7366 CONGRESSION-Lt\._L R.ECORD-SENATE APRIL 28 ' 7285 . .Also, ·petition ·of 0. I. T. Corporation, 100 Park .Avenue, Ashur t Fess King Shortridge Barkll'y Fletcher J.. a :B'ollette Simmons New York City, favoring the passage of the Bachmann bill (H. R. Bayard Frazier Loeber Smoot 12730) prescribing the procedure for forfeiture of ve sels under Bingham George McKellar Steck <.'UBtoms, navigation, and internal re\enue laws; to the Com­ Black Gerry McNary Steiwer Rlnine Goll' Mayfield Stephens mittee on the Judiciary. Blease Gooding Neely Swanson 7286 . .Also, petition of B. F. Yoakum, New York City, sug­ Bratton Gould Norbeck - Thomas gesting certain amendments to the McNary-Haugen farm relief Broussard Greene Norris Tydings Brn~ H~e N" Tyson bill ; to the Committee on Agriculture. Capper Banis Oddie Vandenberg 7287 . .Also, petition of E. S. Reynold , 111 Broadway, New Caraway Harrison Overman Wagner York City, favoring the passage of the Tyson bill (S. 777) un­ Copeland Hayden Phipps Walsh , Mass. Couzens Heflin Pittman Walsh, Mont. amended; to the Committee on \Vorld War Veterans' Legis­ Curtis Howell Ransdell Warren lation. Dale Johnson Hobinson, .Ark. Waterman 7288. .Also, petition of the Frontier Development Co., Buffalo, Deneen .Jonei': Sackett Wheeler Dill Kendrick 'chall N. Y., favoring the passage of the emergency officers' retirement Edge Keyes Sheppard bill (S. 777); to the Committee on World War Veterans' Legis­ 1\Jr. GERRY. I wish to announce that the junior Senator lation. from New Jersey [Mr. Emv.A.RDs] is necessarily detained from 7289. Also, petition of the Paper Cutters, Binding Machine the Senate by reason of illnes in hi family. Operators, and Embossers' Protective Union, No. 119, New York The VICE PRESIDENT. Seventy-four Senators having an­ City, favoring the enactment of the Griest postal bill; to the swered to their names, a quorum is present. Committee on the Po t Office and Post Roads. 7290. By Mr. QUAYLE: Petition of New York State Home MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE E conomics Association, favoring the passage of the Reed bill Ames age from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Chaffee, (H. R. 12141) for vocational education; to the Committee on one of its clerks, announced that the House' had adopted the 1Vorld War Veterans' I..egislation . following resolution (H. Res. 178): .72!:>1 • .Also, petition of M. Fine & Son , of New York, favoring Resoh:ed, That a committee of the Honse be appointed to take order the passage of the Hawes--Cooper bill (H. R. 7729) ; to the for superintending the funeral of Bon. MARTIN B. MADDEN in the Committee on Labor. House of Representatives at 12 o'clock meridian on Sunday, April 29, 7292 . .Also, petition of Frontier Development C<>., of Buffalo, 1928, and that the House of Representatives attend the same. N. Y., favoring the passage of the Tyson-Fitzgerald bill, for the Resolved, That as a further mark of respect the remains of Mr. retirement of emergency officers; to the Committee on 1\Iilitary MA.DDEX be removed from Washington to Chicago, Ill., in charge of the Affairs. Sergeant at Arms, attended by the eommittee, who shall have full 7293. Also, petition of National Board of Tobacco Salesmen's power to carry these resolutions into effect, and that the necessary Association, of New York City, favoring the passage of the expenses in connection therewith be paid out of the contingent fund of Robinson bill (H. R. G68) to amend section 1 of the interstate the House. commerce act; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Resolv ed, That the Clerk of the House communicate these proceedings Commerce. to the Senate and invite the Vice President and the Senate to attend 7294. Also, petition of C. I. T. Corporation of New York City, the funeral in the IIo.use of Representatives anu to appoint a com­ favoring the passage of the Bachmann bill (H. R. 12730) pre­ mittee to act with the committee of the House. scribing the procedure for forfeiture of >es els under the cus­ Resolved, That invitations be extended to the President of the United toms, navigation, and internal revenue laws; to the Committee States and the members of his Cabinet, the Chief Justice and .Associate on the Judiciary. Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, the diplomatic 7295. Also, petition of American Association for Labor Legis­ corps (through the Secretary of State), the Gener~ of the Army, anu lation, of New York City, favoring the passage of the Blaine the Chief of Naval Operations to attend the funeral in the BaH o.t. the bill (S. 3565) providing workmen's compensation for private House of Representatives. employee in the District of Columbia ; to the Committee on the The message also announced that, pursuant to Hou e Re o­ District of Columbia. lution 178, the Speaker appointed the following committee on 7296. By Mr. SINCLAIR: Letter o.f C. E. Cunningham, cash­ the part of the Hou e to superintend the funeral of the late ier of the Commercial Bank, Williston, N. Dak., against the Representative 1\:I.ARTIN B. MADDEN, viz: Representatives D. R. Oddie bill ; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. ANTHONY, Jr., Kansas; BURTON L. F':R~CH, Idaho; W. W. 7297. By Mr. WINTER: Resolution t·e House bill 9956, from GRIEST, Pennsylvania; FRED A. BRITrEN, Illinois; LOUIS C. G. R. Anuerson, commander Travis Snow Po. ·t, No. 5, Torring· CRAMTON, l\Iichigan; EDWARD E. DE...'VISON, Illinois; EDWARD J. ton, "\Vyo. ; to the Committee on Irrig-ation and Reclamation. KING, Illinois; GEORGE H. TINKHAM, l\Iassachusett ; EDWARD H. WASON, New Hampshire; THOMAS S. WILLIAMS, Illinois; WIILIAM R. WooD, Indiana; MILTON W . ·SHREVE, Pennsylvania; SENATE ERNEST R. ACKERMAN, New Jersey; flENRy E. BARBO~ Cali­ fornia; CARL R. CHINDBLOM, Illinois; L. J. DICKIN ON, Iowa ; SATURDAY, April 28, 1928 GUY U. HARDY, Colorado ; FRANK MURPHY, Ohio ; WALTER H. The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered th,e NEW'roN, Minnesota; JOHN W. SUMMERS, ·washington; RICHARD following prayer : YATES, Illinois ; FRANK CLAGUE, l\Iinnesota ; M. ALFRED MICHAEL­ SON, Illinois; ELLIOTT ,V. SPROUL, Illinois; ROBERT L. BACON, O .God, who comest to us in an hour when we think not and New York; WILLIAM P. HOLADAY, Illinois; :MORTON D. HULL, in ways we least expect, we thank Thee that Thou hast clothed Illinois ; WILLIAM E . HULL, Illinois ; HENRY R. RATHBONE, Thyself in our frail form, hast consented to walk our ways, Illinois; FRANK R. REID, Illinois; ROBERT G. SIMMONS, Ne­ endure our sorrows, and to taste for us the bitterness of death, braska; JOHN TABER, New York; MAURICE H. THATCHER, Ken­ look wit h loving pity upon those who have been called to tucky; GEORGE A. WELSH, Pennsylvania; CHARLES AmnNs, Dli­ drink the cup of tears, and be unto them a refuge in this their nois; JOHN C. ALLEN, Illinois; ED. M. IRWIN, Illinois; \VILLIAM hour of utmost need. · R. JOHNSON, Illinois; JoHN T. BUCKBEE, Illinois; HOMER W. HALL, Breathe into our hearts, 0 God, by the divine alchemy of Illinois; HENRY T. RAII\"""EY, lllinoi ; ADOLPH J. SABATH, Illi­ Thy grace, such spirit of devotion to our tasks that when our nois; JOSEPH W. BYRNS, Tennes. ee; EDWARD T. TAYLOR, Colo­ summons comes we may receive that blessing which Thy well­ rado; JAMES P. BUCHANAN, Texas; WILLIAM B. OLIVER, Ala­ beloved Son shall pronounce to all who love and serve Thee, bama; ANTHONY J. GRIFFI , New York; WILLIAM A. AYRES, saying, "Come ye bles ed children of my Father, receive the Kansas; THOMAS W. HARRISON, Virginia; WILLIAM W. HAST­ kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world." INGS, Oklahoma; THOMAS H. CULLEN, New York; JOHN .J. CASEY, Grant this, 0 Father, through Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Pennsylvania ; Ross A. CoLLINs, Mississippi ; STANLEY H. KuNz, Redeemer. Amen. Illinois; JoHN N. SANDLIN, Louisiana; WILLIAM W. ARNOLD, The Chief Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's Illinois ; THOMAS A. DoYLE, Illinois ; FRED M. VINSO "", Ken­ proceedings, when, on request of Mr. CURTIS and by unanimous tucky ; J. EARL MAJOR, Illinois ; and JAMES T. IGOE, Illinoi . consent, the further reading was dispensed with and the Journal The me sage further announced that the House in isted upon was approved. its amendments to the bill (S. 3740) for the control of floods on the Mississippi River and its tributarie , and for other pur­ CALL OF THE ROLL poses, disagTeed to by the Senate, agreed to the conference Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a requested by the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two quorum. Houses thereon, and that Mr. REID of Illinois, Mr. CURRY, Mr. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. RoY G. FITZGERALD, Mr. WILSON of Louisiana, and Mr. DRIVER The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Senators were appointed managers on the part of the House at the answered to their names : co}lference. 1928 . CONGRESSIONAIJ RECORD-SENATE 7367' The message also announced that the House had passed a The levees proposed arong the Riker flood ways are in my opinion bill (H. R. 13331) to authorize the President' to present the too high for safety, and the e-stimated cost for the whole project­ distinguished flying cross to Ehrenfried Gunther von Huenefeld, $785,000,000-is too low. The low un.it cost for earthwork is out of James C. FitzMaurice, and Hermann Koehl, in which it re­ li.ne with the experience of contractors and of the Government on work quested the concurrence of the Senate. of a similar nature. The dredge proposed by him for use in building these levees is of a design that bas not been proved.
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