• The ribbon, It's America's symbol for an urgent cause. first, there were pink ond purple ribbons to support medical research. Then, as our brave troops departed for distant shores, the yellow ribbons, and the red, white and blue, appeared everywhere. To that, we add the green Cucumber ribbon to support our kin.111 troops fighting for Ooroh's vital cause - saving Jewish neshamos. So display your green ribbon with pride. It's another important way to show you care. 1. • To get your free Cucumber ribbon dial extension 6038. f you were one of the 100.000+ participants at the Eleventh Siyum HaShas of Oaf Yomi here is your chance to relive that unforgettable expe­ Irience through a collection of CD ROMs. capturing all of the inspiring moments of the Siyum. f you were not fortunate to attend. you can now feel that awesome expe­ rience by seeing and hearing the inspiring words of our gedolim. and Icapture the excitement that so many witnessed and enjoyed. This commemorative five CD ROM set encased in an attractive customized binder. has been produced by popular request and is available for $39. 99 per set (plus $5.00 per set postage and handling.) Order Now! You'll treasure this historic event for years to come. An excellent gift item - order extra sets for friends and family! To: OAF YDMI COMMISSION • AGUDATH ISRAEL OF AMERICA • 42 Broadway. New York. NY 10004 Please send me set(s) of the Eleventh Siyum HaShas of Dal Yomi Commemorative CD ROM set. Iam enclosing a contribution of $39.99 for each set ordered • (plus $5.00 per set for postage and handling [USA addresses only]). Name~--~==~-,.,.,.,--,..------- Address ----------------,.--- Throwing Away Your Baby's Umbilic(\l,£ord Blood Can Mean rowing' Away Someone Else's Life! Since the Jewish population is currently underrepresented in the National Stem Cell Banks, it is incumbent upon every Jewish parent to participate in cord blood donation. Umbilical cords are a rich source of stem cells, but hospitals throw millions of them away each year. Stem cells can be matched to patients for the treatment of many diseases, such as leukemia, and certain genetic and blood related diseases. To date, thousands of patients have already been treated through cord blood stem cell treatments. KEHILA CORD is an affiliate of DOR YESHORIM, renowned for demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the Jewish community and tailoring service to its unique needs. KEHILA CORD will n"v~ arrange for the storage of your baby's cord blood, by licensed and certified processing facilities, for future use in treating serious life threatening diseases. KEHILA CORD donation is FREE of charge, is CONFlDENTIAL and presents no risk to mother or baby. The recommended time to call to arrange for UCB donation is in the sixth month, or anytime in the second trimester. However, we will try to accommodate you at any stage - call ASAP! YouR BABY'S FIRST MITZVAH ... "" 1'r.l'T!1 Donate Your Baby's Cord Blood ... ~t@~WODNEW MEANING Call Kehila Cord TODAY ... Save a Jewish Life! For information or to receive a brochure, call: 718-218-8180 UCB donation to Kehila Cord is endorsed and encouraged by prominent Gedolei Yisroel UCB stem cells donation is indisputably halachically permissible, and is NOT the subject of controversy which has become a matter of public debate. ---····-----=--••=----•-=---·~-------=======-======= ===-i THE 1ewish ~ BSEltVER IN THIS ISSUE ... TMF: JEWISH OBSERVER {ISSN) OOl!J-6Gl5 LS PllBUSIH:O MO"ITllLY J.:XCF.l'T J111.Y & AllG!IST BY !"!IE AGUOATH IS RAEL OF AMERICA 4\! l~ROAOWAY, NEW YORK, NY !OOOJ,. PERJOOICAL-S l'OSTA{;!O PA!O IN NF.W 6 STRUGCiUflJCi Success: YOHK, NY. S!JASCRJl'TfON S\!5.00/Yr-:AH; \!YEARS. S48.00; 3 YEARS, S69.00. GROVVlf'~G Pr\lr\!S IN THf YtSHiV1'\ 0llTSJDF 01--TllF. lJNJTED STATF;:'> (\:S FUNDS OHAWN ON A \!S !i->.NK ONLY) Sl5.00 SUHCHARGE PER H~AH. Rabbi Matis Roberts S!N{;f.!O COPY S3.5Q; 01n SID[ NY ARE,\ S3,95; FOHE!GN S4.50. POSTMASTER: SENO ADDRESS (;JIA!';GES TO: THE JEWISH 01JSERVER "VEN/SHMARTEM ..." 42. Bl~OADWAY, NY. NY 10004 Tu. 2.12-797-9000, F.4.X 646-254-1600 PR!YlTD IN THE USA MAINTAINING A HEALTHY FAMILY - RArJIH N1sso;>.; Wo1.r1N. frlitor GUIDELINES AND LIMITATIONS Fditorial Board 12 Wr: EAT TO LIVE, Dr. Don Zwick!er RAB/II Josu•11 El.!AS. Chair111w1 RAIHH AB!lA BRUDNY JOSEPH ffOEDENSON RAHBI Y!SHOU. Mun KrnzNEll RAUB! NossoN SCHf-:RMAN Shia /V1arkowitz PR1n-. AAltON TWEl(SIO Nm1ider1· Dn. ERNST L BOO!ONHEIMER 7."L RABBI Mosl!E Sl-!U(ER Z"I. 2.2 ANl\TOi\'1Y OF Manogrmrnl fioard Av1 F!SJIOF, NAFTOU Hrnsc:tt "BOOK FAULTS WWII ISAAl' KIRZNER. RABBI SHI.OMO l.E-~lN. NACHliM STEIN Yonoson Rosenbiu1n Monaying !:di/or RAIHll YOSIT c. GounNG PUBUS!Hcll BY AGUDAT!