.,' .. ~ :J -. ~ • ··1 ..i )cott .J unic LD LD ') and ' i:late nthe .--------------------------~------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i Volume 73 No.12 Friday, November 17, 1989:} ! .by a I beat, geof con­ ~Group To Study >uta· Council To Holdl..... ' il ••. >'' 1 die :; >aby, Campus Lounge . -·•·.\ ·"I-. or"I Open· Hearing -... ingly nflu­ Space. Allocations :: from By Amanda Eller Timothy Bell Charged With Lying·:f ger,'' &lilalioll'lp l!dilar alent andBoMardn ·.During Group Tour to Beijing ··; ~by Old Gdd and B!ll:k ll.opcWir ISCat. ' . rson ThenewlyfonnedStudent()fgaiuzadonaiSpaceStudy By Mike McKinley As part of the course. students we~; Committee bas begun 10 examine the problem of space Cos­ Ntw~Ednor also required to write a paper. Bed ; tseof allocation for student ~ganimtions, said Mary Bell, the said he wrote the paper, but he did no&·: song, direct(~' of the Student Unioo and the co-cbainnan of lhe Wake Forest's Honor Council will receive credit for the course. ····; 1 For committee. Thecomrnittee.~hich consistsofadmiilistra- hold a public hearing 6:30p.m. Nov • Teague and the other members of,: area . torS, faculty and students is acting purely in im advisory 28 in the law school's comtroom to the Honor Council cannot comment~ capacity and will only be making recominendations, she on any case, because they are.boun~~ said. try the case of senior Timothy Bell, llills' who is accused of lying. to silence by the Constitution of ~ r ry. If · The committee will look at the possible relocation of Carol Teague, the chailperson of Student Government for bolh ope11~ what. manygroups,includingfratemities,societies,andciunpus the Honor Council, announced the and closed hearings. The constitutioQ ~ F'rom ministry groups. They will also research the best use of trial Tuesday. states that a student may request ei~ ~ ill be · space in the Benson University Center. The charges against Bell were ther an open or closed hearing. Mike 1 I. · · Beil said the committee has begun 10 establish its · brought by John Litcher, a professor King, a member of the Horior Cowi~ ~ . procedures for the decision process and the criteria it will of education. and Stephen Ewing, an ell, is investigating the case. · ·' ~ use in making its recommendations. The committee will associate professor in the school of Howell Smith, the chainnan of the J begin to interview leaders of organizations seeking space business and aceountancy. Litcber Judicial Council and a professor of and !hose trying to keep .!heir space in January. Dennis could not be reached for comment history, said there may havi;: been zt Gregmy, the director of residence life and housing, said andEwingrefusedtocommentonthe open hearing before the judicial s~· decisions will be made by February before Greek room case. temwas revised in the late '60s, bur;.: I registration begiils. Bell wasaccusedoflyingJune4in as faras he could remember, no othet: Thecriteriafordeterminingtherecommendationshave Beijing, China, where he was with a · ttia1 has been held in public since~ not been detennined. but Gregory said "those groups groupof28WakeFpreststudentsand time. · ; · wboseloungesarerelatedtolivingspacearelessatrisk {of facultywhoweretouringthecountry. Teague said this proceeding wilt; · removal)." Litcher and Ewing were the profes­ not differ significantly from cases that­ Beilsaidmmorscirculatingaroundcampusastowhich sors who led the lOur this summer • aretriedprivately,exceptthatanyone:· . cxganizaliomwillmovefromtheirloungesandwhichwill Bell reportedly smuggled a vide­ -including people outside the wa&: · moveiliarecompletelyunfounded.Shesaidthecommit­ otape of the Tiananmen Square mas­ Forest community -who wishes to: teehas thus fardiscussedonlyprocedureandhas begtin 10 sacre out of China the same day that attend may do so. A security guanl; decide on the survey questions they will use 10 gather the lie is alleged to have occurred. will be present during this hearing; information about each~· . · BellremainedinHongKongworking butTeaguesaidthatwillbeastandanl· The 100,000 square-foot Benson University Center is for NBC until mid-August procedure for any subsequent opeit designed to provide more office space for student organi­ A Month Too Early? Chris Nichols, one of Bell's stu­ hearings and is not limited to this pat•; zations. The student-run publications and Student Gov- Sorry Santa. There is still a month 'til Christmas, but Mike MacCorkle got a jump on Kris dentdefenders,said "(the smuggling) ticular trial. : • ernment will relocate there next year. Other groups desir­ Kringle with the help or a little Edge. may be related (10 the case) but not Bell said he chose to have an opert· ing space in the center will petition for it through the specifically." See Council, Page 4 See:Housing, Page 4 <-; BUsiness School Will Offer Summer Course for Liberal Arts Majors : ., .