_ ___ ,____________._.-. ._.- .-.t--m un a _ -. &#39; - Q:-cnuudo. roan no 1 In-Ion i F &#39; on on. -Q. on. at . 1&#39;¢,||¢,n ____._ unmao STATES MI-INT - - __ 3&#39;,§:&#39;° --&#39;" Bishop __._..._- Casper __.._._..__.- Calla-.m -}-- TD _ _ go=|92&#39;nd_.--- =Mr. ne1.oa<&#39;§§- we12-1&#39;2-as r _ Sulllv .._--:-- ,0!!/73r T se--__._ $U|;J|5_rnom = T, E_ B1311 ". ONASSIS I[; ARISTOTL 7_ ;:i;}?°:.__:= // REQUESTwonnovvmsINFGRIviA"iIGN FEATURES, mc.FURBY / &#39; *- F_ - Z . - Reference is made to my memorandum of 11-27-68 in which it was noted that one Joe Trento, who said he was with Worldwide Features, called my office making inquiry regarding a letter that p Mr. Hoover had written to Admiral Land of the War Shipping Administra- tion regardingAristotle Onassis.It was noted thatTrento wasparticularly Iobnoxious prepared andsuch demandeda letter. vericationHe wasveryasfirmly advisedto whether or thatnot MI. filesFBIHoover had were confidential and that -could be of no help whatsoever to him. &#39; 1_&#39; h ational E_n_qui£_e_1_&#39;_,low-order s<_:_a_nda1 a sheet dated 12-29-68 carries a photostat of the letter from Mr. Hoover to &#39; Admiral Land. The article in the Enquirer claims that an FBI spokes- man confirmed that such a letter existed and confirmed that it had a n £1-sun rinnnsn-I-=u In-I AI-&#39;u n G nnnn: nu &#39;I-I-u an vi uran toldluuggllis absolutelyUzlaaan.nothing. us. - on1.3 92.-G92-|.r3%, Thus, 3.5l.l92-I&#39;ll-Dell-iierape; 92-11%was uér {letterAdmiralThe letterto Itin the to isEnquirer notedLand. be is an the exact copy that ofEnquirerarticle the Director&#39;s &#39; claims that the original copy of the letter disappeared from the files of the U. S. Maritime Commission. - f &#39;9292Kl.l"E!&#39;l92T&#39;l92 Y 92-IJIILII-L-IL LI For recordpurposes. l/ __1K &#39; - &#39; . - _, ..._~.---as _ 4---.1-11-n-n~.||nn-_ i._.»L~ !~ &#39;»~.-,..a-_4Z- __s-mg;-;,Iqn-1 1-; - -:_ -_ -r--h-pm: evi» - V 41$ L -¢.&#39;;.u|.-J-as;--1._-_ A ;__?|,&#39;;,_,.__-7 n .- 5:if #7 &#39;u_-smdluncs--0.10 miunrmnun-I O ~__ &#39; Q , &#39;1 &#39; &#39;-9 05 . 0 . OIlOlIl.IO.|C.II -- f.|1_.Z¬_, i . uurrsn S&#39;l"A&#39;l"l-ZS col ii v92mu1:1~rr O - 4g,§...Z- °-&#39;~* ¢Qll__-._-- . if Memorandum _ Cdld-._..-- - &#39; r 92 Cid-_-- 1-o " Mr. DeLoachB - Mm 11/3&#39;?/68fsId----it &#39;1&#39; &#39;- FROM : if;-..-..*- I I 5 sua|wr= s|I&#39;I? llubll-...__- . _ - &#39;r. 1:. Bishop Q »]- 1131&#39;:-;I 3 Q / Ibis --- hi >- 11e r ARISTOTL NASSIS r ff! . 