20,000 PEOPLE read this paper every week. Larger' circulation than all other papers in county Combined. THE 'WASHINGTON STAR SUBSCRIPTION:.$2.00 A YEAR .-\ 54th YEAR—NUMBER 10 WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1921 Six Draftsmen Sent Manufacturers | j ft to Hurry Road Plans Pierson Now Denies Mrs. McConnell Are Starting yian| Empire Steel, Edison and STAR'S Story Etrings Quick Others Give Men ^ Results; Ready by Jobs Back. , • End of Month. Help Plan Her Husband's Murder There has been a decided Improve- AM n direct result of the pu hi I cat Ion in ment In the Industrial situation •" the STAR <if Feb. 24 tliat the Port FREDERICK PIERSON MRS. ELVAH McCONNELL Warren county durlntr the past week. Coldfii-lMillIipsburg road would be hold And tho »lgn« arc rather encouraff* up for IIVII months because nf delay In Self-Confessed. Slayer of Irvin McConnell Accused of Complicity in Husband's Murder Inn that there will fce a further Irj- drawing the -ilans, four additional Little Evidence To j provemeni. Locally tlie Washington draftsman have Awn sent lo Wash- Silk Mills are now emptying about GO hif-ton within the past week, and two anil the prospect** uie growing brlgh]l- , more arc to come the end of this week. »-r that It will not be long before tho With the help of ihe-six additional Hold Her for Crime full force of nearly 1C0 is again at nu-ii, ifHtiitiiiK in nlmoHt doubling thu worlc on full .time. WHUam Brown''M" force in Ihi- Wimlilugtnn oil iff, it Is the now local manager. * expeeud now that 1110 plans will be Arrested at Husband's The CornlHh company reports a ivady u'Ulthi the next three weeks. Grave; Says She Is tnitrh better outlook during tho laflt ' Speeding it|i of tin.- work In ihis man- week or two. In the phori'jf;rwi>b de- ner will result in the work being NinrU'd Not Guilty. partment there has been tnyi.y i'nqulr- by Ahiy 1. or .toon thereafter, it la ietf, mid it 1» thought that the "-ini.loyeH thought. lint -In the meantime tin: Kivd.'ili-k \\\ I'ier.son. c.uf.ssrd from now on will find a wt-fitly In* l-'iVi.hold era Imve dceldid to Jmild their ereaxe In the number of days crniiloy-, •U:ty».»i.r Irvin Mc£ iell. to l'r...-:'-t;iit.1r . :H! (lf the road in PhUlipsbutK. iuut nh The piano outlook Is also better. work on IIIIH one-mile slri|> will .start siiykcr ycTitt'i-day (Wednesday) aft. t- The li. O. T. company ulao nolcH an vi-vy soon. <pndia(..d his UIIIKM] eonftssini Improvemt'iit and a brightening of tlm The STAJI has some more big IIOIVH uf liiiit Friday, uheii In Klati-;! tlitit In outlook. , : y.\ for you, Listen: Surveyors have been and .Mr..;. MuConnell pKinned tlie nun - Tho I'orceluln company also ban doing more work thlH week on tlin reason to expect that 'business condf- W'aHhlti^ttiii-IMiinipshurK nail. ThlH I* der. Me sin'ed ye>:tn*iliiy tliat tin* Ii:id tions will .shortly inlprovo and tlier« mentioned nImply bntjauKi1 It Is the Op- tu.tliiiiK to dn with it and said ' i m will be ateadli'i- emiiloymont for tlio- : iuloii of ino.st everybody that enough tiuil'y. w,k<- don't liiaini- thai woman. fyree of employes. ; surveying hns been done on thin mail The Klorey Hrothers' factory |B l<> huild Ki-veml miles of It. Ttn- siory that follows aftci- MI- riiitnliitf live days a week and haa Work will sttnrt next month on the K idiiy's cvt'itth, W.IK wrltlrn hel'nn every prospect of continuing ft this ftiiu'i-cthiK of the Uxrniil-i:imxvlliH I'ii ;-Min's icpudiailuii of yesteida\ rate, at least, and the men may tip ii nil. Tlic contractor Is anxious to Inn Tin- S'I'AU Is fnuik t.i c:iy Di.ii it l'eiiiiiri-d to again work on SaturduyBl Ki't this work d lbl Tin- WashiiiKton Knob factory Is lia.'i had «n!i;;i<l.-ralile df.iH.t nf Airs. | (radhiK haa nnott ln-en p worlcinK steadily and bun good .pro*- i'S|n>cinlly nt the Uutt/.ville end. This .MiCiiiun'lCs c.iniKclion with thf imir p.ets uf having tlu> force at worlc road has been impaMstiNe at times dur- d.-r. Khifc the writer tulle-..