American Renaissance There is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world. — Thomas Jefferson Vol. 10, No. 10 October 1999 The Biological Reality of Race Choice data are accumu- basic unit of classification in modern are different. Within the dog species it- taxonomy is the species. A species is self there are many varieties that are lating in a neglected field. usually said to consist of a set of indi- quite different in physiology and behav- viduals capable of interbreeding and pro- ior. The tiny Mexican Chihuahua, would by Glayde Whitney ducing fertile offspring. If the offspring have a hard time mating with an Irish are not healthy and fertile, then the par- Wolfhound, but they are considered to ace is a fascinating scientific sub- be of the same species. ject. Unfortunately, for more When wolves encounter dogs, they Rthan half of this century there has usually eat them. But sometimes they been a huge propaganda campaign to mate with them. When they mate it is drive it completely out of the sciences. almost always the male wolf with the And even though most of the race-de- female dog. The reverse is rare–male niers’ claims are nonsense or wildly spun dogs are almost never able to mate with half-truths, the vast majority of serious female wolves. The hybrid puppies are scientists have been taught their lesson. usually fully fertile, so by this defini- For a youngster, to deal with race from tion Canis lupus and Canis familiaris are a scientific perspective and risk the la- not different species. The point is that bel “scientific racist” could be career sui- species and races are concepts of classi- cide. Most of my scientific colleagues fication that often blur around the edges. leave race alone, at least in public. This is because of the very nature of bio- These days, in the genetic and bio- logical reality. logical sciences there are so many things These days humans are thought to that are unknown, and so many new and constitute one species–Homo sapiens. exciting techniques, that a scientist can Humans are in many respects typical of easily have a productive career without geographically widespread mammalian ever mentioning race. But one of the Glayde Whitney species in that we are polymorphic consequences of the absence of work in (meaning we have “many forms”). This this field is that there is a gold mine of ent types are considered separate spe- is what appears to us as individual dif- data about the biological realities of race. cies. Mules are usually sterile so horses ferences. The bell-curve distribution of Actually a gold mine is probably the and donkeys are thought to be separate so many traits–height, weight, strength, wrong image because it implies one must species. intelligence, and the like–illustrates dig and work to collect the prize. It’s However, in biology things are often polymorphic traits. We are also typical really more like a riverbed strewn with fuzzy around the edges, and so it is with among widespread mammals in being a gold nuggets. Race biology data have ac- species. Sometimes what are considered polytypic species. Polytypic means cumulated all around us and are lying to be separate species in nature can and “many types;” it is simply a fact of bio- there waiting to be picked up and publi- logical reality that not all different cized. I will not cover intelli- groups of humans are the same. Natu- This article introduces a few of the rally occurring polytypic groups within many nuggets of information about the gence differences–every- a species are called varieties, subspecies, biological reality of race. I will not cover one knows about that. or races. intelligence differences–everyone knows about that. But from bone thick- will freely interbreed when brought to- Starting With the Genes ness to brain size, there are many bio- gether by man. Sometimes their hybrid logical realities of race besides differ- offspring are partially or fully fertile. As Nowadays biological reality starts ences in intelligence. one example of the fuzziness of species, with genes, so that is what we will con- I should first explain my definition consider Canis familiaris, the common sider first. Genetic surveys have been of “race.” In biological tradition the dog, and Canis lupus, the Eurasian wolf. done that identify many genes for many word race is simply synonymous with They are considered to be separate spe- human populations all around the world. the terms “subspecies” or “variety.” The cies because their habitats and life-styles Continued on page 3 American Renaissance - 1 - October 1999 In the article about Arthur Jensen, I note that the three “politically driven liars” who speak with “forked tongues” in their criticism of Prof. Jensen, are Marcus Feldman, Steven Jay