7 __ F3 nsqussr ron INFORMATION BY . L Wis- wosnnwms FEATURE S, INC D761"; &#39;&#39;- 0 1&#39;-/Q53-~ -r I 3 kl 5 jne Joel_éento, ! omldwldé Eeatureslgg called renes ué/as and d urm . Hoover ma »&#39; - ,Onassis. Hereportedly written said the the Director Maritime allegedly Commission had said in 1944 orsomething 1945 to regarding the eect Aristot1@&#39;ithat &#39;" Onassis bore watching. Mr. Trento was advised by Leinbaugh in my office that K_- g In could not help him, um rm files were confidential and available 101- oicial use only. Trento immediately became highly upset. He demanded to talk to M1?-&#39;-"" -r 92- Hooverpersonally in order to obtain verification from Mr. Hooveras to whether it I or not such a letterlmd been writtem Irento was again told, very firmly, that ouT -e : lfileswere confidential, that the FBI couldbeof no help whatsoever and that Mr. Q ~ Hoov c l not be of assis tan cc. &#39; :- , I. - A.. .- réic, who is obviously quite youthful and inexperienced as a I &#39;newspap man, became increasingly abusive and it was finally necessary to terminate the call. Later on, Trento called your Mr. DeLoach&#39;s! office and requested that he be called and given the above referred toinformationg This _ -I call was not returned. -,1 _-3 = - mu §We have been advised by the Liaison Section that Worldwide P Features caed the Maritime Commission and tried to get the above information ~11 on 11/ 26/ 68; The htaritime Commission advised Worldwide Features that they I -Z C had no suclbletterin their possession, and that even it they did, it could not &#39; property be made available oifie FBI" tdthe The news caller, service who di inasmuchot itepfy asithe himself, letter would besaid that the - he had found a let§¬i- dated 7-16- 42 from Mr. Admiral Land regarding Onassis: - lat Archiveg §&#39; _ /- 3 .3; i- --Q Bufiles a letter Basg to Admiral tritheliitje Land givMicl;2.&§&#39;i¬¬r{Loi from the Director regarding Onassis which1oc%§in _-1 . merely relates that an informant advised the FBI that the ac V1 e°s§t&#39;0oassi I "should be careiully scrutinizei" A copy or this! letter is attached. &#39; _-&#39; ~ u " C if in 4 _ ___ L - 92 ._.», _ 5-. 5 :.].1 -=5 I if-i:=;"§i~REC°m"§&#39;BT1°m&#39; I53 P &#39;&#39;3. ". i .:-51:-;__"" E33-itrrtdr inlormation. We_wi_l_1, _ ,course,;_!nrnish no inforiation &#39; "M I _ . _ . _1 -q_i92_ _ _ r _ _ __ - _ -P"- ___ ____-__,___ .---- .. ,_ __¥_;?;*Y 7 :&#39;_ 1- _ .L_.¢..-.-.=_..:»_&#39;~._4&#39;Q&#39;==-:»-an-|&#39;.;.-;~ .. -_-I-I*=:-_q-r--Q-.-Ianw-I. -1:» __ . ._. _ _v- i &#39;_- - _;- _=- . 5- _ - i if &#39; I , . _ , | > 0 &#39; P . » --O: _0; .5&#39;- 1:! - =-w 1 L - - ,. I I &#39; - , - 1 . - ,0 - 5 1:1 - - -&#39; " 5 - _ &#39;__ _ -_ct,l_{_£..1_l F;-_Q1&#39;;&#39; ,5; .-or- - . - " -1 a .¢ A---l-Q- &#39;. I . 92 - . &#39;.&#39;. I1 _ . &#39;. _ &#39;B:g:&#39;::.e:.&#39;J-.-1--4-10- 5|»-ll _ A _ ;. , . "&#39; . .. .-f 1; .