union Bank qfaT-_3±searuffi of India 3UTEgr, qb Andhra 3TTfa qHgr ¥rm Asset Recovery Branch H816 No816 3irFTFT st oppankara Street chqiF Coimbatore fin Pin 641001 REF:ARE/15D SN/84/2021 -22 21-08-2021 Bv Read Post & Courier To: Borrower: Factory Address : 1.IVI/s Everest Steel Tube India P ltd M/s Everest Steel India P ltd,SF No (Borrower),Represented by Managing 278/2B,2C,Trichy Main Road,Pongalur DiT.ector:S Chinnatham bi,108,Rasi village ,Pa]ladam ta]uk.Tiruppur-641667 Square I st floor,Thirumalaisamy street,New Siddhapudur ,Coimbntore Guarantors: 2(b).Shanthi,108,Rflsi Square I st 2(a).S Chinnathambi,108,Rasi Square floor,Tliirumalaisamy street,New lst floor,Thirumalaisamy street,New Siddhapudur ,Coimbatore Siddhapudur ,Coimbatore Dear Sir"adam, Sub: Noticc of 15 days for sale of Immovable secured assets under Rule 8 of the Security Interest (Enforccmcnt) Rules, 2002. I .Asset Recovery Bank Union Bank of India 816,Oppanzikkara street ,Coimbatore, Union Bank of India(e Corporation Bank), 816,Oppanakkara street ,Coimbato]-e, the sccurcd creditc)r, caused a demand notice dated 22.11.2019 under Section 13(2) of the Sccuritisation and Reccinstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act 2002, calling upon you to pay the dues within the time stipulated thcrcin. Since you failed to compl}` with the said notice within the period stipulated, the Authoriscd Officer, has taken possession of the immovable secured assets under Section 13(4) of the Act read with Rule 8 of Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002. Possession notice dated 11.02.2020 issued by the Authorised Omcer, as per appendix IV to the Security Interest (Enforcement)) Rules, 2002 was delivered to you and the same was also affixed to the properties mortgaged with the Sccurcd Credltor. apart from publication of the same in newspapers. Please note that you were informc.d about your right to redeem the property within the time available uncler Section 13(8) ctf. Sccuritization and Reconstruction of Financial ^sscts and I,nforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002, which you have failed to honour. 2_ As you have fallcd to clear the dues of the secured creditor, the immovable secured assets that have been taken possession by the Authonsed officer, will be sold by holding public E-auction Oon 15.09.2021 -between 11.00 a.in to 5.00 p.in b}' inviting Bids from the public through online on www.mslcecommerce.com 3. You are also requested to ensure participation by parties interested in buying the immovable secured assets in thc sale as proposed above. 4. A copy of the ti`rms ctf sale is enclosed for your reference. Please note that the Auction will bc conducted through E-Auction mode on the date and tlme mentioned in the enclosed terms of` sale. Place : Coimbatore Date : 21-08-2021 Encl: Terms of sale TERMS AND CONDITIONS 0F SALE OF IMMOVABLE SECURED ASSETS: / I. Name and address ofthc Borrower and Guarantor I Borrower: Factory Address : I.M/s Everest Stccl Tube India P ltd M/s Everest Steel India P ltd,SF No 278/2B,2C,Trichy (Borrower),Represented by Main Road,Pongalur village ,Palladam taluk,Tiruppur- Managing Director:S 641667 Chinnathambi,108,Rasi square I st floor,ThirumaLaisamy street,New Sidt]hapudur ,Coimbatore Guarantors: 2(b).Shanthi,108,Rasi Square I st I 2(a).S Chinnatl`ambi,108,Rasi floor,Thirumalaisamy street,New Siddhapudur Square I Ist floor,Thirumalaisamy street,New Coimbatore Siddhapudur ,Coiml)atore 2. Name and address of the Secured Asset Recovery Bank union Bank of India Creditor : 816,Oppanakhara street ,Coimbatore, Union Bank of. India(e Corporation Bank), 816,Oppanakkara street Coimbatore 3 Descriotion of the Immovable ProI)erties. I Property No I : PART A ln the nanc or M/s Evcrcst Stcol Tube India P Ltd. with tolal area I.13 ACTc;s cle:;cribed below as Item mos: I & 2 Item-I: (Doc No: 2599ra013. admcasuring 1.00 Acres`: In Tirupur Rcgistration Distr]ct,Palladam Sub-Registrati()n District. Palla(lam Taluk. Pongalur Village, in G.S No 278/2C (Under I'atta 9793), extent 0.40.5 Ha ( I.00 ac). dry agricultural land as per sale dccd (DC.9) but no cultivalion is done (as per de.14) in the name of M/s Everest Steel 'l`ube India P ltd. Boundaries on the North. Properl}' ofE\`errest steel ]`ube India p Ltd in sI`T NO: 278/2 (0 60 Acres), J South : Mathapur Village border. East : G.S. No 278/3, W'cst: Share land belongs to I. Lakshmi & 2. Anandi in SF NO: 278# (Boundaries as |ier latest valuation) Item-2: (Doc No: 5633#015. admcasuring 