626 BOOK REVIEWS Chi, M. T. H., Glaser, R., & Farr, M. J. (1988). The nature ofexpertise. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Gardner, H. (1985). The mind's new science: A history ofthe cognitive revolution. New York: Basic Books. Horowitz, M. (1988). Introduction to psychodynamics: A new synthesis. New York: Basic Books. LeDoux, J. E. (1989). Cognitive-emotional interactions in the brain. Cognition & Emo- tion, 3, 267-289. Mamelak, A. N., & Hobson, J. A. (1989). Dream bizarreness as the cognitive correlate of altered neuronal behavior in REM sleep. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, I, 201-222. Neisser, U. (1976). Cognition and reality. New York: Freeman. Ojemann, C. A. (1983). Brain organization for language from the perspective of electrical stimulation mapping. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6, 189-230. Petersen, S. E., Fox, P. T., Snyder, A. Z., & Raichle, M. E. (1990). Activation of extrastriate areas by visual words and word-like stimuli. Science, 248, 1041-1043. Posner, M. I. (1990). Foundations of cognitive science. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/ Bradford Books. Rummelhart, D. E., & McClelland, J. L. (1986). Parallel distributed processing. Cam- bridge, MA: MIT Press. Treisman, A. (1988). Features and objects. Quarterly Journal ofExperimenta1 Psychology, 40(A), 201-237. Frontiers of Mathematical Psychology: Essays in Honor of Clyde Coombs Edited by Donald R. Brown and J. E. Keith Smith. New York: Springer- Verlag, 1991. 202 pp. Paper, $35.00. Titles can be seductive. "Frontiers" seems to promise that mastery of the volume will provide one with a good sense of what is current in that field. Certainly Frontiers of Mathematical Psychology Is easily mastered by any ex- perimental or cognitive psychologist, but he or she will learn little about contemporary mathematical psychology. Just leafing through the volume provides a warning hint, at least to the trained eye: Very little mathematics is in evidence. A more careful perusal uncovers little that is new in math- ematical modeling, although much of the empirical work described in the book has been stimulated by one model or another. If these are the frontiers, they are largely empirical, not mathematical. Mathematical psychology has two central aspects plus a strong interplay with parts of experimental psychology. One aspect is the development of applicable mathematics designed for the peculiarities of our science, anal- ogous to the development since the seventeenth century of mathematical analysis for physics and, in this century, of combinatorial analysis for dealing with aspects of finite physical and computational structures. The second is the modeling of specific psychological phenomena. Mathematics applicable to psychology encompasses a number of areas. One is special topics in probability and statistics motivated by our problems. Recent examples include general attempts to devise stochastic methods to BOOK REVIEWS 627 use response times in distinguishing various underlying processing networks (Link, 1992; Luce, 1986; Schweickert & Townsend, 1989; Townsend & Ashby, 1983; Townsend & Schweichert, 1989) and multinomial modeling as an alternative to analysis of variance in analyzing commonly used designs in cognitive psychology (Batchelder & .Riefer, 1990). A second is seen in most of the span of the journal Psychometrika-factor analysis, multidimen- sional scaling, classification, and various latent attribute models. These are schemes, applicable to fairly broad ranges of experiments and observations, that seek out the structure in bodies of data. This was an area to which the late Clyde Coombs, whose memory this book honors, devoted much effort (e.g., his 1964 A Theory of Data). A third broad area encompasses the various axiomatic representation theories. These include measurement structures, some developments concerning the classical geometric axiomatizations, called synthetic, leading to representations as analytic geometries, and the recent attempts to axiomatize geometries using primitives more appropriate to the behavioral sciences than lines and points (Falmagne, Koppen, Villano, Doig- non, & Johannesen, 1990; Krantz, Luce, Suppes, & Tversky, 1971; Luce, Krantz, Suppes, & Tversky, 1990; Narens, 1985; Suppes, Krantz, Luce, & Tversky, 1989). Still another topic of applicable mathematics concerns prop- erties of various kinds of networks suggested by neural systems, among them connectionist models (Grossberg, 1982; McClelland, Rumelhardt, & PDP Research Group, 1986), that are of interest to neuroscientists, psychologists, and computer scientists focused on artificial intelligence. Contributions to this area appear only rarely in psychological journals or at psychological meetings, usually being reported at neuroscience and specialized confer- ences. The dividing