Abstracts www.anatomy.org.tr doi:10.2399/ana.11.001s Abstracts for the Joint Meeting of Anatomical Societies, 19-22 May 2011, Bursa, Turkey Anatomy 2011; 5 Suppl: S1-S171, © 2011 TSACA Opening Lecture New genoarchitectonic viewpoints on the developing hypothalamus Puelles L effects suggests that, rather than being a diencephalic floor ele- ment, the hypothalamus is best understood as a transverse region Department of Human Anatomy, Faculty of lying ventral to the telencephalon and rostral to the dien- Medicine, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain cephalon; the latter separates it from the midbrain. A number of gene expression patterns observed in the developing forebrain, part of the emergent genoarchitectonic neuroanatomy, have The anatomic concept of the hypothalamus changed consider- revealed the true topologic position of the hypothalamus, as well ably since its earliest definition. Tridimensional reconstructions, as the nature of its fundamental subdivisions. There are interest- experiments and many staining methods have expanded consid- ing parallelisms with genoarchitectonic patterns in the dien- erably the number of anatomical details recognized in this terri- cephalon and midbrain. In all these cases continuous longitudi- tory, probably one of the most complex in the brain. For a long nal domains can be distinguished, as well as a number of antero- time the predominant anatomic view has interpreted the hypo- posterior (transverse) neuromeric units of the neural wall. The thalamus as a longitudinal column at the floor of the dien- hypothalamus has been newly recognized to have two antero- cephalon, connected rostrally with the telencephalon and cau- posterior neuromeric subdivisions, named terminal and pedun- dally with the midbrain. However, recent advances in our knowl- cular hypothalamic portions. These ideas give meaning to the edge of early developmental mechanisms seem increasingly con- tract trajectories through the hypothalamus and serve to localize tradictory with this columnar viewpoint. Consideration of early more precisely the complex chemical structure and circuitry of ventralization, dorsalization and anteroposterior patterning this brain region. Copyright © 2011 Turkish Society of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy (TSACA). All rights reserved. Published by Deomed Publishing, Istanbul. S2 Joint Meeting of Anatomical Societies, 19-22 May 2011, Bursa, Turkey Plenary Lectures (PL-1 — PL-9) PL-1 PL-2 Student directed learning of gross Features in teaching human anatomy in anatomy: how to distinguish between Russia teaching and learning Kolesnikov LL*, Kulikov VV** Moxham BJ Department of Human Anatomy*, Moscow State University of Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, United Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow, Russian Federation; Department of Kingdom Normal Human Anatomy**, Russian State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation There has been much debate (and controversy) concerning the role of the teacher in biomedical education and training and The Human Anatomy is taught in 50 Medical Schools of this has led to many medical courses changing radically to Russian Federation. Total number of students is more than 25 comply with the ideology of “student-directed learning” thousands. Each Medical school has a Faculty of Medicine, 37 (SDL). Although there are many possible variants of SDL, medical schools have a Faculty of Pediatrics and 30 medical most educationalists take this to be synonymous with “prob- schools have a Faculty of Dentistry (Dental school). Nowadays lem based learning” (PBL). For this presentation, the variety anatomy at the Faculties of Medicine is taught during first 3 of SDL approaches will be considered and a critique levelled semesters (280 hours totally including 72 hours of lectures plus at PBL as the prime means of acquiring anatomical/medical 140 hours of independent studies.) Histology (180 hours) and topographic anatomy (65 hours) are taught as separate courses. knowledge and skills. Furthermore, a new approach will be The curriculum of Human Anatomy is determined by the State described that, building on the idea of modularisation of Educational Standard which is renewed every 5 years. The last courses, sees the development of “shadow modules” run by the Standard corresponds to the “Bologna’s consensus”. Anatomy students themselves to complement teaching from within occupies traditionally a special place in the higher medical edu- standard modular arrangements. The shadow modules will cation. It is studied in a systematic way in the following have student shadow module leaders and be provided with a sequence: locomotor apparatus (1-st semester), splanchnology collaboration platform through a universally accessible web and CNS (2-nd