-1 )S!tAE!. OF AMERICA READERS' FORUM IJ.S. Ti~Af)E DIST!UBFIOR -------------------------1 FFl.IJIH:JM l'!JBUSHERS I :.w11 Airport fa·n-ulirr !'or!.­ 31 "BuY1r~G Ji:vv1s1-1 Souts": Nanurt. NY ll!.<JS4 ! 22 A /1,ND /\ RESPONSE BRITISH RFl'flFSFNTAT!VJ' M.l'. Bl BELMAN Gro~vcnor llbdrs Mount l'/rmrm/ Iii// /.0111/rm F:; y!Vf;; !:NGl.A.1\10 POSTSCRIPT: THE SIYUM HASHAS - OAF YOMI FRENCH HEPRESENTAT!V~: RA.Bill RAMBUH,~;R 21 Hnufnrnd H11xfnm~ 38 IT'S NEvc1~: Too LrlTLE .. , Ahoron Subor 57000 Metz. IRANCF tSHAELI HEPRES!o:NTATIVIO INTNL. MFOIA i'LACFMEN'l /'(Jf3 71.<J5 I 97./£!!fiJ Nood STATEMENT OF POLICY }rrnsolrm y.;340. ISRAU TUE JEWF5f-I 0FJ-'ifi«VJ-:1l !IAS OEVOTFD A GREAT tH·:AJ. OF Sl'•\CE IO Tl!E llEU;JAN REPRF:SENTATIVI·: PERILS OF Tl-IE INTERNET AN[) TO THE NEEi) FOR !·:VE!lYO"ll·: TO BE MR. E. APTEH 1.onqr Kientstr. 29 EXTREMELY VIGii.ANT IN ITS USE. WE H:\VE t·:CHOUJ T!lf' PLEAS OF O!JR 201/J An11\-rrp. BfLG!I i1\f L ____ _ (;J-,'1)0/,/M TtJAT IT SHOULD NOT IHO IN \ISE. UNL/'.SS t f IS AN \INAVO!O­ ABLE NECESSITY. ANO THEN ONl,Y WITH AU. SUJTABl.E SAFEGllARl)S. SO!JT!I AFIUl:AN ru·.PHESFNTATIVr·: THE JEWISH OBSERVER DOES NO'I ASSUME MR. V. TABACK WHILE IT~ DANGERS MtJST BE RECOGNIZfll ANJ) CONTrHJLl.ED TO EVfl{Y /'()Rm 51552, l~ES!'ONS!IHUTY FO!l THf; KASHRUS OF ANY PHODUCJ. POSSl!U,E DEl;REI·:. OUR (;ICIJOUM Rr·:coGN!Zf: THAT MANY PEOPL" ANIJ Racdmc. .foha111Jcsbimf PtJBLICArJON. Oil SERVICE ADVER:TISl.0 IN ITS P·\GES 2124 501/'f!f Af-R/C4 BUSINESSES REQlJIRE !TS !JSE. AND 'TtlERf.FORI•: IT HAS NOT UEEN BANNED, THIS 15 WHY WF. ACl:EPT ADVf.RTISEMENfS LISTING WEB­ All~TllAl.IA:" IH'.l'HESf,NTATIVI·: © COPYRIGHT 2005 OR. A. DINNEN SITE ADDHE.~Sr-:s. BUT IN 1'0 WAY DOES THIS IMl'l.Y THAT TllE 77 /J1rriqa Ro(ld G1''DOUM 01~ THF: JH\V/SH 0HSHRVH/l CONDON~; CAS!IAI. USJ·: OF THE BeflrTuc Hi/I. NS\\.- 202:;. A( 1.~- IRAUA JUNE 2005 I VOLUME XXXVIII /NO. 6 INTERNE'f. --~---~ --- ---------- ----- ------------"·-.. ----- ---------- ···- ----- --.... --.... ____ ------------- RABBI MATIS ROBERTS Struggling With Success GROWING PAINS IN THE THE ARK AND THE level of competence in all of them. Not YESHIVA WORLD TABERNACLE so the yeshivos. Students were expect­ ed to master the functional disciplines s everyone knows, the yeshiva To a great extent, the difficulties fac­ on their own. The heart and soul of yeshi­ world is undergoing very diffi­ ing the yeshiva world are the products va life was the study and analysis of A cult times. Many of the ills that of its astonishing success. Rabbi Gemara and its com1nentators. 1~hat is pervade society around us have found Yitzchok Hutner ., .. ,,,, noted that the Torah what occupied the bulk of a student's their way- albeit on a much smaller scale deals with the construction of two very time, energy, and interest. The shiurin1 - into our homes and institutions, and different edifices. One is the ark of Noach, (lectures) were geared accordingly, chal­ the results are catastrophic. which was built as a sanctuary for sur­ lenging them to ever higher levels of aca­ People often focus on specific aspects vival. The other is the Mishkan - the tab­ demic excellence. The schedule, too, was of the problem, dwelling on who is to ernacle erected by the Jewish nation in extremely rigorous. Intensive Torah blame for a particular issue and how it order to "house" the Divine Presence. study filled nearly every waking could be resolved if only this or that were The great bastions of Torah that illu­ moment. done differently. But such approaches minated European Jewry for generations take things out of context, for they ignore were modeled after the Mishkan. The the general framework in which all of foundation upon which they were erect­ FACING THE CHALLENGES these problems exist. The truth is that ed is the loftiest of all human endeav­ the difficult conditions we face are ors, Torah lishma - the study of Torah Today's yeshivos are the successors to integral to the times in which we live. for its own sake. These institutions were their European counterparts. Their core Current circumstances virtually guaran­ designed primarily to serve the elite, to function continues to be the noble enter­ tee an ongoing wave of crises and con­ mold a select few into the Torah lead­ prise of Torah lishma, and their primary flicts. They are not grounds for ers of the next generation.
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