r*>^ f iRmir^Btnr Eofttbqi SnaOk WEIJWB8DAT, JUIfB i r r i W N Average Dally Circulation Tba Study group at the North Mr. and Mra. Victor A. Sohiffar sona able uv walk w ill join tha luo a ttoiitt which latar la tha day Far the Mouth eC May. l » a Methodlot W. S. C. S. wlU moot for o f ldS3 Tidland Tum plka and amaU march. Children and ddar par­ s iRMIb - to a OTO 9t lea About Town ita final aeaslon before the summer daughter, Judith Leah, have re­ South Church sons will be provided for by oars. cream and a . M rs. A . VITAMIN FRESH VEGETABLES vacation, tomorrow afternoon at 3 turned to town after a vlalt of aev- Gihoon and M ia s : Bonn ars In 7,386 Td Hold Oentaota The regular meetlnr of the o’clock at the home of Mrs.. Leon­ eral weeks In WUkes-Barrs, Pa,.. charge of tba cup M aBte aC Bw A n « i ru M 4H1 or eo«ie 1® Pfnehorst for your Yitanin ard Burt of Henry street. Family^Picnic Tluo^^ut the aftenoon games Army and Navy club will be held for ckUdren and adults wlU ba At 3:80 o’clock overyono win ..■nwoiK^qwi V aM teU ^ AagMiTM:"* ®o®" Summer Oampbell OOuncU K. of C." haa enjoy a haokst supper whlcB will In the clubbouae tonlfht at 8 Contests of all kinds with Manehmter^A CUy of VilUige Charm i aatiTe, Just in. Beets and CauIUlower^ at lower o’clock. Offleera and toachera of the named a committee to conduct a conclude the aftmaoca’s festlvi. North Methodist church school will Because of Transporta- will be held. The games will carnival or the grounda to the planned for the different aged ties. Persona unaUa to ha prsaent Flnt Ueutenant George fl^tt have an outing tomorrow evening. north o f Its homa a^ Main and at the beginning of the afternoon They will meet at 6:30 at the tion Problem, to Be groups. Rev. W. Ralph Ward, Jr., VOL. LX L, NO. 221 AdvertMag ao U) MANCn^TER, CONN„ THURSDAY, JUNE 18,194P (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEI Nutter, Inactive; Reserve, of Delmont streets. ’The committee is general chairman of the recrea­ program are uigad to oobm la ter Largs Iceberg ^ a s p a r a g u s home of Superintendent Walter E. haa selected the dates from Au­ and ba present at tha plenle hour.' [JCE .^ .head ISe Spruce etreet waa ordered to ac^ VHeld in Town. tion committee and la being aaslst- LETTUt Schober, S3 Delmont atreet, and If gust 31 to September 7 inclusive. ** “* Uve duty yesterday by order of the weather is favorable the picnic «d by Mias Marlon Brookings, Miss 2 S i bunch.'’ Major General Sherman Miles, Thie latter date la Labor Day. Mabel ’Trotter, Ray Mercer,. Mias BaAiahss ... .2 bchs. 9c wUriM around the fireplace on the Final plana are being made Crowd Watdiei aa Merchant Ship b Snnk^ Commanding General First Corps adjoining lawn of Mr. and Mrs. this evening for the All Church Alice Mason, Walter Myera, Mra. ANNUAL STRAWBERRY Cucumbers ca. 9c Ili]ii|M^‘» Area. Boston, Mass. Nelson S ^ tfaith. In caaa o f rain the ’Troop One, Girl Scouts, wiU meet Family Outing and Picnic of South Gustave Anderson, Miss Barrstt; RussiiEiiip^epulse FESTIVAL picnic wll!v ilH e held at the church. Friday at 7 p. m. at the Center Methodist church to be held Satur­ Archibald Haugh and Miaa Ethyls British SQUASI^ca. 10c Delta Chapter. No. 51, R. A. church. day at Highland Park. Due to Lyttle. A soft-ball gam# la sche­ , Spbwch. * • e Tlianday, 5 P. M. o b M., will hold it final meeting of Mr. and Mrs^xGriswold A. Cbap- transportation conditions the usual duled fo r the men. Green Beans TaoSer, SoanlL the eeason this evening at 7:30, peU, Mrs. Lucy ^ Allen, Mr. and The. elementary* achoola In Church School plcntt cannot be Befretkmeet Oroopa Junior Hall, S. A. Citadel it wga announced today. The Mrs. Gerald C hapel and daugh­ ManiBhester cloaed today. Tliers held out of town 'and thie outing ’The Stanly Group will sell Ice Wemea’s Hoosa Loagaa. Nazi Shock Units BEETS^2bchs.nc Past M**t*:^ degree will be con­ were the usual promotions this haa been planned In its stead. ter, Miss PhylUa CbappeU and her cream, the Bpworth Ctrde soda Tlebeta, SSe, Badeemahle la Back ferred and refreehments will be fiance, Robert Skinners went to morning before dfsmisssl for the The plan la that all persona will pop, and the Asbury Group will Egypt; Shortcake, leo Oita ns, CUke, Native StraFberries served. West Suffleld Monday eVming to long summer vacation. St.. meet at South Church on Saturday have a booth for hot-dogs. James cauliflower James’s Parochial school will not Hamburg or FtaaMarl; Baad- ■ Near attend the Cbappell-Sweatland at l:tX) o’clock. From tke church a Wilson will assist in organisiftg wicbeo. H ot aad Cold Bovsry sa. Nifie Cherries The members of the Dorcas So-' wedding.! close until tomorrow. parade will be farmed and all per­ the parade and see that everyone oiety of Bmanuel lAitheran church Cantalonpes 25c each will nlect at the Memorial hoepltal tonight at S o’clock to make Demolish or Disable 47 Is Menace* A jam g Prices On North Carolina bandages and other suppliea for N ew D evice NEW POTATOES...................... .............