Gould, and Leon Kamin. More mild critics, as mentioned in the AR article, include Robert Sternberg and Alan Kaufman. Finally, in the “California Voters Scorned” piece, we read that Mariana Pfaelzer was the judge instrumental in overturning Propo- sition 187. This heavy concentration of Jewish individuals carrying forward an agenda contrary to our interests reflects the ethno-political reality of today’s Ame- rica, and serves as confirmation of ments the Founders envisaged. Such Kevin MacDonald’s masterful Culture Letters from Readers matters as abortion, “civil rights,” of Critique. This is a topic AR readers Sir – Your September report on the schooling, and virtually all regulatory may not want to face, but it seems to media reaction to The Color of Crime matters would be in state hands. We percolate out of story after story. was very interesting but left out an im- would then have a chance to see what Ted Sallis, Tampa, Fla. portant point. “Conservative” publica- works rather than let Washington force tions were no more likely than any oth- its policies on the whole country. As ers to cover the report. This should tell Prof. Wolters implies, our public schools Sir– In your mention of the special us something about conservatism. In the have suffered grievously from federal issue of Intelligence you quoted Doug- early 1990s, National Review and Hu- meddling. las Detterman as saying Prof. Jensen man Events used to denounce multi- Tom Ericson, Mussel Shoals, Ala. would be glad to know the truth even if culturalism and racial double standards. it proved him wrong. I would not have Now it seems mainstream conservatives thought to put it this way, but I am sure have made peace with multiculturalism Sir – In the review of Right Turn we it is true. and accept liberal dominance on most learn that Bob Jones University lost its I once had the pleasure of hearing racial matters. You will have to do a re- tax-exempt status, at least in part, be- Prof. Jensen speak to a university audi- port on tax cuts or the flag-burning cause of a ban on inter-racial dating. ence. I had expected him to be combat- amendment to get the attention of the Since such a ban by a private university ive and defensive but he was charming lap-dog opposition. applied to all races, how did it violate and soft-spoken. I know that most of the Name Withheld, Cheshire, Conn. anti-discrimination law? audience was hostile to him, but I could Conrad Schmidt, Rumson, N.J. tell that many were won over by his eru- dition and obvious love of the truth. Sir – I was gratified to see that Accu- It didn’t. It violated only the sensibili- Thank God for Arthur Jensen. racy in Media devoted their July “AIM ties of Supreme Court Justices. Robert Sarah Carpenter, Austin, Tex. Report” to The Color of Crime. Detlefsen has a good discussion of this Robert Nattkemper, Kamuela, Hawaii case in Civil Rights Under Reagan (ICS Press, 1991), in which he points out that Rally ’Round the Flag despite much blather about the wicked- he NAACP and other black Sir – I enjoyed your comprehensive ness of racial discrimination, “the Court Tgroups have announced a tour- review of Prof. Raymond Wolters’ Right completely ignored the reality of Bob ist and convention boycott of South Turn. It is good to know that in darkest Jones University.” Mr. Detlefsen calls Carolina in an attempt to persuade academe there are still a few rays of light. the decision “yet another perfect ex- state officials to remove the Confed- I would point out, though, that Mr. ample of result-oriented jurisprudence, erate flag from atop the state capi- Jackson did not go far enough in his criti- in that it virtually ignores the statute it tol. In response to the boycott, the cism of the 1954 Brown decision. He is supposed to be construing . .” Council of Conservative Citizens is suggests that if schools were to be de- – Editor sponsoring a “Save the Flag” rally segregated it was Congress’ business in Columbia at 1:00 p.m. on Satur- and not the court’s. In fact, as he should day, October 9th at the capitol. For know, it is only the most strained read- Sir – Reading between the lines of the information telephone Frances Bell ing of the Constitution that gives Con- September issue, I noticed a thread run- at (803) 648-3661. The C of CC gress power to regulate schools operated ning through several of the stories. In helped keep the flag flying in 1996 by the states. Had there not been the “The Law is an Ass”, we learn that the by organizing resistance when then- steady usurpation of states’ powers by one Supreme Court Justice who sup- Governor David Beasley tried to the federal government we would still ported the Kansas City school desegre- take it down.
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