< ' By Rocky Lantz. --- - ... ·. ,.~ta·to.Jearlt~~tll.~, .. -....... __ ,_O~.~t;¢,,intp the program, students .he termed demanding rather than intensive. wiilbemadebvtheendofMarch,Taylorsaid.: AJII;;;;;I~~ . ,..... · ·The B~s~~'PiO&i~n~ich~' Will fonowiiOilnat·summ~tSChool~lh11ent~m~a·~'studen.S-f~Oilr:8PPliiiii1ii" tlie'·:':;:~:Sdrriisstoos: eo~; coosisting ·or':­ was designed stnctly for nsmg semor liberal procedures. The cost of the program will be the program. It will be an "enJoyable, lively learn- faculty members, will look for a cross-section· WakeForest'sundergraduateschoolofbusi­ arts majors, will enroll 25 students during the same as the cost per credit for summer school. ing experience," he said. of liberal arts majors who are able to interact; - . .ness and accountancj will offer an eight-credit first session of summer schooL The five-week, However, Taylor said the participants will be More money will be devoted to the program well wilh each other, Taylor said. : ·· business program during the first summer Ses­ eight-credit program will tie together different required to spend more time in class than nor- than just the tuition revenue, he said Qualifications will probably include ext~~-~ sion an ~ling course next semester open areasofbusinessonanintegrativebasislhrough mal summer school students in order to do A brochure about the progrnm will be com- curricular activities, job experiences in· bolla: only to hberal arts majors. classes, team projects, case studies, speakers justice to the program, and they will receive pleted and distnbuted to all juniors before the college and high school and special interesll: Dean Thomas Taylor said thepmpose of the from the community, plant tours and use of the only one grade for the eight hours of credit. Christmas break. Applications will be avail- and talents, he said. Academic records will not; ,new offerings is to allow more liberal arts schoors micro-computer lab, Taylor said. Taylor said he hopes the cuniculwn, which ableaftervacation,andtheadrnissionsdecision See Bvsiness, Page 5 · Bunny-To-Be Says Issue Blown Out of Proportion By Jennie Vaughn she went for a brief initial interview Aosislanl Nows l!4ilar Nov. 7 she filled out information forms and posed for quick Polaroid A Wake Forest student who posed shots, she said. for Playboy photographer David The photographer called her back Chan when he came to Winston­ for a photo session later in the week, Salem last week said she thought the shesaid.Aprofessionaldidherinake­ . entire issu~ has been blown out of up and hair. but she she chose her proportion. clothes. 7fhe photographer s.hot her . "People saw the name 'Playboy' at two different locations in the · and went nuts," she said. Winston-Salem area, she said. The sophomore posed fully clothed One location was near a cottage and said no shots were taken that she where she posed on a blanket with . "would be ashamed of now or 10 her textbooks. The picture was de- · years from now." signed 10 look as though she were She said: "It showed that there are studying. · good girls at Wake. I felt proud to The second location was in a de­ ;... _.· reJX'CSCIItWakeForestfullyclothed." serted lot where she posed in the tall The student said she was skeptical grass growing !here. when she first saw the advertise­ She wore clothing bearing Wake ments. However, when she discov­ Forest's name in at least one of the - ered !hat models could pose fully lOcations, she said. (L toR) Angie Love, Carrie Williams and Rhonda Hampton prepare deli with the Snack new 'B' rating in the background. clothed, she decided to give Playboy After Chan travels toalllhe schools ~es Pit'~ a try. in the Atlantic Coast Conference, he "Being clothed in Playboy is no will take the pictures to his base in different than being in Glamour or a Chicago and make final decisions as Snack Pit Gets'B' Rating from Health Department similar magazine." to which girls will be included in the She said that after college she finalspread,accordingtoa Winston­ Old Gold and Black Stoff Rcparl The faulty refrigerators have been repaired, within the next 15 days. would like to supplement her career Salem Jownnl article. and ARA staff members have begun to keep a HallidaysaidtheSnackPit'sservicehasimproved wilh modeling and hopes that expo­ The model said she disagreed with TI1e Sa1ack Pit received a "B" sanitation rating temperature log. Halliday said monitoring tem­ over the last month. sure in Playboy will get her off the those who protested Playboy's ad- - in a semi-annual inspection Monday, said Food perature twice a day "will allow us to see exactly
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