27 -26 -57 -6 peaked with 18-year- Curfew & loitering 149,800 30 29 76 84 14 olds Running away 249,500 57 44 53 17 -2 In 1995, 1.2% of juvenile violent crime ◆ Even with the decline in juvenile violent crime arrests in 1995, the number of violent arrests involved persons under age 10. Vio- crime arrests was still 12% greater than the 1991 level and 67% above the 1986 level. lent crime arrests increased with each age ◆ The number of juvenile arrests for murder in 1995 was 9% below the level in 1991 but group between 10 and 17. In 1995, the num- still 90% above the number of murder arrests in 1986. ber of violent crime arrests peaked with 18- year-olds and declined thereafter. ◆ Females were involved in 15% of Violent Crime Index arrests, 26% of Property Crime Index arrests, and 13% of drug abuse violation arrests in 1995. In 1995, 2.2% of juvenile property crime arrests involved persons under age 10. In ◆ Between 1994 and 1995, the number of juvenile arrests fell in each of the following contrast to violent crime, property crime offense categories: murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor arrests peaked in the 16-year-old age group vehicle theft, arson, vandalism, and weapons law violations. and then declined abruptly, with the num- Data source: Crime in the United States 1995, Tables 29, 32, 34, 36, and 38. Arrest estimates ber of property crime arrests of persons age were developed by the National Center for Juvenile Justice. 20 less than half the number for persons age 16. 2 One in four juvenile arrests in 1995 were Juveniles were involved in a much larger proportion of property crime arrests of females arrests than violent crime arrests in 1995 Law enforcement agencies made 702,000 arrests of females below the age of 18 in 1995. The female proportion of juvenile ar- rests has grown in recent years. In fact, in- creases in arrests between 1991 and 1995 were greater for juvenile females than juve- nile males in most offense categories.
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