FOUNDED 1939 Organ of the Connolly Association Page 2: The crozy war game Page 3: Irish science M OCR AT Page 4: Bishops on El Salvador No. 441 APRIL 1981 20p Page 5: Discrimination Page 6: Irish songs Page 7: Book reviews FORTY SIX Page 8: Donall Mac Amhiaigh IRISH TRADE UNIONISTS' APPEAL TO MR. TONY BENN OIX leading Irish trade unionists PUBLIC ENQUIRY DEMANDED ^ wrote to Mr Tony Benn pointing out the evils of the Prevention of Terrorism Act, and urging upon Dim the need for Labour to vote Four men on •gainst it. This is the letter they FRONT BENCliiff gffatefi H SITS TIGH.... T eent.— *There is currently a growing in- WO months ago we asked if there were fifty just men in the Westminster Parliament. hunger strike terest in the Republic of Ireland in T the consequences for the Irish com- There are not. But there are forty-six. Last year the Prevention of Terrorism Act was renewed with Ian Mikardo (Bethnal Green and munity in Britain of the Prevention Bow), Michael O'Halloran (Isling- t the time of writing there an Of Terrorism Act, which was passed only twenty-eight opting it. But this year their number have A now four men on hunger been swollen by the accession of eleven backbench Labour men, ton N), Ray Powell (Ogmore), Reg come years ago in the aftermath of Race (Wood Green), Jo Richardson strike in the H-block of Long K«h the Birmingham bombings and five Liberals (including David Steel) and two Plaid Cymru. (Barking). prison. Which is coming up for its periodic Dafydd Elis Thomas (Merioneth) At a meeting of the E.C. of tha renewal by the House of Commons Moreover, although the La- and Mr Dafydd Wigley (Carnar- Ernest Ross (Dundee West), Connolly Association on March shortly. bour front bench were not pre- Barry Sheerman (Huddersfield E), pared to stand for repeal of a von). And there was also Mr 211st, It was confirmed that the As- We understand that thousands of Gerry Fitt. Jack Stallard (St Pancras N), Stan sociation is in favour of prisoners bill their own party introduced Thorne (Preston S), Michael Irish people, many of them trade The 35 Labour MPs. who voted taken up In connection of politically unionists, have been questioned or explicitly for a temporary Welsh (Don Valley). motivated offences, being given period, at least they put down against are: Joe Ashton (Basset- detained under this Act since it was law), Norman Atkinson (Harin- special category status. a motion for a public enquiry The vote and the decision to de- Introduced, even though this has gey Tottenham), Andrew Bennett mand an enquiry marks the high- Terrorism Is defined by statute led to only a few dozen prosecu- into the working of the Act. (Stockport North), Ron Brown est point yet of the campaign as a politically motivated offence. tions and an even smaller number (Edinburgh Leith), Jim Callaghan against this Act, and is regarded The Connolly Association does not Of .successful convictions, which it PRESS AHEAD i Middle ton), Dale Campbell-Savours as a tribute to the steady patient agree with It, but that doe* not Is generally agreed could have been This proposal was defeated by (Workington, Dennis Canavan work being carried on, and denied make It less politically motivated. achieved anyway under other legis- 125 to 44. But the civil liberties (West Stirlingshire). all publicity, by the Connolly As- The fact that a man Is chargcd lation. The Act is clearly an un- group of the P.L.P. decided to press sociation and supporting organisa- with this offence puts him at a necessary and clumsy weapon for ahead with the demand, and it is Bob Cryer (Keighley), Donald tions. disadvantage in defending himself dealing with the terrorism it Dixon (Jarrow), Frank Dobson and Increases the probability of understood that Mr Roy Hattersley It had been intended to present ostensibly exists to combat. What will renew the call. (Holborn and St Pancras S), Alf an Innooent man being Imprisoned!. the large-scale arrests and question- Dubs (Battersea S.), Ken Eastham a petition carrying a large number He should be compensated for this ing carried out under it have done, Six Liberals, including the (Manchester Blackley), Ted Flet- of signatures, but when the prob- disadvantage by being given a spe- however, is to intimidate consider- leader David Steel, and David cher (Darlington), George Foulkes able result became quite clear, the cial status Inside. able sections of the Irish commun- Alton who was seen by lobbyers (Ayrshire S), Reg Freeson (Brent Labour front bench recommending The Irish Sovereignty Movement ity in Britain, cause humiliation from Liverpool, voted against re- East), Stuart Holland (Vauxhall), abstention, it was decided to con- (Dublin) Issued the following state- and embarrassment to many decent newal. The