r Catholic Men March Gathering under the spires of Denver’s Cathedral, is part of the crowd of Catholic men who Infant of Prague Nursery Cares completely filled the church for the annual Corporate Commun­ ion March 28. The public march of the men, including uniformed contingents of firemen, police­ men, and service men, drew fa­ For 308 Babies in Years vorable comments throughout Denver, according to reports. The men marched to the Shirley- Member% of Audit Bureau of Circulations Savoy Hotel for breakfast fol- Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1954—Permission to Reproduce, Except on 50/000 tiours Given lowng Mass. Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Archbishpp Urban J. Vehr of­ fered the Mass and gave the ser­ mon. The speaker at the break­ fast, attended by 1,200 men, was In Volunteer Work Bishop Mark Carroll of Wichita. Some 1,600 men attended the Mass.— (Story on page 3.) DENVER CATHOLIC For Homeless Tots By Jack H eher In the past eight years, a total of 308 children have been cared for, according to records of the Infant of Prague Nurserj’, 3720 W. 27th Avenue, Denver. REGISTER Since the child shelter was opened March 17, 1946, no less than 50,000 hours of care, feeding, diaper- VOL. XLIX. No. 33. THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1954 DENVER, COLORADO changing, and attention have been donated by volunteers. Some of the women who helped on opening day are still there in their free time. The tiny faces (the babies are from six months to two years old) may change, but the crib-rattling joy Loyola School Will Finished that fills the room when someone talks to them is still as heart-tug­ Second Floor to Contain ging as ever. Ex-Register Staff Member The daily population at the nursery changes l^ause it is only' a temporary home. The babies Five Classrooms; Work to will either be adopted, sent to New Cincinnati Auxiliary roster homes, or transferred to or­ The Rt, Rev. Monsignor phanages. But the'staff, headed by Be Completed by Aug. 15 Clarence Issenmann, Vicar registered nurse, usually has a By J. R. Walsh General of the Cincinnati family" of 35 children to care The great ambition of Loyola parishioners — a com­ Archdiocese, has been named : or, in one day. * Auxiliary to Archbishop plete school plant for eight grades — neared its climax That means 35 breakfasts, 35 with the announcement by Father Edward P. Murphy, Karl J. Alter and Titular Bishop of Phytea, according to an an­ saths, 35 changes of clothing, 35 S.J., pastor, that construction on the sfecond floor of nouncement made by the Apos­ >eds to arrange, 35 pairs of eyes the new one-story Denver school building will begin this tolic Delegation in Washington, bllowing every move,, and 70 month. Five additional class­ D, C. rooms to be ready next fall will mission because of lack of space. Other U. S. Episcopal appoint­ hands to get into things. cost about $71,500 exclusive of The new classrooms will afford ments made by the Holy Father furnishings. a limited increase in enrollment. are: Bishop Allen J. Babcock, Superintendent Pupils in the first four grades, A major portion of the work Auxiliary of Detroit, has been ! .lOng on Job which are conducted in the for the addition already has been named Bishop of Grand Rapids, church basement, will be taught done. All outlets' for heating, and the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Jus­ The superintendent of the nur­ in the new addition. Father Mur­ plumbing, and electrical facili­ tin McCarthy of South Orange, sery, directing the work of six as­ phy said. Four classrooms of the ties were installed up to the roof N. J., has been appointed Aux­ sistants, is Mrs. Margaret Fletcher. present one-story building, of the present building at the iliary to Archbishop Thomas A. She has been on the job for al­ Two Convent Dedications Set erected at a cost of $200,000, time of construction, in anticipa­ Boland of Newark. are used by pupils in the fifth, tion of erecting a second floor. Bithop-elect liianm ann most the entire existence of the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. The heating plant was secured came to Denver in September, laby home. .4, full-size basement provides fa­ with a view to additional require­ 1936, for itudy at the “Reg- In early 1946, the number of Louisville Parish $65,000 Addition cilities for parish socials and ments. iatcr” College of Journalitm. school gatherings. In furnishings and design, the During hit stay he reiided at homeless, motherless infants was Ceremonies April 1 OUon A Hart Construc­ classrooms will equal the best in the Bleiied Sacrament Parith. increasing. St. Joseph’s Hospital, At St. Philomena's tion Company of Denver ii to the city. Large windows provide He was a columnist for the which