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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83680-7 - The Old Regime and the Haitian Revolution Malick W. Ghachem Index More information Index Note: French words are indicated in italics. Information from endnotes is indicated by an n following the page number. abolition of slavery Haitian Revolution role/stance of, 216, in Britain, 2n4, 17n36, 24n56 217–218, 223–231, 253, 255–257, Code Noir, relationship to, 16–19 276–277, 285 1793 emancipation proclamations for, late revolutionary, 303–308 217, 236–291, 293–302 manumission stance of, 71, 80–81, February 4, 1794 decree (16 Pluviôse) 83–89, 90–91, 97, 99–100, on, 214, 255–302 107–108, 110, 111–113, 114–116, in France, 18n36, 18n38 233, 291–302 gradual emancipation, 145–146, 224, military service imposed by, 111–116 286, 312 as plantation owners, 42n39 Haitian Revolution and, 216, 256–257, planter brutality addressed by, 62, 282–283, 285–286, 292–293 122–126, 130–131, 151–156, in Jamaica, 2n3 157–160, 163–166, 167, 177–181, manumission relationship to, 11n28 182–187, 190–195, 201–206, 289–291 military service and, 16, 17n35 power struggles amongst, 30, 288 planter brutality and, 145–146, 230 on slave crimes and punishment, 59–62 slave rebellions/revolts and, 282–283 taxation policies of, 93–108 in Surinam, 2n3 affranchis (freed persons), See also negrès Tocqueville as abolitionist, 18n38, libres; gens de couleur libres 20, 44 dangers perceived by, 14 in U.S., 19 defined, 13, 68n123 administrators, See also specific parentage of, 85 administrators by name; intendants; politicization/political power of, 231–232 governors population of, 13, 35–36 archival preservation by, 27n67 racial categorization as, 3–13, 13n32 authority of, 39–40, 40n29, 109 Ailhaud, Jean Antoine, 253, 277n70, 285, Code Noir authority invoked by, 15–19, 288, 289 221, 223–231, 287–288 Algeria, 20n42, 31 on colonial racial demographics, 55–58 Almeida, Jean-Baptiste Suarez d’, 184, gens de couleur libres support from, 253 185–187, 190, 201 337 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83680-7 - The Old Regime and the Haitian Revolution Malick W. Ghachem Index More information 338 Index amirautés (admiralty tribunals), 42 courts generally in, 41n34, 89, 90–94, Armand, 257 101–103, 117–118, 120, 131–138, 139, 141, 160, 167, 177n30, baptism, manumission through, 31, 184–187, 192, 194, 196, 203, 207, 86–87, 110 262, 263, 266 Barbados, 14n33 gens de couleur libres in, 105 Bard, David, 311 manumission of slaves in, 26n66 Bauvais, Louis-Jacques, 246, 258 political power struggles in, 288 Bégon, Michel, 71 sénéchaussée in, 131–138, 183–196, Belair, Gabriel Aimé, 272n47, 281, 282 203, 263, 266 Belley, Jean-Baptiste, 300 slave communities/gathering places Bessner, Baron de, 145n64, 145–146, 152 in, 270 Biassou, Georges, 16, 216, 218, 255–256, views of, 263, 266 257, 258, 272, 276–285, 295 Carteau, Jean-Félix, 271 Blénac, Comte de, 59–62, 71 Cassarouy (1770 planter brutality case), Bodin, Jean, 9, 29, 47–54, 49n60, 51n72, 133–134, 135, 136, 137–138 52n75, 77, 211 Castries, Charles-Eugêne de la Croix de, Bonaparte, Napoleon, 2, 17–18, 20, 157, 160, 161, 229–230, 234, 214, 308 239–240 Bongars, Alexandre-Jacques de, 107, 108, Catholicism, 69–70, 86–87. 