two Plaid Cymru John Home Robertson (Berwick). tinue it for another year and try ment Just before the first new hun- citizens—'mostly domiciled in Bri- members had received correspond- Robert Kilroy-Silk (Ormskirk), to get a really impressive number ger strike was started. The "dirty tain but some also resident here— ence from Mr Brian Wilkinson, a James Lamond (Oldham E), Alex of signatures for February 1982. protest" has now ended, which Is and alienate significant numbers Connolly Association member resi- Lyon (York), William McKelvey There was some disappointment all to the good. from constructive political activity dent In Wales, and he had Re- (Kilmarnock), David Marshall among UCATT members that Mr and particularly the work of the minded them of the police swoops (Glasgow Shettleston), Dr Edmund Erie Heller, who had promised to STATEMENT Labour movement. in Wales which would have been Marshall (Goole), John Maxton vote against the renewal of the The Irish Sovereignty Movement impossible If the P.T.A. was not (Glasgow Cathcart), Miss Joan Act if he was in the House, was, calls on the Government to make Many people on this side of the on the statute book. They were Mr Maynard (Sheffield Brightside), unfortunately, not in the House. (Continued on Page Three) Irish Sea have welcomed your own interest in the Irish problem and in the factors bedevilling Anglo- Irish relations, of which this Act is certainly one. We gather that Was it an unholy row at Maastricht meeting? the Act is coming up for renewal in the coming weeks and that, as ^N TAOISEACH, Mr Charles people don't care two snaps the terrible villainies of his that such a thing was utterly •n previous occasions, there is a Haughey, was mighty cagey about European import, but are foreign affairs man, Brian Leni- unthinkable, and had thereby danger that it may again be let on R.T.E. when he was ques- very worried about rumours that han. taken much of the steam out of through "on the nod", without tioned by Cian O Hegartaigh. the government is about to sell, Mr Paisley's campaign. And consideration being given as to And what had he done on her? What had he been talking even give away, Ireland's neut- now Mr Lenihan does this on whether it would not be much bet- He had made a speech with about when he met Mrs That- rality. them! ter to have it expunged from the one eye on the coming election. cher ? Very hoity-toity, An Mrs Thatcher gave Mr Statute Book altogether. The speech suggested that as a Taoiseach told the radio man gO what did they talk about ? Haughey a talking to from May we, as people active in the result of the secret talks be- that he was surprised that he which he was still smarting. IriSh trade union movement, acting The answer is that they tween the British and Irish gov- should ask him about the The question is therefore not in a personal capacity, ask you to didn't. Mrs Thatcher did. Like ernments, Ireland might be Thatcher conversation when whether Mr Haughey is going join with other Labour members the true-blue imperialist (suck reunited in five or ten years. in opposing the renewal of this matters of deep European itn- up to America, kick down to to sell his country. It is whether Act and to use your influence port were being discussed. It the other brand) that she is, she MR HUMPHRY ATKINS was he is going to give it away. within the Labour Party and the did not occur to the miJUonaire, turned on Mr Haughey and read horrified. He had been as- " Somehow we feel there will (Continual on Baok Page) one presumes, that the Irish him a five-minute lecture on suring the six-county Unionists be "nothing doing". ; April 1981 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT 3 2 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT April 1981 Seieore and -technology NOW ITS INFORMATICS REAGAN FOR THOSE WHO SUP WITH NE ot the principal problems for tical computer applications of rele- IRELAND O small ex-colonial nations In vance to various industrial control by asserting their Independence Is the processes. There was little or ' I 'HE next move in the plot to control exercised by the muttina- nothing originating In actual de- R. H. W. JOHNSTON inveigle Ireland into the wa» tionals over advanced technology. veloping countries, except Algerta •alliance appears to be a proposal This Is particularly evident In the Itself, which had just initiated an own computer, any more than it that President Reagan, whose fju- NEED A VERY field of Information-technology, or impressive educational programme, bears are said to have come from needs an airoraft industry before "Informatics" (from a word "Infor- and from Cuba, where in Havana it can maintain a national airline.
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