had maintained a Baby An­ Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will offici­ Dedication of a $65,000 addition to St. receive the general construc­ ample natural light, in addition “Register, National Edition," Biihop-elect Iiienmann nex since 1917, was caring for tion contract at a cost of $57,- to modern fluorescent fixtures. several years after returning ate in the dedication ceremony of the new Philomena’s Convent, Denver, is scheduled 900. Plumbing, heating, and New desks, blackboards, maps, to Cincinnati. Monsignorial rank, just short of 29 more than there was room for $28,500 convent at St. Louis’ Parish, for 5 p.m. Monday, April 12, with Arch­ ventilating equipment, to be etc., are considered up to date in Bishop-elect Issenmann, who the Episcopacy. in the annex. They were occu­ Louisville, Thursday, April 1, at 4 :30 p.m. bishop Urban J. Vehr officiating. installed by the York Plumb­ every respect. has held the unusual distinction Bithop-elect Iitenmann it pying hospital beds. Mercy Hos- The convent, completed laslf December, 'Though not completed, the structure ing and Heating Company, will The old school, first opened in of being a Protonotary Apostolic the second memb'er of the jital had 15, and St. Anthony's amount to $13,357. John K. the church basement m 1938, since 1949, Jong served as Chan­ “Register" family named to accommodates four Sisters of the ig now usable, the Rt. Rev. was enlarged almost.by force of cellor and then as Vicar General the Hierarchy in the past two 12. Precious Blood of O’Fallon, Mo., Monsignor William M. Higgine, Monroe is the architect. 3 Confirmation Dates Immediate co n stru c tio n is sheer necessity to accommodate of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. years. Bishop Robert J. Dwyer The Denver deanery of the who teach 120 pupils at S t Louis’ pastor, said. All members of the 800 pupils. As the enrollment Born in Hamilton in 1907 of Reno was editor of the School. parish will be invited to inspect scheduled, Father Murphy Archdiocesan Council of Catho- pointed out, so that the work will continued to increase, the need He is a native of Hamilton, “Intermountain Catholic Reg­ Father Raymond Layton, In Colorado Springs the addition after it is finished, O. , where he was born Mayister," 30, Salt Lake City, when ic Women pitched into the prob- O.S.B., pastor, announced that be completed by Aug. 16. Fur­ for a new school building became Archbishop Urban J. Vehr probably the first or second Sun­ nishings for the five classrooms, vital 1907. After preparatory studies named to his present post May em and found unexpected good the final payment on the new will confer the sacram ent of day in May, he added. at St. Joseph’s College, College- 20, 1952. convent will be made this week. which will amount to about $4,- Influx of parishioners and ibrtune when St. Clara’s Orphan­ Confirmation on a large claas Sisters of Loretto, who staff 000, are to be installed and ready children occasioned by the relo­ ville, Ind., and St. Gregory’s age offered to turn over the or- The one-story structure, measur­ of children and adults in the school, will serve dinner to Seminary, he studied theology at ing 73 by 30 feet, contains five for use when the next school cation of the Air Force Finance ginal orphanage building for use St. Mary's Church, Colorado the Archbishop and visiting term opens. Each classroom will Center, 88th and York Street, Mt. St. Mary’s, Cincinnati, and rooms with large closets for the was ordained June 29, 1932. Seminary Building as a nursery. , nuns, a chapel, parlor, commu­ Springs, Passion Sunday, April priests after the dedication cerC' accommodate some 45 pupils. taxed the existing school accom­ 4, at 4 p.m. mony. The Cincinnati prelate studied nity, dining, and kitchen rooms. $67,000 Paid on Debt modations. More than 100 new The nursery began operations The Archbishop will confer The f\vo-story addition in^ families registered in Loyola at the University of Fribourg, After the dedication, a dinner Since March, 1952 Switzerland, and was awarded with 20 babies, transferred from will be served for the Archbishop Confirmation on a class in Our eludes a chapel, reception room, Parish. Plans Soon Rendy Lady of Guadalupe Chnrch on community room, four bedrooms, Archbishop Vehr dedicated the In the church basement, some the degree of doctor of sacred the hospitals. In that first year and priests in the rectory. Father theology. He also studied in Plans for the two main units John Haley, pastor of Cure d’ Monday, April 5, at 7:30 p.m., and lavatory and storage fa­ present one-story building March 200 children are daily provided 57 babies were admitted, eight and in the Divine Redeemer cilities.
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