9356 CONGRESSIONAL R.ECORD-HOUSE. JuNE 8, Mr. NORRIS. Mr. President, may I ask my colleague, in The following bills were severally read twice by their titles conection with the motion which he has entered, whether the and referred to the Committee on Commerce : bill has not ·been sent to the House; and if so, whether the mo­ H. R. 7613. An act to authorize the Terral Bridge Co. to tion to reconsider ought not to include a request for the House construct a bridge across the Red River near Terral, Jefferson to return the bill to the Senate. County, Okla. ; Mr. HITCHCOCK. That is a request which can be made by H. R. 13223. An act to provide for appeals from decisions of the Chair or by the Secr£>tary. I presume, as the bill was passed boards of local inspectors of vessels; and for other purposes ; at the last session of the Senate. and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair thinks the Senator H. R. 13831. · An act to amend section 4464 of the Re\isecl Stat­ from Nehra~L{a had better include the request in his motion. utes of the United States, relating to numb~r of passengers to Mr. IDTCHCOCK. Then I will ta.:re the liberty, l\lr. Presi­ be stated in certificate of· inspection of passenger vessels, and dent, of including the request in. the motion. section 4465 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, pre­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. That the House be requested scribing penalty for carrying excessive number of passengers on to return the bill to the Senate? passenger vessels, and section 4466 of the Revised Statutes of l\lr. HITCHCOCK. That the House be requested to return the United States, relating to special permits for excursions on the bill to the Senate. passenger steamers. Mr. PAGE. Mr. President, may I inquire of the Senator The following bills were severally read t\vice by their titles from NebraskA if that is an Indian bill? and referred to the Committee on Finance: Mr. HITCHCOCK. It is a bil1 which proposes to grant to the H. R. 12954. An act for the establishment of Northport, Cho­ Ponca Tribe of Indians the right to intervene in a proceeding paka, and Laurier, in the State of Washington, as ports of entry in the Court of Claims which is practically concluded, and it for immediate transportation without appraisement of uutinble would result in delaying the award which will undoubtedly be merchandise ; and made to the Omaha Tribe of Indians. H. R. 15347. An act to' amend existing laws relating to the Mr. PAGE. Is it a bil1 which has been considered by the use of alcohol, free of tax, by scientific institutions or colleges Committee on Indian Affairs? of learning. Mr. HITCHCOCK. Oh, yes; certainly. It was on the cal­ The following bills were severally read twice by their titles endar and had been considered, but it had not been contested and referred to the Committee on Patents: in any way. It was a matter which did not come to my knowl­ H. R.13618. An act to amend section 4931 of the lle\ised Stat· edge until after the committee had reported the bill, and it was utes of ·the United States; and · then brought to my knowledge by a delegation of Omaha In­ H. R. 13720. An act to amend section 4894 of the Re\ised Stat­ dian::; who visited this city, and who represented that the case utE's relating to patent applications. had been pending in the court for years, had practically reached H. R. 8492. An act to restore homestead rights in certain its conclusion, the testimony had been closed, and there was cases was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee nothing remaining except the filing of briefs in the case, and on Indian Affairs. that to permit the other Indians, who had really no equitable a R. 10312. An act relating to appeals and writs of error and claim, to !ntervene in the case simply meant another long delay costs thereof was read twice by its title and referred to the Com· in giving the Omaha Indians what they were justly entitled to mittee on the Judiciary. from the Government. H. R. 13383. An act making appropriations for the Diplomatic The PRESIDING OFFICER. The motion of the Senator from and Consular Service for the fiscal year ending June .30, 1917, Nebraska will be entered. was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on LAWS OF PORTO RICO. Appropriations. H. R. 15947. An act making appropriations for the naval serv­ The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before the Senate the fol­ ice for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1917, and for other pur­ lowing message from the President of the United States, which poses, was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee was read, and, with the accompanying paper, referred to the on Naval Affairs. · Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico: H. J. Res. 78. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of To the Se-nate and House of ReP?·esentatives: War to loan certain tents, saddles. and bridles for the use of the As required by section 31 of the act of Congress approved national encampment, Knights of Pythias, to be held at Nash­ April 12 1900, entitled "An act temporarily to provide revenues ville, Tenn., in August, 1916, was read twice by its title and and a ci~il government for Porto Rico, and for other purposes," referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. I transmit herewith copies of the acts and resolutions enacted H. J. Res. 145. Joint resolution authorizing the erection on the by the Eighth Legislative Assembly of Porto Riro during its ·public grounds in the city of Washington, D. 0., of a statue of secorid session (February 14 to April 13, 1916, inclusive). James Buchanan, a former President of the United States, was These acts and resolutions have not previously been trans­ read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on the mitted to Congress, and none of them has been printed. Library. WooDRow WILSoN. The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there be no further busi­ THE WHITE HOUSE, June 5,1916. ness, under the unanimous-consent agreement tlle Senate stands PRESIDENTIAL APPROVAL. adjourned until 12 o'clock on Saturday next. Thereupon (at 12 o'clock and 25 minutes p. m.) the Senate A message from the President of the United States,· by :Mr. adjourned until Saturday, June 10, 1916, at 12 o'clock me­ Sharkey, one of his secretaries, announced that the President ridian. had on the 5th instant approved and signed the joint resolu­ tion (S. J. Res. 72) to provide for holding the Texas Bicenten­ nial and Pan American Exposition in 1918. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. HOUSE BILLS REFERRED. THURSDAY, June 8, 1916. The following bills and joint resolution were read twice by their titles and referred to the Committee on Public Lands: The House met at 11 o'clock a. m. H. R 21. An act authorizing the city of Salida, Colo., to pur­ Rev. John Van Schaick, jr., pastor of the Church of Our chase certain public lnnds for public park purposes ; Father, Washington, D. C., offered the following prayer: H. R. 600. An act to validate title to the town site of McCabe, 0 God, who turneth into morning the shadows of the night, in the State of Montana; grant that we may be the children of the light and of the day. H. R. 10124. An act to add certain lands to the Rocky Moun­ Let the sun of Thy righteousness shine in our hearts, enlighten tain National Park, Colo.; our reason, make clear our conscience, purify our affections. B. R.10305. An act to grant certain lands to the State of \Ve dedicate ourselves to Thee this day, beseeching Thee so to Oregon as a public park, for the benefit and enjoyment of the rule and govern us that all evil thoughts, all unholy desires, all people; anxious cares and fears may be driven from our minds, and that H. R. 11162. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to au­ we may walk with joy in the light of Thy countenance and the thorize entry of the public lands by incorporated cities and towns comfort of Thy presence. Amen. for cemetery and park purposes," approved September 30, 1890, The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was renu and np· and for other purposes ; proved. H. R. 114 72. An act to reserve certain lands and make them a ENLARGED HOMESTEADS. part of the Pike National Forest; and l\£r. GANDY. 1\Ir. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to nwat.e H. J. Res. 184. Joint resolution providing for one year's exten­ the proceedings by which the ·senate amendment to the bill sion of time to make installment payments for the land of the H. R. 8654, an act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide former Fort Niobrara Military Reservation, Nebr. for an enlarged homestead," approved February 19, 1909, by 1916. OO:N G-RESSION AL R.ECORD-IIOUSE. 9357: ~Hlding a new section, to be known us section 7, was agreed to on framers of the Constitution of the Unitell States fully under-­ l\londay last, and to return to the consideration of the Senate stood this, and in order to avoid its dangers provided that all :Jmendment. judges should hold office . for _life, believing that life tenure, The SPEAKER. The gentleman from South Dakota asks with a fixed and unchangeable salary, would be the strongest unanimous consent to vacate the proceedings touching the agree­ safeguards against their entry into political contest for public ment by the House to the Senate amendment to the bill H.
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