«1 with hi i steadily all season. ' ' 1 ing tlu* winter. A immlwi of auto- 1 nt Sutulny. Whatever may have IMVII The SOIIMIKT faclory IK working full innhiteti were fastened In ilie mud nt time. • ' various times. Ix-r r>'pulaiin:i pi-lor in th rdt i Ituslne.ss coiitinups good at the Po- The Town ot Melvld-n- is planning th'.-1'i- hi nniliiiji; nt dil:; ihii" '<i etntn hiitrdiiK «Hk hosiery .factory, with' tho to iv]i:iir tli<< rc.td toward lluitzville Ii-T with III'- 1'iini'-. mid <'.v]u-(.'i:i!y i-hnnci-.H favoring a continuance. At [tackett.Htown the American Saw lh:it is within Ihi- emporation limiis. -i.].!- i'i*r.-:.>n n.m- tt<-nh's that SIK- pl Thin pi.-ri. «if mail ban Iwvii in very .Mill Machine Company Is now work- liad condition; rout,-h and muddy. n il the imii'ili'i' wilh liliu INK innie hours than formerly and tho Mr.i-linir h:i« 1 i, K..hii; nh.-a-l all Urn 'I'll- !"pu.!i:r!iM.| tr^k pi; in i>iOHi>ects art- better. Tho othbr wlnti-T mi th*1 Ilope-niaii'stown road. (fiunt jail wbt'ii I'i.'i.son wan visi HacUettfitown factories also r^ftport-tlie by I'rosi entoi- Stryk>-r ad C business outlook (better than it has Tlie firm that has the j-TiidinK eon- 1 irsirl i:t driving lh» werk :ihead. and \\'idt»i-N, «l-rk (.r Hie Miai l Jury. I ' - been. " ' ..•'/, tin- rouniy will In- able n» advtTtlsi- s< t Hi: )ul llml IK- bad Implicated At Oxford tin1 Empire company has nn- 1mb: f«r tho coiieivlc work t-aily hi <nd ih.'ti il. u'd that tin placed 1100 men at work by the Htarl- III'- itiiiuiiK'i'. Thi.4 h;tn \u-f\\ one of lllo rwin-.malr'l o I hat h<- bad iiiK of tlie iiia.st furnace, which IIIIB' u-.irsi pli'M-ti df roiul in tin- county this inn!.- un lu kill .Mi- bt-en elnficd since Dee. '22. The Stand- wimi-r. MuioriMH have .-xpwleimd C.llhrll. 'l'llis IS IIKHll' ill ard Silk mill at Oxford, thia week'ba-t Ml kinds of trouble, 'iii Wi-ul in Ban working "i»e hours a duy arfd flVo The State Highway Department Is il"d ilh a douhli anil one-half days a'week. Theoill- planning to mala* a change In the jshul Kun ami :i M ritlibre l\- ployes hail been working eight hours* irolley trackH at Hroadwuy In order to IIMI tbal h>- hid bt'himl a W. it day and live ilays a week. ' • •& lessen tlie ihmncrs of travel through e .McConnell IIOIIK- when Mf The 1-Mlnon Cement plant, at Nejv ihut vil]iii;i> after the rtiudway 1H con- il d Ili'iU-n Limtfiinan. who Village will be in operation tigaln no'^t rrvli-d. It is desired lo have the trol- -!tiim biin. i>-i'i Uio hm::i(' iliat n week' in all departments, starting; on"" . liy tinvks I'diitlniu- on the same side in :i i Monday. This week a large force :\B of the road instead of eroding above his statement n the pios at work getting ready for the resumt),*,' WolviTtun'a Cins^iliK. am! tiien, In - Hdn jnimiU"il th t alter lu tion of manufacture, which- wast atdji-'. stead of t^oina to tin north side, take AlcCoiini'H Imn ped lust December, • Reports '• front a roan- through .tile llelds and pass ll m l..-d. Ir I'hillipshurf* also, show an .':im'prov$* through th.- village owr a ri^ht in" li'uriit in Uic industrial situation in'that him uf inilm bis 1 way in tin- rear of the residfiu.-t.-s anil .MISCO section. While businessmen, Jn'.genet-' utrlki- i hi! hinhwiiy again at a point Th.-y qu ed mid AJ lo not expeot any bt)oni, ^lt, ia:fe).t nt'tir thf farm of Xieixleinus Warne. was ralliil frnm ln-d to t-boosi- betwuli that istocliH oC .all- kinds-lia-vlng-'been'; 'file Department will provide the trac- him and "Irv" and Iliat KIU: said «lu- reduced, that • there • W'/ov"ei*y* Vfeasoh." i tion company with the right of-way. prerern-d him llln- ncKro), now that a better basis has.ibeen-es-'- l'Urs..n inudct no elTorL lo deny that talilisheil, •that conditions*1 will"continue" Howover, ^tlierc, la «irwi)j, opjjosJMoa Constabulary Bill JNew "Dry" Bill he h:nl eoniniittcd ihe crime and inti- Ehret Asks~Coiincil Rumors of Scarlet from .some nt the property owners a lid to improve and tliat tho depression/is;-* they claim to be willing to give l-'iid mat.d that lie was willing to pay the gradually lJUSfling away. from the Trout of their properties In penally, but lie did ma want lo draw order to wld-n the highway ami let .\l,i>!.
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