Congra tu1ations, Best ,vishes, C~ach Powers Coach McCall Volume 6 SOUTH BEND 1; INDIANA, APRIL 25, 191;>8 Number 23 Booster Club N affies Candidates Four Lead SeniorsBegin Election Set Class of 58 \!!~t~o~M!!!~ For A pril30 Graduation is drawing very near a·nd with it the h;:ippy occasiori of p.m. the Indiana.. Club will issue By LARRY MORRIS ON announcing the names of the vale­ forth strains of the Bobby Wear INTERLUDE Page 2 Editor dict~r ians and ·salutatorians. Being Orchestra heralding the beginning The Booster Club will present plac ed in these 'top places in any of the -Central Senior Prom of the its slate of officers in an assemb-ly ,i' senior graduating" class is _on J of graduating clas~ of 1958. next Monday, April 28, and will the highest honors that any stu­ Bill Floring Is Chairman Working behind ,the scenes to conduct the balloti ng during th e dent can achieve . homeroom period on Wednesday , Central is extrel'Ii)ely proud to present this annual eent are eight Ap ril 30, with the announcement have announced its valedic torians, present this annual event are eight very capable committees. At the of the winn in g candidates in the Char le ne Pe retti and Gregor Y INTERLUDE of May 2. Following Gates. And equ all y as proud of its head of these committees is Bill Floring, va r,sity basketball and are the candidates and their quali - salutatorians, Jane Houseman and fications. · Sandra Pi.echoski . baseball player and also president In the race for the prexie's posi­ Student Council Secretary of the senior class. tion , President Charles Simon will Cha rlene Peretti has accomplish ­ Committee Heads Listed Chairman of publicity is Bill anno unc e Jo hn Boyer and Bill ed m any th ings during her four Womer as the nomin ees . years at Central. She is a:member Murray. Tickets are in the charge John is presently Band presi ­ of the National Honor Society, of Kay Parker, and DewAnn Drout will head the · committee for the dent an d a regular on the ho nor having been chosen to the • organ­ BUSY AT WORK preparing for the combined Letterman and G. A. A. roll . He has served on th e Student ization as early a s her junior year . Dance a,re the chairmen, Denny Bishop, Melvin Holmes, Jud y Pinkerton, program. The crowning of the king · and Ruby Smith . ' and queen will be planned by Council and ,.Booster Club Execu­ Charlene has worked on the IN­ tive Boards and has headed pre­ TERLUDE staff a long time, at Larry Morrison and his commit­ game activities for the Booster first serving as a reporter, in her te e members. The invitations will Club. Last year he was Sophomore j unior year she was editor of page be extended by Linda Hass and LettermenClub And G.A. A. her committee. Heading decora- · Class vice -president 'and this year th ree, and now in her final year, was on the Junior Prom Court. He editor of page one . Among all the tions is _Jerry Martin . As oi now, was chairman for the Student Di­ other things, Charlene was el~cted nothing has been disclosed as to' To SponsorA SportsDance the theme or the colors of the rectory project for the Council and secretary of . the Student Council. prom. is in the Glee Club. She was a member of the debate The Lettermen's Club and the Girls' Athletic Association are pre­ Gary Sho nnborn will be in On Bea.r Committee team where she also served as sec­ paring for ' an all-school sports dance, which they will spons or. The 1 charge of selecting songs for the Bill has served his homeroom as retary . In September Charlene dance will be May 9th from 9 to 12 at the Laure l Club. Oscar "Baby" its president, veep, Booster Club plans to enter the University of Jones md his orchestra will provide the music. The co-chairmen for orchestra to play during the eve­ 1 ni ng. The song suggestions will and Studen t Council senato r and l'vfichigan. this affair will be Melvin Holmes representing the Lettermen's .Club has work ed on the sign and mem­ Gates Follows Brother and Judy Pinkerton representin g the Girls' Athletic Association. come from members of the senior class. Each senior will be asked bership committees for the Boos ­ Valedictorian .ship is not new in Melvin and Judy, wiJl be assisted by Mike Kerestury, Alan Thomp­ ter Club. In addition to being on the Gates fam ily. Greg's brother so~, Jerry Zebrowski, and Carol Daren, who are in charge of the hall for their suggestion of songs to be the honor roll , Bill has earned his Tom also held this position in the for the dance . played that night. The