Status: updated on 31/08/2021 EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey List of projects committed/decided, contracted, disbursed The EU Facility has a total budget of €6 billion for humanitarian and development actions: €3 billion for 2016-2017 and €3 billion for 2018-20191. Both tranches combined, all operational funds have been committed and contracted and close to €4.3 billion disbursed. Second tranche of €3 billion for 2018-2019 Amount Disbursements Funding Implementing Amount Committed Priority area Title & Description Contracted to projects Instrument Partner in € in € in € HIP Turkey Improving access of most vulnerable refugees to Social Services UNFPA Protection 234.322 234.322 234.322 2019 in Turkey HIP Turkey STAT - Supporting transition and access in Turkey for specialized Relief International Health 4.765.678 4.765.678 3.812.542 2019 health services HIP Turkey Access to protection and services for refugees and asylum UNHCR Protection 23.929.195 23.929.195 19.143.356 2019 seekers in Turkey HIP Turkey Deutsche Welthungerhilfe PIPS II – Provision of Integrated Protection Services in Mardin Basic Needs 2.000.000 2.000.000 1.600.000 2019 (WHH) and Diyabakir HIP Turkey Support for school enrolment for vulnerable refugee children in UNICEF Education 10.000.000 10.000.000 8.000.000 2019 Turkey International Federation of HIP Turkey the Red Cross Societies Basic Needs ESSN III - Emergency Social Safety Net 500.000.000 500.000.000 490.000.000 2019 (IFRC) HIP Turkey WFP Basic Needs ESSN II - Emergency Social Safety Net 357.800.000 354.966.886 332.500.000 2019 HIP Turkey Providing information and protection assistance to vulnerable World Vision Protection 1.800.000 1.800.000 1.440.000 2019 refugees in Turkey HIP Turkey Addressing protection risks of displacement affected populations Danish Refugee Council Protection 3.700.000 3.700.000 1.850.000 2019 in turkey through targeted initiatives HIP Turkey Emergency Protection and Resilience Building for Refugees in Concern Worldwide Protection 3.000.000 3.000.000 2.400.000 2019 Southeast Turkey 1 Operational projects shall be committed by 31/12/2019 and contracted by 31/12/2020. Administrative expenditure, ECHO technical assistance, communication, monitoring, evaluation and audit expenditure may be committed and contracted during the entire lifespan of the Facility. 1 Status: updated on 31/08/2021 Improving the wellbeing of refugees and migrants in Turkey by HIP Turkey Médecins du monde Health empowering them and facilitating access to sustainable and 5.000.000 5.000.000 4.000.000 2019 quality health services HIP Turkey UNICEF Education CCTE II - Conditional Cash Transfer for Education 70.000.000 70.000.000 56.000.000 2019 HIP Turkey Better access to protection services for the most vulnerable UNFPA Protection 2.400.000 2.400.000 1.920.000 2019 refugee groups in Turkey HIP Turkey LINK - Facilitating marginalized and vulnerable populations GOAL Protection 3.500.000 3.500.000 2.800.000 2018+2019 access to services in Ankara, Gaziantep and Sanliurfa provinces HIP Turkey Strengthened protection and wellbeing among refugee children, Save The Children Protection 2.500.000 2.500.000 2.366.002 2018 youth and adults in Istanbul and Ankara HIP Turkey Enhancing protection of at-risk and marginalized refugees in Diakonie Protection 5.800.000 5.800.000 2.900.000 2018+2019 Turkey through improved access to services HIP Turkey Deutsche Welthungerhilfe Coordinated and integrated protection assistance for refugees Protection 3.500.000 3.500.000 3.292.829 2018 (WHH) living in Ankara, Bilecik, Eskisehir, Istanbul, Kutahya and Van HIP Turkey Emergency Protection and Resilience Building for Refugees in Concern Worldwide Protection 2.500.000 2.500.000 2.492.709 2018 Turkey (Sanliurfa, Adiyaman and Malatya) HIP Turkey Protection and improved access to services for refugees and UNHCR Protection 8.100.000 8.100.000 8.100.000 2018 asylum seekers in Turkey Deutsche Gesellschaft für HIP Turkey Leave No One Behind - Support to Localised Assistance Internationale Protection 12.250.000 12.250.000 6.125.000 2018+2019 Interventions Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) HIP Turkey Strengthening Access to Specialized Health Services for Relief International Health 7.900.000 7.900.000 7.900.000 2018+2019 Refugees in Turkey HIP Turkey CARE Health Urgent protection assistance for refugees in Turkey (Phase IV) 5.000.000 5.000.000 2.500.000 2018 HIP Turkey International Medical Corps Improving the Physical and Mental Wellbeing of Refugees in Health 2.900.000 2.900.000 2.320.000 2018+2019 (IMC) Turkey HIP Turkey Improving access of Rural Refugees to Health and Protection UNFPA Protection 3.300.000 3.300.000 2.640.000 2018 Services in Turkey Improving access of most vulnerable refugees, particularly HIP Turkey women, girls and key refugee