N«NBM«2 isaxrM The magazine of THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA • LAST SUNSET FOR A GRAND OLD LADY • VIEWPOINT • MELBOURNE LAUNCHED • NAVAL MATTERS • NAVY BLASTS CHANNEL • A BIGGER MERCHANT FLEET • BOOK REVIEWS EOITOR: ROSS GILLETT PO BOX 653, DEE WHY. NSW 2099 "•BiiiirM b, Aullrafoi Poll PuDhcmimnt No NBP 148? Reproduction m pan or whole is forbidden THE NAVY without the permission ol the Editor in witting The magazine of THE NAVY LEAGUZ OF AUSTRALIA Vol 51 JULY-SEPTEMBER, 1989 No 3 THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA CONTENTS FEDERAL COUNCIL 2 VIEWPOINT - Readers Palion in Chi*f M„ fcie-ilpru, T'... :V.t-w Ge-W-al Pieaidenl F G#oltf*» Evan-. OBE VRD V*e Preaidenia Rear Admiral A J Rotteitwn *0 OSC RAN |Rid) Jonn B*H I F W Voedoi* OBE VRD 3 Australian Flag Shipping Hon Secretary " M Brythman 9 Culhion Road CamMrwe* Vc 3124 Phone 29 7428 (AH) NEW SOUTH WALES DIVISION Patron: Hrs EnceHency the Governor o' Now South Wale* Preaidcnl H O Aiwt RFO FID Hon Secretary J C J Jeppewn OAM HFD GPO Boi trig Sydney NSKV 2001 Pnone i?0A*2f, 6 Melbourne Launched VICTORIAN DIVISION TRANSFIELD Patron: His E«ct*H*(Ky The Govorno. ol Victora Preerdent John Bud Hon Secretary Neil Meaden 4 Fieanor Court Donvale Vic 3tn Phona BeSSiM fl Last Sunset lor A Grand QUEENSLAND DIVISION u Patron H-, F.ci'llenry The Govfww o'Oueensland Old Lady PreaWenr A H RoDanton OAM VRD 42 G.lgandra Stieel. Indooioopiliy CM 4068 Phone 870 1273 AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORV DIVISION Patron: Admnai Si' Victor Smith AC KBE CB OSC RAN IRIOI Preaident 0 M Bla-f AM VRD Hon Secretary: E<K Mahonoy 4% Sumner Street Coo* ACT 2614 Phono 11 Naval Matters 51 1833 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN DIVISION Patron' Mis EiceHency The Governor o* South Australia Praatdanl D M Schiapel Hon Secretary M.v. j E Grti GPO Boi 1529 Adelaide SA 5001 Phone 347 1985 TASHANIAN DIVISION 16 Navy Blasts Channel ^ Patron H.s Eicellency The Governor of Tasmania Preatdent M L Cooper Hon Secretary Mrs J M Coopei 42 Amy Road Lauhceston la* 7?W WEST AUSTRALIAN DIVISION Patron Hn Eici-Uencv The Governor o'Western Ausiraha 18 Garden Island 1921-22 President: L r W Vientiane OBE VRD Hon Secretary: Mrs G Hewitt 23 Lawler Road Ati.ia.iio WA 6156 Phone 330 3600 NORTHERN TERRITORY DIVISION Patron H ••• Honou< The AdmmrMialo' Prestdent Coim O" 19 Netherlands Navy Today Hon Secretary D Mattyon GPO Boi 2612 Darwin NT 5794 4*ifc. FEDERAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Wm Bo"tho. AM The Transf leld Gfoup is Australia's largest and most sell Vice Admiral Su R«chan Pee*. KBE. CB. DSC. RAN (Rid) sufficient project engineering and construction group And it is Aom,rai S>r Victor Smith. AC. KBE, CB. DSC. RAN (Rid) proudly 100% Australian Admiral Sir Anthony Synnot. KBE. AO. RAN (Rid) 21 A Bigger Merchant Fleet The Transf leld Group employs over H.OOO* Australian? and hundreds more in overseas locations, and has a combined ADVERTISING AND PUBLICATION turnover in excess of St billion dollars per annum Percival Publishing Co. Pty Ltd. It has participated in almost every major infrastructure (inaxpotfd in NSW) 22 DERWENT - 25 Years of proiect m this country ranging from all oil and gas production SYDNEY Service platforms m Bass Sifait to the majority of power stations in ft*? EkiaDeth Street. Waiertoo NSW 2017 Phone (02)699 6231 every mainland state 370 L/TOe Bourka StrM. MMDOurne. 3000 Transfield has the skills to totally integrate a project from Phone (03)670 4321 concept stage through to feasibility, funding, execution and ADELAIDE 24 Out Ot The Past operation The award winning Gateway Bridge in Brisbane, the k x] Floor. 97 Cunte Street. Adelaide 5000 Phone (08) 231 6225 Sydney Harbour Tunnel, the privatisation of the Williamstown PERTH 2nd Floor. King* Old Office Tower. 517 Hey Sweet. Perth 6000 Naval Dockyard in Melbourne and the Marine Shiphft Facility m Phone (09} 221 1623 Perth illustrate m real terms Transfietds skills USS CARRONADE Proud to be an Australian company 3rd Floor, 480 Ann Street. Brisbane 4000 Phone (07) (12 2S31 25 tHt TRANSHELDGROUPOF COMPANIES The opinions or assertions expressed in articles in Trie Navy "ate those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Federal TRANSFIELD CONSTRUCTION. AMECON- AUSTRALIAN SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRIES |ASI> • EGLO* ICAL -SABEMO Council ol The Navy League ot Australia, the Editor ol 'The Navy" 26 Book Reviews Transfield Holdings Ply Ltd 100 Arthur Street North Sydney NSW 2060 Te'cphone (0?) 