* «c the hoepltal. ’The meeting w ill be German Tanks Qse* Puck pounds)............................ ........... • • held In the ’Trustees’ room in the where Along Front; May Relieve Famons Fortress All Ri (is new wing and the girls are asked TT« Bill on Rubber Rocket Type , Y i j PlMkont DeHcIoue RipE» Rtd Cherries........ Ib. 42c to use the west entrance. Hnndreds of Dead Snrrounded fly Roi Cantaloupes.............. .............. .........19c to 23c The first eeealon ef the adult G i f t s o r I h e And Shattered Assanlt Lack of Tin mel*s German and II >' ■■ First Thr^t Bombs Used; week-day Bible clasa wlU .be held Vehicles on Slope. piNtaUEST FRESH FISH SHIPMENT win include: this evening at 7:30 in the Rob­ 'S ': ian Divisions; Oi bins room Center Church house. / \ ■ y ^ ’ N ew Weapon f Oiastal Road f f r « " Msefcerd, Fresh Salmon and Hriibnt, Fillets of A cordial invitation is extended to ChathBm 72^* x 84** Omtham 72** x 84** Bulletin! Apparatus Separates On W ar ftule Freeh Sole, Flounder and Haddock. aU interested. Beautiful Quaker hace Metal from Ores of ^ To Link Port wii Moscow. June 18.—(/P)— ” Order Lobsters for Friday!/ 7^" > Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Tilton, of 17 u With point-blank artillery Low - Grade Pound Legislation Drafted to Called Most Important Egyptian Border Qig. g i^ t m en snggest for budget specials, some small Haynes street, were recent vlaitora Smnmeriite Are and infantrymen atand- at the “Deaert of Maine” near Sianle/’ BUNKETS In North America* Place Direction of Pro­ Innovation Since In­ Army Split in T w o 4| cuts irf Ham (slice some->use rest for pea soup). Freeport, Maine. ing against tank-led waves ISe to 22c lb. Sale abo on Butts of Ham, freshly cut, Dinner Cloths fA attackers. Red Army and gram Under- Agency troduction ^f Mag­ Pittsburgh, June 18.—(/P)— A CajTb, June 18.— (/P>—Th< •felk Navy defense forces have new mining device which may ro- Other Than Nelson*s. netic M in e at Sea. Bfftish fell back to fortifi< PlHity of Nathre Broilers, Fryers and Fowl. Turkeys. beaten back every German STRAWBERRY Ueve America’s shortage of war- positions near the Boneless Veal Roasts. ^ Washington, Juhe 18— — ^The attempt to smash through important tin was announced to­ (jn London; June 18—(P)—Axis frontier today, leaving __ B toiU U IB CHOPS (Genuine Spring)...............lb. 42c $5*98 to 49-88 the shell-searred fortifica­ first congressional threat to Don­ planes participating in the ^reat SOCIAL day by WeaUnghouae Electric and famous fortress o f Tobm: ald M. Nelson’s overall control of Thura., June 18, S to 7 P. M. tions that guard Sevaatoiwl Manufacturing Company. ^ Aa vacationers at a beadi resort jammed the boardwalk rail (below) and strain^ tbeir e3res sea­ aea-alr battle in the Mediterran­ ward, a large United States merchant ship was mmk and another damaged off the Virginia coa^ in an all but surrounded by eg 2^ioaid bones of SunsweetPrunes .... .box 2ac Emanuel Church Lawn and Its cliff liiiied roadsteaiL G. W. Penney, manager of the war production appeared develop­ ean tola week -were nqrirted today shal Erwin Romrajel’s __ $7.90 company's electro-physics division, encounter with a submarine. - Above, a Coast GUa rd surf boat (right) pulls three lifeboats from the ing today with drafting of legis­ A n splon P ra v ^ reported today In dla- to have employed- a new - type Jriey Fburida Oranges.............. ............ • . d ^ said the apparatiu separates tin two ships up on the bMch. lation to place direction of the man and Italian divisiona.| Indlea’ Mlaatonary Society. Sizes patches from the front. The rubber program Under an Inde­ rocket bomb characterized by troh- CnHramia Gnum^^^ * ........ .............. ® brge for 29c from low-grade ore found In North nicai authorities ss the most Im­ Only a coaatal rotd renudned Strawberry Shortcake Pair — Boxed Communist party newspaper pendent agency. (Mediums, S for 26e,) Am erica. portant InnovstoNi since toe intro­ open to' link Tobruk with toa| and Coffee, 25 cents. \ ^ d that since yesterday High-grade ore in Malaya and Conceived by a group of sena­ Egyptian border 80 m iles ___ ,Ix)vely featherweight aummer tors seeking production of synthe­ duction at the magnetic mine.
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