songs will then be computed and Gary and monog r am in swimming and is an 195,7 graduating class . Like 'bis fa­ Ticke ts officer in his church youth group. ther, Greg would very much like Working like little beavers are the ticket committee headed by Fred his committee will select from these. The brochure and Bear committees to study medicine. He plans to ac­ Toth and Sandy Ward. ' and ·the Ba rnstormers are also in complish this at Andover Academy Publicity is important to make any dance a huge success. This com- Court to be Chosen Soon Bill's list of activities. and later Dartmouth Co 11 e g e . ' . --···· - - · ' mittee is under the leadership of The court for the Seriior prom has not yet been chosen but is ex­ The outgoing officers and senior While at Central, Greg has served debate team , a former member of Denny Bishop, Mike Sacchin i , pected to be done soon . Eight girls executi ve board members of the on the yearbook staff, now holding Ruby Smitq, and Judy Pinke rton. the newspaper staff, and is very and boys will be picked by their Boosters have selected Gene An­ the job of Sports Editbr and on active in the Junior Achievemen t It will be their responsibility to' classmates. At a later date, the 58 derson and Bill Miller to· vie for the INTERLUDE staff as page four make this dance known to all Cen­ p r o gr a m . Competin ,g in state graduated will again vote, this the Veep's spot. editor. He is known as captain of mathematics contests interests tra l sti;idents. time for king and queen. They --the tennis team, and a member of Class Head Jane too . In September Hanover Committees Listed will be selected from the · court the Student Council and National members. Gene is Junior Class president, College will enroll Jane for a fu ­ The orchestra for the even ing Honor Society. Last year's king and queen ·se­ president of his Junior Achieve­ tu re career in the field of mathe­ was chosen by the orchestra com ­ Deba~r and Reporter le cted by their classmates were ment company, a Student Council matics. mittee under the chairmanship of Salutatorian Jane Houseman .is Marge Boyer and Dwight Ober- member, Junior Prom chairman Future Stenographer Melvin Holmes, Judy Pinkerton, also kept busy at Central handling holtzer . "' and Court member, and an honor Sandy Piechoski' plans the ca - and Jim Love. The hall will be .in such jobs as National Honor So ­ student. He too is a Booster Club . re er of a stenographer and per­ a fine array of colors thanks to the ciety ~nd Student Council mem­ member . haps will attend Indiana Univer­ decoration committ ,ee, Andrew St. ber. Jar:ie · is also a member of the SeniorPlay Is 'Ready Twice Bill's homeroom voted sity Extension while filling this · J ones, Caro l Kotolinski, Shirley him as its vi ce-pres ident. He also job . Whe_n it comes to being kept Chodzinsk i, and Carol Osterhold . ToOpen Here Tonight is vice-president of his church busy, Sandy has no trouble . She is One person of each couple must After four long weeks of re-'­ youth grqup, a B average student, a member of the Barnstormers and be a student at Central. All grades DebatersCop Prizes hearsals, planning and all around and a worker on the Junior Prom the Library Club. The National 9 through 12 are cordially invited hard work the Class of '58 is ready ticket committee, Honor Society, Student Council, InTourney alLaPorte to come and have a wond erfu l to ''br ing up the curtain" of the Seeking the Secretary's office and tbe newspaper staff also help time. Tickets are $1.75 per. couple Senior · play, "Girl Crazy t This ' are Diane Andries and Marge Last Thursday, April 17, was an her in her job of keeping busy. and can be purchased through any musical comedy . by George and Ira Morgan. The winn er will replac e important day for three of our Central has proudly announced member of the Lettermen 's Club, ­ Gershwin will be presented for the Joan Wolfe, this year's scribe . · Central students, Kare n Lawrence, some sixty-two other honor stu­ the G. A. A., Mr. Stephenson, or first time on the Central stage to­ 'B' team cheerleading and , her Li nda Berry, and Curtis Fisch­ dents. Con gr atulations !!! Miss Mathews. night beg inn ing at 8 o'clock. church youth group of wh ich she bach, who traveled to LaPorte Under the dramatic supervisi on is treasurer, take up much of Di­ High School for the district con­ Attention, Students! .Rich Ferrell, and Dal e Farrington of Mr .
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