Black Sea- Caspian Sea Fund: Istanbul takes over No. 6, 2012 the torch Bosnia and Herzegovina: Orgnyan Minchev: keeping up with Countries of the Black Sea the times and regional consciousness Why do we love Tarkovsky? TURKEY: THROUGH HARDSHIP TO EUROPE Baku: time for hope Ukrainian Renaissance BSCSIFCHRONICLE Our capital The President of the International Fund for Cooperation and Partnership of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea (BSCSIF), a well- known Russian lawyer, Viktor KHMARIN, just before transferring his chair to the Turkish party, shares his thoughts about the journey made by the Fund up till now and its future prospects. o start with, I feel content national platform where representa- have a very good media tool - “Dia- at the thought that we tives of its civil society can state their logue of the Seas” magazine - in mod- have been working in the ideas soundly. And we, as their Fund ern printing, where a variety of points Fund, arm to arm, for colleagues, can apprise, express criti- of view of different people, of different already four years and cisms, and rather agree with those political spectra, are presented. More- the work that we do is so essential. ideas. In any case, diplomacy is the art over, with no bias... TWe dedicate our personal time to it, of the possible, but what we have is - Another important aspect: we sometimes even health, and, being people’s diplomacy. Our statutory ob- have proper relations with the Euro- a civil society organization we make jective is to promote dialogue, peace pean Union, the issue of our observer independent decisions based on how and harmony, build bridges between status in the Organization of Black we understand these problems. And nations and specific people from the Sea Economic Cooperation is under all those involved in the Fund’s activi- Black Sea - Caspian Sea region. We negotiation, and representatives of ties know that issues are solved, in are trying to achieve, step by step, many public organizations communi- practice, by consensus. We have no positive results. And in this sense, I cate gladly with us. I want to mention, disagreements on strategic issues, and give great credit to the Fund for the with no false modesty, that I, as a rep- small details are clarified trustworthy acceptation of Iran into our ranks. Re- resentative of the Black Sea-Caspian and with mutual respect, to finally cently, to Moscow arrived the Iranian Sea Fund, was elected to the board of obtain the formula that suits every- delegation, and from the talks that we the prestigious European Sports As- one. And even when it came to ac- had – the viewpoints were similar on sociation “Strength & Honour Cham- cepting an Iranian representative into most issues. It is possible that we will pionship” (Mixed Martial Arts). And our Fund, there were some problems, accept Iran’s invitation and will hold in March of the current year, the S&H maybe some misunderstandings, our Fund’s plenary session in Tehran Championship was successfully held BSCSIF CHRONICLE BSCSIF perhaps clichéd approach to Iran as or in another suggested city. in Geneva with the support of our a state. But, finally, we took a posi- Fund (see p.38-39). tion relying on the fact that we are Fund’s brand value I believe that gaining brand value an independent, non-governmental Another achievement of the Fund is one of our main concerns; we need fund, which can and must have its lies in the considerable number of to work for the brand, so that we are own, well-reasoned standpoint. We countries that we got involved into its trusted and understood. In this case shouldn’t follow in the wake of any- activities. Recently, Bosnia and Her- we can really contribute to the estab- body, and, in general, give in to any zegovina, Montenegro, Belarus and lishment of a healthy microclimate in pressure from outside. Only argu- Switzerland joined it. It comprises of the states that are part of our Fund. ments, only facts can really convince 16 states now. In this way, we became us. We accepted Iran, given that this is able to spread our point of view and Fostering a cooperation an Old Persian state, which stretches put forward far and wide our ideas, climate on a considerable area of the Caspian projects concerning economy, envi- In any case, we need to influence in Sea, and therefore it falls, as the saying ronment, culture, as part of our char- the right direction. We must, on top of goes, under our jurisdiction. Secondly, ter activities and our recently adopted all, contribute to the development of we have provided Iran with an inter- Strategy for the period up to 2020. We economic relations between countries. 