Vol. 13, No. 86 Son F ernando Volley State College Tuesday, April 22, 1969 Court decision voids candidate filing fee By Kath y Hale "Elections and other Associated Students CITY EDITOR sponsored activities, if financed at all, must Tne student election filing fee has all but come out of the A.S. budget. They cannot be been eliminated as a result of a decision offsd ":)y further burdening the student body made by the Associated Students Constitution­ with fees or taxes over and above the mem­ bersllip fee they must pay. This is clearly -al Court Monday. 0 set out in Article Section l of the A.S. Chief Justice Joel Bruce Douglas announced, xn, Consl'tution, which reads: "The feneral in t a case of George Roberts v. A.S., that all busin0ss activities of this corporation shall but $: of the $15 filing fee is unconstitutional, be f. 'lanced by a student activities fee as and he ordered Director of Elections John stipulated in the Educational Code and Ti­ Perm1 to refund $10 of the filing fee within ten tl•! 5 '1f the California State Administrative school days. Code.'' The remaining $5 will be refunded, as be­ In response to the decision the petitioner, fore, if the candidate meets the requirements Roberts, said, "This decision today is a be­ stipulated in the election code. ginni 1g. It is the first step in my attempt to The court also received a petition from re­ bring to the attention of the students what is pr,1s,111~atives of the Liberation Slate (com­ happen:ng in this election. pos,;ct of the Black Student Union, Students for "There is an unbelievable conglomerate of a DPmocratic Society and SRAF, a campus af­ fi:lmcial and political entanglements involving filiate of the Peace and Freedom Party. The some of the candidates and off-campus 'spe­ court w ,11 hear the case on Friday. cial ;nterest' groups," he said. Thf' c.1se will be heard as Anton Kline and Rob<•rts and his campaign manger will bring Jame-; Bumpas et al v. John Perez and John further court action against certain candidates. Do- Th•·· slate is also opposed to the filing He wot:ld not say what candidates nor what fee an,.I to a rule restricting the formation of further action. slat.~s for student body offices. He called the decision a "welcome victory" The action on Monday sets a precedent for arnl s.1.: l "it is a victory not only for the fi­ all candidates in this and future student elec­ nanC'lally underpriviledged who will be able tious. Douglas. said that any candidate who to ru· for office in the future, it is also a Doily Sundial photo by Grohom ·sloe~ has already filed and paid may request that Pe­ victory for the entire school which may be­ rez refund $10. If the money is not refunded, ner': from these people serving in office.'' The party's over Doug:1·:, s said, the subsequent cases will also A spakesman for the Liberation Slate said Ferriswheel is empty Monday after a weekend of State Fa• go bf:fore the court. it is filing an injunction against Perez to hold ir, which attracted twice as many persons as any past fair, The court cited several sections of the up the printing of the election ballots until a A.S. C,nstitution which state that the changing der.islo>n is rendered on Friday. director Carl Reuben estimated. of r~:;: by the student body is illegal: PP.rez was unavailable for comment. grades, who can get scholarships. He also said, "We're working first changed, so that now the Board We are looking for those who other­ on hiring a second black counse­ of Trustees cannot say what or­ wise wouldn't go to college," he l~r. There are several possibilities, ganizations will be permitted on 12 point said, and this should be settled soon." campus, or what organizations will The second item deals with the The fifth item calls for the for­ nol be allowed." establishment of a student grievance mation of College Information Cen­ The ninth point has all ready procedure. Dr. Sillars said, "The ters in the black and Chicano com­ been implemented with the hiring president of the general faculty ap­ munities. Dr. Sil!ars said the prob­ of Eugene Bostic and Richard Cal­ minority pointed three men, the Associated lem with this lies in obtaining the ceron as directors of the EOP. Student president appointed three, money. They have also been provided with and I appointed three people to the "Dr. William Rabe is chairman office and tutorial space, "They committee." of a fund-rasingcommitteefor these wil! be working more next year," A.S. Attorney-General Gary Sny­ information centers and for the re­ Dr. Sillars said. plan. • • der said the committee will have