9298600 or The Royal Australian Navy. OUR COVER PHOTOGRAPH 27 Navy League/Cadet News The new guided missile frigate MELBOURNE is launched on 5 May 1989. (Photo - courtosty Never Photognphlc Unit) July-September Page One L*##*#-f ####«# \fi*»m"g»00int READERS BOLD PLAN TO MAKE AUSTRALIAN Dear Sir They have humiliated us as a nation and have I am sure that we are all Indebted to Mr G K Insulted the proud traditions the Navy League FLAG SHIPPING COMPETITIVE Andrews for his excellent article RAN Tugs. (The cherishes. Navy April/June 1989). There Is however one Have we ever read where these " seamen" have statement which I believe requires correction. rendered assistance in time of peril, to other by Geoffrey Evans HMAS St. Giles did not take part In the search for seafarers? Besides standing by. HMAS Sydney. The tug concerned was HMAS The appearance of Australian Flag Ships are Heros. usually the most ill kept vessels in our ports. uring the last eight or nine seagoing and shoreside elements of the and arc matched by increased efficiency The Sydney - Kormoran action was fought on It gives little credit to Government and Business Dyears the Australian shipping industry arc separate but intimately linked ashore, Australia may yet have an November 19th 1941. St Giles did not leave Sydney leaders to have allowed these circumstances to industry has been the subject of and improved efficiency in one will be of internationally competitive shipping for Fremantle until New Years Day 19^*3. The ship happen in an industry so Important to our Nation' s nine government-sponsored and small value unless matched by industry. Irrespective of reform ashore, more returned to Sydney in the early part of May and well being. at least two non-government improvements in the other. competitive Australian-flag ships should paid off at Morts Dock. Yours Sincerely inquiries into its performance and With a plethora of generally critical benefit Australian industry, as something I am not sure whether St Giles Se Heros were John A. Gates costs. The R.A.N. has also carried rcpons and dozens of recommendations to like 9(Wt of tonnage moved around the coast sister ships but there were certainly some marked Wavell Heights out aeveral detailed studies to hand, in November 1988 the government is carried in ships owned by the shippers a similarities in their appearance. It is my determine the importance of the appointed a "Shipping Rel'jrm Task Force" number of whom are much less dependent understanding that Heros recovered one Carley industry to national security. composed of government, shipowner, union on outside sources to load and unload raft and a number of lifejackets. Dear Sir and shipper representatives*. The task force cargoes. I have been a reader of "THE NAVY" magazine Yours Sincerely While all the inquiries have been of was required to identify and negotiate the The Task Force examined the cost for a number of years. And it seems to me that a L K Wood value in one way or another, so far as (he changes necessary to establish an structures of Australian-flag shipping and question in one way or another is asked each issue. West Pymble seagoing element of the industry is internationally competitive Australian found that measured against the costs of a What type and number of ships are required and concerned the most visible results have shipping industry. This was a wider range of OECD countries and a typical Flag- air cover for them. flowed frcm Sir John Crawford's 1982 reference than that given to the IAC which of-Convcnicncc ship governed by Prom what I can see Australia will be a report "Rc>'italisation of Australian was required lo report and make International Transport Federation Destroyer and PPG and Patrol Boat navy. Shipping" and the Maritime Industry recommendations on coastal shipping. conditions, the capital costs incurred by The question is: with the new Australian Development Committee's 1986 "Moving Given the importance of the task, the Australian shipowners were similar to those Destroyer to be built could It have the design to Ahead". The findings of a third major of a number of other countries: this could carry " 2" two Harrier aircraft and give our fleet time provided to the Task Force to carry out inquiry, the Industrial Assistance its work was quite short - barely three change however to Australia's disadvantage the air cover it should have. Commission's 1988 report on Coastal if the current fiscal regime (a 7% taxable eg. a task force of: months and that over the Christmas-New shipping, have not yci been accepted by the Year period. The shon time is to some extent grant and accelerated depreciation for new One D.D.G. air defence government and seem unlikely to be. at least reflected in the report given to the Minister ships) is not extended beyond the present Two P.P.G. with 2 helicopters A.S.W. defence not in their entirety. for Transport and Communications in April; expiry dated in mid-1992.
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