FEATURES STUDENT LIFE SPORTS SPORTS The weird dreams of Students can’t put The Bucks baseball Not among friends in Bucks students down their cell phones season ends Philadelphia We all have dreams, some weirder These days, texting in class is as The team had their last game Matthew Stumacher is a Yankees than others. Bucks students share common as doodling. But is it recently. How was the season for fan and has had to endure life in a theirs. ▷5 really OK? ▷7 our baseball players? ▷11 Phillies world. ▷11 Bucks County Community College The week of November 10, 2009 Volume: 45 Issue: 7 TOP STORY SPORTS The Phillies Bug infestation at Bucks 2009: Review BY IAN MCLEAN Managing Editor On a cold November night in the Bronx, the Philadelphia Phillies watched from unfamiliar territory as the New York Yankees cele- brated their record 27th World Series Victory. The Phillies, who were defending World Series champions, must now look toward next year. Before they shift their attention to the spring, let us take a look at the past year, which was filled with ups ▷ Continued on page 10 NEWS Author urges activism BY JOSHUA ROSENAU News Editor Activist and author David Swanson spoke to an audi- ence of students, faculty, and Photo by Dr. Kumarage local activists in Fireside Lounge last Wednesday, urg- ing them to become more BY ADAM STAPENELL causes frustration and disgust with the infestation. "I've had this haven't stayed there. Kumarage politically involved and to Centurion Staff among some faculty and students. problem every year around this said, "They mostly stick to the pick up as copy of his new Once the weather starts to cool time for the last four years I've window, but they also nest in big book, "Daybreak: Undoing Professors are overrun with down, box elder beetles come been here… They came out in clumps inside the hem of the cur- the Imperial Presidency and swarming box elder beetles and pouring into Penn Hall faculty what seemed to be in the hun- tains and gather behind pictures. Forming a More Perfect stink bugs that have infested the offices by the dozens on unusual- dreds when the custodian sprayed Sometimes they fly around." Union." Penn Hall offices, and caused a ly warm days. the radiator with a cleaning prod- The problem has not been iso- Swanson is a prolific blog- distraction in the classrooms dur- Language and literature uct. It looked like a scene from an lated to the first floor either. ger and political writer who ing the autumn months. Professor Erangee Kumarage has Alfred Hitchcock movie." Professor Sherry Eichert has a is probably best known for Penn Hall has a perennial bug a first-floor Penn Hall office on These bugs might be getting in problem in the fall season that and she described her problems through the ventilation, but they ▷ Continued on page 2 ▷ Continued on page 2 ALSO INSIDE FEATURES ENTERTAINMENT OP/ED Loving the cold Get freaked out by The right and the environment Paranormal Activity wrong guy Among other The realistic hor- There are many things, the Bucks Ski ror movie will guys out there, Club has snow- freak you out - but who is right for boarding planned - but is it worth you? Hope Kumor on campus! watching? has the answer. PAGE 5 PAGE 9 BACK PAGE bucks-news.com [email protected] | Our pictures: flickr.com/buckscenturion Weather on back page 2 NEWS The week of November 10, 2009 Former Kucinich press secretary speaks at Bucks Author Swanson says political leaders must be held accountable to the people CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 his work as press secretary for the 2004 presidential campaign of Sen. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio. He has also worked as media coordi- nator for the International Labor Communications Association and communications coordinator for ACORN, the Association of Com- munity Organizations for Reform Now. At Bucks, Swanson spoke about the importance of holding po- litical leaders to the rule of law, citing the recent convic- “You need tion of 22 CIA to stop agents and one “ U.S. soldier in thinking Italy for the the Presi- k i d n a p p i n g and abduction dent is of Hassan your M u s t a f a Osama Nasr. friend” According to a BBC report, Nasr fell victim to the secret U.S. program known as extraordinary rendition, a process by which U.S. spies kidnap and forcibly extradite foreign terror Photo by Joshua Rosenau suspects to countries willing to torture detainees in order to col- lect information. is symptomatic of a larger prob- from the public by the trappings Swanson pointed out that a sim- lem outlined in his new book, of the White House and by the ilar victim of extraordinary rendi- "Daybreak." According to Swan- constant guard of the secret