Established 1865 VOL. 32, NO. 38 75 CENTS HOMEDALE, OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2017 Richards stepping down as county treasurer Reynolds Creek rancher plans to focus on land issues, family With the 12th anniversary of her appointment has recommended her chief deputy, Annette and the capable staff is in place to assure it approaching, Owyhee County Treasurer Dygert, as her successor. On Oct. 3, the continues,” Richards wrote in her resignation Brenda Richards tendered her resignation county’s Republican Central Committee will letter, a copy of which The Owyhee Avalanche Monday. choose a nominee to forward to the Board of obtained. “This isn’t a decision I made lightly,” the County Commissioners for appointment. Richards said she wants to spend more time Reynolds Creek rancher and public lands “This was not an easy decision to make, with her two grandchildren and her mother grazing champion said. but I am confi dent that as I reach my 12-year Brenda Richards Richards plans to step down on Oct. 20. She anniversary … that the offi ce is in a great place, –– See Richards, page 6 Clearing the way Hurricane teaches Marsing graduate in Texas life lesson Tara Bush’s co-worker inspires school district relief fundraiser A fundraiser happening this of Texas, week in the Marsing School Harvey District to help victims of didn’t dam- Hurricane Harvey has roots age Bush’s and reason nearly 1,900 miles home. away. “But after Tara Bush, a Marsing High the storm School Class of 2000 graduate, there was al- lives and works in Houston. most a guilt After graduation, Bush at- that came tended Boise State University over people, Tara Bush Homedale removes rock from road before moving to Texas to be- including us, my boyfriend and Homedale city maintenance worker Oswaldo Gonzalez kicked up a lot of dust last gin working in the furniture I,” Bush said. “We felt guilty Wednesday when he swept excess rock off East Wyoming Avenue days after the city had design industry. because we were spared. There completed this year’s chip seal project. Unlike a lot of structures in the hurricane-ravaged area –– See Hurricane, page 11 Pastor envisions youth center pastor, is a fundraiser for that The car show is free to the Show and shine youth center. public and proceeds from proceeds to help Moore and his family were car show entry fees and the alarmed by the suicide rate in sale of food will be used to renovate building the area when they arrived. He renovate and expand services saw a need for kids to have a for the Refuge, the youth center by Todd Kleppinger place to come and feel secure supported by the church. For The Owyhee Avalanche and loved, regardless of their Goals for the proceeds are The need for a youth center spirituality. to improve the facilities and in town is a big part of the “The importance of the to make it look more youthful, reason Ivar Moore and his Refuge has nothing to do Moore said. family came to Homedale with denomination or if you The plan is to make the three years ago. believe or don’t believe,” said upstairs available for services, Saturday’s third annual car Pastor Moore. “I just want concerts, and movie nights. Pastor Ivar Moore and 3-year-old daughter Roxy stand outside show, put on by the Assembly somewhere you can go to feel the old Main Street church he hopes to turn into the Homedale of God Church where Moore is safe.” –– See Refuge, page 11 Assembly of God Refuge. Photo by Todd Kleppinger Subscribe today Murphy P.O., Pg. 2: New building may be built on county land Get the news source of the Owyhees delivered New DMV hours, Pg. 3: Marsing branch closing earlier directly to you each Wednesday Only $31.80 in Owyhee County Library board change, Pg. 10: Grooms resigns Homedale post Call 337-4681 Volleyball roll, Pg. 14: Homedale wins fourth straight match Reminiscing, 7 • Looking Back, 17 • Commentary, 18-19 Page 2 Wednesday, September 20, 2017 Murphy’s resurrected P.O. may stand on county land and discussed the possibility would lease the property for Offi cial: Window of using part of the county 10 years. service could property directly across from “If there is a private the Owyhee County Historical individual and it fi ts (the need), return by spring Museum for the new post we won’t go against that,” offi ce site. Aberasturi said. Murphy could have a U.S. “There’s still plenty of Cameron likes the idea of Post Offi ce in the spring, and parking for the museum having several options. the building could wind up on and other activities there,” “We’ll try to pick the best government-owned property in District 1 Commissioner Jerry piece and get the Murphy the