EARLY HISTORY OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE Norman F. Ramsey Lyman Laboratory of Physics Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 INTRODUCTION change in the quantum mechanical space quanti- zation when the direction of a magnetic field is In the title of this report, emphasis should be changed. The problem was first posed and par- given to the word early. Some readers may even tially solved in 1927 by C. G. Darwin(2) and his believe that "Pre-History" would be a better title analysis was subsequently improved by P. than early history. The report will cover the Gutinger(3), E. Majorana(4), and L. Mote and period from 1921 to the first nuclear resonance M. Rose(4). absorption experiments of Purcell, Torrey and In the period 1931-33 several experiments in Pound and the first nuclear induction experi- Otto Stern's laboratory in Hamburg successfully ments of Bloch, Hansen and Packard even measured the changes in the space quantization though from some points of view the history of when the direction of the magnetic field was magnetic resonance can be said to begin with the changed. The experiments of Phipps and experiments that end this report. Stern(5) and Frisch and Segre(6) partly agreed My interest in the history of magnetic reso- with the best theory and partially disagreed. I. nance began with preparations for my Ph.D. I. Rabi(7) pointed out that the discrepancy final examination in 1939. Since mine was the between theory and experiment was due to the first Ph.D. thesis based on nuclear magnetic, neglect of nuclear spins in previous theories. resonance, I feared that my examining commit- Although the magnetic moment of the electron is tee would ask searching questions as to the ori- about 2000 times larger than the typical nuclear gins of the ideas of magnetic resonance and of magnetic moment, the angular momenta are the molecular beam technique we used to detect comparable in size and at the low fields used in the resonance transitions. some of the experiments the nuclear spin angu- lar momenta were tightly coupled to the electron EARLIEST SEARCH FOR A DEPENDENCE spin making large effects on the observations. In OF MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY ON all of these experiments the direction of the field FREQUENCY was changed in space as the atoms went by. Since the atoms had a thermal velocity distribu- The earliest reported search for a dependence tion the frequency components were different for of magnetic susceptibility on frequency was car- different velocities, so on averaging over the ried out by Belz(l) in 1922 for solutions of a velocity distribution, no sharp resonances were variety of paramagnetic salts. No frequency either anticipated or observed. Rabi(8) and dependence was found. Acting on a suggestion of Schwinger(9) in 1937 calculated the transition Lenz and Ehrenfest, G. Breit(2) searched for a probability for molecules that passed through a frequency dependence of the magnetic suscepti- region in which the direction of the field varied bility of various paramagnetic substances but rapidly. found no dependence on frequency. Perhaps this disappointment contributed to Breit's decision to FIRST ATTEMPT TO OBSERVED concentrate in theory, where he later had such a NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN productive career. CONDENSED MATTER SPACE QUANTIZATION WHEN In 1936 with calorimetric techniques, C. J. DIRECTION OF MAGNETIC FIELD Gorter(lO) successfully observed a frequency CHANGES dependence of the paramagnetic relaxation of a number of alums. He found that the observed The origins of the molecular beam magnetic effects depended on the frequency, v, as vx resonance method can be traced back to early where x was a number, usually between 1 and 2. theoretical speculations and experiments on the No resonance effects were observed. Gorter(lO) 94 Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance also utilized the same calorimetric method in an attempt to look at 7Li nuclear magnetic reso- MOLECULAR BEAM MAGNETIC nance in LiCl and for an *H resonance in A1K RESONANCE alum but found no such resonance. The follow- ing year, Lasarew and Schubnikowt(21) showed While writing his paper on the gyrating field, at low temperature that the nuclear magnetic Rabi discussed with some of his colleagues the moments in solid hydrogen contributed signifi- possibility of using oscillatory rather than space cantly to the observed static magnetic suscepti- varying magnetic fields, but Rabi's laboratory bility of solid hydrogen. had a full .program of important experiments In an experiment reported in 1942 subse- which did not require oscillatory fields, and no quent to the successful molecular beam nuclear experiments utilizing oscillatory fields were magnetic resonance experiments described in the started during the first six months following the next two sections, Gorter and Broer(lO) submission of Rabi's theoretical paper on the attempted to observe nuclear