TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AND SPATIAL ORGANISATION: ANTALYA – BELEK CASE A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY F. İREM ERDEM ALMAÇ IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF CITY PLANNING IN URBAN DESIGN MAY 2005 Approval of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Prof.Dr. Canan ÖZGEN Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Prof. Dr. Ali TÜREL Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ça ğatay KESK İNOK Supervisor Examining Committee Members Assoc.Prof.Dr. Baykan GÜNAY (METU, CRP) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ça ğatay KESK İNOK (METU, CRP) Assist. Prof. Dr. Adnan BRLAS (METU, CRP) Dr. Özlem SAVACI (MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND TOURISM ) Tülin OKUMU Ş (MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND TOURISM) ii I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : F. İrem ERDEM ALMAÇ Signature : iii ABSTRACT TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AND SPATIAL ORGANISATION: ANTALYA – BELEK CASE Almaç Erdem, F. İrem M.S., Department of City and Regional Planning in Urban Design Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ça ğatay Keskinok May 2005, 147 pages The rapid development in tourism sector in Turkey after 1980s led to an uncontrolled and unplanned development in the small settlements close to the tourism development areas. This is the result of the incrementalist tourism planning understanding emerged as the consequence of not considering the small settlements as a part of tourism development scenarios. Within the thesis, the tourism development areas and the economic, social, cultural and spatial relations of small settlements surrounding are discussed. It is emphasized that the concept of tourism is quite comprehensive and it is claimed that tourism legislation and tourism planning should be prepared taking into account that comprehensive tourism description. The questions, whether a role is described for small settlements in the tourism development scenarios in the course of tourism planning experiences of Turkey after 1980s or not, and what kind of approaches the tourism policies include about the development of small settlements are tried to be answered referring to the Tourism Encouragement Law Code: 2634 and Amended Law on Tourism Encouragement Law Code: 4957. The claims that tourism planning in Turkey after 1980s has not been carried out with a comprehensive planning approach and no part is reserved for the small settlements in tourism development scenarios are looked through over Antalya -Belek Tourism Centre and the hypothesis put forward in the thesis are proved through the mentioned sample areas. Moreover, within the scope of this thesis, recommendations and proposals on the legal regulations for the solution of problems determined and on the content of “tourism development plans” are given. Key Words: Tourism Encouragement Law, Tourism Development Scenario, Spatial Organization, Small Settlements, Antalya – Belek. iv ÖZ TUR İZM GEL İŞİ Mİ VE MEKANSAL ORGAN İZASYONU: ANTALYA - BELEK ÖRNE Ğİ Almaç Erdem, F. İrem Yüksek Lisans, Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Bölümü, Kentsel Tasarım Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Ça ğatay Keskinok Mayıs 2005, 147 sayfa 1980 sonrası dönemde, Türkiye’de turizmin hızla geli şmesi, turizm geli şim alanlarının yakınında bulunan küçük yerle şmelerde kontrolsüz ve plansız bir geli şim ya şanmasına neden olmu ştur. Bu durum, küçük yerle şmelerin, turizm geli şim senaryolarının bir parçası olaral ele alınmamaları ve bunun sonucunda gerçekle şen parçacı bir turizm planlaması anlayı şının sonucudur. Bu tezde, turizm geli şimi ile yakınındaki küçük yerle şmelerin ekonomik, sosyal kültürel ve mekansal ili şkileri incelenmi ştir. Turizm kavramının kapsamlı bir kavram oldu ğu vurgulanmı ş ve turizm mevzuatı ile turizm planlamasının bu kapsamlı turizm tanımından hareketle kurgulanması gerekti ği iddia edilmi ştir. Türkiye’de 1980 sonrası turizm planlaması deneyimlerinde, turizm geli şim senaryoları içinde küçük yerle şmelere bir rol tanımlanıp tanımlanmadı ğı ve turizm politikalarının küçük yerle şmelerin geli şimine ili şkin ne tür yakla şımlar barındırdı ğı soruları, 2634 sayılı Turizmi Te şvik Kanununa ve 4957 sayılı Turizmi Te şvik Kanunu Hakkında De ğişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanuna referansla yanıtlanmaya çalı şılmı ştır. Türkiye’de 1980lerden sonra turizm planlamasının kapsamlı bir planlama anlayı şıyla yapılmadı ğı ve küçük yerle şmelere turizm geli şim senaryolarında bir rol verilmedi ği iddiaları Antalya - Belek Turizm Merkezi örnek alanı üzerinde incelenmi ş ve tezin ortaya attı ğı iddialar bahsi geçen örnek alan üzerinde kanıtlanmı ştır. Bu tezde ayrıca, tespit edilen problemin çözümüne yönelik yasal düzenlemeler ile “turizm geli şim planları”nın kapsamı üzerine önerilerde bulunulmu ştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Turizmi Te şvik Kanunu, Turizm Geli şim Senaryosu, Mekansal Organizasyon, Küçük Yerle şmeler, Antalya - Belek. v To Bademli & Tankut vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express her deepest gratitude to her supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ça ğatay Keskinok, for his guidance, advice, criticism and encouragement and insight throughout the research. The author also would like to thank some other faculty members, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Baykan Günay, Assist. Prof. Dr. Adnan Barlas, and some colleagues, Tülin Okumu ş and Dr. Özlem Savacı, for their suggestions and comments. The technical and psychological assistance of Tolga Levent, Olgu Çalı şkan, Umut Cırık, H.Burak Öztürk, S.Arzu Usalp and Ebru Bozkurt is gratefully acknowledged. The author also would like to mention her special thanks to Sami Kılıç and Canan Önem Açıkba ş for their great support in all manners. Very special and great thanks are due to my mother Süheyla Erdem, my father Rıfat Erdem and my brother Erdem Erdem for their great patience, encouragement and support all throughout my education life. Last, the most special thanks to my love, my husband Özgür Almaç, without whose support and help it could have been impossible to complete this study. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM ................................................................................................................................ iii ABSTRACT.....................................................................................................................................iv ÖZ .....................................................................................................................................................v DEDICATION.................................................................................................................................vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS...............................................................................................................vii TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................. viii LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................ xiii LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................................................xv CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................1 2. THE CONCEPT OF TOURISM, IMPACTS ON SETTLEMENTS AND THE CONCEPT OF SERVICE CITY ......................................................................................10 2.1. The Concept of Tourism ........................................................................................10 2.1.1. Common Sides of Tourism Definitions........................................................12 Spatial Dimension ..........................................................................12 Time Dimension.............................................................................13 2.1.2. Differentiated Sides of Tourism Definitions ................................................13 Economical Dimension ..................................................................14 Social Dimension ...........................................................................15 Cultural Dimension ........................................................................17 2.2. Impacts of Tourism ................................................................................................17 2.2.1. Economical Impacts .....................................................................................17 Positive Economical Impacts .........................................................19 Negative Economical Impacts........................................................20 2.2.2. Sociological Impacts ....................................................................................21 viii Positive Social Impacts ..................................................................22 Negative Social Impacts.................................................................22 2.2.3. Cultural Impacts ...........................................................................................23
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