2 3 coNTENTS BSCSIFCHRONICLE BSCSIFchronicle This is extremely useful and essential, Our capital / 3 as, once the information database is assembled and complete, we will have EVENTSAND PEOPLE the product that helps industrial enti- We are building the civil society / ties find each other. In other words, 6 No. 6, 2012 it will be possible to concatenate Baku: time for hope / 7 ____________________________________________________________ processing and industrial chains. And NEWSFrom THE REGION EDITORIAL BOARD it will yield a livelier, weightier trade Mahir N.Quarayev, Azerbaijan flow between the two countries. Nabucco steps / 9 Murat Auezov, Kazakhstan Mainly for this purpose, an Bayan Sarigulov, Kyrgyzstan THEcoUNTRIES OF THE REGION economic structure was established Ion Hadârcă, Republic of Moldova within the Fund. But here we must Moscow. The cooperation agreement signed by BSCSIF, the National Union In this section we will present to our readers another Mikhail Sinelnikov, Russia proceed from the fact that the Fund is of Energy Suply Organizations (Russia) and the All-Russian Advanced Planning Fund (on p.32) country, member of the Black Sea - Caspian Sea Corneliu Vlad, Deputy Editor, Romania not a commercial organization, it only International Fund Çağrı Erhan, Prof. Dr., Turkey creates a climate in which this com- tor. Therefore, our Commission on zations, enterprises and professionals merce will legally develop, with big- Innovations and Investments can, that deal with the innovation man- BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Editor-in-Chief: Vyacheslav Samoshkin ger tempo than now. Since there is a besides offering a wide range of pro- agement and innovation processes. Symbiosis of tradition and modernity / 10 English version: Olga Condratiuc considerable trade imbalance between jects available on the Russian market, All these activities will contribute to Art Director: Dan Mihalache some member-countries, it can be lev- also “prepare” them to a level that the improvement of the investment SOUTHERNCORRIDOR ____________________________________________________________ eled, but only if knowing the market is understood by the foreign inves- climate in Russia. In this sense, our Turkey and EU need each other / 14 The Magazine is being published in each country. tor. Moreover, it can now provide Commission is becoming one of the by the International Fund For Cooperation For example, the matter that we so-called investment support, as, in most influential structures from the CULTUREAND US and Partnership of the Black Sea work upon now is the logistics center Moscow BSCSIF branch, there has Russian Federation dealing with in- How do we preserve cultural heritage? / 16 and the Caspian Sea in Sheremetyevo (Moscow region). been recently established an Expert novations. Together with its chairman, Montenegro, Bulgaria This will be the largest logistics center Council on Finance and Law (ECFL), Mikhail Zernov, the commission puts President: Viktor Khmarin in Russia and will contribute to the which aims to provide legal advice on great, daily efforts in this sense. INTERVIEW Secretary General and Vice-President: establishment of a favorable trade the most complex issues that arise in Eldar Hasanov balance with Turkey, as Turkey is a the normal course of BSCSIF’s activi- Passing the baton Ognyan Minchev: we haven’t realized yet Executive Coordinator of Central Office potentially lucrative economic part- ties and to protect investors from vari- I am sincerely glad to know that the the advantages of interdependence / 22 Adviser for Economic and Financial ner to Russia. The problem is that the ous risks. To the ECFL were appointed presidency of our Fund will be passed Cooperation: Marcela Curmei Turkish manufacturer could not enter, experienced attorneys, lawyers, audi- over to Dr. Akkan Suver, a highly re- ATTHE crossroads OF CUltURES Project Coordinator, Adviser to so far, the Russian market directly – it tors and experts in management and spected man, representative of Turkey. Stairway to Heaven Secretary General: Yulia Akhunova was unprofitable because of a huge financial consulting. The Chairman I dare say he will have to deal with or why do we love Tarkovsky? / 27 Deputy Director of the Center number of intermediaries. Once the of this structure is V. Digin, a lawyer, many issues that we have not solved for Strategic Research of the Black logistic center is set, there will be no who is also Vice-Chairman of the yet. For example, to commission the EXLIBRIS Sea-Caspian Sea region: Valentina Albu intermediaries – there will be only Council on Legal Affairs of the Inter- recently created Center for Strategic Titulescu Saga Project Manager: Luiza Popa representatives sitting at their desks national Parliament of Environmental Research of the Fund, or, Turkmeni- / 30 ____________________________________________________________ and having samples of the goods with Awareness, with official consultative stan’s accession to our Fund. This is the proJECTS,proJects ISSN 2069 – 766X; ISSN-L = 2069 – 766X their price tags, including wholesale status at the Council of Europe. ECFL only country in the Black Sea-Caspian In pursuit of new technologies / Printed at Tipografia Everest, Bucharest prices, in glass showcases.
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