Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-9-1966 The B-G News November 9, 1966 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News November 9, 1966" (1966). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2022. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2022 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. :«:■ Ohio, National Results ... See Pg. 3 The B-G News Serving a Growing University Since 1920 Wednesday, November 9, 1966 Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 51, No. 30 Rhodes By A Landslide (from News Wire Service) Republican Governor James A. Rhodes was given a big endorsement when he swept to a landslide re-election victory over State Senator Frazier Reams Jr. in yesterday's general election. With Rhodes running better than he did in 1962, a Republican sweep of the top statewide offices was assured. The governor's re-election is certain to thrust him into the party's national lime- light in looking to the national elections in 1968. (The vote was 1,414,556 for Rhodes to 887,414 for Reams, with 79 per cent of the state's polling places reported at 2:00 this mor..ing.) Reams conceded the election about 10 p.m. when he said "The people have spoken." In a victory statement issued from Columbus, Rhodes said "The people of Ohio responded to programs, not can- didates or any group. "With all my energy and enthusiasm, JOHN W. BROWN WILLIAM B. SAXBE JAMES A. RHODES I dedicate myself to make this great state greater." Attorney General Governor Lt. Governor Reams said Rhodes will find the Dem- ocrats quick to offer their support for any and all programs which are for the benefit of the people of Ohio. Republican Party Sweeps To As for his own plans. Reams said "I plan to sleep for a week or two." Democratic leaders will now begin for- mulating a legislative program in antic- Wins All Statewide Contests ipation of the next General Assembly which convenes in January, Reams added. (from News Wire Services) surprises was the ample majority piled "We will also keep building the party. A clean sweep by Republicans of all up by Archer E. Reilly (1,006,391), Re- The Democratic Party in this state has the statewide offices was the result in publican candidate for the short term never been as cohesive as lt Is right yesterday's general election. A land- of auditor of state. He easily defeated now. I feel this is a good sign for the slide victory for Governor James A. Clarence H. Knisley (828,865). future." Rhodes pulled in those few candidates Ted W. Brown (1,180,833) Republican whose elections were supposed to be secretary of state, won an easy re- News Offers $10 close. election over James D. Nolan (729,249). (Each candidates vote total is in par- With only a little more than one-third enthses following his name. These are of the polling places reporting. Brown For Naming 'Lake' with 9,257 of Ohio's 13.060 polling places had a lead of almost 300,000 votes. You may have called that body of water reported.) In the treasurer's race, John D. Her- In the race for Lieutenant Governor, bert (1,094,147), Republican incumbant, between Kreischer and Harshman a few names already, but how would you like-to incumbant JohnW. Brown (1,154,658) built easily defeated Eldon Brown (776,304) make your name for lt of f icial-- and win up a substantial lead over William Cole- by more than 200,000 votes. man (767,660), the Democratic candidate. $10 7 In the non-partisan election for the You can, in the B-G News' "Name Attorney General William B. Saxbe State Supreme Court, Louis J. Schneider, The Place" contest. All you have to do (1,078,370) outdistanced his opposition, Democrat Robert E. Sweeney, (862,794), Jr. (872,231), and Paul W. Brown (1, to enter is fill out the form below with 104,158), both won seats. They were your name, your name for the body of building up a lead of over 150,000 votes. endorsed by the Republicans and run- water, address and phone number. In the race for the full term of aud- ning as part of the "Rhodes team." itor of state, incumbant Roger Cloud The winner will be chosen by a panel They defeated Clifford F. Brown (745, (1,070,711) outdistanced DemocratThom- consisting of an administrator, a faculty 719) and Joseph D. Bryan (504,643). JOHN D. HERBERT as E. Ferguson (843.634). One of the member, a student leader and a B-G Treasurer of State News staff member. A $10 prize will be awarded to the winner. The winning name will be sub- Greeks Will Hear Millett rCr, ^ mitted to the Board of Trustees to make lt official. Dr. John D. Millett, chancellor of the Saturday's events include a welcome So, as Shakespeare might have said: a Ohio Board of Regents, will give the from Dr. Donald C. Lelong, assistant lake by any other name, isn't worth keynote address at a conference of Inter- to the president, and a "devil's advocate" $10. Try it. Send entries to: B-G fraternity and Panhellenic Council speech by a BGSU student with rebuttals News office, 106 University Hall. members on campus Friday, Nov. 18. to be given by representatives of the Name Dr. Millett has borne the brunt of MAC schools. An afternoon of work- Name for body of water criticism concerning adoption of the shops will be led by members of the Address quarter system at all state-assisted col- University's faculty and staff, Miss Gib- leges and universities in Ohio. son said. Phone His address is entitled, "Higher Ed- Saturday evening IFC and Panhel are ucation. With or Without the Fraternity sponsoring a free jam session in the Symposium Tonight System." Rathskeller, with music by Don Moore and the Holidays. 1 he University Alumni Association Announcement of the selection of the symposium will be held tonight in speaker was made at the Panhellenic Members of Council were told the registration deadline for the conference the Ballroom. Council meeting Monday by Kay Gibson, Seven key administrators, including chairman of the conference. is Sunday. In other business, committees were The forecast for today is cloudy, windy University President William T. Miss Gibson said fraternity and sor- formed to supervise this year's Spring and continued mild with showers and Jerome, will be present to answer ority scholarship awards and trophies will Rush. A pre-rush committee was or- scattered thunderstorms throughout the questions from the audience. be presented by Interfraternity and Pan- ganized for the purpose of studying pre- day and night. High today in the upper (See editorial on page 2.) hfHentc Councils preceding the address. rush activities. 50's. page 2 The B-G News, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1966 "We Haven't Got One Yet" LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Compendious Epistle It is fashionable, these days, not, therefore, cry out "apathy", A "good" student knows his to point the accusing finger at when we mean "fear", "weak- place. He knows better than apathy. Some authorities have ness"', AND "ignorance." to presume upon his betters. He even been good enough to per- Why can we not remember, is accutely aware of his pal- sonify "apathy" for us as "self- at least now and then, that this triness and openly shows his apointed political critics..." place is called a university, and moral terror of any "expert" Dear mel But let us, for the that a university is a place of or "leader". Ah, he is such moment, disregard this par-, learning, not the fear of lear- a sublime specimen of homo ticular contradiction in terms, ning. A student wishes to hear sapiens as to defy the miniscule and press on to weightier matters. other views, he does not holler powers of description available I, for one, am sick, sorry, "shut-up" into the face of con- to one so lowly as I (not "like and tired of hearing about apathy. troversy, he hopes instead I"), a mere student also. I would like to hear about ig- to glean some new bit of wis- My fellow students, let us no norance, illiteracy, and stupidity. dom from it. A student is one longer slumber. Oh-ho, I bet you think I'm talk- who considers things, he does Let us remember that we are ing about the huddling masses not merely react, like the rat not only students but also bona of the underdeveloped world." of the proverbial psychology ex- fide human beings. Let us cease Goodness, nol I mean my fel- periment. our pointless waiting for some low students and august colleajjes But how do we, the populace magical gesture of affirmation (not August, august). of B.G.S.U. conceive of a "stu- of our man-or-woman hoods. No, dent"? Virginia, they will not whisper After three years of reveling A "good" student is a follower, the sweet secret of life to you in the enthralling and intellec- a regurgitator of information, a on the stage at commencement! tually envigorating atnosphere of data--processer, a mild- Or is it "no use to sit an" the University, I am well nigh mannerd obeyer of order, a wor- wonder why, babe, if'n you don't ready to join Dr.
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