10 September 2018 No 20 ISSN 1664-7963 Current Concerns PO Box CH-8044 Zurich Current Concerns Switzerland The international journal for independent thought, ethical standards, moral responsibility, Phone: +41 44 350 65 50 Fax: +41 44 350 65 51 and for the promotion and respect of public international law, human rights and humanitarian law E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.currentconcerns.ch English Edition of Zeit-Fragen The Twilight of the War The undermining of the right of peoples to self-determination by transnational financial elites will come to an end by Thierry Meyssan*, Damascus (Syria) If we consider the war in Syria “The side which will be the victor of this long war de- not as a singular event, but as the fends, […] the idea that in order to chose their destiny, peo- culmination of a world war which ple must organise themselves into clearly-defined Nations, has persisted for based either on a land or else on a common history or pro- a quarter of a century, we have ject. Consequently, it supports national economies rather to ask ourselves than transnational finance.” Thierry Meyssan about the con- (picture wikipedia) sequences of the imminent end of Soviet Union, but by its collapse in and ments towards other entities, both admin- hostilities. Its completion marks the de- onto itself. It was not followed by the cre- istrative and private – and also vice versa. feat of an ideology, that is to say glo- ation of new structures, but by the integra- For example, we saw a private army, balisation and financial capitalism. The tion of the states of the USSR into pre-ex- Daesh, proclaim itself a sovereign state. people who have not understood this, par- isting organisations. Or again, we watched General David Pe- ticularly in Western Europe, are defining traeus organise the most voluminous arms their own exclusion from the rest of the From Yugoslavia to Syria – the Third traffic in History when he directed the world. World War as a fight for ... CIA, and then continue it after his resig- The Third World War began in Yugosla- nation on behalf of a private company, the World wars do not only end with a winner via, continued in Afghanistan, Iraq, Geor- hedge fund KKR3. and a loser. Their termination defines the gia, Libya and Yemen, and ended in Syria. This situation may be described as a contours of a new world. Its battle-grounds were confined to the Bal- confrontation between, on the one hand, The First World War ended with the de- kans, the Caucasus and what we now call a transnational ruling class and, on the feat of the German, Russian, Austro-Hun- the „Greater Middle East“. It has cost the other, the governments responsible to their garian and Ottoman Empires. The cessation lives of countless Muslim and Orthodox people. of hostilities was marked by the elaboration Christian populations, without spilling over of an international organisation, the League too much into the Western world. It is in War propaganda obfuscates of Nations (LN), tasked with abolishing se- the process of drawing to a close since the real causes of war cret diplomacy and settling any conflicts Putin-Trump Summit in Helsinki. Contrary to the imputations of propagan- between the member-states by arbitration. da, which attribute the causes of war to The Second World War ended with the ... a shift in power in favour of trans- immediate circumstances, the true caus- victory of the Soviet Union over the Nazi national “elites” es are to be found in rivalries and in deep- Reich and the Japanese Empire of hakk’ The profound changes which have trans- seated, ancient ambitions. States take ichiu1,2, followed by a frantic chase be- formed the world over the last 26 years tween the Allies to occupy what was left transferred a part of the power of govern- continued on page 2 of the vanquished Coalition. It gave birth to a new structure, the United Nations Organisation (UNO), tasked with pre- Seymour Hersh: “There’s zero evidence” venting new wars by establishing inter- national law around a double legitimacy “Don’t think the Russians were to blame – the General Assembly, where each state [for Donald Trumps’ election victory]. That’s has a voice, irrespective of its size, and crazy. We are very good at intelligence. We a directorate composed of the five main know who it was, and if it had been the Rus- sians, we would have made that clear. But victors, the Security Council. there’s zero evidence.” The Cold War was not the Third World War. It did not end with the defeat of the Seymour Hersh in an interview with the “Neuen Zürcher Zeitung” from 25 August 2018 * Thierry Meyssan is political consultant, Pres- (picture wikipedia) ident-founder of the Réseau Voltaire (Voltaire Network). No 20 10 September 2018 Current Concerns Page 2 ”The Twilight of the War” dead and that History is finished. It pre- constituted by 114 member states of the continued