magnetic resonance gyrating magnetic field. In September 1937, C. in powders of LiCl and KF, but no resonance J. Gorter visited Rabi's laboratory(12) and was observed. It is still a mystery as to why described his brilliantly conceived but experi- Gorter did not detect a resonance. In part he mentally unsuccessful efforts to observe nuclear suffered from a poor choice of material since R. magnetic resonance in lithium fluoride, as V. Pound much later showed that pure crystal- described in Gorter's publications of the previous line LiF has an unusually long nuclear spin-lat- year(10). The research efforts in Rabi's labora- tice relaxation time. However, that alone does tory at Columbia University were soon directed not explain the failure of Gorter's inspired primarily toward the construction of molecular experiments since at a much later date N. Blo- beam magnetic resonance experiments with embergen found one of Gorter's original crystals oscillator driven magnetic fields. Two successful and was able to observe an NMR signal with it magnetic resonance devices were soon con- even though the relaxation time was large. The structed by Rabi(13,14), Zacharias(13,14), Mill- most likely explanation for the failure of Gorter's man(13), Kusch(13), Kellogg(14), and Ram- experiments was an unfavorable signal-to-noise sey(14, 15), A schematic view(13) of the method ratio in his apparatus. It is of interest to note is shown in Figure 1. In these experiments the that the first appearance of the phrase "nuclear atoms or molecules were deflected by a first magnetic resonance" in a publication title is in inhomogeneous magnetic field and refocused by a Gorter's 1942 paper, but he attributes the coin- second one. When the resonance transition was ing of this phrase to I. I. Rabi. induced in the region between the two inhomoge- neous fields, the occurrence of the transition TRANSITIONS INDUCED BY PASSAGE OF could easily be recognized by the reduction of MOLECULES THROUGH intensity associated with the accompanying fail- ure of refocusing. For transitions induced by the DIFFERENTLY ORIENTATED MAGNETIC radiofrequency oscillatory field, the apparent FIELDS frequency was almost the same for all molecules independent of molecular velocity. As a result, While Gorter was pursuing his unsuccessful when the oscillator freguency was equal to the NMR experiments, I. I. Rabi was independently Larmor angular frequency « o of a nucleus, a studying transitions induced when atoms or mol- sharp resonance was obtained where ecules in a molecular beam traversed a region in space of space in which the directions of the magnetic field change successively. In his bril- (1) liant 1937 theoretical paper entitled "Space Quantization in a Gyrating Magnetic Field", is the angular precession frequency of a classical Rabi(8) assumed for simplicity that the field was magnetized top with the same ratio Yj of mag- oscillatory in time even though the initial appli- netic moment to angular momentum when in a cation was to a field varying along the beam magnetic field Ho. Figure 2 shows the first rather than oscillatory with time. As a conse- reported nuclear magnetic resonance curve; the quence, all the formulae in that paper are appli- curve was obtained with a beam of LiCl mol- cable to the resonance case with oscillatory fields ecules(13). and the paper, without alteration, provides the Kellogg, Rabi, Ramsey, and Zacharias(14, fundamental theory for present molecular beam 15) soon extended the method to the molecules magnetic resonance experiments as well as for H 2 , D2 and HD for which the resonance fre- other experiments with magnetic resonance. quencies depended not only on eqn. 1 but also on Vol. 7, No. 2/3 95 ffl Figure 1. Schematic diagram(13) showing the principle of the first molecular beam magnetic resonance apparatus. The two solid curves indicate two paths of molecules having different orientations that are not changed during passage through the apparatus. The two dashed curves in the region of the B mag- net indicate two paths of molecules whose orientation has been changed in the C region so the refocusing is lost due to the change in the component along the direction of the magnetic field. IOO for an allowed transition rw = Ej - Ef (2) For the first time the authors described their results as "radiofrequency spectroscopy". The radiofrequency spectrum for H2 is shown in Fig- 75 ure 3. The first molecular beam magnetic resonance experiments were with *2 molecules for which the primary interactions were those of the nuclear magnetic moments in external magnetic fields, but in 1940 Kusch, Millman and Rabi(16, IlIS II2O 17) first extended the method to paramagnetic MAGNET CURRENT IN AMPERES atoms and in particular to AF = ± 1 transitions of atoms where the relative orientation of the Figure 2. Curve showing refocused beam inten- nuclear and electronic magnetic moments were sity at various values of the homogeneous field.
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