Owyhee County seat. Hoagland said. Post Offi ce open as soon as U.S. Postal Service offi cials County offi cials and the 20 possible,” he said. huddled with elected offi cials Murphy residents who showed Last week’s public meeting — including the Board of up for the public meeting kicked off a 30-day period County Commissioners — to would like to see the post offi ce during which the Postal Service scope out possible sites last relocated to an area central to will take suggestions on what week. town, and Cameron said the to do. BOCC chair Kelly Aberasturi, USPS would strive to fi nd a The comment period ends of District 2, told USPS real location within a one-mile Oct. 12. Send correspondence estate specialist Dean Cameron radius of the old post offi ce at to Dean Cameron, Real Estate that the county would prefer to An audience member (left) studies a photo of what the new the corner of Hailey Street and Specialist-Leasing Team, 1300 keep the post offi ce where it Murphy post office could look like as U.S. Postal Service Idaho highway 78. Evans Ave., Ste. 200, San was located before the Postal representative Dean Cameron speaks inside McKeeth Hall. Currently, there are only a Francisco, CA 94188-8200. Service closed the branch cluster of post office boxes A fi nal decision on relocation in late February because of to make way for a 460-square- fi nal piece of property across and a general mailbox located will be made after the comments structural safety concerns. foot modular post offi ce. Hailey Street from the sheriff’s outside the Wagon Wheel are considered. The county would have Aberasturi said the county offi ce that the county doesn’t building in town. The closest to buy the privately owned could pay no more than market own. window service is at the Melba South Mountain ZIP building, which would be razed value for the lot, which is the The Postal Service is looking branch. plight brought to light for 8,000 square feet in total area The Postal Service has a After the public meeting to accommodate the modular contract with Tuff Shed to ended, District 3 Commissioner DOG GROOMING post offi ce and a concrete pad build the modular post offi ces, Joe Merrick and Hoagland that would include two to three which have been used in other spoke with Brandon Roundy, STARTING AT JUST $27.50 parking spaces, including a rural areas. The utility footprint the acting post offi ce operations disabled persons parking stall. includes only electricity, manager for rural areas in < But Cameron said that was Cameron said, because the a wide part of the West, OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY only a guideline. restrooms are on an incinerator about issues South Mountain 0RVW'RJVDUHJURRPHGLQ0LQXWHV After a Sept. 12 public waste disposal system and residents have with online DROP-INS WELCOME! meeting at McKeeth Hall in post offi ce staff drinks bottled transactions because they don’t More Than a Groomer! Murphy, Cameron and his water. have a ZIP code that coincides Rub-A-Dub Dog Toenail AND Anal Gland Where Happiness is a Clean Dog Treatment - Just $7.50! USPS cohorts, the county “You just need a power with their location. No Appointment Needed! 208-337-8117 102 E. Utah, commissioners and County Join Our Homedale Ask if we have source,” Cameron said during Because the closest post Facebook Group: 208-249-0799 Rub A Dub Dog Homedale WE BARTER! DROP-INS WELCOME! Puppies Available Clerk Angie Barkell stood in the public meeting. office is in Jordan Valley, Credit Cards Accepted 3LFNXSDYDLODEOHZLWKLQPLOHUDGLXV$OOSHWVDUHVDIHO\VHFXUHGGXULQJWUDQVSRUWDWLRQ the middle of Basey Street The Murphy building is websites’ fraud detectors go off being built now, Cameron incorrectly when a person with added. an Idaho address punches in “As soon as we get the piece an Oregon ZIP code, residents of land, I think we can be such as Nancy Fretwell have The open,” he said. explained in the past. When someone asked if The county offi cials reiterated Bowling the post offi ce could be back the problem to Roundy, whose by December for Christmas jurisdiction stretches from mailings, USPS finance Wyoming to Oregon and from Alley Fresh Farm to Table manager Brent Littlewood McCall to Utah. Homestyle Cooking said the realistic return would Roundy seemed unaware of be in the spring. the problem, which offi cials Besides the former location have tried to rectify with letters and the lot across from to the Postal Service in the the museum, there are two past. privately owned lots in town He said he would look into RESTAURANT that potentially could be offered it.
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