GRAD PROGRAM RECEIVES DONATION GREEN HILLS TICKED OFF Page Page 8 NEWS 12 VOLUME 31 MARCH 28, 2019 NUMBER 11 Metro Public Works announces traffic Mayor Briley commits calming projects unprecedented funding for affordable housing Neighborhood Traffic Calming Prioritization - Januray 2019 Applicants 100 Score Breakdown: 90 Safety (40 Points): Crash rate over past 5 years 80 Speeding (30): 85th percentile speed vs speed limit Neighborhood (15): Pedestrian trip destinations 70 Active Transport (15): Non-driver accomodations 60 50 40 C30 20 10 0 TSU Glencliff Hillhurst Richland Katie Hill Hillwood Rosebank Crieve Hall Crieve Knob Road Julia Green Cane Ridge Obrien Ave Obrien Maplecrest Shelby Hills Shelby Merry Oaks Oriole Place Oriole Stonemeade General Bate Nations West Autumn Oaks Autumn Jones Avenue Cherokee Park Haynes Manor Miro Meadows Hermitage Hills Hermitage Wexford Downs Wexford Sylvan ParkEast Whispering Hills Woodmont Park Woodmont Sunnyside South Woodmont Lane North Inglewood Highland Heights Highland Sylvan ParkWest Haywood (South) Haywood Montgomery Bell Asheford Crossing Castleman Estates Brandywine Farms Brandywine Woodmont Estates Caldwell Abbay Hall Abbay Caldwell Maplewood Heights Southeast Inglewood Wedgewood-Houston Lockland Springs (South) Kemper Heights (Port Dr) Heights Kemper Sylvan Heights (37th Ave N) Cloverland andCloverland Valley View Colonial Village (Colonial Circle) (Colonial Village Colonial Meadows at Seven Points Trace at Seven Points Meadows Belmont-Hillsboro Neighbors (West) Neighbors Belmont-Hillsboro Southwood (Brewer east of Nolensville) Safety Speeding Neighborhood Destinations Active Transportation - Graph submitted Metro Nashville Public Works the undesirable effects of traf- Earlier this week Mayor 1.) $350 million invest- will begin traffic calming proj- fic in residential neighbor- David Briley announced a ment of city funds in the ects in eight Nashville neigh- hoods. The most common goals sweeping affordable housing Metro Development and borhoods during the next sev- for traffic calming projects are initiative designed to signifi- Housing Agency to acceler- eral months as part of the lower traffic speeds, and safer cantly accelerate the city's ate the Envision process department’s newly enhanced street accommodations for efforts to address housing and, in turn, add more than Neighborhood Traffic Calming non-drivers. needs. The "Under One Roof 5,000 new units on MDHA Program. “We believe a data-driven 2029" initiative aims to properties. This includes In January and again in process enhances the program invest $750 million over the adding approximately 1,000 July, neighborhoods can sub- greatly, and we’ve worked hard next 10 years in affordable deeply affordable units mit completed traffic calming to ensure fair and transparent housing in Nashville, with (~20% increase). MDHA will applications to Public Works, selection based on factors like $500 million of that coming also preserve and revitalize where officials collect the date crash history, speeding, neigh- from the city. The initiative its existing 2,800 deeply to determine how each neigh- borhood destinations, and is expected to create at least affordable units, comple- borhood will be scored. presence or absence of pedes- 10,000 new units. menting the 5,000 new The Metro Traffic Calming trian and bicycle infrastruc- The "Under One Roof units. 2029" initiative has four key Program is designed to identi- ture” said Public Works Program See Calming Project on Page 3 See Funding on Page 8 fy, prioritize, and help mitigate Manager Derek Hagerty. elements: 4-DAY Thu. 3/28 72ºF Fri. 3/29 71ºF Sat. 3/30 65ºF Sun. 3/31 54ºF FORECAST Rain 0% 50ºF Rain 50% 55ºF Rain 90% 36ºF Rain 20% 31ºF # 338 # NASHVILLE, TN PERMIT PERMIT TN NASHVILLE, E-MAIL [email protected] FAX 615-298-1015 TICKED OFF HOT-LINE 615-298-5597 U.S. POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE U.S. PRESORTED STANDARD PRESORTED NEWS/SOCIAL NEWS/ADVERTISING 615-298-1500 www.gcanews.com TICKED OFF E-MAIL tickedoff @gcanews.com Page 2- The News, March 28, 2019 9th10th AnnualAnnual Another ATV Rider arrested in Kids & Kites Day! connection with illegal travel on Kids & Kites Day! Nashville's streets Another ATV driver has been the damaged ATV into the truck. arrested in connection with last An MNPD helicopter spotted weekend’s ATV and dirt bike the pickup truck with the ATV in incursion on Nashville streets. the bed traveling on Donelson Metro Nashville Police Pike and directed ground units Department (MNPD) spokes- per- to stop it. Walker was a passen- son Don Aaron reported that ger in the truck, which was driv- 1 mile family Lemarcus D. Walker, 32, of en by a woman from Florida. walk / fun run! Toone, Tennessee in Hardeman According to Aaron, the two County, is charged with leaving were taken to the East Precinct the scene of an injury crash and for questioning where Walker reckless driving. Walker surren- denied any involvement in the dered for booking on Thursday hit and run. He and the female and