0.13 Acrest: In `l`iruppur Registration District. Pal!adam Sub Registration District, Palladan Taluk` Pongalur Panchayalh Union Limits. Pongalur Village jn S.F.No 278/2 P.Hec I.45.5 P.A 3.60 Kist Rs 6.08 in tliis on the eastern side Nortli-S()uth pochi PA. I .60 Kist Rs 2.70 in this cm the Northern side. North of the I:inds an extent orp.a. I .00 bc]onged to Everest Steels Tube India (P) I+imited, East of the lands in S F \'o 278t2 bclongcd to Lakshmi, ^nandhi, West of: the lands in S.F`.No 278/3, Sou(h of : Last West Road within this P Ha 0 243 in this p.a.0.60 klst Rs I .01 in this on lhe caslern end Linst west 30 feet width` \'oilh South p.a.0,13 cenLs with 1.ollo`lring boundaries on the: North: Linst West Tar Road. South; lands an extent of 1.()0 acres belonged to Evcrcst Stccls Tube India (P) limited in S.I.`.No. 278;2, Eiist : lands in S.F`.No 278/3` West: remaining lands of Mr. M Magudeesh\\Jaran Within this 1;ast West 30 I-ccl width north south P.H.0.05.26, P.A.0.13 cents of land kist Rs 0.10 of pathway lands and havilig righls lo use this pa[hwa,v as cart-track elc., The said lzinds now sul} divided as Patta r`'o.9792, S.F.No 278/28. This Property is in the name of S Chinnathambi. PART a MACHINERIES All thi` machineries and movables (list attached) h}`pothccatcd lo Corporation Bank located at SF No: 278/2C. Trich} Main l{oad, P()Iigalur Village, Palladam Talul`, Tirrupur I)islrict in the name 6f M/s I;vel`eQt Stccl Tubes lndla Pvt Ltd. ProDcrtv No2 All that parts and parci`I of Vacant slte in Colmbatore Registration Distnct` Sulur Sub-Registration District. Sulur TaluL Kanga)zimpalayam ViHage` in Cj S 71„ in the name of Mrs C Shanthi & Mr S Cti`Innathambl In thls Item No. I & 2 as descrlbecl below Item I: Vacant Site located at Site No 61, with an extent of 40` x 60' I 2400 Sq.Ft (or) 222.965 sq.in jn the name of Mr S Chinnathambi with Boundaries on the Soilth of : Site No 60 h'orth Of : Site t\'o 62 West of : Site No 53 Eflst of : 231 wide North-S()uth layout road Item 2. Vacant Site located at Site No 62. with an extent of 40' x cO` = 240() Sq.r`t (or) 222.965 sq.in. in the name of Mr S Chinnethambi with Boundaries on the Soutli of : Site No 61 North of : Si[c No 63 West of : Site No 52 East or : 23' wide Nonh-South la,vout road ProDertv No3 ln Coimbatore Registration District` Sulur Sub-Registration District Sulur Taluk. Kangayampalayam Village, in a.S 71/7 Site No 66 with an extent of 3690 Sq ft = 342.81 sq.in North of : Site No 45 East of : Property ofMurugayyan et al South of` : 23' wide East-West layout road Westof : SiteNo65 Nature: Vacant Site Thro Propcrty' is in the rrme of Mrs C Shanthi. I 7. The secured debt for the recovery of Rs.2,78,86,978.83 (Rupees Two crore seventy eight lakh which the immovable secured asset is to be eighty six thousand nine hundred and seventy eight and sol d : paise eighty three only) as on 22.11.2019 with further interest and costs thereon) 8. I Reserve price for the properties below Propertylr`o.I:Rs.151.751aklis(EXCLUSIVFjoF which the immovable property may not be GST) sold: Property No.2:Rs 44.10 Iakhs Property No.3:Rs 33.90 lakhs 8.2 EMD of the PropertiesII Property No I : Rs ]5,17,500.00 Property No 2: Rs 4,41,000.00 Property No 3: Rs 3,39,000.00 9. I . Registration The Online E-Auction will be held through web portal/wehsite wwrw.mstcecommerce.com on the time and time mentioned above with unlimited €xtonsion of 10 minutes. The i nten din g b i dders / purchasers req u i red to regi ster through https ://ww\`+ .mslcccommerce.com/aucti onhome/i bapi/in dex jsp b}' usi ng their mobi le number and \'al id emai I-id. The}` are further rcquirc.d to uploacl KYC documents and Bank Details. 9. 2. KYC Vcrificatfon On completion or rcgistratioii, the intending bidders / purchasers are rapuired to upload KYC documents and Banl<k Dctaiis. KYC c]ocuments chall be verifled b} e-aucticin service provider which may take 2 to 3 working days. I lcnce the registration and uploading forma]ilies arc to bc completed well in edvancc. 9. 3. EMD Payment On completion of KYC` verification, the intending bidders / purchasers are required to pa.v l"D through NEFT/RTGS/ NEFT/\ET BANKING/UPI by generating a Challan through this wchsite in his/the;r Global HMD Vv'allet, Payment choulcl be made within 3 days after generating the Chal]an ron NEFT / RTGS t>lhcrwrsc the Challan shall bcc{tmc invalid The r)ayment shall be ensured well in advance before the stipulated time.
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