groups to Sexual Reproductive UNFPA Health 1.166.870 1.166.870 1.66.870 2018 Health (SRH) and better protection services including Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SBGV) in Turkey2 Administrative expenditure covers, inter alia, expenditure on Administrative ECHO Support external personnel and other costs relating to training, Expenditure 3.397.506 3.397.506 2.264.600 Line conferences and meetings; reimbursement of participants in committee meetings, IT-costs, rent and other building costs 2 Contribution through Facility – 1st tranche funding 2 Status: updated on 31/08/2021 ECHO Costs related to the ECHO technical assistance on the ground, Operational Technical Assistance 7.339.544 5.352.222 4.161.276 including technical experts, building rentals and supplies Line Sub-total humanitarian assistance 1.053.783.115 1.048.962.679 972.320.675 Increase Accessibility of the Social Services by the Most Ministry of Family, Labour Vulnerable Segments of the Turkish Citizens and Persons under Protection 20.000.000 20.000.000 4.208.480 and Social Services Temporary Protection (PuTPs) and Persons under International Protection (PuIPs) Ministry of Health Health SIHHAT 2 – direct grant to the Ministry of Health 210.000.000 210.000.000 62.226.675 Council of Europe Health Health infrastructure / equipment 90.000.000 90.000.000 7.506.413 Development Bank (CEB) Ministry of Family, Labour Improving the living standards of the most vulnerable refugees Socio-economic support 245.000.000 245.000.000 98.137.675 and Social Services through basic needs support (C-ESSN) International Centre for ENHANCER - Enhancement of Entrepreneurship Capacities for Instrument for Migration Policy Socio-economic support 32.502.249 32.502.249 12.269.315 Sustainable Socio-Economic Integration Pre-Accession Development (ICMPD) Assistance (IPA) VET4JOB - Improving the employment prospects for the Syrian Special Expertise France Socio-economic support refugees and host communities by high-quality VET and 30.000.000 30.000.000 5.887.479 Measure 2019 apprenticeship in Turkey on health, Kreditanstalt für Social and Economic Cohesion through Vocational Education in Socio-economic support 75.000.000 75.000.000 10.000.000 protection, Wiederaufbau (KfW) Turkey –II socio-economic Kreditanstalt für Empowering the private sector to foster social and economic Socio-economic support 75.000.000 75.000.000 9.976.200 support and Wiederaufbau (KfW) cohesion in Turkey municipal Agricultural employment support for refugees and Turkish The World Bank Socio-economic support 50.217.751 50.217.751 4.000.000 infrastructure3 citizens through enhanced market linkages project The World Bank Socio-economic support Support to transition to labour market project 80.000.000 80.000.000 8.000.000 The World Bank Socio-economic support Formal Employment creation project 80.000.000 80.000.000 10.000.000 Social Entrepreneurship, empowerment and cohesion in refugee The World Bank Socio-economic support 42.280.000 42.280.000 9.196.000 and host communities in Turkey project Construction and rehabilitation of water supply and waste water Agence française de Municipal infrastructure systems and related soft measures to improve water 214.821.680 214.821.680 16.282.760 développement (AFD) management efficiency The World Bank Municipal infrastructure Municipal services improvement project 140.178.320 140.178.320 40.000.000 Kreditanstalt für Strengthening the vulnerable young by better and inclusive sport Municipal infrastructure 25.000.000 25.000.000 10.000.000 Wiederaufbau (KfW) and youth infrastructure IPA Special Kreditanstalt für Education infrastructure Education for all in times of crisis III 100.000.000 100.000.000 20.000.000 Measure on Wiederaufbau (KfW) 3 https://ec.europa.eu/neighbourhood-enlargement/sites/near/files/annexes/c_2019_5454_f1_annex_en_v2_p1_1040405.pdf 3 Status: updated on 31/08/2021 Education Turkish Ministry of National PIKTES II - Promoting Integration of Syrian Kids into Turkish 20184 Education 400.000.000 400.000.000 234.340.854 Education (MoNE) Education System Monitoring and Support Measure to ensure tracking and measuring results, IPA Support Various Evaluation, Audit, evaluations and verification of the proper use of funds, and 11.340.0005 0 42.640 Measure 2019 Communication communication on the implementation of funded interventions Expenditure on external personnel and other costs relating to IPA Administrative training, conferences and meetings; reimbursement of Administrative 2.351.2837 2.351.283 1.576.436 Expenditure6 participants in committee meetings, IT-costs, rent and other expenditure building costs Sub-total development assistance 1.923.691.283 1.912.351.283 563.650.927 Subtotal 2.977.474.398 2.961.313.962 1.535.971.602 Balance of the administrative
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