semester), cardiovascular system and PNS (3- portal (including mobiles and tablet PCs). This portal will rd semester). Traditionally Anatomy in Russia is not regarded enable students to recognise, and develop, appropriate learn- as a merely descriptive discipline. Its teaching is based on major didactic approaches - historicism, systemic approach, function- ing resources and will encourage student discussion and group ality, actuality, sufficiency, necessity and clinical orientation. learning (as well as gather valuable feedback for module The anatomical structure is mostly considered to be the com- improvement). This arrangement accords with recent technol- ponent of the ordinal systems in their historical and ontogenic ogy and pedagogy developments in virtual learning environ- dynamics and functional interrelations. The content of the ments (VLEs), including Sakai Open Academic Environment, course should be consistent with the recent concepts relating to Blackboard Collaborate (Currently Project Gemini) and the morpho- functional organization of the human body com- Moodle 2.0, and with new websites such as OpenStudy.com ponents. It should be sufficient and necessary for further study where more personalised, social and streamlined teaching and of basic and clinical disciplines. The ratio of these approaches may vary in different Russian medical schools. learning experiences are available. Thus, it is proposed that a division of labour is most effective for medical and biomedical courses that involves teachers being responsible for developing PL-3 syllabuses, teaching methodologies and assessment arrange- ments while students are empowered to develop learning An innovative approach to teach strategies, learning tools and extramodular resources (e.g. anatomy: the Teatrum Anatomicum internet resources) that befits their academic and generational experience needs. Teachers of modules and students on shadow modules Böckers A should come together to audit arrangements and to devise Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Ulm learning outcomes. University Faculty of Medicine, Ulm, Germany Anatomy 2011; 5 Suppl Abstracts S3 Modern anatomical teaching approaches are embedded in the diverse and each area has seen immense advancements. In ear- clinical context today. Teaching methods should alleviate the lier decades, anatomical sciences, physiology, pathology and learning process, increase learning motivation and provide pharmacology were the bulk of training in the first two years of additional skills and attitudes of medical professionalism. medical school, supplemented by smaller courses such as Therefore, new information should be based on already learnt chemistry, bacteriology and clinical medicine. With time, all knowledge, should stress its clinical relevance to improve these subjects expanded, and the new information was incorpo- learning motivation and should be presented in an empathetic rated into the medical school curriculum. Fifty years later, by learning environment by role models. The “Theatrum the middle of the second half of the 20th century, newer sci- anatomicum” offers an excellent place for this. Premedical stu- ences such as biochemistry, genetics and psychology were dents come into contact with clinicians and learn anatomy. The added, and toward the end of the century, a cascade of new idea of an anatomical theatre is not basically new, however, in knowledge on the molecular basis of normal and abnormal 2008 it was reactivated at Ulm University for the first time structure and function was also being delivered in the medical again in Germany. Faculty and student support made it possi- school classrooms. Despite this increased volume of basic sci- ble to build an operating theatre which includes a grandstand ences knowledge, which needs to be taught in medical school, for 50-60 spectators adjacent to the dissection lab. Clinical col- the initial two years of basic sciences training has not remained leagues of different disciplines like neurosurgeons instruct stu- exclusive to basic sciences. Over time, there has been a push to dents to perform or assist an operation on Thiel fixated cadav- bring more “relevant” clinical sciences into the earlier years of ers. A high-quality video and audio transmission allows the spectators to pursue the action in the operation field simulta- medical training. Perhaps, in early 70s, neuroscience courses neously. Based on the already gathered knowledge in seminars that combined neuroanatomy with clinical aspects of the dis- and the gross anatomy course this clinical experience motivates eases of the nervous system were the beacons of such changes. students to learn and transfer anatomical knowledge into the Also monetary rewards that medical schools allocated for presented clinical
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