-. &#39; Q _ -1 __&#39;- &#39; - . u _ . "K I &#39;, ~_. : E,-;;1....!2§9-5-_-1 -:-3- 9- nu:-F5";J &#39;-&#39;-:a.....-""""."...¢-¢""*JI&#39;392-via"&#39; . - _ , _ v , U0 D c._n.,.e <1i1dinP&#39;J n _ - I - 92 _ - I . &#39;. 1! . _ I _ . 92 -»;"- - . _J. &#39;92&#39;_&#39; I . &#39;f__:y._&#39;,&#39;,.EZ!.§&#39;.&#39;|A.&#39;- _ :-- ;_»;"o:&#39;:1:.&#39;t.is::...-I - j - .* . _ . " . ____ &#39; -L...--&#39;-&#39;-""--.." , £v.-&#39;lst.ut.c.&#39;..i&#39;:- . J , t+r"¢r5 "Csllir¢7 ai -"°° _,. 1:11-Q; 9;} ;."_&#39;,::.:3 031 K . I:-:1: Bu-.;-:.c-5 A--1&#39;?-&#39;5::1- -Q 5? --3 _92 91&#39; 5- 2. -92. n ,_ . I- I w _ ":~.a i:~.£o-::.::.. - I !_:&#39;..:..<&#39;:£-t:&#39;.!.§§ 351- C7-555*? _H_3d L-Iv. &#39; ..L__.;__,;, _ 1;-3, . 14;, 1:33 . ¢:,_¢_..3_¢;_-__ :.:> tn: Lnitnd .- .".1..~- m"... _-¢- - _ --I-~=--=|u&#39;r.ilc1n qt. PI my &#39;. &#39;. - :.c:&#39;.&#39;.t.... -.1-sod. xaa. IL cu-_*_c ___., A-»-; L- -&#39;-I. In &#39; Q""-&#39;1:-5-T»- .1? ,:1&#39;J.&#39;___. éul-I uh 4. Q &#39;--- no _ Ir CR1?--.-..-nu-> I I: I _oI__;:.,,:.l 1;-.;-.:a £110 .5 . &#39;~ fl . &#39;. -g z*.=.&#39;i5*-"3 - }92--3 1-. L Ill- 3 33;; C ..._&#39;I 1- -. -aect .L .-J. 0 States V--3&#39; . 9&#39; -Y .11: .:&#39;...t:.- .- &#39; A .. - &#39; . L J: 92 2-. 1--I I C9 &#39; &#39; . ?¢_-_: 1 cc:1£5.=..-I-~»-1- _-&#39;-"&#39;Z";___r&#39;- 1~_-;g_&#39;;,c:n r::c1:-- 531*.-1 1-:_;&#39;; I c&#39;.:;..a; n Q -..-.I-&#39; &#39;--- .&#39; G:-.:.s:¢3, I v&#39; ~..o .5 n-_ ,"- _-L&#39;. ,_,_ - .;.._.:.-, -_~Q_- . I-&#39;--.-_-... _. u P 1,; ,.,.-5 -7;-.5 sf, ;.&#39;.n..n---.- vv- "- . 1 -R ----"I - :&#39;_ r..&#39;-.--&#39; &#39;1 C--; .~-- L_&#39; an qr-y 7"." Q qr-1 &#39; 4 - - -n-Moon- u --I . II. q l Le "o-.a...- " :...-.2: aw -~ -:,...- 1.u_ 4 1 _* 92 ¢921_.1.., Q ..;_""_,___, -u.--a.-Q 92 4 _~_ .- v-_&#39;---" - n -&#39;4 -1- &#39; . - _ :1 -&#39;.1 &#39; . 5 . " -I _ I - "1&#39;._, . aw &#39;::.-:=¢.-==r.i=== -&#39;-&#39;---?&#39;"&#39;:° ;._ ~ > . 1 .,,. 1 Q 1&#39; Cr &#39;2&#39; ".....":h"&#39; -0 &#39;c. Z215 -° -"c" &#39;. " r. l92- ,,...:..c-.-»-_-1 3g:&#39;92_t."_"...&#39;!&#39;.¢3 . 1* "&#39;-"&#39; ""&#39;_ ;,,i.;. -.|-I 51.T9-&#39;9.--F- T_ " I5 .-_*-.3. ;.::.t his 861--~ ~&#39;-&#39;--- » &#39;.- ./-_ it. 2- 5- &#39;¥&#39;3L.7-¥-F.UP¬.3.&#39;-.T&#39;.&#39;I?Zafl =5-.e-.-.ld. be carc-11-&#39;-5&#39; _ 1 I B 8 And theUS. governmentlater uim arr-estetir-and iingerpi-inted is i result oi the allegedlyillegal purchase ti"_ &#39;11:1942, Hoover ordered that Onassis ;s be eareiully watched while in the U.S. &#39;-because . the FBI had received confiden- &#39; tial reports that Onassis had made un- it! ? remarks about theU.$.
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