from page 1 sents globalisation, in other words An- United Nations. glo-Saxon domination by way of the 1] Hakk’ ichiu (the eight corners of the world years to challenge one another. Often, it extension of the US language and life- under one roof) is the ideology of the Japanese is only with the passage of time that we style, as the consequence of the techni- Empire. It claims the superiority of the Japanese are able to understand the conflicts which cal development of transport and com- race and its right to dominate Asia. devour us. munication. It assures us that a single 2 The Soviet armies overrun Manchuria on the as- sumption that Tokyo would then surrender to Mos- For example, very few people under- political system is the ideal for all hu- cow. But President Truman launched the second stood what was happening during the Jap- manity – democracy (in other words atomic bomb in Nagasaki, forcing the Japanese to anese invasion of Manchuria (1931) and “government of the People, by the Peo- surrender to General McArthur so that the Penta- waited until the invasion of Czechoslo- ple, for the People”) – and that it is pos- gon could occupy the country. 3 “[Billions of dollars’ worth of arms against vakia by Germany (1938) to understand sible to impose this ideal by force on all Syria]”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete that it was racist ideologies which pro- humanity. Finally, it presents the free- Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 18 July 2017. voked the Second World War. Identically, dom of circulation of people and capitals 4 Les Dollars de la terreur : Les États-Unis et les is- lamistes, Richard Labévière, Grasset, 1999. Eng- rare are those who understood that by the as the solution to all problems of labour lish version : Dollars for Terror: The United States war of Bosnia-Herzegovina (1992) the al- and investment. and Islam, Algora Publishing, 2000. liance between NATO and political Islam However, these assertions, which we all 5 Wie der Dschihad nach Europa kam. Gotteskrieg- er und Geheimdienste auf dem Balkan, Jürgen opened the way for the destruction of the accept in the course of our daily lives, do Elsässer, Kai Homilius Verlag, 2006. 4 Muslim world . not stand up to a minute of thought. 6 Sous nos yeux. Du 11-septembre à Donald Trump, And today, despite the work of journal- Behind these lies, the transnational Thierry Meyssan, Demi-Lune 2017. ists and historians, many people have still group has systematically worn down the (Translation: Pete Kimberley) not understood the enormity of the manip- Power of states and amassed fortunes. Source: Voltaire Network, 31 July 2018 ulation of which we have all been victims. They refuse to admit that NATO coordinat- The right of peoples to self-determina- ed its Saudi and Iranian auxiliaries on the tion resists transnational financial European continent. And yet this is a fact governance which is impossible to contest5. The side which will be the victor of this Similarly, they refuse to admit that Al- long war defends, on the contrary, the idea Qaïda, accused by the United States of that in order to chose their destiny, peo- having perpetrated the terrorist attacks of ple must organise themselves into clearly- Current Concerns 9/11, fought under the orders of NATO in defined Nations, based either on a land or The international journal for independent Libya and Syria. And yet this is another else on a common history or project. Con- thought, ethical standards, moral responsibility, fact that is impossible to contradict6. sequently, it supports national economies and for the promotion and respect The initial plan, which was intended rather than transnational finance. of public international law, human rights to set the Muslim world against the Or- We have just experienced the World and humanitarian law thodox world, became transformed as it Football Cup. If the ideology of globali- Publisher: Zeit-Fragen Cooperative unfolded. There was no “war of civilisa- sation had won the war, we should have Editor: Erika Vögeli tions”. Shiite Iran turned against NATO, supported not only our national team, Address: Current Concerns, which it had served in Yugoslavia, and al- but also the teams of other countries P.O. Box, CH-8044 Zurich lied with Orthodox Russia in order to save according to their membership of our Phone: +41 (0)44 350 65 50 multi-confessional Syria. common supra-national structures. For Fax: +41 (0)44 350 65 51 We must open our eyes to History and example, the Belgians and the French E-Mail: [email protected] prepare ourselves for the dawn of a new would have had to support one another Subscription details: world system in which certain of our mutually by waving the flag of the Eu- published regularly electronically as PDF file friends of yesterday have become our en- ropean Union.
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