109, 114 See also religion Boucaux, Jean, 261 Chamber of Agriculture, 177n30, Boukman (Dutty), 257, 273, 283 192–193, 194 Brazil, 14n33, 78 Chapuzet, M., 142–143 Brissot de Warville, Jacques-Pierre, Chasseurs Volontaires, 115 250–252, 285, 286 Chavannes, Jean-Baptiste, 239 Britain Chilleau, Marquis du, 119n138 abolition of slavery/antislavery sentiment Choiseul de Stainville, Etienne-François de, in, 2n4, 17n36, 24n56 129–130, 138, 139 eviction of, from Hispaniola, 304 citizenry/citizenship judicial torture in, 169n4 of gens de couleur libres, 79, 235, planters’ alliance with, 288 254, 298 Saint-Domingue occupation by, 299–300 and slave standing, 52–54, 58, 214 Seven Years’ War involving, 4, 14, 97, civil commissioners, See administrators 113, 121, 213 Civil War, U.S., 2, 17n35 Bruère, Arnaud “Villeneuve”, 98–99 Clarkson, Thomas, 239 Brulley, Augustin Jean, 253–254, 300 Clavière, Etienne, 250 brutality, planter, See planter brutality; Club Massiac, 234, 238, 241, 245 torture Clugny, Jean-Etienne-Bernard Buffon, 184, 185–187, 190 de, 140 Bullet, Jeannot, 257, 277, 283 Cocosby, Marie-Rosalie-Florimonde, 107 Burke, Edmund, 241 Code Noir abolition of, 18, 44 Cambefort, Colonel, 281n83 abolition of slavery relationship to, Canada, 20n42, 31 16–19 Cap Français administrators invoking authority of, burning of, 291 14–19, 221, 223–231, 287–288 Chamber of Agriculture in, 177n30, colonial social structure based on, 4, 192–193, 194 29–31, 43–76 Conseil Supérieur in, 90, 101–103, Declaration of the Rights of Man vs., 117–118, 120, 132, 133–135, 139, 219–220 160, 177, 192, 207, 262, 263, 266 drafting of, 58–63, 71–73, 178 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83680-7 - The Old Regime and the Haitian Revolution Malick W. Ghachem Index More information Index 339 gens de couleur libres invoking authority Haitian Revolution relationship to, 3–5, of, 15–16, 82, 217, 221–223, 6–7, 19–21, 25–26, 215–216, 218 235–236, 237, 238, 240–241, 244, Tocqueville on, 4, 20n42, 31 248, 253–254 Columbus, Christopher, 31–33 Haitian Revolution, influence on, 4–19, commonwealth ethics, 29, 168, 215, 216–217, 219–231, 260–285, 223. See also well-ordered 287–288, 290–291 commonwealth; ethics legal culture based on, 14–19, 29–31, Compagnie des Indes Occidentales 55–67 (West India Company), 33–35 manumission regulated under, 5, 10–11, Condorcet’s Réflexions sur l’esclavage des 12, 30–31, 67–76, 68n124, 72n140, nègres, 224–225 78–83, 117, 215 Conseils Supérieurs, See also courts marronage regulated under, 139–140, 184 Chamber of Agriculture as successor planter brutality regulated under, 5, 10, to northern Conseil, 177n30, 11–12, 30–31, 62–63, 126–128, 192–193, 194 130, 132–138, 133n24, 139–144, efforts to combat racial 168–170, 171, 176–181, 184, discrimination, 120 198–199, 209–210, 215, 225–226, establishment and authority of, 33–43 261–262, 263, 268–269, 290 location of, 263, 266–268 planters invoking authority of, 14–16 manumission addressed by, 90–92, as product of customary law, 41, 43, 101–103, 117–118 72n136, 72n137 Montarand judgeship on northern publication of, 260 Conseil, 207 reform of, 156–157 planter brutality addressed by, 132, Roman law influences on, 29, 64, 65, 68, 133–135, 139, 156, 160, 190–191, 71–73, 72n136, 72n137, 74, 75, 82, 201–206 126, 136, 148, 182n52 suspension and merger of, 