was released after posting a were released. A photo lineup $2,000 bond. was subsequently shown to According to Aaron, Nash- Vester, who identified Walker as ville motorist Samuel Vester, 53, the ATV rider who crashed into was stopped for a red light in a his car. gray BMW at the intersection of According to police reports, Dickerson Pike and Maplewood just after Walker left the crash Trace last Sunday afternoon scene in the pickup truck, Vester Saturday,SATURDAY, March MARCH 30, 31ST 2019 when a large contingent of ATVs was using his cell phone to pho- 10:00 am - 2:00 pm and dirt bikes drove around tograph the other ATV riders. As stopped vehicles, disregarding he did so, an as yet unidentified Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park traffic laws. rider pulled up, put a metal Walker, who was on a white object to Vester’s side, which he 600 James Robertson Pkwy, Nashville, TN 37243 ATV, popped a wheelie close to believed to be a gun, and robbed Vester’s BMW, lost control of his him of his phone. Please join us in ATV, struck the car and was East Precinct detectives are ƌĞŶĚĂ'ŝůŵŽƌĞ͕^ƚĂƚĞZĞƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĂƟǀĞͶďƌĞŶĚĂ͘ŐŝůŵŽƌĞΛĐŽŵĐĂƐƚ͘ŶĞƚ thrown off the ATV, injuring his continuing in their efforts to fighting ƌŝĐĂ'ŝůŵŽƌĞ͕DĞƚƌŽŽƵŶĐŝůƉĞƌƐŽŶͶĞƌŝĐĂ͘ŐŝůŵŽƌĞΛŶĂƐŚǀŝůůĞ͘ŐŽǀ arm. Aaron stated that while identify the robber. Walker was on the pavement, a Vester’s phone was found by childhood obesity! >ŽŝƐtŝŶƐƚŽŶ͕&ĂŶƚĂƐŝĂŝŶZĞĚ͕ZĞĚ,Ăƚ^ŽĐŝĞƚLJͶůŽǁŝŶĚĂŶĐĞΛLJĂŚŽŽ͘ĐŽŵ black Ford pickup truck arrived a citizen on Foster Avenue near and several other bikers loaded Oriel Street on Sunday evening. Farmers adapting to consumer meat demands With the growing popularity farms in Lawrence County. of protein-packed diets, farmers “A three-ounce serving of across Tennessee say the demand beef—about the size of an for meat is on the rise, and that iPhone—provides more than ten trend is expected to continue. essential nutrients, including Animals and animal products protein, iron, zinc, and vitamins accounted for nearly 40 percent of B12 and B6,” Valerie Bass, Exe- Tennessee agricultural sales in cutive Director of the Tennessee 2017, generating $1.4 billion. Beef Industry Council, said. “We have seen a change in “One serving of beef contains what people want on their table,” about half of your daily value for Elaine Dustin of Belfair Farm in protein in an average of 170 calo- Wayne County said. “Several con- ries.” sumers are following the Keto With Easter around the cor- diet, which includes meats that ner, several producers are are trimmed with a small amount already selling out of farm fresh of fat and meat that is well mar- meats. “Grass fed leg of lamb bled — making grain-finished makes a wonderful Easter dinner meats a consumer favorite.” that also supports local farms,” “Many families in our com- Jess Wilson of Summer Fields in munity have told us that it means Grundy County said. a lot to them to know where their If you have never used locally- meat comes from and how the grown food in your kitchen, don’t animal was cared for during its worry. “It's almost impossible to lifetime,” Micayla Giffin of Giffin make bad food from excellent Farms in Obion County said. ingredients,” Tracy Smith of Farmers are noticing that Three Forks Cattle Company in beef in particular is seeing an Fentress County said. So, if you increase in demand. “As people are interested in bringing fresh become more and more aware of local flavor to your table this the health benefits of beef, we are spring, now is the time to act. constantly asked about providing Go to www.PickTNProducts. new and nutritious cuts,” said org to find a local meat producer. Matt Niswander, nurse practi- tioner and owner of Niswander March 28, 2019, The News- Page 3 From Page One the quality of life in our neigh- Public Works engineers Coordination with council priority for my administration” borhoods. Metro Public Works, reviewed more than 60 applica- members and neighborhoods said Mayor David Briley. Calming Project... along with other agencies such tions from neighborhoods all will begin in coming weeks. In addition to beginning as the Metro Planning across the county and selected Public Works staff will attend projects in these eight neigh- In general, Metro’s public Department and the Metro the following eight areas to neighborhood meetings and borhoods, Public Works is also streets meet engineering stan- Police Department, work begin work: plan community workshops to working on a recommendation dards for safe operation. together to assist neighbors to • Highland Heights collaborate with residents on for a county-wide speed limit Unfortunately, streets increas- keep our streets safe for all the best approach for each area. reduction on neighborhood ingly carry more traffic than users. Recommended improve- • Tennessee State “The Neighborhood Traffic streets. they were designed for, were ments should be an enhance- University/39th Ave.
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