cruitment of students who will attend The library is in the process a proposal ready by May 28, If :n the fall. '' of buying books that will be need­ By Rick Orlov accepted, the committee will be The sixth point of the agreement ed for reference material for the STAFF WRITER implemented by the fall 1969 se­ is the attempt to get community two new programs. Dr. Sillars Implementation of the 12-point mester. representatives to serve on the said, "We have completely opened agreement reache'd by the "Audit" The third point of the agreement College Advisory Baord. it up. They are buying bookswhere­ committee of faculty and members deals with an investigation into the Dr. Sillars said, "I hope to pre­ ever they can." of the Black Student Union and Unit­ employment practices of non-aca­ sent to the Board of Trustees at The eleventh point was imple­ ed Mexican-American Students is demic staff.Personnel OfficerGeor­ their next meeting the recommendat­ mented almost immediatley by the moving very well and very rapidly, ge Ruhberg said the Fair Employ­ ion of two men, one from each appointment of the directors of the acting president. Malcolm Sillars ment Practices Comission has had of the two communities. EOI' as voting members of the said Monday. a representative on campus making "Though there are three open­ Housing Staff Committee. "I'm very positive about what inquiries. ings, I would prefer to leave one The final item of the 12 point has occurred, and just hope that we Ruhberg said, "He is gathering of the openings for Dr. (James) agreement had an "Audit" commit­ continue in the direction we are information on our non-academic Cleary when he arrives this se­ tee to review what action was taking going,·• Dr. Sillars said. hiring procedure to be put into a mester." place on implementation of the pre­ "The first item, which calls for statistical analysis for a report." The seventh point is the recruit­ vious 11 demands. Afro-American and Mexican-Ame­ Though no date has been given ment of students for the Fall 1969 rican study programs will be sent for the release of the report, Ruh­ semester. Dr. Sillars said, "The • before the Educational Policies Com­ berg said, "I would guess that he student body has already contributed • • .moving mittee at its next meeting," he said, will have it ready within a month." some money to the EOP. However, Bill Burwell, temporary director Two Chicanos have been hired by more is needed," Dr. Rabe's com­ counseling center and it looks as mittee will atempt to raise the need­ or the Afro-American department, f said recruitment of black students though a black c-ounselor will soon ed funds for this also. is also going well. "We have all be hired for implementation of the Perhaps the most controversial very ready received over 400 applicat­ fourth point. Dr. Harold Giedt, act­ of all th~ points is the one deal­ ions." ing dean of the counseling center, ing with Title V and the college's ''There is only one thing we are said "All we have to do now is opposition to outside pressure. !ooking for in our applicants. That sign the papers. The man has agreed To this, Dr. Sillars said, "There 1s desire. We arf;'n 't lookmg for those to all the terms and the rest is just is no trouble with this point. rapidly' With low grades, or those with high paper work.·• fho11gh Title Y was passed, it was Page 2 Valley State Daily Sundial April 22, 1969 t~lDAILY SUNDIAL OPINION LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The building is gone -- but the spirit lives To the Editor, This letter is addressed to the students, and administrators or Valley Siate and to the Northridge Vigilantes who read the Dally Sundial in order to be advised of all off-campus meetings. Subject: Jericho House (The Campus Interfaith Center) is dead, long live Jericho House. Five years ago the quiet unassuming house across Nordhofi from Speech - Drama was the scene of monthly Bible studies attended by a dozen Christian students who were attempting to make their faith relevant to the world in which they lived. As the years passed the size of the group grew and the meetings became weekly, Some. times there were even parties on the weekends. The seeming success of Jericho House came out of an attempt to create a place for open. dialogue, friendship and warmth that was lacking on campus. For some people this was their "church," for some it was a haven of humanity in the hostile Valley, others even saw it merely as a free meal on "Excuse me, but is there room for one more?" Tuesday nights.
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