serv- tion, Maher Arar, recently had his son, the use of secret memos, se- ice, Swanson directs citizens to lawsuit against the U.S. govern- cret treaties, secret programs like aim their demands at their local Bugs force classes to ment for his being kidnapped and rendition, and the use of presiden- congressman or congresswoman, tortured in Syria dismissed be- tial orders and signing statements, as they are much more accessible relocate at Penn Hall cause, according to a report in the are signs that the presidency is be- for seeking change than the presi- New York Times, "Congress has coming more and more independ- dency. not authorized such suits." ent, and as a result the U.S. "People in power need to be re- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 especially vulnerable to the box "Kidnapping is still illegal in government is beginning to be- minded that they work for you. elder beetle invasion. Italy," said Swanson,"and I ap- have more like a monarchy and They need to be punished when second-floor office and has en- Physical Plant staff have tried to plaud the Italian court's decision." less like a democracy. they don't do what they promise, countered the same problems. "… fight the autumn onslaught, but Swanson went on to argue that "You need to stop thinking the and rewarded when they do," said I had a couple of bad days, a few maintenance has their work cut the use of extraordinary rendition president is your friend," said Swanson. "Simply electing them weeks ago, when swarming lady out for them. "Last year they vac- Swanson, "He is not your friend." without telling them how to rep- bugs, stinkbugs, and box elder uumed my office at least five beetles invaded my office." When times… The union also took this PRINT CORRECTION In light of this, Swanson called resent you is irresponsible." on everyone in the room to be- Swanson appeared at Bucks as asked how often this occurs, issue up last year, so many people come more engaged citizens. part of the Wordsmith Reading Eichert said that it happens several must have complained,” said Ku- In our November 3, Vol- For Swanson, that means citi- Series, a program "dedicated to times a semester. marage. ume 45, Issue 6 edition, zens must do more than just bringing to Bucks nationally The insects don’t have a strict The nuisance doesn't stop at the The Centurion mistakenly vote."Voting is an initial baby step known authors whose work cele- preference for instructors’ offices; doors of Penn Hall. Eichert said, printed Andrew Laufer as toward becoming an active citi- brates the written word and en- they have been known to invade "One of the concerns is that they the writer of the Couples zen," he said. "I encourage every- larges our sense of what is classrooms as well. "Several in- will take the bugs home in their Retreat story. one to vote. I don't encourage possible with it," according to a structors have had to temporarily book bags or on their clothing." Jesse Trout was in fact everyone to imagine that their 2009 press release. change classrooms in order to es- Though not easy, the problem the writer. vote has any real effect." Swanson will be continuing his cape the nuisance in class," said will hopefully be solved soon so Because the office of the presi- nationwide tour promoting "Day- Eichert. One student reported that that professors and classrooms dency is practically sealed off break" through February. the trailers behind Penn Hall are aren't overrun with insects. Editor-in-Chief Eric Nocito Additional Staff Letter Policy Managing Editor Ian McLean Hope Kumor Letters should be limited to 300 words. They will be edited for Advising Tony Rogers Andrew Laufer spelling and malicious or libelous statements, and may be edited for space. Letters must be the original work of the writer and must Jennifer Bell be signed. For identification purposes, letters must include the Adam Stapenell writer’s full name, address, and telephone number, although the Senior Staff Sarah Battista address and telephone numbers will not be published. News Joshua Rosenau Kyle Reaves Entertainment Matthew Flowers Carl Waxmonsky Send letters to: Features Annmarie Ely Shiju Jacob The Centurion PDF VERSION Student Life Amanda Smiley Matthew Stumacher 275 Swamp Rd Sports Check your Bucks email for a Jesse Trout Josh Roseboro Newtown, PA 18940 Arts Amylynn Bellingrath Stephen Carroll [email protected] digital version of the paper! Op/Ed Liam McKenna Rick Mauro 215.968.8379 The week of November 10, 2009 3 Academic team is looking for students who want to compete Students can win cash prizes in the All USA Community College Academic Team contest BY SARAH BATTISTA through Decemver 2009.
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