167, 262 slave “crimes” and punishment under, taxation role of, 93–108 58–67 Constitution of 1801, 214, 216, 218, slaves’ exposure to, 260–276 306–307 slaves invoking authority of, 14–16, cotton plantations, 2, 14 214–223, 276–285 Courrejolles, 143–144 sovereignty of planters regulated under, Courtin, Sebastien Jacques, 190n76 2, 12–13, 63n107 courts structure and basis of, 7 appellate, 42, 201–206 title page and opening text of, 44 authority of, 41n37, 139 torture regulated under, 131–138, Code Noir authority invoked by, 14–16 168–170, 171, 174–210, 225–226, Code Noir publication by, 260 228–269, 290–291 colonial structure of, 40–43, 41n34, transformation of, 5–6, 7, 15–19 41n36, 41n37 well-ordered commonwealth Conseils Supérieurs as, 40–43, 90–94, relationship to, 9 101–103, 117–118, 120, 132, coffee plantations, 14, 37, 39, 247 133–135, 139, 156, 160, 177, Colbert de Seignelay, Jean-Baptiste, 33, 190–191, 192, 201–206, 207, 262, 43, 55 263, 266–268 colonialism efforts to combat racial court structure during, 40–43, 41n34, discrimination, 120 41n36, 41n37 French, 41n36 government structure during, 39n25, gens de couleur libres’ use of, 92n54, 39n26, 39n27, 39–43, 40n29 97–99, 105–106, 120, 232 Haitian contemporary situation judicial torture by, 169n4, 169n5, impacted by, 23n54, 313–314 170n7, 179–181 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83680-7 - The Old Regime and the Haitian Revolution Malick W. Ghachem Index More information 340 Index courts (cont.) creditor influence on manumission, location of, 263, 266–268 101, 102 manumission addressed by, 89, 90–92, gens de couleur libres’ economic 96, 97–99, 101–103, 108–111, strength, 37n19, 78, 247 117–118 Haitian revolutionary policies on, notaries in, 91, 92n54, 118 293–295, 294n130, 298n156 planter brutality addressed by, 129, late revolutionary policies on, 304, 306 130–144, 141n54, 156, 160, planter brutality impacting, 123n5, 161–162, 190–191, 201–206, 125n10, 156n101 261–262, 263–270 wages after emancipation as, 294n130, sénéchaussées as, 42, 131–138, 184–187, 298n156 190, 192, 194, 196, 203, 263, 266 emancipation, See manumission; abolition slave “crime” and punishment under, of slavery 58n93, 59, 61–62, 269n35 1793 emancipation proclamations, 217, slave testimony in, 141n54, 141–143, 286, 289–291, 293–302 171, 181–187 England, See Britain suspension and merger of, 177, 262 Enlightenment, See also morality; taxation role of, 93–108 humanitarianism/humanity creditors, 101, 102 Declaration of the Rights of Man Croix-des-Bouquets, 247 influenced by, 219 currency, colonial exchange rates, 37n17 gens de couleur libres’ politicization Cussy, Pierre-Paul Tarin de, 55–58 influenced by, 240 Haitian Revolution influenced by, Darius, Pierre, 200, 204 224–225, 240 Davis, David Brion, 6, 309 planter brutality addressed by, 147–148, de la Mardelle, Guillaume-Pierre-François, 165, 174 190–191, 191n79 slavery impacted by, 24–25, 224–225 de Tocqueville, See Tocqueville, Alexis de Ennery, Victor-Thérèse Charpentier d’, 111 Debien, Gabriel, 28, 87 escaped/runaway slaves, See marrons Declaration of Independence (1804), 2, Estaing, Charles d’, 95 214, 307 ethics, See also morality Declaration of the Rights of Man and the commonwealth, 29, 168, 223.

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