line between applicable mathematics and models of specific phenomena surely can be very fuzzy. Should the various breeds of stochastic learning models of the 1950s and 1960s have been thought of as specific or general? Norman (1972) clearly thought general, but many of the papers were certainly specific. Which type is a theory for aptitude testing? My pragmatic test is to ask where most such papers are usually published: in a clearly methodological journal or a more substantive one? Scientists working in vision or audition are of necessity, to some degree, mathematical psy- chologists, but with few exceptions their models-often quite mathemati- cally subtle-are found in specialty journals or in major psychological jour- nals such as Psychological Review, Psychological Bulletin, and Perception & Psychophysics. It is rare, but not unheard of, for such articles to appear in the Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Psychometrika, or the British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. Likewise, there is a huge modeling literature having to do with judgment and decision making, some of it quite mathematical, which mostly appears in interdisciplinary specialized journals appealing to subgroups of psychologists, economists, management theorists, and decision analysts. Very little, if any, is found in the general methodo- logical journals. The final feature of the area are experiments motivated by the models. 628 BOOK REVIEWS Although I do not class this as at the center of what I mean by "mathematical psychology," I do not intend to suggest that it is either a small or unimportant activity-quite the contrary. Rather, I maintain that from the perspective of mathematical psychology, experimental tests form a partial partner in the sense that they are often of as much interest to the substantive subfield itself as to model builders. In this last judgment, I may be betting on a losing horse judging by the book under review and by some of the contributions at recent meetings of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, although not those of the European Mathematical Psychology Group. Still, the journals themselves tell us some- thing. Table 1 provides my somewhat subjective counts of articles in these three categories, plus an additional one that may become increasingly im- portant, in recent volumes of the three major methodological journals as well as in Frontiers. To be sure, this book is based on a very small and special sample of people-some of those associated one way or another with Coombs-but presumably it was intended to be representative. Unfortu- nately, it is not. To understand more fully what is encompassed by the book, I take up the individual chapters-there are only seven in addition to an introduction, which is a reprint of a sensitive memorial piece prepared by Amos Tversky (in press). The first main chapter, by David H. Krantz, is mostly expository. I list it as Y2 applicable mathematics because it gives a succinct indication of some of the simpler measurement representations (see Krantz et al., 1971) and their relations to aspects of scaling; little is said of the work of the past decade (see Luce et al., 1990). The remainder discusses applications of measurement approaches to three distinct substantive problems. The first recounts Krantz's 1970s axiomatic contribution-a brilliant success story- to our understanding of the three-dimensional vector space of color mixtures (a full treatment is given in Suppes et al., 1989, chap. 15). He next examines "the myth of utility," describing briefly the classical approach using choice as a primitive, where additive conjoint measurement is, more or less directly, the fundamental tool of analysis. Krantz cites many of the empirical and Table 1. Classification of articles in Frontiers of Mathematical Psychology and in several relevant journals JMp Psyk BJMSP Category Frontiers 1990-9 1 1990 1990-91 Applicable math '/2 2 2 40 3 8 Specific models 1% 12 0 5 Experimental tests 5 1 0 0 Algorithms 0 0 4 0 Note. JMP, Journal ofMathematical Psychology; Psyk, Psychometrika; BJMSP, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. BOOK REVIEWS 629 normative questions that have been raised against this modeling strategy. He suggests that "some fairly powerful alternative formalism needs to be invented, in which one evaluates potential actions taking account of likely goal changes as well as likely outcomes" (p. 38). In fact, such work is un- derway, but not in this volume. Surprisingly, he does not mention the early, but still interesting, contributions of Coombs to this topic. Finally, Krantz sketches some new ideas that he and collaborators are developing that involve applying additive conjoint measurement to the study of inferences. This looks potentially interesting,
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